It is amazing what I found about this group CEPI John Leake mentions, kind of off-handedly.

Go to About Us: at https://cepi.net/

Formed by WEF, financed by Gates Foundation, Wellcome trusts, Government of India, WEF, and many others. There are representatives in the business, government, and science around the world listed in 3 pages of "associates"-- including WEF people.

You can not believe your eyes reading about this WORLD WIDE plan to push VACCINES to the world above ALL other solutions. You can actually read their meeting minutes, strategies, and agendas from 2016 onward! They do NOT care that the world KNOWS! This is a world class syndicate meant to control the world using healthcare as the the prime mover. This is no joke. These people are deadly and mean to push death across the globe.

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Love that you called him a Mensch! You are also a Mensch, a good and decent man, Dr McCullough!

Best wishes to you for good health, wellbeing and success in in all your efforts to save mankind in 2023!

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I have the digital version and my concern is one day it will magically disappear from my kindle app along with other books deemed subversive

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You are spot on with that. I recommend anyone that can afford physical books to pick what they deem most important and buy the hard copies. We need millions of hard copies worldwide to document this. Same with the internet: save to PDF any studies or articles as I've noticed some "disappear" or get changed. God Bless. 🙏🙏

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It is as clear as daylight that the IC Deep State is running this country for the benefit of Oligarchs. We are not a constitutional democratic republic anymore. The nation has become a giant money laundering operation where wealth is transferred from the middle class to the Oligarchs and their impoverished serfs. Pointing out these facts is classified as either “misinformation” or “domestic terrorism”, depending upon the needs of the accusers at any given point.

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I've listened to the audio book and I highly recommend it to anyone "brave" enough to consider the possibility that we have been lied to by men and women who were supposed to be looking out for our well being. I'm seeing Bible prophecy being fulfilled right before my eyes!

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France just took down Rumble

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But, it had trees in it! Paraphrasing from memory the objections of one of the big city editors to one of my top five favorite books. Thanks for making this video available. I will listen to it later today as a reward for getting some “to do” items done. I’ve always been interested in who was the publishing force behind Skyhorse.

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