Anyone with an ounce of historical memory knew it was complete and utter bullshit.
Democrats were ALWAYS the Soviet appeasers and apologists, the party of communist traitors. Excepting JFK...which is one reason why they assassinated him.
Democrats like Bernie Sanders and John Brennan honeymooned in Moscow and joined the communist party...then became US Senators and CIA chiefs.
Obama mocked Romney saying "the 1980's called, it wants its foreign policy back" after Pierre Delecto said Russia was the main adversary.
Hillary sold 25% of the US uranium reserve to Putin. After giving his ambassador a nice Office Depot red "Reset" button.
Obama told then-Russian President Medvedev he'd be more flexible in his dealings with Putin after his reelection.
And of course the Moscow mayor's 'investment' in Biden/Obama.
Yet...Trump was a Russian asset/Putin's Puppet?!?!?!?
Never made sense, was always a ridiculous lie, absurd allegation and classic projection, Saul Alinsky tactic. That anyone with a functioning brain and memory knew from the very start.
AND...the whole "collusion" and "election interference" is a conjured up crime. When France, Germany, the UK, Canada can collude and interfere with Obama/Biden/Hillary against Trump, the media can legally collude and interfere against Trump, yet Russia is illegal it's a farce of a charge. When Obama was lauded for pioneering social media harvesting using Cambridge Analytica in 2012, a master of new tech, but in 2016 Trump using Cambridge Analytica became a crime it's a farce of a crime.
Nobody with a functioning brain believed any of the allegations...that were non-crimes even if true. Only those who wanted to believe they were true or even crimes believed them. The criminal conspiracy is the accusers and abetters, including the media and federal government, judiciary.
Yes of course fraud and criminal conspiracy BUT SO IS TRUMP , he is just the other side of this theater . LOOK carefully at all he has lined up or been ordered to line up for this new criminal administration , and prove to me its any different . Juts HEGELIAN DIALECTIC , GOOD COP BAD COP all the same Zionist/globalist agenda swamp monsters.
You had my head nodding in agreement, until you had to add in the "Zionist" trope. It was all true and worth taking note of, being aware of. Then you go and muck it up, discredit the entire truth putting your Jew Hate in the middle of it.
You must be a chaos agent, tell painful, necessary truths, then discredit them in the minds of those who'd otherwise begin to see the truth by shouting your filthy bigotry. Smh.
OH STOP IT are you nuts or just ignorant . Zionists may be Judaic or not The real people behind these Zionist agendas are NOT REALLY JUDAIC or Semitic , so dont lay that JEW hatred card on me. THE REAL POWERS behind all this and the terrorist nation state of Israel are neither really Judaic or Semitic people . Nor am I a chaos agent . More of the people now under genocide in Gaza are really MORE Semitic genetics than those destroying them. I KNOW THE REAL HISTORY OF THIS STUFF . Ill debate anyone anytime on recorded media manner anything I say. WAKE UP and see whats really Trumps team.
Anyone with even an ounce of moral integrity knew from before the Biden inauguration that HE was a liar and the facilitator of all lies. Hell, my Amish community spotted him and the Fauchi lies, not because they were inconvenienced nor that they are simply anti vaccine but because they have a moral backbone that recognizes falsehoods and will not suffer evil in their midst!
I think that’s why Barr was placed as attorney general. To make sure that Trump couldn’t investigate Russia Russia and to keep the laptop hidden so as not to derail Biden becoming president.
But Trump might have the Russian documents that was the reason why the FBI invaded Mara-Largo. Let’s hope that’s true.
I SERIOUSLY hope anyone calling themselves TrumpFan will really look into his entire past history and , his conversion to Judaism, and his Zionist agendas and his very evil son in law and family whose father is now ambassador to France , what? Whose real estate empire is at 666 5th ave Manhattan and they are ALL MOSSAD, and ALL HAVE PUSHED THE DEATH SHOT AGENDA GLOBALLY AND GAZA GENOCIDE.
The presidential briefing on the Russian "pee pee dossier" was everything one could ever want to know to prove this was a contrivance.
The intel chiefs briefed incoming Trump as to how allegations of his Russian hooker activities were "most likely" false.
Think about that. The guy who knows their veracity or falseness is being told whether they are true it not--as an advisory service to His Excellency. The real motive came out in the news same say when it was clear the vriefing was only to put the dossier into mainstream media outlets as a factoid, since it was a known falsity but was never reported.
That Trump didn't fire the whole lot of them proves that he was a babe in the woods. This time around, it's more likely that he's a Paul Bunyan.
Not sure he was so much a Babe in the Woods, as an honest man surrounded by lethal enemies. He probably understood then, as became clear to all of us later, that they would think nothing of taking his life should he move too fast.
In instead of having a Festival of Lights, the US has a Festival of Liars. Not much of a culture, but the logical result of having had thugs running things for so long.
I remember reading that Robert Kennedy said of Lyndon Johnson .. he lied all the time; even when he didn't have to ..... I get a sense for so many in the political elite; on the left; that this is for them, their own perverse and peculiar moral imperative!
Your tax dollars at work, folks. Every one of them should be tried, convicted, locked up in a Siberian, prison, and then pay restitution to the US taxpayers for squandering our tax dollars.
ONLY....truth and SERIOUS ACCOUNTABILITY for corrupt criminals in our government will ever begin to fix this nation. If not, then we are headed toward a revolution
Please reconsider using the phrase "the American people" - it's become a political cliché. Have you considered what this phrase actually means?
Our modern communication is cluttered with axioms like "the public," "the American people," "our children," and "taxpayers' money." Politicians and public officials particularly favor these terms because they eliminate the need for detailed explanation or justification.
These are what I call "hostage" or "black hole" expressions. These phrases automatically generate an illusion of consensus. Like divorced parents using children as leverage while ignoring their actual voices, these phrases absorb any narrative thrown at them, creating artificial consensus. Both political sides employ these axioms to advance their agendas, using "the people" as a hostage to their own objectives.
Consider who exactly constitutes these "American people" constantly referenced? When someone claims "the people have spoken," what reality does it reflect?
Put ten individuals in a room, and you'll find twenty opinions. This reveals the complexity of "the people" - a tapestry of ethnicities, cultures, beliefs, and competing viewpoints that resist uniformity. Yet we deploy these axioms to influence others, as if entire nations stand behind our personal views.
This reveals an inconvenient reality: truth isn't prerequisite for leadership. What matters is how convincingly something appears true. Everything ultimately rests on belief rather than fact.
Consider how democratic systems often don't even require true majorities. In European countries, threshold requirements can redistribute votes from smaller parties. In the US, the popular vote yields to electoral votes based on state populations. Once governments form, "the people" retreat to the background while decisions happen in closed rooms.
We've created a belief system where "the public" is infallible, beyond criticism, and deserving constant protection. But this is illusion - merely a tool for validating personal opinions.
All this preamble is necessary because the uncomfortable truth is that institutional corruption reflects society's broader dishonesty. People routinely deceive themselves and others; businesses manipulate truth on a daily basis; even the concept of "the people" itself is a fabrication.
When deception becomes universal, society becomes manipulable, vulnerable to any narrative, however implausible. This is remarkably accurate, particularly in lieu of the behavior of “the people” throughout the last 5 years. We live in a society that knows nothing but lies.
Or as Hannah Arendt observed: "This constant lying eventually ensures that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies, cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such people, deprived of the power to think and judge, are, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such people, you can do whatever you want."
“Everything ultimately rests on belief rather than fact.”
Excellent synopsis!
I would have to say, however, that the illusion of our “specialness” and “righteousness” among the nations of this world has been foisted on us far longer than the past five years. We can’t collectively get to this level of delusion without having a lifetime of lies consistently fed to us.
We live in a very deceitful world. I am amazed at how often human beings use manipulation to get what they want. The book 'People of the Lie' by Peck emphasizes that deceit isn't just the domain of outright lying, but includes lies of omission, rationalizations, hidden agendas, false flattery, baiting for information tactics etc.... I think most people overlook that fact. It is almost as if manipulation is second nature, as it is a short-cut and energy saving. It is difficult to call manipulation out, as it usually can be plausibly denied, leaving the accuser looking paranoid or mean spirited. I call them out internally, such as 'they said that because they want me to think this.... or they want me to do that.'
You failed to mention the role of Hillary Clinton. The 1st coup attempt against Trump began before he was even inaugurated. His impeachments were also failed coup attempts. And the Demonrats continue with their planned insurrection to prevent Trump from being inaugurated again. They failed two assassination attempts but, like Satan, the Demonrats emulate the liar of lies and will continue to bring down Trump in any way they can. First, the 51 IC members need to lose their security clearances for their lie about the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop in an effort to influence the 2020 election, and then they need to be prosecuted for their lie.
"On the face of it, the story was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard, and it was then that I realized that America’s so-called “educated class” is ignorant and childish." Amen, brother! And from there, the lies got bigger and more obvious. I've lost a lot of faith in humanity over the last few years and I wonder at the extreme stupidity & gullibility of today's humanity. We seem to have learned nothing from history, science or much of anything else in the so-called "Age of Information".
I fully agree. Replace “educated” with “indoctrinated” to understand where the problems are.
Our schools and universities no longer teach critical thinking skills as they once did. Our universities are just trade schools now, teaching technical skills needed to be employable but not providing a full well rounded education needed to become true leaders. Long gone are the days of Socrates and Plato where students and teachers would co-explore issues to arrive at consensus.
We have indeed learned nothing from our history or science.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that we are in the downward trend of a great historical cycle where ignorance and fear predominate over reason and logic. We are hitting bottom now.
I hope to live long enough to see us start to climb the upward trend of that cycle but I don’t know if I will. Feeling mighty old these days.
They fell for the Russia story, they fell for the "safe and effectives"-- same thing, really. Not stopping to think and put two and two together, and then not asking if, hey, since when does 2 and 2 make 7?
Brilliantly explained !!! Love when "scripture" is used ,as it proves beyond doubt ,that Satan himself has nothing new under the sun to use, it is the same tired old tactics , and those who have a true heart and mind can see clearly what is going on !!! They have been truly "exposed" for the vermin they are !!!! Thank You so very,very much !!!! XX
Criminals all....what they did to this country is inexcusable and unpardonable. So sick of this bunch of heathens.
Obama and his co-plotters should be investigated and prosecuted!
Anyone with an ounce of historical memory knew it was complete and utter bullshit.
Democrats were ALWAYS the Soviet appeasers and apologists, the party of communist traitors. Excepting JFK...which is one reason why they assassinated him.
Democrats like Bernie Sanders and John Brennan honeymooned in Moscow and joined the communist party...then became US Senators and CIA chiefs.
Obama mocked Romney saying "the 1980's called, it wants its foreign policy back" after Pierre Delecto said Russia was the main adversary.
Hillary sold 25% of the US uranium reserve to Putin. After giving his ambassador a nice Office Depot red "Reset" button.
Obama told then-Russian President Medvedev he'd be more flexible in his dealings with Putin after his reelection.
And of course the Moscow mayor's 'investment' in Biden/Obama.
Yet...Trump was a Russian asset/Putin's Puppet?!?!?!?
Never made sense, was always a ridiculous lie, absurd allegation and classic projection, Saul Alinsky tactic. That anyone with a functioning brain and memory knew from the very start.
AND...the whole "collusion" and "election interference" is a conjured up crime. When France, Germany, the UK, Canada can collude and interfere with Obama/Biden/Hillary against Trump, the media can legally collude and interfere against Trump, yet Russia is illegal it's a farce of a charge. When Obama was lauded for pioneering social media harvesting using Cambridge Analytica in 2012, a master of new tech, but in 2016 Trump using Cambridge Analytica became a crime it's a farce of a crime.
Nobody with a functioning brain believed any of the allegations...that were non-crimes even if true. Only those who wanted to believe they were true or even crimes believed them. The criminal conspiracy is the accusers and abetters, including the media and federal government, judiciary.
Yes of course fraud and criminal conspiracy BUT SO IS TRUMP , he is just the other side of this theater . LOOK carefully at all he has lined up or been ordered to line up for this new criminal administration , and prove to me its any different . Juts HEGELIAN DIALECTIC , GOOD COP BAD COP all the same Zionist/globalist agenda swamp monsters.
You had my head nodding in agreement, until you had to add in the "Zionist" trope. It was all true and worth taking note of, being aware of. Then you go and muck it up, discredit the entire truth putting your Jew Hate in the middle of it.
You must be a chaos agent, tell painful, necessary truths, then discredit them in the minds of those who'd otherwise begin to see the truth by shouting your filthy bigotry. Smh.
OH STOP IT are you nuts or just ignorant . Zionists may be Judaic or not The real people behind these Zionist agendas are NOT REALLY JUDAIC or Semitic , so dont lay that JEW hatred card on me. THE REAL POWERS behind all this and the terrorist nation state of Israel are neither really Judaic or Semitic people . Nor am I a chaos agent . More of the people now under genocide in Gaza are really MORE Semitic genetics than those destroying them. I KNOW THE REAL HISTORY OF THIS STUFF . Ill debate anyone anytime on recorded media manner anything I say. WAKE UP and see whats really Trumps team.
Anyone with even an ounce of moral integrity knew from before the Biden inauguration that HE was a liar and the facilitator of all lies. Hell, my Amish community spotted him and the Fauchi lies, not because they were inconvenienced nor that they are simply anti vaccine but because they have a moral backbone that recognizes falsehoods and will not suffer evil in their midst!
That was not hard because he has been an liar and criminal for 40 some years previous.
Then there is the FBI with the laptop. And yet, after these monumental crimes, nothing. Shameful and incomprehensible.
I think that’s why Barr was placed as attorney general. To make sure that Trump couldn’t investigate Russia Russia and to keep the laptop hidden so as not to derail Biden becoming president.
But Trump might have the Russian documents that was the reason why the FBI invaded Mara-Largo. Let’s hope that’s true.
Fingers crossed.
I SERIOUSLY hope anyone calling themselves TrumpFan will really look into his entire past history and , his conversion to Judaism, and his Zionist agendas and his very evil son in law and family whose father is now ambassador to France , what? Whose real estate empire is at 666 5th ave Manhattan and they are ALL MOSSAD, and ALL HAVE PUSHED THE DEATH SHOT AGENDA GLOBALLY AND GAZA GENOCIDE.
The presidential briefing on the Russian "pee pee dossier" was everything one could ever want to know to prove this was a contrivance.
The intel chiefs briefed incoming Trump as to how allegations of his Russian hooker activities were "most likely" false.
Think about that. The guy who knows their veracity or falseness is being told whether they are true it not--as an advisory service to His Excellency. The real motive came out in the news same say when it was clear the vriefing was only to put the dossier into mainstream media outlets as a factoid, since it was a known falsity but was never reported.
That Trump didn't fire the whole lot of them proves that he was a babe in the woods. This time around, it's more likely that he's a Paul Bunyan.
Not sure he was so much a Babe in the Woods, as an honest man surrounded by lethal enemies. He probably understood then, as became clear to all of us later, that they would think nothing of taking his life should he move too fast.
In instead of having a Festival of Lights, the US has a Festival of Liars. Not much of a culture, but the logical result of having had thugs running things for so long.
I remember reading that Robert Kennedy said of Lyndon Johnson .. he lied all the time; even when he didn't have to ..... I get a sense for so many in the political elite; on the left; that this is for them, their own perverse and peculiar moral imperative!
Your tax dollars at work, folks. Every one of them should be tried, convicted, locked up in a Siberian, prison, and then pay restitution to the US taxpayers for squandering our tax dollars.
Oh-how the wicked prosper.
ONLY....truth and SERIOUS ACCOUNTABILITY for corrupt criminals in our government will ever begin to fix this nation. If not, then we are headed toward a revolution
All the FBI, CIA, State Department, lawyers, etc. who participated in this seditious conspiracy against Trump deserve hard time in prison.
Please reconsider using the phrase "the American people" - it's become a political cliché. Have you considered what this phrase actually means?
Our modern communication is cluttered with axioms like "the public," "the American people," "our children," and "taxpayers' money." Politicians and public officials particularly favor these terms because they eliminate the need for detailed explanation or justification.
These are what I call "hostage" or "black hole" expressions. These phrases automatically generate an illusion of consensus. Like divorced parents using children as leverage while ignoring their actual voices, these phrases absorb any narrative thrown at them, creating artificial consensus. Both political sides employ these axioms to advance their agendas, using "the people" as a hostage to their own objectives.
Consider who exactly constitutes these "American people" constantly referenced? When someone claims "the people have spoken," what reality does it reflect?
Put ten individuals in a room, and you'll find twenty opinions. This reveals the complexity of "the people" - a tapestry of ethnicities, cultures, beliefs, and competing viewpoints that resist uniformity. Yet we deploy these axioms to influence others, as if entire nations stand behind our personal views.
This reveals an inconvenient reality: truth isn't prerequisite for leadership. What matters is how convincingly something appears true. Everything ultimately rests on belief rather than fact.
Consider how democratic systems often don't even require true majorities. In European countries, threshold requirements can redistribute votes from smaller parties. In the US, the popular vote yields to electoral votes based on state populations. Once governments form, "the people" retreat to the background while decisions happen in closed rooms.
We've created a belief system where "the public" is infallible, beyond criticism, and deserving constant protection. But this is illusion - merely a tool for validating personal opinions.
All this preamble is necessary because the uncomfortable truth is that institutional corruption reflects society's broader dishonesty. People routinely deceive themselves and others; businesses manipulate truth on a daily basis; even the concept of "the people" itself is a fabrication.
When deception becomes universal, society becomes manipulable, vulnerable to any narrative, however implausible. This is remarkably accurate, particularly in lieu of the behavior of “the people” throughout the last 5 years. We live in a society that knows nothing but lies.
Or as Hannah Arendt observed: "This constant lying eventually ensures that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies, cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such people, deprived of the power to think and judge, are, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such people, you can do whatever you want."
“Everything ultimately rests on belief rather than fact.”
Excellent synopsis!
I would have to say, however, that the illusion of our “specialness” and “righteousness” among the nations of this world has been foisted on us far longer than the past five years. We can’t collectively get to this level of delusion without having a lifetime of lies consistently fed to us.
Deception becomes universal. The key phrase. Thank you.
We live in a very deceitful world. I am amazed at how often human beings use manipulation to get what they want. The book 'People of the Lie' by Peck emphasizes that deceit isn't just the domain of outright lying, but includes lies of omission, rationalizations, hidden agendas, false flattery, baiting for information tactics etc.... I think most people overlook that fact. It is almost as if manipulation is second nature, as it is a short-cut and energy saving. It is difficult to call manipulation out, as it usually can be plausibly denied, leaving the accuser looking paranoid or mean spirited. I call them out internally, such as 'they said that because they want me to think this.... or they want me to do that.'
You failed to mention the role of Hillary Clinton. The 1st coup attempt against Trump began before he was even inaugurated. His impeachments were also failed coup attempts. And the Demonrats continue with their planned insurrection to prevent Trump from being inaugurated again. They failed two assassination attempts but, like Satan, the Demonrats emulate the liar of lies and will continue to bring down Trump in any way they can. First, the 51 IC members need to lose their security clearances for their lie about the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop in an effort to influence the 2020 election, and then they need to be prosecuted for their lie.
We are surrounded by CON men and women.
True....good thing they are so bad at it....
Why aren't a whole bunch of people already in jail for this?
Durham investigated, statue of limitations ran out, and the few cases that went to trial were either dismissed or not guilty, or a slap on the wrist.
The arrogant smirk on Strzok’s face tells you everything you need to know about him!
"On the face of it, the story was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard, and it was then that I realized that America’s so-called “educated class” is ignorant and childish." Amen, brother! And from there, the lies got bigger and more obvious. I've lost a lot of faith in humanity over the last few years and I wonder at the extreme stupidity & gullibility of today's humanity. We seem to have learned nothing from history, science or much of anything else in the so-called "Age of Information".
I fully agree. Replace “educated” with “indoctrinated” to understand where the problems are.
Our schools and universities no longer teach critical thinking skills as they once did. Our universities are just trade schools now, teaching technical skills needed to be employable but not providing a full well rounded education needed to become true leaders. Long gone are the days of Socrates and Plato where students and teachers would co-explore issues to arrive at consensus.
We have indeed learned nothing from our history or science.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that we are in the downward trend of a great historical cycle where ignorance and fear predominate over reason and logic. We are hitting bottom now.
I hope to live long enough to see us start to climb the upward trend of that cycle but I don’t know if I will. Feeling mighty old these days.
They fell for the Russia story, they fell for the "safe and effectives"-- same thing, really. Not stopping to think and put two and two together, and then not asking if, hey, since when does 2 and 2 make 7?
Brilliantly explained !!! Love when "scripture" is used ,as it proves beyond doubt ,that Satan himself has nothing new under the sun to use, it is the same tired old tactics , and those who have a true heart and mind can see clearly what is going on !!! They have been truly "exposed" for the vermin they are !!!! Thank You so very,very much !!!! XX