This is exactly correct. A frog will die in boiling water if placed in the pot of tepid water and s-l-o-w-l-y turn up the temperature. This is our nation on socialism. We are dieing a slow death under sleeping unconcerned brainwashed propagandized fools.

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Seems many of these fools reside in universities, unlike rural folks who can smell the 🐂 shit a mile away

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Guess that's the reason we rural folk are now defined 'TERRORISTS'...Since we live with, breed and raise God's creatures in accordance with the Natural World and it is occasionally necessary to spread the waste products from areas of animals onto the soil as fertilizer WHICH REEKS for a few days...Depending. When downwind, it can seem potent until it rains.

Those experienced with spreading manure sure as heck know manure when others spread it.

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Exactly - and most canucks with a clue know Ottawa and all its self-absorbed, oink oink inhabitants have been stinking up the place to high heaven...the cull is coming

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In the 1980 some of us soldiers from FT Drum 10th Mtn Div. went to Kingston, Canada to see what other humans were doing. I also got to Ottawa.

I followed the truckers- we loved what they did.

Not crossing the border again.

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Nephew was at Ft. Drum 10th Mtn. Div. in NY just a few years ago...Active in Afghanistan and documented on Reality T.V...For us, to watch at home. You guys are Special Forces; some pretty bad Dudes. Couldn't watch some of the ACTIVE footage...As saw and knew our 'Juggy' and the bullets were flying. Though professional; we're all raised as related with Hank Williams Jr. 'Country Boys Can Survive' here.

You Mtn. Boys out of NY are pretty impressive. Highly intelligent, accurate observations and threat assessments...Action Plans and Response breathtaking. Nobody in his Squad was killed during their 2 year Tour which was also an impressive fact. He's now an Airline Pilot flying the big guys...Education and Training the Army paid for. He's already a Captain...The timing was just right it seems, to enter that field. He's in high demand since he did not receive the Ai/Bioweapon Injections.

Don't know you, Dennis; but am impressed with your past from knowing my nephew and the men he hung with when he brought them home. Mtn Guys some VERY BAD MEN; with big brains and bigger hearts that go ice-cold when necessary.

Also been to Ottawa and other places in Canada which began when began Professionally Recruiting Engineers when in Grad School. LOVED CANADA...Especially the west. People deserve MUCH better than the 'OINK OINK's' in Ottawa. Ottawa is totally different mentality/culture than the rest of Canada...From experience for us here.

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We all appreciate what you have to say. I have good memories of these young men. They were fun to be around. I was an older guy running with the medics.

We now want our men and women not to be stuck in wars that are for the benefit of dirty politicians who care little to nothing about the USA and Canada.

Thank you.

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they're culling the people right now

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Ottawa is a different culture than most of Canada known from experience. CANADA DESERVES BETTER than the Ding-a-Ling King UpChuck with the arrogant OINK OINK'S. What horrid and out-of-touch people...Reminds me of going to a 'Formula Race Car Event' in comparison to 'Indy Car Races' and NASCAR. The people are shallow, superficial and basically 'Perpetual Hippy Wanna Belongs' never developing past the emotional maturity of 12...If that. Most of Canada has wonderful, warm and impressive people.

Might be wise for most of the Canadians to join together with those Inland Patriots in the Land to the South of you.

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Yes, and the last two days have been intense!

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Got that right! Even if you haven't actually practiced the spreading in decades.

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😂 Just like riding a 🚲.

Once you do it, ya never forget...

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And why the first group all authoritarian regimes go after is the farmers.

Not only living in touch with the natural world but free, critical thinkers.

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Honestly, the Totalitarians don't seem to realize that 'Country Folks Can Survive' in the U.S. They are not as in the old countries where almost 150,000,000 starved to death in their Wars For Profit and Theft of Inalienable Rights. Farmers have a lot more than Pitch Forks, Shovels and Hoes now-a-days. Many have been fighting over these last 30 years and are more than proficient with Warfare.

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Unfortunately, not all of them. Too much kool-aid, I guess.

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Publish or perish culture, bastardization of education...lots of PhDs -- POST HOLE DIGGERS out there. Canada - more university degrees than most places. Insert barf emoji here

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A friend’s grandfather referred to PhD as “piled high and deep” with the dung in question

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And some street wise readers in the inner city too !

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...the tax paying souls

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Maybe . Maybe not 🤧

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Amen!! 😅😅😅

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. . . partly, we are capable of smelling shit and KNOW it stinks-- even if it is our own!

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"This is our nation on socialism."

This is our nation now. Socialism has nothing to do with it. The right wing is spell bound under the cult worship of Trump. The left wing is spell bound under various programs that they've promoted for a generation or two, like global warming, and can't come to terms with reality which has played out far differently than they predicted.

But I absolutely agree - We are dying a slow death under sleeping unconcerned brainwashed propagandized fools.

It's not a political problem, it's a personal responsibility problem. Changing political parties will not change anything until we learn to hold our authorities to account for their malfeasance, no matter which party they belong to.

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Trump is a flawed narcissistic human no doubt. But the establishment hates him for a reason.

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if you look up the frog thing it has been debunked.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

I was not sure if the frog thing was true or not and generally felt amphibious about it.

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lol, ambiguously amphibious!

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

Not only that, but I was also typing ambidextrously when writing a malapropism to describe my ambivalence.

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Quack Quack !

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The frog story mimics human real life without a godly purpose.

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Frogs have given us awareness of plenty... hearing that they no longer procreate due to estrogen blockers in Sydney Harbour Australia was an eye opener

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You win the internet with that one

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I’m so sure!

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Indeed we are; every day, quarter inch by quarter inch.

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While a substantial proportion of the US population seems easily duped, typically in urban areas, a great many Americans who value their heritage of liberty aren't being fooled for one minute. Of course at this point astute Americans remain hopeful that the self serving sociopaths who installed themselves in DC can be sidelined peacefully. Tragically, absent valid elections, that isn't likely to prove true. Authoritarians never give up their power peacefully. Consequently the American people now face a dark future.

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The frog thing - it's a myth. They'll actually jump out when things get too hot.

Frogs 1, humans...0?

Not quite, and for the most part our overlords seem to be succeeding. But some of us do indeed still end up on the wrong side of the stick. Just ask Dr McCullough about that.

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I find it funny that some here on this thread focused on the "frog" instead of the practical life lesson. Proves your brain on socialism is already fried!

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Actually a frog won't. They will jump out first. Humans on the other hand are too stupid and the concept applies perfectly.

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HB2, this analogy is always intriguing, and feels so apt, but having done 15 minutes of research on this theory, found that its unfortunately entirely... a theory. No one ever has proved this thesis to be correct. If I remember correctly, experiments were tried and it did not occur and the frog jumped out of the water. (nevertheless, PETA enthousiasts would probably be pleased to know that researchers are taking their propaganda seriously and not trying too hard to replicate this frog experiement.... which is likely one reason Big Pharma never will bother to subject animals to testing for all future genetic therapies (aka vaccines)).

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Yummy 😋 bring butter

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We need a thumb down for persons such as you.

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deletedNov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023
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Sounds like a muslim name. I'm glad you're in Africa not here.

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The populace is pornagraphied, cannabisied, opiateized, gameisied, friviolized, stupefied.

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And utterly dumbed down by propaganda in place of education.

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...ed ed ed - ironically, ED might have been a reference to Education. Sadly, the other ED might be more appropriate - but there are pills for that;)

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SSRIs (like prozac) were a big step. Decriminalizing cannabis another step. Hypnotic social media and dopamine releasing electronics the final step. The frog is now boiling in its own apathetic comfort.

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You make a great point about the hypnotic social media. Interesting.

In my 70s and like most older men I have trouble with sleep . Many of us have marked pain from osteoarthritis as well as a very calcified spine, and injuries (military, jobs). Most men in this rural area use marijuana , alcohol, or prescription pain meds (if they can get them). All worked hard their entire lives.

I visited old friends who live in a nice suburb far from here. TTheir children gave me gummies. Those gummies were varied but all were way too potent and messed with the borders of reality. But the point I make is that the youth are heavily into these chemicals.

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Yes, and INSIST vehemently they are not hallucinogens, even though that is their medical classifiation, and has been for a century.

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Hello Old Man, I'm 85. I smoked my first joint at 28. I have all the same issues plus scoliosis. I used hydrocodone for several years and stopped that 6 years ago. I appreciate marijuana the more the better. Selectively. I tried LSD, mushrooms and never shot up anything. The MDs shot me up several times over the years.

Now the pharma / medicals are killing up. I think it is MK Ultra and cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome that are the issue. Weak men, sissy men got us here and strong men will get us out. Monsanto and Moderna and Pfizer are all more of an issue that pot or mushrooms or other flora. If you can grow it use it. If you buy it beware. CYA if it is manufactured.

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Thanks. I remember good advice. Doctors can't or won't appreciate the fact that lots of us are so beat up physically.

I appreciate what you have learned. I will drink Guinness in the evenings before sleep. The hydrocodone - will see how it does.

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True. Combine those with alcohol at least a few nights weekly, with parents and all the friends drinking and some using pot, and you have kids who are 100% indoctrinated. Unless the kids decide to think outside the fake sports/vacations/useless education/mind-altering world, at which point they're really outcasts. And then you have someone like me reading this and having a pretty fair assessment of my grandson's suicide, while many of the blue pilled continue to essentially live the same life and wonder why. Until people decide there is a crisis, this vacuous existence is worthless, and seek the safety provided by only God, and the joy only He can bring, this is a hopeless situation.

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Not hopeless. I am very much into the fight for a Constitutional republican form of government with God include. This year 2023.

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Don’t forget big food giants that produce addictive, disease causing food. People know it’s bad for them but would rather keep eating it and take a pill.

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I think the very muted reaction to the tsunami of evidence of the mass murder/sickness from the injections fraud can be seen in several ways.

Ontological shock by many, as they cannot believe the nice people on TV/their doctor's office/other mass media vehicles would actually participate in mass murder for money.

Next there are people who have been awarded for the participation in this catastrophe with large amounts of money and professional promotions and aggrandizements , more than they could have made anywhere else, so it's just a mercenary impulse on their part.

Another group supported the fraud not because they were enriching themselves at the trough but because they liked receiving "likes" on their social media and from their friends, so that they could be in the "correct crowd". And they saw what happened to those who questioned the government narrative, so that just reinforced their cowardly impulse to go along to get along.

The last group are just people who are so stupid or ignorant, that they can't figure out what happened and because they have no analytical skills, just go along as it's too hard to do otherwise.

The apathy and lethargy of most of the population reminds me of H.L. Menken's observation that no one ever lost money underestimating the stupidity of the people. That's a very cynical view but it applies to many. The only path for us is to tell the truth and call out those who do not, exposing their lies.

Danny Huckabee

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Yes, and don’t forget about the Normies. They know that their team has called all the plays, and they have worn their team’s jersey all their lives. The idea of taking that jersey off is the where the ontological shock starts to creep in. They just couldn’t do it and they know it. Way, way too much cognitive dissonance. So they get their “truth” from MSNBC...

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I think we have to acknowledge that the uptake of the last booster is truly dismal, and now there are people who have sworn off all shots for all time. Maybe they don't like to talk about it, seeing how those who did were cancelled for it.

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On the left are 12 to 15 % of us with insufficient IQ to enter the military; natural selection hierarchy. incompetence

On the right 16.25 % are smart enough to figure it out and don't take action; self preservation, forgiveness, fear

62.5 % will not speak truth to the de facto: they have family, business, job; life consumes their time, TV, internet, drugs, cognitive dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome.

That leaves 3 to 5 % on the left; the Khazarian mafia, industrial-military-legislative - judiciary - executive - UN - Nazi - Communist- Satanist etc etc complex, that controls, the stupid, BLM, antifa, incorporated governance on the left side-most labor Unions

3 to 5% on the right to take back our Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. www.orsja.org I am unable to duplicate on this text the graph.

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Lambs to the slaughter, but we have a Shepherd

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Yours should be the ending of every comment. AMEN

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IF we know His voice! Not all do...

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That’s a classic and prescient speech. A year later however, he would publish his final and most mature masterpiece of predictive programming, one quite different from Brave New World: The Island.

I’ve read and written some stuff on it. Spoiler alert, it’s not longer about simply numbing people with Soma, but giving them the illusion of “transcendence,” which they gain, they believe, by consuming “Moksha”—a magical psychedelic drug that gives people brief “Beatific glimpses.”

Fast forward to today’s MK-Ultra psychedelic repatterining of the population around new psychedelic mystery religions and self-actualization cults.

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we found a solution for the several states commonwealths and territories. www.orsja.org

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There is one critical difference between where we're at today and what could possibly serve as a lead-in to Huxley's "Brave New World." Today's wannabe "Alphas" like Bill Gates are so focused on reducing the world's population that they are systematically killing off all of the morons who are dutifully following orders like "Just get the damned shot." It won't be more than a few years before a majority of people who are left alive and fully functioning will be those of us who saw through all of the fear mongering propaganda right from the get-go, never took a single clot shot, and already today are wearing t-shirts saying, "I will not comply." At that point we'll be sending the likes of Gates, Fauci and the WEF-ers to prison for life for committing crimes against humanity.

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There's another vision of the future: Yhwh God's. I read Brave New World decades ago, I've read Yhwh 'version too; I like His better! In His, Justice gets served, followed by 1K yrs of peace and prosperity to rival Eden.

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A gilded cage, a comfortable cage, a cage with a sauna, a cage with perks... it's still a cage, and most will rebel. Some love cages. They provide such security, or at least the illusion of it. Let them have it. For the rest of us, comfort and convenience will quickly stale without the liberty to use it as we wish.

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Mobile phones are the new soma

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Oh my - your last 2 paragraphs are so spot on as to why or how this is almost working for the Psychopath's. I never read Huxley after reading 2 of Orwell's books in School. Like some people, I did not want to read about dark futures. I am so glad these psycho's and their academic support seem to be afflicted with Wishful Thinking and not really fully able to understand how to capture everyone. Their methods do work on much of the population, but many people also Escape the Brainwashing. I don't see how they can speak so freely about these Plans, since it does not matter to me whether it is the violence of Stalinist Communism or the pseudo scientific drugged out coercion of Huxley, Schwab, Harari, Gates, et al that is spoken of implementing. The mere mention of implementing this means these people deserve a Bullet to the head or a Guillotine to the Neck. They deserve Capital Punishment for Planning such Tyranny behind Closed doors, or out in Public Spaces.

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You're a good man, Tom. Hope you're wise too, and keeping the black powder dry...

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I can't help wondering whether the covid shots weren't an element of the "pharmacological method" that Huxley predicted.

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The introduction of psych meds and mood stabilizers along with the legalization of marijuana and other drugs has enabled this take over. Wake the fuck up people!

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“In early times, it was easier to control a million people than to kill a million. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million.” — Zbigniew Brzezinski

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

The concluding thought is on the money. I truly believe that to this day, most of those I know who bought into the COVID hoax and chastised me for my resistance still have no clue they were wrong. Blindly and obediently following "the experts", they didn't do their own research during the pandemic scam and and they're not doing it now.

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The Pandemic PsyWar was the latest and perhaps most successful brainwashing in history, but it is certainly not the first. The Deep State has perfected the art of selling the Big Lie ever since they learned the technique from the Nazis. That they can continue to convince people that a Commie Lone Gunman killed JFK, and that jets crashing into the Twin Towers brought down steel skyscrapers at free-fall rates (including Building 7 which was never hit) despite all the evidence that both stories are hooey, indicates how gullible, distracted and controlled the American public is.

Drugs, popular culture and social media help, but the most successful strategy was Operation Mockingbird that allows the controlled media to dish out a constant steam of lies, disinformation and propaganda for the masses to swallow. This has lately been combined with ever-growing Internet censorship to make it very difficult for anything that opposes the official narrative to get out. Thank God for Substack, Rumble and maybe Twitter for being the last bastions of truth!

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Kudos for your perceptive, succinct assessment of the hideous situation that engulfs We the People.! I'll circulate it to my list. Pat McSweeney

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The warnings of Huxley and Orwell have been played out with shameless devastation.

Please explain Event 201 being conducted just prior to the Scamdemic?

If we don’t have a Nuremberg 2.0, perhaps we serfs deserve the mass murder and abuse they smothered us with…millions of deaths, FAKE science, FAKE leadership, injuries from the womb to geriatrics.

What are we waiting for…Nuremberg 2.0!

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