It is not the leaks we need to worry about. It is the WHO releasing it on purpose all over the world to fake a "pandemic" again.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/lab-leak-zoonotic-spillover-or-deliberate

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True but all those billions spent on cooking up nasty poisons you might as well release them. This makes it easier to convince the public to be very scared and beg for a "saviour".

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Maybe. But did they really spend billions on poisons…or did billions go somewhere else? Nothing released could perform as they claimed except maybe clones seeded in various locations. Smoke and mirrors are sufficient to scare the transfections into the biologically illiterate and “worried well.” It was a science pop quiz and at least three quarters of the earth’s population failed. It won’t stop until we make it.

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True again, exactly the conclusion I made in the longer piece I wrote. PCR cloned virus spread all over the world to create the illusion of a worldwide pandemic. Worldwide viral pandemics have never happened. The 1918 Spanish Flu "pandemic" was a cover for a mass poisoning using huge quantities of Aspirin. In 2020 it was lorry loads of Midazolam and Morphine. Pandemic is just another word for covering up democide by the parasitic elites.

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Just saying that my daughter and I caught covid from my husband, and he caught it from a work colleague, who infected a number of other people.

While mass-infection-sites are plausible (but unevidenced to date), proponents dismissing contagion degrade their credibility in the eyes of the masses, who likewise experienced contagion.

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Yes, me too. Definitely got it from my husband. But this illness was not a typical flu-like illness. I had Delta and the burnt metal taste that i had for 2 weeks along with the attack on my lungs seemed more like radiation poisoning.

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What about people who experienced none and went everywhere maskless and jabless? Could they conversely prove no contagion? Let’s just say there was “something in the water” but we don’t know… Jessica Hockett’s work must be considered: https://open.substack.com/pub/woodhouse/p/new-york-city-says-it-experienced?r=jhq3f&utm_medium=ios

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I am not saying there was not a virus, or that it was not contagious. I am saying it was not leaked from a single accident, it was cloned in the lab and deliberately spread all over the world.

More details here;


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Precisely!! Now how do we convince the rest of the planet? Do you follow JJ Couey? Yeadon, Hockett, Engler?

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I follow Yeadon, but I differ on the virus issue, I think they exist.

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Convincing everyone else may take 50 years but some justice is coming if we are lucky.


Just watch out for "The Great Taking" and try to become free of debt and self-sufficient. The preppers may have the last laugh...


And yes I do follow all those and would highly recommend Geoff Pain and Norman Fenton;



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Just imagine if that $ was instead used to repair infrastructure, etc.

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They only need to release the 'words.'

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Precisely. Fear is easily generated. “Response to virus fake news is proof our emotions respond more to spectacle than data. Don’t trust them.”

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If it leaks though and it has been modified for human-to-human contact, that is a problem. I think half the ferrets died after infection with the gain of function version. Not sure on the percent though. And, of course WHO/Gates is gunning for total global control of infectious disease protocols which will result in control of everything as health status will become a social credit score and linked to digital currency.

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Yes, they need something to get their WHO pandemic treaty signed - crooks and mafia.

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Good point, control via fear again.

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Or they can switch to climate change and whatever happened to 👽👽👽?? 🤦‍♀️

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:) Climate controls the gullible educated, and the aliens, largely, the not. And yet, I was shocked by one of the people genuinely pushing the aliens. ??

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I suppose nothing they do should surprise us now!

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Leaks, accidents, intentional, or not. Doesn’t matter. As long as biolabs exist, there will ALWAYS be leaks and accidents. Learn about it! All these evil labs must have all their funding ended, and now.

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Every person engaged in this dangerous and immoral behavior should be defunded now and forever. There is zero reason that this needs to be going on there is no upside benefits and tremendous downside risk as we learned with Covid-19. They will lie and cover up what they did.

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You just aren't seeing the world as a psychopath in order to understand and embrace that magnificent "upside."

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💯 🎯

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That was already known, they did it anyway, that is why Rand Paul has 250 pages of a FOIA doc with everything redacted.

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Given that GP120 is in both virus spike and hiv Nuremberg 2.0 is warranted.

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Well, not the whole protein but the critical binding tips.

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These are attempts at bioweapons and this behavior is bioterrorism. Our one saving grace is that they are not very good at their jobs.

The excuse that "we are trying to simulate what might happen in nature" is a total lie. There is no way to predict what will happen in nature by screwing around in a lab. NO way.

When you read these biologists' papers and start to notice the logical inconsistencies within them you will soon come to realize they know next to nothing about the human immune system, let alone how to do GOF. Life is way more complicated than they understand and appreciate.

But combine everything they claim with their track record of telling absolute lies about masks, Ivermectin, "safe and effective", "gender affirming care" and "don't prescribe antibiotics to people in the hospital" and the entire "health care" industry does not deserve anyone's trust whatsoever. These are sociopaths and psychopaths. I can only hope a lot of them suffer from their own Frankenstein creations and industry collapse.

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'they are not very good at their jobs'

That's what comforts me in most of this genetic invention experimentation, certainly in the food world... they mostly make less efficient duds.

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Gain of Function research is unnecessary, dangerous and foolish. Of course accidents happen. Gain of Function research should be banned now, immediately.

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Gain of function can be as deadly as a nuclear bomb.

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Medicine Is Not A Science.

It’s A Business.

Your Only Job

Is To Make It Too Costly

For Them. To Kill You.

Either Get That.

Or They Get You.


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"Renowned virologist" . . . funded by our top malicious fraudsters in the NIH, no less! Re-read as "renowned bio-weapons developer" acting under the auspices of "protecting" the human race via dangerous experimentation within the still seemingly speculative field labeled, "virology," has been associated with some unfortunate mishaps while diligently laboring for the military-pharma criminal enterprise. Or something along those lines.

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Yes it’s important to get the language right and call things by their right names. Using their obfuscatory terms and pseudo-scientific definitions only buys into their psychopathic mindset.

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You may find this CFR article interesting for insights about the Agencies and how they overcome public policy objections, seeing oversight as a pesky annoyance that comes up by uneducated, unsophisticated people who get irrationally frightened of scientific advancements. It gets into Dual-Use, Gain-of-Function, NIH/OSTP roles, roles of foreign researchers, partnering with China, ethics that are antiquated, etc. It discusses engineering virulent pandemic flu viruses, risks of lab leaks and carelessness, bad actors. Written four years before the very dubious 2020 pandemic that changed the world. And gives insights into many of the same minds that involved the 2018 pitch and 2020 events.

I hope you'll give it a read, gleaning insights that help an investigative journalist build upon the information contained. And the Q&A section is even more interesting than the main presentation.

Biotechnology: The Potential and Perils of Innovation

Council on Foreign Relations, June 22, 2016


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Very interesting, thank you for sharing your knowledge and truth. Hopefully, we'll get some justice some day but somehow I doubt it.

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Just imagine nuclear bombs accidentally going off around the world. No country points the finger at another country because they all swore not to implicate the other should nuclear winter spread around the globe. All this while denying that nuclear bombs were randomly escaping from their bases and exploding. Anyone who points out that nuclear winter was upon us and eye witnesses actually seeing the carnage were labeled as spreading misinformation. Everyone was ordered to lockdown underground and all must wear masks. Followed by fearless leader telling everyone the bombs are safe and effective. Just get underground so grandma will be safe. Follow the science.

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I agree with the 56 scientists from the Foundation for Vaccine Research. GoF funding and research must stop. We are going to annihilate ourselves!! Mad scientists out there. Just because we can do it doesn’t mean we should.

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Anyone read “The Stand” by Stephen King? To think that we can re-create what ‘might’ occur in a nature in a lab is ludicrous - and might be a simple cover for developing the next weapon against foes whose populations out weigh ours by 3 to 1.

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As Kennedy pointed out in his “Wuhan” book, vaccine development is a likely “cover” for bioweapon development. And does the “vaccine model” really hold any validity? What if it does not? Vaccines cause immune incompetence, not immunity. BECAUSE they all attack the human microbiome EXACTLY as roundup kills the topsoil. Dumb and dumber we go. It’s all about tapping into the vast reservoir of funding for anything the neocons believe will promote global dominance by the Med/Pharm/Def industrial complex: the DEATH SCIENCES in disguise.

A government that carries out atrocities against its own citizens is not about public health.

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lab leaks are complete bullshit....No virus has ever been proven to exist....Just another Germ Theory LIE and fairy tale to keep the masses frightened at the flick of a switch!!

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Maybe you didn’t realize it but “flick of a switch” is the answer.

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Here's a work published by GM Watch by Prof Paul R Goddard on GoF lab accidents/leaks, including experimentation on smallpox in the 1970s that led to the death of a (vaccinated) photographer who worked above a lab.


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Really interesting!

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It really frosts my cornflakes that our tax dollars are used to fund GOF research into viruses that are harmless enough until they're "researched". Then they "escape" and our tax dollars are used to market the vaccines that are supposed to save us from the viruses that wouldn't be a problem if they weren't messed with. To boot, if you don't trust this process, you're an antivaxxer conspiracy theorist and your tax dollars are used to convince your fellow citizens that YOU are misguided, stupid and dangerous to their health. Yes you. Not the politicians who approve funding for GOF or the corporations that make billions off this dangerous research. You, the one in the back with the questions.

GOF research is a crime against humanity. And it's unthinkable to me that I help fund it whether I want to or not.

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Time to stop funding these mad scientists who have inflicted a plague on humanity. And it’s time to close down all laboratories doing this ‘research’ which is actually bio-weapons development. Natural pandemics are extremely rare. Only the mad scientists and their government sponsors could believe their careers are more important than preventing disease. Let’s put them out of business now. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and others in a position to review NIH budgets should act now to stop these murderous officials from committing more crimes.

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