Before this COVID event, I was a NYT subscriber. Now I am an Epoch Times subscriber instead... I am sure many others have made the same transition, in search of a source that provides real investigative reporting rather than the "mainstream narrative" propaganda.

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CIA-run Epoch Times is no better than the mainstream. Possibly worse, as you trust them.

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No evidence for that comment, quite the contrary as they are continually under censorship pressure from “authorities”.

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I read their news for years (here in Australia), and was always sympathetic due to the harsh treatment that the Falun Gong members receive in China and the Australian Government's lack of response to that.

However, the CONTENT is the giveaway... being truthful or revelatory in some areas and disingenuously leading AWAY from exposing the truth in others. I didn't use the terminology "controlled opposition" because that is so overused. For that matter, so is "CIA...". Perhaps I should have used the term "military intelligence" - they are all inter-linked.

Read the Epoch Times if you will, it's certainly entertaining, but truthfully reporting the situation in the world (especially with regard to the Kennedy clan) it is not.

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Jan Jekilek & Joshua Philip are the best.

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Learn the history of the beginning The Epoch Times. They are EPIC TRUTH & Professional TRADITIONAL JOURNALISTS. Perhaps, you're aussie version is skewed. Sorry for that

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YOUR Ignorance is your lack of knowledge. EPOCH IS EPIC TRUTH

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I'm assuming you're either being ironic or you're a paid shill. The only epic Truth is Jesus.

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A person who lives in NY mentioned that the NYT building became a locked down fortress when the pandemic hit. I suppose it still is; you think the reporters would smell the rats, eh?

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I was told awhile ago, when I first started sharing articles on Substack, that it was a site for “loser” writers. The ones who could get their pieces in the mainstream.

I am pretty content to hang out with “losers”.

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Here in Chinada we are proudly known as The Fringe Minority. 🇨🇦

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Do you mean ‘couldn’t’ instead of ‘could’?

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Yes.... whoops

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If you want, you can click on the three dots to the right of your comment to edit it.

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Tried it... no option to exit for me.

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I guess you've got to at least sign up for this "Stack" as an unpaid member in order to be able to edit.

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A glowing review.

Between The Epoch Times, Just the News and Substack...I feel I get a fair and balanced coverage of most anything I'm interested in. I also, often, find items I didn't know I should know about. Which make them all the more valuable IMO. 🙂

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Bonus, Joshua Philip is a cutie pie,

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Yes!!! Thank you Substack.

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I subscribe to the Epoch Times, but will say, as with ALL publications, you still need to do your due diligence and never take one publication as your ultimate source. Case in point: The Epoch Times is founded around Falun Gong, which was outlawed in China. You will note that all of the Epoch Times’ coverage of China is negative. Every publication has a bias of some sort. Be vigilant.

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Odd, seems to me Epoch Times isn't as rigorous as they need to be concerning a country your Retirement Investment Funds has built, the Intellectual Property of the United States is now owned by and the location of 70% of the United States Industry is now located in. It's the same place bragging about, "With a little help of our old Jewish Friends on Wall Street, the Election went our way."

While some aspects of the Chinese Culture are to be admired; the Govt. most certainly has proven predatory on the U.S. The plans of the Central Banker Families and all the associations carrying-out The City of London's dictates in conspiracy with the CCP have opposed the U.S. while claiming to be U.S. allies now determine China their preferred 'Safe Place for Investment' as there are no 'Inalienable Rights' or possibility of the 'Slave Labor' to oppose them.

To make matters far worse; there are TREASONOUS Prostitute Politicians fraudulently installed into the most powerful positions in the U.S. Govt and Deep State Minions loyal to The City of London, if not China/CCP as the OBastards now installed, who now saturate ALL Agencies of the United States; murdering the Constitution and defining the United States a censorious, surveillance-oriented Banana Republic Police State more and more as the CCP/China. The weakening and hallowing-out of the United States to strengthen China is most certainly planned, supported, funded and is being carried-out as we write.

The observant and awakened population of the United States have been and are cognizant to the knowledge of the United States to be the primary focus of the Global Order wishing it's destruction...As it's the only population, armed and known to stand opposed to GLOBAL POWER/CONTROL long planned by The City of London and their International Death Cult Mafia first confronted in the U.S. Revolution.


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One source for your info. Now look at others. That’s the point.

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There are loads of other resources and this one was simply the first I arrived to at hand. Odd, how NONE exists from the Freemasons/Illuminati and Corporate Media; all bought and paid for along with the likes of the McConnells', Pelosi's, Romney's, and between the CCP and The City of London's Agents; virtually every other Prostitute Politician and Deep State Minion in D.C., NYC, Beijing, It's ALL connected.

Since you're so pro-CCP/Russia/Iran and N.Korea...There is a couple in here named Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung who are very pro-CCP/Russia/Iran/N.Korea based upon conditions and visions presenting possibilities in the past they continue to support though the past conditions have changed. From what you wrote it seems you would find a great deal of unifying opinions among their work and general attitude of the Ideologues now in University or shortly graduating. Their research into hidden history definitely has a genuinely original bent...So, you may really enjoy them and their work. It's important to read and consume diverse opinions and information and I enjoy their work though I don't agree with their analysis often.

Here is a "Matt Ehret" Link:


And, here's one from Cynthia Chung:


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Jumping on the US bandwagon in support of Israel, the Epoch Times now indicates that China supports Hamas (according to a US analyst who is Chinese). According to the Epoch Times, we MUST believe that everything about China is evil. That’s the point I’m trying to make. https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/the-long-red-shadow-behind-islamic-terrorism-5520453?utm_source=Morningbrief&src_src=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2023-11-02&src_cmp=mb-2023-11-02&utm_medium=email&est=a8MxTQw9I96c%2Fgxf0MuBJivkRxT7Sd3vllCa08R20qKAFaIeNbOAnQH3O0%2Bb

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There is no way anybody in the west can possibly grasp exactly what that means.

As for Hamas...It's time to clean-out the Gaza Hole just as it's time to clean-out the Sewer of the D.C. Sewer inhabited by the OBastards, now fraudulently installed into the Majority of the Senate and the Oval Office. As all these cesspools...There is also a Mafioso Deep State; all loyal to The City of London...And, all needs to go.

Hamas was a creation of and is as the Bankers in The City of London and the Central Banker Family Cartel throughout the world...THUGS.

All are a bunch of THUGS having no loyalty to any religion or people...Merely, angry people LOVING to murder and destroy for their own gain and these hide beneath and around the innocent to protect themselves.

My son, a Doctor, literally had many ISIS Terrorists in his sights when in Iraq taking children behind trees or shacks only to have the children walk out crying and pulling-up their pants or vomiting. Though committed to life; he had real problems not killing such animals.

I have no mercy for Hamas just as there's no mercy for The City of London, or any of the Demon-Controlled infesting the Earth and that includes the Prostitute Politicians and Deep State Minions, Academic Animals attacking kids, Corporate Capo's and Philanthropathic NGO Administrators. ALL ARE THUGS WORKING FOR THE CITY OF LONDON and if that includes Netanyahu as it does the OBastards...There's no mercy for them, either.

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I’m already aware of Ehret, etc. Thanks for the links. My point is that there are three sides to this issue…the western one (which also involves directing our attention away from ‘Russia’ so that we are psychologically prepared for a Taiwan/USA issue, the Chinese one, and something more truthful that lies in between . The interesting thing about even the Western view is that it appears to support the idea that Chinese ‘infiltration’ is normally based on economics, rather than anything military….supported by the number of Chinese military bases throughout the world, as opposed to US ones.

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There are far more than three sides to this equation; far more.

You're dealing with a circular mentality common to Eastern Philosophy and this leaves little to no possibility for resolution in anything resembling a linear fashion as is common among those in the West.

Epoch supports and advertises 'Shen Yun' and other cultural aspects of China not associated with the CCP and there is much beauty until one views those disappeared people in China; including those wealthy and prosperous, socked into re-education camps to better learn the State Narratives they must spout from the mouth on demand.

Suggest people acquaint themselves with the History and Philosophies of the East Asian Cultures more as to learn about them is a real education into learning real danger as societies having no Jesus by which to have a foundation in absolute right of wrong is far more apt to have no boundaries to begin to define anything right or wrong. THIS IS THE ORIGIN OF FORCED ORGAN HARVESTING AND SLAVERY...OR, PLACING CCP POLICE STATIONS WITHIN THE SOVEREIGN TERRITORY OF OTHER NATIONS AND ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES TO HARASS PAST CHINESE CITIZENS LIVING IN FOREIGN LANDS.

It is not a matter of Western Evil as all know it most certainly exists; but there is a true standard by which right and wrong is measured formally to at least have a point to begin and the evil is at least discerned and identified which it is NOT allowed to be in China under the CCP.

Much evil can be hidden in the West as in China...But, in the West it does float to the surface eventually while in China all hide it under duress by the State having Absolute Control. Would you prefer to live under the CCP having Absolute Control?

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To paraphrase, never trust, always verify best you can. If only that were the default response. People, unfortunately are social creatures with a built-in tendency toward fitting in with the hierarchy, And that hierarchy always tends to be hijacked by the worst of us.

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Of course, Epoch Times still contains a significant amount of fake narratives and news.

Regarding China, it’s impossible not to be negative regarding Communist China: the “reform and opening up” period was over about 12 years ago. The CCP regime is as evil as the Biden regime, plus its iron fist in controlling the nation. The evil aggression of the thugs of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is worse than any nightmares you might dream about. We will be attacked by the CCP even if we sit at our porch and peacefully watch the stars.

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Now, perhaps take a look at Angelo Giuliano (Hong Kong) and Brian Berletic (Thailand) who often have videos on The New Atlas. Their opinions come from an entirely different bias and not negative. It is recommended to get more than just one opinion on a situation, IMHO

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Interesting suggestions. Thank you.

Do you think they are fluent in Chinese language and knowledgeable in the history of the Far East in the last 200 years? (I am good in both.) If not, their perspectives are just personal opinions which are only interesting in their own rights but have little relevance in assessing the actual situation for China and for the world.

Practically all of the left “China experts” in the first half of the 20th century were dead wrong in their assessments of China back then. Not only their blunders plunged the US foreign policy into a most horrible abyss, also their failure directly caused the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

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Although I can no longer find this on the internet, I remember a comment uploaded by someone from China, with regard to the protests in Hong Kong. He advised that the Chinese dialect that was being used by the protestors would not be the dialect of those actually involved in that geographical area, indicating that these protestors had been purposefully bussed in to protest, there was outside involvement, etc. My point, again, with regard to Leake’s support of the Epoch Times, is that the issue is more complex than whatever is read at the Epoch Times, and that they DO have a bias with regard to their Chinese reporting. The issue is far more complex than just one side’s reporting.

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Chinese Communist Party has always been an aggressive, malignant tumor attacking humanity since it was founded. CCP consistently supported Arafat, now its support for HAMAS is completely consistent.

I don’t simplemindedly believe Israel is the good guys and so she takes no blames. But if you want to know why CCP supports HAMAS, the answer is straightforward: because CCP IS EVIL. The United States under the Biden regime is very evil too.

The main difference between the two countries is still relevant: the founding principle of the US is good, so it might have a future. The founding principle of CCP is yo establish a most brutal and immoral dictatorship, so the future of CCP is hell.

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The catastrophe of the United States is currently camouflaged as an impasse: the evil Democrats represented by Biden and his manipulators doing everything they can to destroy the nation and to annihilate the lives of American people. In reality it’s worse, much worse.

Democrats have succeeded overwhelmingly in defeating the conservatives and Christians in every front. Not because Democrats are stronger, but because the conservatives don’t believe the existential crisis is here and now. We will have no nation and no protection.

Within a year the Democrats will not hide their aggression anymore. A new dictatorship will sweep throughout the nation, and it will be too late to fight back.

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Not to mention the RINOs.

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I agree with everything you wrote except plenty, IMO most conservatives know the crisis is here and now. The problem is "conservative leaders" are mostly typical leaders, interested in themselves and their own interests. How do you right things when human nature is such that decent people want to look after their families, be good and useful to those around them, and enjoy the normal pleasure of daily living, but, being decent, are not driven to seek power and dominate others? Those who seek power are always the worst among us, conservative, liberal, or whatever makes no difference. Failure of leadership seems to be an inevitable problem. It's compounded by the fact decent people mistake the pathological drive of power-seekers as "leadership qualities" and elevate them when they're surrounded by decent, well-intentioned individuals who would serve the public rather than their own greed. Those normal people never end up in charge though. The answer? How to elevate decent leaders? I wish I knew.

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Well written.

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"In our era in which independent thinkers have largely been confined to Substack (God bless it) we are are grateful to the guys at the Epoch Times for extending the reach of our research and reporting. "

Will the fact that truth and wisdom, so far at least, isn't completely silenced because of the internet be enough to enable a decent society to right itself and continue as a nice place for human beings to live? It's never happened before. Civilization has existed for thousands of years. So far, every single society with good values has gone through a process culminating in what we see around us today and resulting in collapse. Where are the places where freedom and human dignity have ruled for centuries and still counting? They don't exist. That should wake anybody up to the difficulties we face. Keeping this as anything remotely resembling "the land of the free and home of the brave" goes against so many fundamental flaws of the human psyche it's been impossible to maintain such a place. Our task seems impossible. We do have the internet as what just might be a game-changer this time. Not likely, but it is a new twist to give us some hope.

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John we appreciate you giving credit where it is due!

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Redacted is very good for their maternal also. For raw good o boy News try Snafu Radio on Youtube.

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I like Gateway Pundit's reporting too, though I don't think they do investigative journalism.

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They not only don't do investigative journalism, they are a deliberate "false trail" component of the not-really-alternative-media.

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They sometimes get stuff completely wrong and jump to a side too quickly but as with many non MSM publications they do a decent job most of the time, IMO.

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Substack is fine, but needs a broader reach. You could post anything I have seen on Courageous Discourse on Rumble or Locals.

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We have subscribed to The Epoch Times for several years. Have their channel on our TV, get the weekly print paper which is fun to read, and share with guests. We also have the app and full access as a subscriber. HIGHLY recommend! Of course it is not our only source, but Jan’s interviews are excellent long form, he asks really questions, lets his guests speak, is well read, well spoken. I would put his interviews on par with Uncommon Knowledge and its host.

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Yeah, and the so-called great Epoch Times is phishing for money by failing to unsubscribe people like myself who have requested, multiple times, to be unsubscribed due to their paywall. That makes them untrustworthy. Their denying access to the site by the disabled, elderly and impoverished, and denying free speech to same in keeping them from commenting on articles (which Dr. McCullough, etc., does as well), is not only a violation of freedom of speech, but it is also discrimination on the basis of age and/or disabilities. In the case of the subset of those people previously-named who stand up for human and civil rights, and would comment on Epoch Times articles, it is also discrimination on the basis of standing up for human and civil rights.

The claim that private companies, including companies on the web, are not subject to the First Amendment, is absurd. Put two and two together properly, dear "Americans": Since the right to free speech is in-, or un-, alienable, meaning it can't be taken or withheld from us, that of course clearly means that we possess that right AT ALL TIMES, and thus obviously IN ALL PLACES as well. Therefore, OF COURSE private businesses are subject to being responsible for upholding, and not violating whatsoever, the First Amendment, as well as the rest of the U.S. Bill of Rights.

And, since it is the DUTY of all true Americans to uphold and not violate the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as a whole at all times, and/or in any way(s), it is their further duty to provide a free speech forum (aka, comments section) on each and every news article, to not carry out ANY censorship, and to freely allow ALL "unpopular" and/or "offensive" speech (SEE Brandenburg vs. Ohio, the Supreme Courts case LAW describing what speech freedom of speech includes), and ONLY censor threats of physical violence that are likely to actually be imminently carried out. THAT is the ONLY exception to free speech. In addition, under the First Amendment, it is also their duty to provide that forum to all those who cannot pay for access to it due to impoverishment, otherwise they are guilty of discriminating against the above-referenced minorities for the foregoing reasons, and of violating freedom of speech. Such violations should of course end completely.

Thus, this absurdity that businesses and corporations are allegedly exempt from upholding and not violating freedom of speech is anti-American, un-American, and a clear undermining, as well as violation, of the U.S. Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and specifically of the First Amendment. We either have free speech everywhere at all times, with the ONLY obvious exceptions being such things as falsely crying "fire" in a crowded theater in order to intentionally cause panic and harm, and the aforementioned threat(s) of actual, imminent physical violence, or we don't really have freedom of speech at all. But, with only those previously-delineated, very limited exceptions, we innately possess the right to free speech ALWAYS AND EVERYWHERE, period.

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I am sure you and anyone else is welcome to submit letters to the editor any time you'd like.

If you worked for them, I'm SURE you'd expect a paycheck...or would you be willing to DONATE you time and talent to them?

They are a "for profit" company not a charity. IF stockholder owned, they have a fiduciary/legal obligation to MAKE MONEY for their investors.

I don't have a lot of money to spare but my monthly subscription is about what a fancy coffee would be and IMO well worth the price if for nothing else the access to their video content.

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Sincerely, good for you if you can afford it. Practically everyone wants money (taxation without representation). If I squeezed the money out of my very limited budget for Epoch Times, there are countless others that equally deserve accessing, that in aggregate I and millions of other impoverished people can't afford.

Besides, what you said does not make Epoch Times refusal to unsubscribe people "okay" (isn't that illegal, because it ought to be illegal?).

And, people shouldn't have to, EVER, pay to exercise their freedom of speech. These websites that so-charge don't want to live with "offensive" speech, but they are required by (constitutional) law to live with "offensive" speech.

You "get it" now? MILLIONS of impoverished people, just in the U.S. alone, are being intentionally discriminated against and blocked from exercising free speech all over the place. And many sites, if they don't charge for access, find other ways to limit freedom of speech through illegal moderation and censorship, all because businesses supposedly aren't subject to the First Amendment and free speech.

Let's see, the Bill of Rights, and freedom of speech in particular, allegedly only applies to some people, especially those who can afford to pay for it, and has all kinds of so-called "exceptions" and "restrictions" to our RIGHTS that make them out to be "privileges" rather than rights. We've been corralled into "free speech zones" limiting free speech, or into places where it's freely allowed, and prevented from exercising it in many others. Don't you see that this is WRONG? We should have freedom of speech everywhere, otherwise it's controlled and limited, which is NOT AT ALL true free speech.

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Every publication has its biases (which is why I endeavor to look at all sides of hotbed issues), but the Epoch Times, in my opinion, strives to be impartial in its reporting--oftentimes when I want them to be more stridently on “my side.” I appreciate that they exist.

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Glad to see one mainstream news source stepping out on the edge to report salient news ......

Oh wait, isn't that what journalism is all about?! I would Love to see mainstream media reporting objective news based on the facts. That's right Facts, not propaganda, just the facts. And not be afraid to write other perspectives substantiated by, wait for it....Facts!

The words "disinformation and misinformation" sound like an attempt at big words used as distractions or a means to hide the truth......Backfire Alert ➡️ it just reinforces my belief that I know what's really going on....

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Absolutely correct. They are the only legitimate honest, trustworthy newspaper remaining.

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