Scare the citizenry and bribe them with free money. They will give up freedom and turn on their fellow man. 2020 proved that.

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There are times I wish I were a big-time philanthropist--this is one of them.

May your new Foundation flourish.

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They never taught us what tyranny looks like. They just had us sing songs and repeat empty words every morning about “freedom, Liberty and Justice for all.” So most didn’t see it coming and even now don’t see it.

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And we did so from an assigned chair and desk repeatedly.

Not that there was anything wrong with that at the point in our youth.

Conditioned and mostly homogenized was our classrooms.

It was the teachers ways that provided an oomph, towards learning.

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When 2020 rolled around, we encountered not just a new kind of tyranny, but the shocking discovery that close friends and family saw things quite differently to us. And now it seems things will never be quite the same

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Indeed. All I want is for 'the state' to leave me the hell alone and stay out of my business. I ... know what's best for ... ME, not some petty bureaucrat. I have paid my taxes and National Insurance for 50 years from 15 to retirement and never relied on the state to give me anything other than what I earned. Never been in hospital, never been unemployed even during the drear economic times. I owe 'the state' precisely NOTHING.

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Amen, Mick.

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We were outnumbered. Won't happen again.

Justin Trudeau is a prime example of the know-it-all, tyrannical bully.

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Drew Barrymore, whilst practically climbing into her lap, just told Kamala Harris that the country needs a hug and needs her to be our Momala. Upon hearing this nonsense, the crowd enthusiastically cheered. Moral of the story? Sadly, there are too many citizens that want a paternalistic government that tells them what to do, and they truly believe people in the government are motivated by deep love for them. It’s insane I know. Insane, but sadly true.

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A 'pass the sickbag' moment to be sure.

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“If you let the government break the law because of an ‘emergency’, they will always create an ‘emergency’ to break the law!”

...was posted on Facebook by Jess Ica on November 26, 2020.

Ya, we know W T F has been happening all along. Government betrayal!

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The evil in this world may not be due to a form of mental illness but due to an unlimited amount of greed. But then, maybe this type of greed, which leads individuals to seek power, control, and ultimately commit tyranny, may be a form of mental illness. It definitely is due to lack of love and compassion.

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...lack of love and compassion..." and courage, Dr. Fuelling. Courage.

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But John, when you just got out of college, the fraudulent schemes of 911 and the purposeful wars in the Middle East had begun. The rest of the lies of shootings and bombings just continued on the preplanned scripts.

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I support and admire Dr McCullough greatly. However, I wish the video contained a quick timeline of his story, for those who don't know about him.

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This is why we subscribe to your substack. On a limited income but believe in what you are doing.

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I became concerned years ago about the seemingly ubiquitous urge of so many to force their preferences for everything on everyone else. Of course, their preferences could only be forced by proxy; that is, forced via the crime syndicate we call "government" and 𝒆𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒅 by those whom we call "law enforcement."

I wrote a piece about this, relaying the story of a co-worker's insistence that her preferences be enforced. The topic happened to be abortion. This was a right, she averred, and as such, it needed to be "free." (Try wrapping your head around that "logic.") All this, of course, because she's a "good" person and thinks that her ideas about life should be forced on all -- and if necessary, 𝒆𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒅.

So, I had to ask her, "What do you think it is about you...that makes you want to make me want...what you want?"

Deer in the headlights.

Knowing this is the simmering, unconscious urge of most people in this country -- its outcomes everywhere -- it was an easy "guess" as to how the average person would roll when the scumbags and freaks launched the COVID operation.

A stampede. An unstoppable, uncontrollable stampede of cowardice and coercion. And here we are...in the land of the free and home of the brave.

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It’s so sweet that you think we still have a Constitutional Republic….

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In the early 90s the people of this country, for the most part, avoided political conventions. A lot of people thought of them as ill mannered. A lot of people also thought that there were no right or wrong answers to politics or economics.

By 2010 it was obvious something serious had gone wrong: tents, reminiscent of a military encampment popped up on the New Haven Green. It was unnerving. This would start an era of ever increasing chaos in politics and in society.

Elections appeared to increasingly appear rigged.

Riots started happening in cities. Government officials, speakers of the house ( republicans ) started to celebrate “ crossing the aisle,” to violate economic reality, smiling triumphantly at selling conservatives out.

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As all young; this Nation is naive. It's growing-up and maturing now.

The growing pains may never end ifpeople don't get a grip and fight this current darkness regardless of what it may personally cost.

Wishing much growth from this new Foundation...It has a terrific Philanthropist.

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