This is a very important note - people in power (meaning: addicted to life and its joys) did not learn how to avoid pitfalls despite 400 years of teaching.
Which means that their medics (1918) behaved exactly the same as our medics (2023). They assess and explain today’s developments in the context that they were taught 50-80 years ago. They use that 80 years’ old knowledge and thinking processes and they never hesitate. But…
Their 80 years’ old knowledge is based on another package of unverified knowledge, 100 years old. Which is based on… and so on, and so on.
To put it in context:
E. Jenner - cowpox experiments, tragic consequences - 1796 (227 years ago)
A few daring doctors start to wash their hands - 1847 (Semmelweis, Vienna, 51 years later)
L. Pasteur - a lot of fantasy, tragic consequences - 1865-84 (69 years later, 158 years ago)
“Spanish” flu - 1918 - attributed to aspirin and vaccines (122 years later, 105 years ago)
Covid - 2020 - attributed to not keeping “social” distance, not wearing masks, exercising, walking in open air and not injecting an untested substance of unknown safety profile and of unknown side effects (224 years after Jenner, 4 years ago)
Nothing has changed. The technology spirals out of control, but the mind behind all this is as underdeveloped as it was in 1796.
Indeed. Germ theory has become a sort of canonical belief that has just been accepted without question ever since it became 'popular' among doctors over a hundred years ago. The whole history of medicine is absolutely rife with absolute bullshit that was later utterly discredited, yet everyone is still comfortable with the conclusions (not proof by any modern standards) of Pasteur, after he performed experiments that wouldn't pass muster in a high school biology class today, that smallpox was an infectious disease that could be prevented by 'infecting' people with another similar 'pathogen'.
Dr. Bailey explains it much better in her video on gonorrhea.
I don’t care about the sides, germ or terrain. It’s all the same - the same mind, with the same strengths and the same weaknesses. Curtained with hundreds of biases, educated to conform to the state of knowledge of its teachers. The mindset is the problem.
You can’t be better than them when your mind has been cultivated under the same conditions. Maybe you see something that “they” don’t, maybe you see differently what they see, maybe you can make decisions faster. So what? It’s the same mind.
Until you question literally everything, you won’t be any better. But to question everything, you have to become acquainted with everything first. I bet, you are not. Nobody on the Earth is. We all see this life through a narrow slit in the close helmet.
Exactly. The hard thing is to achieve maximum skepticism without tipping over into being cynical, because that's just the mirror image of gullible.
Currently, I am loathe to believe that medical professionals are all evil bastards colluding to injure and kill us. However, the broken system is as plain as the nose on my face and it would take an awful lot for me to put my faith and confidence in most doctors, now. I just try to research on my own and be as rational as I can about what's important and what's safe and effective.
Bottom line? Medical School seems like little more than indoctrination to me right now. I have no confidence in the certification, though I might in the practitioner.
I see it this way. There are two dominant views of the world, those who believe in God and those who prefer other solutions.
If God is in control, then whatever exists, it has some place and role and is here for a good purpose. “Good” because everything comes from God, the positive. In this view, all medicine, including the jab, is intrinsically good, meaning purposeful. We may not see it this way or consent to it, but you have no choice. If you believe God exists, you have to trust that He knows what He does. If you don’t, it means that you try to compromise His existence with your feelings.
If there is no God (or any other form of a superior being), things happen for a reason, although not to a divine plan. Still, there is a reason. Which means that you can do something about it and affect that reason. Talking or posting about it is not doing, because out there nothing is virtual. In the virtual, nothing is existential. The two worlds don’t overlap. It’s our mind that bridges them. And that leaves you with a choice on which side of the fence you want to be. You will have to make this decision and accept your responsibility for the consequences - you can’t place it on God, because in this attitude you do not recognize His existence. Are you (meaning everyone, including you and me) ready to take responsibility?
I don’t know which one is more scary: that all we experience comes from God, or that there is no one in control.
The point is: whatever you choose, there is no place for hatred, loathing, revenge, anger. These will only contaminate what is. If that is difficult, you can make another decision: I will do something about it - or not. And then, follow up. Do something and enjoy, whatever happens. Or don’t and accept. Whatever happens.
Let me offer an answer--perhaps not "your" answer, and probably not "the" answer--to your last question, "I don’t know which one is more scary: that all we experience comes from God, or that there is no one in control."
The Cosmos is a Chaos Generator: Big Bang, colliding worlds, exploding suns, ice ball planets and comets with a planetoid destination based on trajectory & gravity, without possibility of reprieve. 99% cold, dark, frozen space, and 1% materials swirling in heat & conflict.
Meanwhile on Planet Earth, Chaos the short form goes in for volcanic eruptions and tectonic shifts and sneaker waves and tsunamis, floods and typhoons and hurricanes.
No one is in control, but possibly someone set it in motion.
The good news is that a large percent of hazardous chaos cancels itself out (see waves in the middle of the ocean, see comets whizzing by) and the rest of chaos is beneficial: the placement of our lucky moon, the gift of water, the properties of water, cyanobacteria, volcanoes underneath the Earth Iceball.
Even better news is that humans are designed, through their spiritual longing and connection, to reach and be guided by . . . what shall we call this magic? God? The Great Spirit?
I prefer Grace. So, there is Chaos and the mind of Man, and there is the heart of Man and Grace.
"I don’t know which one is more scary: that all we experience comes from God, or that there is no one in control."
This ignores the possibility (probability) that we are *all* in control. Actually, I find that the least scary scenario. You do you and I'll do me. I seriously am absolutely amazed that anyone could deny that this is reality writ large.
God is downstream of reality, in my worldview. God is the result rather than the cause of everything that exists.
I disagree, maybe. This is one of those tricky semantic things where all the terminology is ill defined.
If everything is God's plan, then everything is God's plan (tautology alert). Nothing, literally, can not be God's plan. This actually empowers me not to give a shit about what God wants because I cannot help but be the embodiment of that whether I want to or not. It's the attitude some Christians refer to as "Let Jesus take the wheel" or, in other words, do whatever you fucking want and don't feel guilty about it because whatever happens is meant to happen.
This, like the question of free will, I view as linguistic nonsense. I view the question of 'free will' in this way: Can you define free will? If you can't, then what are you asking?
My answer to the question of free will is that if you can define it, then it's real. If you can't define it, come back when you can.
"The point is: whatever you choose, there is no place for hatred, loathing, revenge, anger." Yet, if those things exist, how can it not be God's will? And if they aren't God's will, then whose will are they?
It’s all mindgames. We say God created everything, but how do we know? Maybe he outsourced some work. We measure Him with our mind, as if we knew Him. But we don’t, that’s why He is what He is. If we knew Him enough to make judgments, we would be Him, but we are not, as every day proves to us abundantly. So it’s all waste of time and energy, this thinking style. And it does not make any difference to His existence.
We are losing the beauty of faith that our grandparents had. You get up in the morning and you go out to do your work, every day. It would be nice to be grateful and thankful. But it’s not a requirement. You got your life as a credit with no strings. Sadly, we come to appreciate it in old age only or in distress or in the face of unavoidable suffering.
Saying that bad things do not come from God may be a safety to prevent the justification of anything we do, bad or worse.
The germ theory was met with great resistance by the medical communities of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The consensus then was that imbalances of the four bodily humours predisposed people to various diseases depending on the nature of the imbalances. The four bodily humours theory was a very well established and widely accepted theory, not easily dismissed because some new technology (microscopes) revealed previously unknown agents involved in disease.
The link you provided is thought provoking.
While I am loath to summarily dismiss pathogens as causes of diseases, I would certainly be amenable to the idea that they are a sign of disease, an imbalance of immune functions that allow the pathogens to multiply in the body.
It would seem that there is a feedback cycle between a dysfunctional immune responses and certain microbes such that as these particular microbes are allowed to multiply in the body they further weaken already debilitated immune functions thus eventually causing the immune systems to respond to the now large microbe infection with a massive overreaction / cytokine storm which overreaction is what we call disease.
A healthy well regulated immune system is why some people can be carriers of certain microbes that are identified as pathogens but not show any signs of disease while others with more marginally functional immune systems who are carrying the same microbes exhibit disease symptoms.
We can’t do much, if anything at all, to prevent exposure to all manner of microbes but we can do quite a bit to develop a fully functioning well regulated system of immune responses.
Developing and maintaining fully functional self regulating immune responses is where research funds need to be concentrated, not on attacking microbes.
I agree that we should first concentrate on being healthy, but what that entails depends upon what we believe about health.
Is it healthy to have an ecological imbalance in our biome? Probably not, but is that imbalance the cause of disease or the effect? It may well be advantageous to limit the prevalence of certain microorganisms in the short term but that doesn't necessarily mean that those microorganisms are the distal cause rather than just the proximal cause. If those microorganisms are there to clean up the damage of some other causative agent, then what will take over that function if you remove them?
Derpetology, you ask some very good questions. Clearly you have a grasp on how complex the questions of good health become. There is no simple answer.
As I've heard people say, doctoring is an art more than a science. Getting a full view of someone's health is at best a highly nuanced guessing game, albeit you can narrow down the questions considerably if you have good data to start with and reliable long term records. Still, there are always going to be some unknown, and maybe even unknowable, factors in play.
I believe certain basic fundamentals of health apply to everybody.
Eating a constant diet of fast food and sugar ladened drinks is a sure fire bet to screw up your biome. Living with too much stress, not enough sleep, or heavy emotional problems will override the health benefits of even the best diets. Exposure to toxins, whether in our food or air or water, will undermine our immune responses.
At a minimum it is incumbent on all of us to take the measures we can to attempt to achieve the best health possible for each of us. After that, if there are major health problems then we need to seek help from others who have more experience and seek out their advice.
As with anything as multi faceted as personal health, a continuous stream of feedback between yourself and your health professional is essential to get the best outcomes possible.
What is upsetting to me is to see long lines of cars waiting for pickup from our local MacDonalds or Taco Bell or KFC at all hours of the day and well into the night. The same with long lines of cars waiting for their "coffee" orders (liquified sugar bombs with coffee flavoring) from Starbucks or Dutch Brothers, even well into the evening up till almost midnight.
Clearly there is a large segment of our population who feel they are immune to the effects of poor diet. If it hasn't hit them yet they feel it never will. [sigh]
Our educational system neglects to teach the basics of basic nutrition and diet.
The great push for physical education programs in the 1960s that were started during to the Kennedy administration should have also included some basic nutritional guidelines but apparently that did not happen. I can't help but feel that there is a reason why that did not happen. No existing industry was threatened by kids getting exercise but kids making better dietary choices would definitely affect the market for producers of certain foods over time.
The germ theory was met with great resistance by the medical communities of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The consensus then was that imbalances of the four bodily humours predisposed people to various diseases depending on the nature of the imbalances. The four bodily humours theory was a very well established and widely accepted theory, not easily dismissed because some new technology (microscopes) revealed previously unknown agents involved in disease.
The link you provided is thought provoking.
While I am loath to summarily dismiss pathogens as causes of diseases, I would certainly be amenable to the idea that they are a sign of disease, an imbalance of immune functions that allow the pathogens to multiply in the body.
It would seem that there is a feedback cycle between a dysfunctional immune responses and certain microbes such that as these particular microbes are allowed to multiply in the body they further weaken already debilitated immune functions thus eventually causing the immune systems to respond to the now large large microbe infection with a massive overreaction which overreaction is what we call disease.
A healthy well regulated immune system is why some people can be carriers of certain microbes that are identified as pathogens but not show any signs of disease while others with more marginally functional immune systems who are carrying the same microbes exhibit disease symptoms.
We can’t do much, if anything at all, to prevent exposure to all manner of microbes but we can do quite a bit to develop a fully functioning well regulated system of immune responses.
Developing and maintaining fully functional self regulating immune responses is where research funds need to be concentrated, not on attacking microbes.
Don't believe it was about technology; advances or regression to an earlier time and knowledge base.
Now you've done it, John! You made me pull out this very interesting news clipping I discovered last summer from the 1913 New York Times - about syphilis and other infectious disease.
Choosing Audience for Brieux Play
J. D. Rockefeller Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation Social Workers Approve
It describes a play that was shown to the powerful and connected, "Damaged Goods." Prominent attendees who also just so happened to be eugenicists. About men of high society who sleep around with prostitutes and lesser women, bringing back disease like syphilis to families, deforming children, etc. It uses the term "White Slavery" to describe the sex trade. It advances the idea of infectious disease as it was still a relatively novel understanding of them at the time.
John D. Rockefeller, father of allopathic western medicine, based in petrochemicals, products of his Standard Oil.
Edward Bernays, father of propaganda, advertising, marketing, who coined "quacks" to describe natural healers like homeopaths, while helping allopathic medicine educational and practice monopolies outlaw and replaced natural healing as a business model for health care.
Simon and Abraham Flexner, who's Flexner Report was the notorious #FakeScience used to outlaw natural healers for Rockefeller's petrochemical business model of medicine.
State Senator Franklin D. Roosevelt.
A network of prominent socialists, communists with ties to Karl Marx, names like
- William Jay Schleffilin, descendant of the first Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay, ran the largest pharmaceutical company giant and Big Pharma trade association head for decades
- Abraham Jacobl, the first leading pediatrician, president of the American Medical Association.
Leaders who advanced the idea of "Medical Sociology" in concert with "Marxist conflict theory" that shows how the ruling classes can enact power through medicine. Doctors, psychologists, clergy, industrialists, all aligned with socialism/humanism values. And all eugenicists.
This isn't to say some of the knowledge about infectious disease is without merit, many improvements in health can be traced to the discoveries of allopathy. But much is not. Much is in service to political and societal reformations of entire populations. Something known as "Disease Politics" is real, and has a long, long history. My comment under this will shed light on the "logic of disease politics" as practiced in China when the communists under Mao took over.
As has and is being done. Marrying the practice of psychology/psychiatry with biology to achieve political change. As is the case with "biopsychology." I had never heard of it before a few months ago, either. But here is a description:
It's a form of social science, not natural medical science. Biopsychology "science" offers this rationale for changing public policy to conform to gender is "science" you know, "the best science" we must follow, The Science (TM):
As with all of the social science based-public policy agenda, practitioners use a tiny bit of actual medical, natural science to build on and expand an entire narrative to fit the desired public policy goal of leaders and a powerful elite.
Like this study that says that the zygote stage of an embryo is often ambiguous in determining gender. And since the science of genetics as presented in a study like this is plausibly non-determinative it is up to any individual to identify as a gender of their own choosing that they feel most comfortable as:
Social science. Psychology, Behavioral science manipulation expressly to alter the perceptions of the target audience. Using sophisticated linguistic and symbolic deceit, mind-farkery. Masquerading as Natural science. All-one. Married psychology and biology for political ends allows the tiny truth that zygotes display no genitalia to become the massive blasphemous lie that God makes mistakes putting little boys in little girl's bodies, and vice-versa. Denying hard scientific evidence to the contrary.
Just like pandemic, climate, all of the massive social reengineering lies. Intent on remaking man into the flawed images of the dangerously flawed people who currently hold the levers of great earthly power. There's no lie in nature. God never needs to lie.
“As with all of the social science based-public policy agenda, practitioners use a tiny bit of actual medical, natural science to build on and expand an entire narrative to fit the desired public policy goal of leaders and a powerful elite.”
The best way to manipulate people is to use as much truth as possible to lure the individual into semi- conscious agreement and then veer off path ever so slightly over and over again. The reader will find himself / herself unable to determine how they managed to reach absurd conclusions but will be absolutely certain that they are right.
I shared the concept of "The Credibility of Three" on an earlier Stack of mine. Relating a story about how the OSS (predecessor of the CIA) taught spies to lie if they were under suspicion to avoid capture. It was from a clipping of an old feature columnist I regularly read when I was young, over forty years ago. Presented humorously in that format. But interesting enough to me that I clipped and saved it for all these years. Something inside my young mind told me I needed to protect it in a very deceitful world, to learn how to discern deception.
I studied Biopsychology in the 70s and 80s and it was nothing at all like you describe. It was about the mind-body connection, how stress and emotions influence biological processes, stress and the immune system, stress and disease, psychoneuroimmunology, the ability to behaviorally condition an immune response, the importance of the ability to cope with stress as a mediator of disease processes. Immunology, for example, is a worthy science to study, but, sure, like any science, can be used for evil purposes like the development of bioweapons. Behavioral sciences can also be used for evil, like the propaganda we continue to be fed about COVID. The study of science helps us to learn more about the awesome nature of God. Learning about the complexities of organisms and the solar system and, indeed, the universe reinforces are knowledge that life cannot exist without a divine Creator we know as God.
Interesting background to the field, thanks for sharing. I met it in the the normalization of gender dysphoria role it plays, as I describe.
And yes, it shares a prominent role in the ongoing assaults on the human mind along with the behavioral sciences. Assaults that Voltaire was speaking to when he said, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
Atrocities like the pandemic mandates that drove uncountable suicides, injections that injure and kill, and the sterilization of the imbeciles, as Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes penned in the 8-1 Buck v. Bell case that permits sterilizing undesirables, like those who suffer from gender dysphoria. The term "gender affirming care" a Madison Avenue linguistic marketing campaign to make sterilization of imbeciles go down nice and smooth.
Biopsychology, Behavioral Science, weaponized. They always start off so innocently...then evil purposes take over.
Ostensibly to cure "the Sick Man of Asia" with improved hygiene and other healthful practices. But accompanied by a host of harms, loss of ancient knowledge about beneficial, inexpensive and readily available natural remedies to illness, protection from infectious pathogens that may be encountered.
This book published in China in 2013 explains exactly how communist China under Mao used "Disease Politics" to transform China from a nationalistic nation into a communist nation. Remember, Taiwan is the nationalist government of China in exile. Disease politics used as a weapon to collectivize the culture and nature of the people, in ways that led to the Cultural Revolution, turning family against family in a murderous frenzy. This book is a literal "How to." Long, but filled with descriptions of what we've experienced in the west since 2020:
Rural Health Care Delivery
Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics
"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."
This is not an obscure book I came across without significance. This book was cited, linked to in an article that was published in Foreign Affairs in March, 2020 - the types of material I was reading in March, 2020 when it was decided to treat infectious disease with political science instead of medical science. Foreign Affairs is the most influential international affairs magazine in the world, official communiques of the Council on Foreign Relations. The US/UK Military-Industrial-Scientific-Propaganda Machine mountpiece:
The politics of infectious disease. Following a tried and true plan. Foster division and strife, amplify hatred among a population, friends, family, to fundamentally transform a nation into collectivist authoritarianism, obedience. I wrote a Stack on the book earlier this year containing some of the highlights and most relevant, prescient information in it. It's a long book to get into, but my Stack gives a roadmap to some short cuts that may be of the most interest to you:
What an interesting read...Reminded me of a Physician's Diagnositics book filled with pictures of various STD's I provided for my children to peruse at age 13. Their friends viewed the book when at our home which was all the time...And, not one of kids suffered an STD or unwanted pregnancy out of the whole bunch.
This is the kind of truth our young need to be armed against the evils inherent to less wise choices made in life. Going to print this out to have as a hard copy to accompany the book when the Grandchildren reach the age of maturity according to Judaic Tradition.
I believe that the more information young people have about STDs, pregnancies, the link of alcohol use with same, and even the mental health problems experienced by having sexual relations too early is vital. The more information the kids have, the higher the probability that they will make better decisions.
The so called Spanish Flu (no censorship meant Spain reported more honestly) just might have a connection to a medical experiment begun in an American army recruit training camp and then spread to many other countries and the general populations. The mechanism under test? A bacterial based 'vaccine' that killed and injured the test recruits who could not refuse the shot. Experiments later demonstrated that even sneezing on the face or spitting into the mouth could NOT result in transmission of Influenza. War and poverty conditions simply accelerate bacterial sharing and the effect on population health. Medical practice used to spread sickness and death, not to prevent it.
Spanish Flu started in Kansas at Ft. Riley where recruits were getting jabbed with every possible novel jab including the infamous Rockefeller brand new meningitis jab. They started dropping like flies on marches, trains, and transatlantic ships before ever facing trench life of combat horrors. Read about the USS Leviathan on which a Navy political appointee, FDR, nearly died of "double pneumonia" and thus perhaps had his immune system trashed leading later to his "polio." The US's ever profitable military/pharmaceutical complex was in full swing buying so many troop jabs, 100,000s of purchased, many jabs went unused because the war ended "too fast" and thus were given to the civilian populations who suffered a couple post-war more years of "Spanish Flu."
They're remaking all meds possible according to Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon and their global team publishing their daily/weekly findings and research with Dark Field Microscopy in Substack every day. Meds are increasingly deliberately contaminated with Quantum Dots, Heavy Metals and Graphene Oxide. Vet Meds are also deliberately contaminated.
No longer trust Medical Complex associated with Pharma in any capacity.
Sadly the Great Powers have also failed to learn to avoid the calamities of war as such. They continue to treat their populations as pawns to be moved about and obliterated on a game board.
I think you mean the "Italian noun" (not name) and I mentioned it. Paladino means "champion for a cause". A synonym would be (lower case) "crusader." Also, you can use "defender" (as in "defender of the cause/faith etc"), which is "difensore."
Here's an Italian sentence: <<Lei è diventato l'emblema, l'immagine e il paladino di questa lotta.>> [You have become the emblem, the image and the champion of this struggle. ]
In German it would be "Aktivist," while in Japanese and Korean it is the same Sino-derivative: 運動家.
There was a theory that syphilis was in the Americas as well. The Taino folk hero Deminan Caracaracol was said to have it and in one story involving the Taino shaman Guahayona, he set off to find a special herb digo, Bejuco de Luna (moon vine) to treat his lesions. He was supposed to bring enough back for the tribe and in the process all the women of the village became stranded on an island. That was part of the folklore of Matinino
Anyone care to speculate on neurosyphilis in the White House? I mean...he shuffles when he walks and his nearly psychotic rants might be suggestive. (Guess one would have to consider Parkinsonian Dementia...or maybe both! Two mints in one!!!)
This is a very important note - people in power (meaning: addicted to life and its joys) did not learn how to avoid pitfalls despite 400 years of teaching.
Which means that their medics (1918) behaved exactly the same as our medics (2023). They assess and explain today’s developments in the context that they were taught 50-80 years ago. They use that 80 years’ old knowledge and thinking processes and they never hesitate. But…
Their 80 years’ old knowledge is based on another package of unverified knowledge, 100 years old. Which is based on… and so on, and so on.
To put it in context:
E. Jenner - cowpox experiments, tragic consequences - 1796 (227 years ago)
A few daring doctors start to wash their hands - 1847 (Semmelweis, Vienna, 51 years later)
L. Pasteur - a lot of fantasy, tragic consequences - 1865-84 (69 years later, 158 years ago)
“Spanish” flu - 1918 - attributed to aspirin and vaccines (122 years later, 105 years ago)
Covid - 2020 - attributed to not keeping “social” distance, not wearing masks, exercising, walking in open air and not injecting an untested substance of unknown safety profile and of unknown side effects (224 years after Jenner, 4 years ago)
Nothing has changed. The technology spirals out of control, but the mind behind all this is as underdeveloped as it was in 1796.
Indeed. Germ theory has become a sort of canonical belief that has just been accepted without question ever since it became 'popular' among doctors over a hundred years ago. The whole history of medicine is absolutely rife with absolute bullshit that was later utterly discredited, yet everyone is still comfortable with the conclusions (not proof by any modern standards) of Pasteur, after he performed experiments that wouldn't pass muster in a high school biology class today, that smallpox was an infectious disease that could be prevented by 'infecting' people with another similar 'pathogen'.
Dr. Bailey explains it much better in her video on gonorrhea.
I don’t care about the sides, germ or terrain. It’s all the same - the same mind, with the same strengths and the same weaknesses. Curtained with hundreds of biases, educated to conform to the state of knowledge of its teachers. The mindset is the problem.
You can’t be better than them when your mind has been cultivated under the same conditions. Maybe you see something that “they” don’t, maybe you see differently what they see, maybe you can make decisions faster. So what? It’s the same mind.
Until you question literally everything, you won’t be any better. But to question everything, you have to become acquainted with everything first. I bet, you are not. Nobody on the Earth is. We all see this life through a narrow slit in the close helmet.
Exactly. The hard thing is to achieve maximum skepticism without tipping over into being cynical, because that's just the mirror image of gullible.
Currently, I am loathe to believe that medical professionals are all evil bastards colluding to injure and kill us. However, the broken system is as plain as the nose on my face and it would take an awful lot for me to put my faith and confidence in most doctors, now. I just try to research on my own and be as rational as I can about what's important and what's safe and effective.
Bottom line? Medical School seems like little more than indoctrination to me right now. I have no confidence in the certification, though I might in the practitioner.
Nothing is what it seems.
I see it this way. There are two dominant views of the world, those who believe in God and those who prefer other solutions.
If God is in control, then whatever exists, it has some place and role and is here for a good purpose. “Good” because everything comes from God, the positive. In this view, all medicine, including the jab, is intrinsically good, meaning purposeful. We may not see it this way or consent to it, but you have no choice. If you believe God exists, you have to trust that He knows what He does. If you don’t, it means that you try to compromise His existence with your feelings.
If there is no God (or any other form of a superior being), things happen for a reason, although not to a divine plan. Still, there is a reason. Which means that you can do something about it and affect that reason. Talking or posting about it is not doing, because out there nothing is virtual. In the virtual, nothing is existential. The two worlds don’t overlap. It’s our mind that bridges them. And that leaves you with a choice on which side of the fence you want to be. You will have to make this decision and accept your responsibility for the consequences - you can’t place it on God, because in this attitude you do not recognize His existence. Are you (meaning everyone, including you and me) ready to take responsibility?
I don’t know which one is more scary: that all we experience comes from God, or that there is no one in control.
The point is: whatever you choose, there is no place for hatred, loathing, revenge, anger. These will only contaminate what is. If that is difficult, you can make another decision: I will do something about it - or not. And then, follow up. Do something and enjoy, whatever happens. Or don’t and accept. Whatever happens.
Very nice, very smart.
Let me offer an answer--perhaps not "your" answer, and probably not "the" answer--to your last question, "I don’t know which one is more scary: that all we experience comes from God, or that there is no one in control."
The Cosmos is a Chaos Generator: Big Bang, colliding worlds, exploding suns, ice ball planets and comets with a planetoid destination based on trajectory & gravity, without possibility of reprieve. 99% cold, dark, frozen space, and 1% materials swirling in heat & conflict.
Meanwhile on Planet Earth, Chaos the short form goes in for volcanic eruptions and tectonic shifts and sneaker waves and tsunamis, floods and typhoons and hurricanes.
No one is in control, but possibly someone set it in motion.
The good news is that a large percent of hazardous chaos cancels itself out (see waves in the middle of the ocean, see comets whizzing by) and the rest of chaos is beneficial: the placement of our lucky moon, the gift of water, the properties of water, cyanobacteria, volcanoes underneath the Earth Iceball.
Even better news is that humans are designed, through their spiritual longing and connection, to reach and be guided by . . . what shall we call this magic? God? The Great Spirit?
I prefer Grace. So, there is Chaos and the mind of Man, and there is the heart of Man and Grace.
"I don’t know which one is more scary: that all we experience comes from God, or that there is no one in control."
This ignores the possibility (probability) that we are *all* in control. Actually, I find that the least scary scenario. You do you and I'll do me. I seriously am absolutely amazed that anyone could deny that this is reality writ large.
God is downstream of reality, in my worldview. God is the result rather than the cause of everything that exists.
I disagree, maybe. This is one of those tricky semantic things where all the terminology is ill defined.
If everything is God's plan, then everything is God's plan (tautology alert). Nothing, literally, can not be God's plan. This actually empowers me not to give a shit about what God wants because I cannot help but be the embodiment of that whether I want to or not. It's the attitude some Christians refer to as "Let Jesus take the wheel" or, in other words, do whatever you fucking want and don't feel guilty about it because whatever happens is meant to happen.
This, like the question of free will, I view as linguistic nonsense. I view the question of 'free will' in this way: Can you define free will? If you can't, then what are you asking?
My answer to the question of free will is that if you can define it, then it's real. If you can't define it, come back when you can.
"The point is: whatever you choose, there is no place for hatred, loathing, revenge, anger." Yet, if those things exist, how can it not be God's will? And if they aren't God's will, then whose will are they?
It’s all mindgames. We say God created everything, but how do we know? Maybe he outsourced some work. We measure Him with our mind, as if we knew Him. But we don’t, that’s why He is what He is. If we knew Him enough to make judgments, we would be Him, but we are not, as every day proves to us abundantly. So it’s all waste of time and energy, this thinking style. And it does not make any difference to His existence.
We are losing the beauty of faith that our grandparents had. You get up in the morning and you go out to do your work, every day. It would be nice to be grateful and thankful. But it’s not a requirement. You got your life as a credit with no strings. Sadly, we come to appreciate it in old age only or in distress or in the face of unavoidable suffering.
Saying that bad things do not come from God may be a safety to prevent the justification of anything we do, bad or worse.
The germ theory was met with great resistance by the medical communities of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The consensus then was that imbalances of the four bodily humours predisposed people to various diseases depending on the nature of the imbalances. The four bodily humours theory was a very well established and widely accepted theory, not easily dismissed because some new technology (microscopes) revealed previously unknown agents involved in disease.
The link you provided is thought provoking.
While I am loath to summarily dismiss pathogens as causes of diseases, I would certainly be amenable to the idea that they are a sign of disease, an imbalance of immune functions that allow the pathogens to multiply in the body.
It would seem that there is a feedback cycle between a dysfunctional immune responses and certain microbes such that as these particular microbes are allowed to multiply in the body they further weaken already debilitated immune functions thus eventually causing the immune systems to respond to the now large microbe infection with a massive overreaction / cytokine storm which overreaction is what we call disease.
A healthy well regulated immune system is why some people can be carriers of certain microbes that are identified as pathogens but not show any signs of disease while others with more marginally functional immune systems who are carrying the same microbes exhibit disease symptoms.
We can’t do much, if anything at all, to prevent exposure to all manner of microbes but we can do quite a bit to develop a fully functioning well regulated system of immune responses.
Developing and maintaining fully functional self regulating immune responses is where research funds need to be concentrated, not on attacking microbes.
I agree that we should first concentrate on being healthy, but what that entails depends upon what we believe about health.
Is it healthy to have an ecological imbalance in our biome? Probably not, but is that imbalance the cause of disease or the effect? It may well be advantageous to limit the prevalence of certain microorganisms in the short term but that doesn't necessarily mean that those microorganisms are the distal cause rather than just the proximal cause. If those microorganisms are there to clean up the damage of some other causative agent, then what will take over that function if you remove them?
Derpetology, you ask some very good questions. Clearly you have a grasp on how complex the questions of good health become. There is no simple answer.
As I've heard people say, doctoring is an art more than a science. Getting a full view of someone's health is at best a highly nuanced guessing game, albeit you can narrow down the questions considerably if you have good data to start with and reliable long term records. Still, there are always going to be some unknown, and maybe even unknowable, factors in play.
I believe certain basic fundamentals of health apply to everybody.
Eating a constant diet of fast food and sugar ladened drinks is a sure fire bet to screw up your biome. Living with too much stress, not enough sleep, or heavy emotional problems will override the health benefits of even the best diets. Exposure to toxins, whether in our food or air or water, will undermine our immune responses.
At a minimum it is incumbent on all of us to take the measures we can to attempt to achieve the best health possible for each of us. After that, if there are major health problems then we need to seek help from others who have more experience and seek out their advice.
As with anything as multi faceted as personal health, a continuous stream of feedback between yourself and your health professional is essential to get the best outcomes possible.
What is upsetting to me is to see long lines of cars waiting for pickup from our local MacDonalds or Taco Bell or KFC at all hours of the day and well into the night. The same with long lines of cars waiting for their "coffee" orders (liquified sugar bombs with coffee flavoring) from Starbucks or Dutch Brothers, even well into the evening up till almost midnight.
Clearly there is a large segment of our population who feel they are immune to the effects of poor diet. If it hasn't hit them yet they feel it never will. [sigh]
Our educational system neglects to teach the basics of basic nutrition and diet.
The great push for physical education programs in the 1960s that were started during to the Kennedy administration should have also included some basic nutritional guidelines but apparently that did not happen. I can't help but feel that there is a reason why that did not happen. No existing industry was threatened by kids getting exercise but kids making better dietary choices would definitely affect the market for producers of certain foods over time.
It feels like we are very much on the same page.
Nice chat!
The germ theory was met with great resistance by the medical communities of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The consensus then was that imbalances of the four bodily humours predisposed people to various diseases depending on the nature of the imbalances. The four bodily humours theory was a very well established and widely accepted theory, not easily dismissed because some new technology (microscopes) revealed previously unknown agents involved in disease.
The link you provided is thought provoking.
While I am loath to summarily dismiss pathogens as causes of diseases, I would certainly be amenable to the idea that they are a sign of disease, an imbalance of immune functions that allow the pathogens to multiply in the body.
It would seem that there is a feedback cycle between a dysfunctional immune responses and certain microbes such that as these particular microbes are allowed to multiply in the body they further weaken already debilitated immune functions thus eventually causing the immune systems to respond to the now large large microbe infection with a massive overreaction which overreaction is what we call disease.
A healthy well regulated immune system is why some people can be carriers of certain microbes that are identified as pathogens but not show any signs of disease while others with more marginally functional immune systems who are carrying the same microbes exhibit disease symptoms.
We can’t do much, if anything at all, to prevent exposure to all manner of microbes but we can do quite a bit to develop a fully functioning well regulated system of immune responses.
Developing and maintaining fully functional self regulating immune responses is where research funds need to be concentrated, not on attacking microbes.
Derpetology101 - I finally had to look up "derpetology". AH HA!!
Thanks for the laugh.
Don't believe it was about technology; advances or regression to an earlier time and knowledge base.
Thank you John.
Those who make wars don't fight them!
Now you've done it, John! You made me pull out this very interesting news clipping I discovered last summer from the 1913 New York Times - about syphilis and other infectious disease.
Choosing Audience for Brieux Play
J. D. Rockefeller Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation Social Workers Approve
The New York Times, page 13, February 23, 1913
It describes a play that was shown to the powerful and connected, "Damaged Goods." Prominent attendees who also just so happened to be eugenicists. About men of high society who sleep around with prostitutes and lesser women, bringing back disease like syphilis to families, deforming children, etc. It uses the term "White Slavery" to describe the sex trade. It advances the idea of infectious disease as it was still a relatively novel understanding of them at the time.
John D. Rockefeller, father of allopathic western medicine, based in petrochemicals, products of his Standard Oil.
Edward Bernays, father of propaganda, advertising, marketing, who coined "quacks" to describe natural healers like homeopaths, while helping allopathic medicine educational and practice monopolies outlaw and replaced natural healing as a business model for health care.
Simon and Abraham Flexner, who's Flexner Report was the notorious #FakeScience used to outlaw natural healers for Rockefeller's petrochemical business model of medicine.
State Senator Franklin D. Roosevelt.
A network of prominent socialists, communists with ties to Karl Marx, names like
- William Jay Schleffilin, descendant of the first Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay, ran the largest pharmaceutical company giant and Big Pharma trade association head for decades
- Abraham Jacobl, the first leading pediatrician, president of the American Medical Association.
Leaders who advanced the idea of "Medical Sociology" in concert with "Marxist conflict theory" that shows how the ruling classes can enact power through medicine. Doctors, psychologists, clergy, industrialists, all aligned with socialism/humanism values. And all eugenicists.
This isn't to say some of the knowledge about infectious disease is without merit, many improvements in health can be traced to the discoveries of allopathy. But much is not. Much is in service to political and societal reformations of entire populations. Something known as "Disease Politics" is real, and has a long, long history. My comment under this will shed light on the "logic of disease politics" as practiced in China when the communists under Mao took over.
It gets even worse when one marries the practice of psychology/psychiatry to political ends
As has and is being done. Marrying the practice of psychology/psychiatry with biology to achieve political change. As is the case with "biopsychology." I had never heard of it before a few months ago, either. But here is a description:
It's a form of social science, not natural medical science. Biopsychology "science" offers this rationale for changing public policy to conform to gender is "science" you know, "the best science" we must follow, The Science (TM):
As with all of the social science based-public policy agenda, practitioners use a tiny bit of actual medical, natural science to build on and expand an entire narrative to fit the desired public policy goal of leaders and a powerful elite.
Like this study that says that the zygote stage of an embryo is often ambiguous in determining gender. And since the science of genetics as presented in a study like this is plausibly non-determinative it is up to any individual to identify as a gender of their own choosing that they feel most comfortable as:
Social science. Psychology, Behavioral science manipulation expressly to alter the perceptions of the target audience. Using sophisticated linguistic and symbolic deceit, mind-farkery. Masquerading as Natural science. All-one. Married psychology and biology for political ends allows the tiny truth that zygotes display no genitalia to become the massive blasphemous lie that God makes mistakes putting little boys in little girl's bodies, and vice-versa. Denying hard scientific evidence to the contrary.
Just like pandemic, climate, all of the massive social reengineering lies. Intent on remaking man into the flawed images of the dangerously flawed people who currently hold the levers of great earthly power. There's no lie in nature. God never needs to lie.
“As with all of the social science based-public policy agenda, practitioners use a tiny bit of actual medical, natural science to build on and expand an entire narrative to fit the desired public policy goal of leaders and a powerful elite.”
The best way to manipulate people is to use as much truth as possible to lure the individual into semi- conscious agreement and then veer off path ever so slightly over and over again. The reader will find himself / herself unable to determine how they managed to reach absurd conclusions but will be absolutely certain that they are right.
How to Lie 101
I shared the concept of "The Credibility of Three" on an earlier Stack of mine. Relating a story about how the OSS (predecessor of the CIA) taught spies to lie if they were under suspicion to avoid capture. It was from a clipping of an old feature columnist I regularly read when I was young, over forty years ago. Presented humorously in that format. But interesting enough to me that I clipped and saved it for all these years. Something inside my young mind told me I needed to protect it in a very deceitful world, to learn how to discern deception.
The Credibility of Three. Sounds about right.
Thanks for the 1980 article. Fun reading.
I studied Biopsychology in the 70s and 80s and it was nothing at all like you describe. It was about the mind-body connection, how stress and emotions influence biological processes, stress and the immune system, stress and disease, psychoneuroimmunology, the ability to behaviorally condition an immune response, the importance of the ability to cope with stress as a mediator of disease processes. Immunology, for example, is a worthy science to study, but, sure, like any science, can be used for evil purposes like the development of bioweapons. Behavioral sciences can also be used for evil, like the propaganda we continue to be fed about COVID. The study of science helps us to learn more about the awesome nature of God. Learning about the complexities of organisms and the solar system and, indeed, the universe reinforces are knowledge that life cannot exist without a divine Creator we know as God.
Interesting background to the field, thanks for sharing. I met it in the the normalization of gender dysphoria role it plays, as I describe.
And yes, it shares a prominent role in the ongoing assaults on the human mind along with the behavioral sciences. Assaults that Voltaire was speaking to when he said, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
Atrocities like the pandemic mandates that drove uncountable suicides, injections that injure and kill, and the sterilization of the imbeciles, as Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes penned in the 8-1 Buck v. Bell case that permits sterilizing undesirables, like those who suffer from gender dysphoria. The term "gender affirming care" a Madison Avenue linguistic marketing campaign to make sterilization of imbeciles go down nice and smooth.
Biopsychology, Behavioral Science, weaponized. They always start off so innocently...then evil purposes take over.
Biopsychology?! Good grief. I’ve concluded that bio-ANYTHING these days is always a bunch of hogwash.
Ostensibly to cure "the Sick Man of Asia" with improved hygiene and other healthful practices. But accompanied by a host of harms, loss of ancient knowledge about beneficial, inexpensive and readily available natural remedies to illness, protection from infectious pathogens that may be encountered.
This book published in China in 2013 explains exactly how communist China under Mao used "Disease Politics" to transform China from a nationalistic nation into a communist nation. Remember, Taiwan is the nationalist government of China in exile. Disease politics used as a weapon to collectivize the culture and nature of the people, in ways that led to the Cultural Revolution, turning family against family in a murderous frenzy. This book is a literal "How to." Long, but filled with descriptions of what we've experienced in the west since 2020:
Rural Health Care Delivery
Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
('GET' .pdf download)
From the book's official description:
"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."
This is not an obscure book I came across without significance. This book was cited, linked to in an article that was published in Foreign Affairs in March, 2020 - the types of material I was reading in March, 2020 when it was decided to treat infectious disease with political science instead of medical science. Foreign Affairs is the most influential international affairs magazine in the world, official communiques of the Council on Foreign Relations. The US/UK Military-Industrial-Scientific-Propaganda Machine mountpiece:
Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses
The Current One Highlights Its Strengths
Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020
The politics of infectious disease. Following a tried and true plan. Foster division and strife, amplify hatred among a population, friends, family, to fundamentally transform a nation into collectivist authoritarianism, obedience. I wrote a Stack on the book earlier this year containing some of the highlights and most relevant, prescient information in it. It's a long book to get into, but my Stack gives a roadmap to some short cuts that may be of the most interest to you:
🌹Thank-you...Important resources to have.
Blessings for the Holidays for you and yours.
I would recommend this piece on syphilis by Dr. Fitzharris, interesting reading
What an interesting read...Reminded me of a Physician's Diagnositics book filled with pictures of various STD's I provided for my children to peruse at age 13. Their friends viewed the book when at our home which was all the time...And, not one of kids suffered an STD or unwanted pregnancy out of the whole bunch.
This is the kind of truth our young need to be armed against the evils inherent to less wise choices made in life. Going to print this out to have as a hard copy to accompany the book when the Grandchildren reach the age of maturity according to Judaic Tradition.
I believe that the more information young people have about STDs, pregnancies, the link of alcohol use with same, and even the mental health problems experienced by having sexual relations too early is vital. The more information the kids have, the higher the probability that they will make better decisions.
Just so they're supported with us there to answer the questions as God knows, they have them. Overall, yes...In full agreement.
Well done! Forewarned is forearmed.
The so called Spanish Flu (no censorship meant Spain reported more honestly) just might have a connection to a medical experiment begun in an American army recruit training camp and then spread to many other countries and the general populations. The mechanism under test? A bacterial based 'vaccine' that killed and injured the test recruits who could not refuse the shot. Experiments later demonstrated that even sneezing on the face or spitting into the mouth could NOT result in transmission of Influenza. War and poverty conditions simply accelerate bacterial sharing and the effect on population health. Medical practice used to spread sickness and death, not to prevent it.
Spanish Flu started in Kansas at Ft. Riley where recruits were getting jabbed with every possible novel jab including the infamous Rockefeller brand new meningitis jab. They started dropping like flies on marches, trains, and transatlantic ships before ever facing trench life of combat horrors. Read about the USS Leviathan on which a Navy political appointee, FDR, nearly died of "double pneumonia" and thus perhaps had his immune system trashed leading later to his "polio." The US's ever profitable military/pharmaceutical complex was in full swing buying so many troop jabs, 100,000s of purchased, many jabs went unused because the war ended "too fast" and thus were given to the civilian populations who suffered a couple post-war more years of "Spanish Flu."
A recent story says reliable syphilis medicine is in short supply as a new vaccine or pharmaceutical product is about to get released.
They're remaking all meds possible according to Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon and their global team publishing their daily/weekly findings and research with Dark Field Microscopy in Substack every day. Meds are increasingly deliberately contaminated with Quantum Dots, Heavy Metals and Graphene Oxide. Vet Meds are also deliberately contaminated.
No longer trust Medical Complex associated with Pharma in any capacity.
Penicllin in short supply?? Wha' happund? D'ey stop growin' mold??
Sadly the Great Powers have also failed to learn to avoid the calamities of war as such. They continue to treat their populations as pawns to be moved about and obliterated on a game board.
…ever since humankind has existed
Very interrrresting.
Gallows humor: sometimes the best humor.
Danny Huckabee
The funny business card is a play on an old but very popular American TV show: Have Gun Will Travel.
The hero goes by the moniker "Paladin" which means a "champion for a cause" (from medieval or earlier times).
Look up the meaning of the Italian name "Paladino". BTW - "Fauci" means "Jaws", and "Podesta" means either "Mayor" or "Power Broker".
I think you mean the "Italian noun" (not name) and I mentioned it. Paladino means "champion for a cause". A synonym would be (lower case) "crusader." Also, you can use "defender" (as in "defender of the cause/faith etc"), which is "difensore."
Here's an Italian sentence: <<Lei è diventato l'emblema, l'immagine e il paladino di questa lotta.>> [You have become the emblem, the image and the champion of this struggle. ]
In German it would be "Aktivist," while in Japanese and Korean it is the same Sino-derivative: 運動家.
That was my Residency boss' name.
Syphilis making a big come back … our poor babies .
They do not care about health or saving lives, but securing and maintaining their status and income.
Are you aware that LYME disease is “built” (some think it is a bio-weapon) on a spirochete, much like syphilis?
There was a theory that syphilis was in the Americas as well. The Taino folk hero Deminan Caracaracol was said to have it and in one story involving the Taino shaman Guahayona, he set off to find a special herb digo, Bejuco de Luna (moon vine) to treat his lesions. He was supposed to bring enough back for the tribe and in the process all the women of the village became stranded on an island. That was part of the folklore of Matinino
Tremendous Post...Timely information. Thank-you.
Anyone care to speculate on neurosyphilis in the White House? I mean...he shuffles when he walks and his nearly psychotic rants might be suggestive. (Guess one would have to consider Parkinsonian Dementia...or maybe both! Two mints in one!!!)