Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

I agree, COVID policy didn't arise in a vacuum. It's all part of the same sewage system. Interesting McNamara felt that way. I remember him as a major architect of the Vietnam tragedy. Some of my schoolmates died over there. My draft number was nine (out of 366), so I joined the navy. Kinda like our recent wars, that wasn't something worth possibly dying for.

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It's interesting to me, that McNamara later wrote BLUNDERING INTO DISASTER: Surviving the First Century of the Nuclear Age (1986); The first line of the Kirkus review states: A powerful plea for the injection of sanity into the nation's policy on nuclear arms and our relations with the Soviet Union.

See also "The Fog of War" and the film by the same name. He wrote about myths believed and actuality, and the lessons he learned from the times of his life,

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Good to see you write outside of your covid lane. It's all connected. HIV hoax. Covid hoax. Global warming hoax. Ukraine hoax. And more. I am still learning and discovering the extent of the lies and conspiracies.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

I look forward to your future Ukraine Stacks.

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Ukraine is relevant because the "last-straw" limited-invasion by Russia was spuriously spun by stupid/hypocritical governments and NGOs as a cause-celeb of "innocent" Ukraine being invaded, to distract from the unravelling C19 narrative and growing evidence of C19 "vaccine" damage.

A side effect of this spin was the sanctions on Russia have ironically strengthened it, and made the rest of Europe, who stupidly apply the sanctions too, a lot worse off e.g. paying more for natural gas, from Norway, and from the USA, as LPG.

The USA backed-coup and puppet government of Ukraine, allowed far greater corruption, including financial theft/laundering by the Biden family and others, the USA-incited, Fascist

"Nationalist" mass murder of many ethnic Russians, and the covert placement of many US Government-backed "biological" research labs there; these labs must be doing work which would be illegal or treaty-banned in the USA, because otherwise it doesn't make sense siting such labs in such a corrupt country.

The Russian government were clearly aware and increasingly alarmed by continued NATO enclosure attempts, and the Ukraine treaty breaches, including talks with NATO, so had been developing and stocking up on newer arms for many years, like hypersonic missiles and better interceptor systems, and planned to deal with the deteriorating situation for ethnic Russians and other USA black-ops in Ukraine.

The Russian migration to hypersonic missiles has cleverly voided NATO's (USA's) bad-faith cheat-strategy for MAD, and the Start Treaty, of putting nuclear weapons and interceptor missiles in countries surrounding Russia. Thus, the USA and NATO countries became even faster and easier to blow up!

It probably won't matter how many arms were/are sent to Ukraine because its puppet government and army are clearly too corrupt, incompetent, and small to win. They lack adequate (intact) logistics to move/use all of them and enough trained soldiers to use them, effectively. Desperately press-ganging people off the street to fight, reveals that they are idiots, nearing total defeat.

My guess is that Ukraine will further fracture, completely re-join Russia, or have the remaining parts absorbed by surrounding real countries, and there is nothing the Fascist "Nationalists" can really do about it.

I wonder what the next distraction will be after Ukraine is defeated.

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Ukraine will be re-developed as the first "smart" country. Blackrock is already over there, buying up as much of the destroyed Ukraine as they can, and are ready to help re-develop the country into a digital / technological nightmare of a country. This is most likely where a good portion of United States taxpayer money is going to be spent.

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Will they actually have enough funds to rebuild that way after Russia is finished with Ukraine?

The financial system already looks to be crumbling (one reason why the C19 hoax was fabricated), most of its "wealth" is in a Ponzi tower of effectively worthless derivatives, and there is only so much, central banks can do to prop it up. I doubt that Russia would tolerate an even more Fascist/technocratic state next door, so may take out more key "backbone" infrastructure to slow-down/prevent this.

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As an American citizen born In Moscow USSR I find the American war against Russia to be the crowning height of Arrogance and folly. Wishing to relearn my Russian tongue...

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This is a pretty good start. Pretty too!


Don't let the grammar defeat you. Even Russians have trouble with it!

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This is what I'd been looking for, thank you kindly


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не за что!

As you get further into the language you'll probably want this as a grammar reference.


Word of advice. Learn the alphabet well and build your vocabulary before tackling the grammar. A good way to learn pronunciation is to sing along to pop tunes, in fact I have a program on my site that can get you started: https://ebear.substack.com/p/bf0

Pick singers with clear voices, preferably female as differences in higher pitches are easier to detect. Lyrics are usually easy to find, just search the song title + текст песни

Here they are for the first song in the set:


Listening to music helps a lot since songs repeat verses, so you'll get entire phrases burned into your mind, and since many songs are about love, they will come in handy with the ladies:)

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My grandfather came from Russia and other members from the area. I've always been fascinated by Russia, the history, culture, literature, etc. and would love to go there. I do speak a couple words.

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A fascinating interview that one of the Soviet Union's most famous dissidents gave to Forbes in 1994 before he returned to a newly constituted Russia. I believe it piggybacks well on your post.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn On The New Russia

Forbes, Interview from May 9, 1994


Excerpt from beginning:

"For Americans, many of whom still tend to regard Russia through a Cold War-distorting lens, Solzhenitsyn's passionate defense of Russia makes moving reading.

He ends the interview on a somewhat cryptic note, saying that one day the U.S. will have serious need of Russia as an ally against a threat he refused to name. What threat? On other occasions, Solzhenitsyn has warned of an expansionist China, about resurgent Islam and other dangers from the so-called Third World."

"Forbes: Tension is mounting between Russia and the now independent Ukraine, with the West strongly backing Ukrainian territorial integrity. Henry Kissinger argues that Russia will always threaten the interests of the West, no matter what kind of government it has.

Solzhenitsyn: Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, [historian] Richard Pipes and many other American politicians and publicists are frozen in a mode of thought they developed a long time ago. With unchanging blindness and stubbornness they keep repeating and repeating this theory about the supposed age-old aggressiveness of Russia, without taking into consideration today's reality."

And it continues to the cryptic ending. What it might mean today looks a lot differently than it did nearly thirty years ago. I have my theories.

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Kissinger is a snake.

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Much worse. If only he was just a snake.

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I strongly agree. Kissinger was alright when serving President Nixon. But his intense involvement with Communist China and World Economic Forum reveals the worst possible case: Kissinger must be a Satanist as well.

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It was when he served Nixon that his involvement with Communist China and World Economic Forum planted the seeds for the fruit they are bearing today. He was at the center of both, helped Klaus Schwab get WEF up and running. Along with George HW Bush threw our anti-Communist ally Taiwan under the CCP bus at the birth of the two-headed monster of a corporate-communist alliance, a pact not unlike Hitler and Stalin's was inked and the world as we knew it was set on the course that's brought us to today. GHWB's 'New World Order' speech in 1990 is straight from American Fascists aligned with Hitler pre-WWII said, is what global leaders say today, Kissinger's creation Klaus Schwab uses the term when he isn't using 'Great Reset.' And they're all Satanists.

Kissinger *seemed* alright when serving Nixon because we didn't see what he was really up to back then. He can't hide from his legacy today, a traitor to our nation's constitution, the rot and decay of a failing nation being intentionally imploded in a New World Order, Built Back Better to fit into a Global totalitarian dystopian future. Kissinger is, and always has been a Satanic force in our world.

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> "With unchanging blindness and stubbornness they keep repeating and repeating this theory about the supposed age-old aggressiveness of Russia, without taking into consideration today's reality."

Yes. "Old generals forever keeps fighting the last war".

Even ol' Moses did this mistake, and so he wasn't allowed to enter into the promised land.

// Just a Swede

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Interesting. So this Mr Pipes, mentioned by Solzhenitsyn, was not that hardened in his cold war views it seems, as he signed the letter to Clinton. Nice.

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Very gratified to see that your wisdom on Covid extends right along to the next and bigger threat we face: the Neocons’ senseless warmongering throughout the entire world. Covid finally shucked the scales from eyes and allowed me also to see the threat that our belligerent and immoral foreign policy presents to the entire world (probably sourced from just about the same place as Covid itself and the vax). Most Americans can’t see it, but slowly and surely the rest of the world is lining up against the threat we pose. See BRICS++ (even Mexico now). Very glad to see this historical gem you have unearthed. Carry on.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Who says life is to be "looked at", sucessfully or not? Life is to be LIVED, enjoyed, and savored!

Forget the nonsense about "staying in your lane!

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Thank you for this! Greetings from Vienna, Austria whose neutrality sadly is officially trampled with feet by our government since Ukraine war started...

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it’s a good start. keep it going … the Ukraine fiasco is about geopolitical realignment to secure agenda 2030 in the WEST and US. the belief was that the “other”countries would just fall in line afterwards (globally) but the inevitable collapse of the petro-dollar is about to change the course of history. BRICS is already gaining on the fragile/crumbling FIAT system and that will leave China at the top of the pyramid … that’s not good news for NATO … despite the peace deal they just brokered between Iran and Saudi Arabia. when a dictatorship is brokering peace deals …

historically, liberators come with their own terms … which some nations might not find as liberating as originally believed.

although historically speaking, over the past 70 years around 70-80% of all world conflicts were funded and/or initiated by the US …

bullies galore in this world …

pot calling the kettle black … old truth

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One reads every now and then that Ukraine has already started with the digitalization of administration, central bank currency and all, as a pilot state.

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"past 70 years around 70-80% of all world conflicts" - Aside from conflicts that don't get much US coverage - Rwanda, Sudan, S. Africa where fairly large numbers died, since the end of WW2, the US power has largely avoided large scale conflicts - millions dead. A glance at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars:_1945-1989 and similar finds regional conflicts routine but they no longer erupt into major war. Whether Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq were wise or stupid often depends on all sorts of judgement. Now as Greenwald often reports, the US has a bad habit of meddling in other countries more often than our friends like UK, France, Germany whose meddling usually has a commercial motive (often using bribes). Sadly, the US has a very hard time understanding foreign cultures imagining them much like Americans.

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fair points but the wikipedia link conveniently lists 1989 as the endpoint … pretty convenient considering that Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan came afterwards as did the meddling in Yemen (via Saudi Arabia) and Syria and Libya. ALL of these resulted in massive local casualties that cannot be ignored! on the other hand, Russia invaded Chechnya and that resulted in massive civilian casualties … and more recently in Kazakhstan prior to the Ukraine fiasco in which unsurprisingly, the US is also involved. if one looks at the next stage (1990-2023) in US foreign policy, the picture is quite different from 1945-1989. It’s not a coincidence that the US activity stepped up after the collapse of the USSR … the only side keeping them in check up until that point. now it seems that Russia-China alliance will take that role and possibly even overcome the federal banking system via the BRICS alliance (Turkey and Egypt are next to join).

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There are Wiki's for later years that I didn't bother with. Yemen is an Iranian client after considerable civil strife. Serbia is the end result of a tribal dispute where we tried to "help" end the dispute. Syria is perhaps the most interesting muddled case of the US trying to keep Russia out with nil success. Libya was a creation of HRC nearly alone. Can't imagine why they allowed her foolishness. Her actions poisoned US foreign policy going forward. I place the failure of Iraq on Bremmer but equally on the inability of the US to appreciate other cultural values.

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Thanks for this important post. This is a big help. You haven’t left your lane at all.

I have been bugging CHD to report on Ukraine but I got the response they just don’t have time. Understood. But we note that Bobby Kennedy has posted interviews on Spotify that, strategically, reflect big differences in POV on Ukraine. He has not advocated a position on Ukraine, but no one can afford to ignore it or trust the same government that oversaw extermination of 1M of its citizens. Just to be clear, I’m talking about OUR administration, not Russia.

At the start of the “virus” hysteria most of us asked this question: “Will I die of this thing?” We ran into a lot of cognitive dissonance trying to sort it out. The Ukraine war is deja vu all over again in every respect. Same question, same obfuscation from the mainstream press and our government. Same propaganda machine servicing both.

There were early treatments for this one as well. But the Federal “solutions” that ignored them are just as disastrous.

The sources I have found most useful have been Scott Ritter, former weapons inspector, and Alex Thomson, former GCHQ agent now a correspondent for UK Column.

I like to cite Scott’s article on Russophobia on substack and Alex’s interview on Delingpole’s podcast, found on Rumble.

A coherent POV requires credible sources that agree consistently, and new ones that add to the confidence level. Again, same for both.

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Here's a website offering great analysis of the Ukraine disaster by a former CIA analyst:https://sonar21.com/

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Kennedy has said that his son is fighting for Ukraine, as a soldier. Col Douglas MacGregor, like Ritter gives many interviews along the same lines.

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“If there is no God,” concluded Jean-Paul Sartre in his famous paraphrase of Dostoevsky’s Ivan Karamazov, “everything is permitted.”

Precisely what we see now in the amoral, fasco-Marxist administration destroying the world, let by puppet Biden, with its fake vax, wars, love for money, lust for power... and it goes downhill from there...

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100% correct. The West is led by people who dismiss God and therefore the morality that undergirds its societies. It's gonna get ugly.

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Khazarian Mafia

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The 'government occupants'. I lifted that off someone's post. Perfect description.

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Enemy infiltrator Combatants is how I see this, with citizens allowing or hoping Congress will fix it. They can't seem to get our modern day Mengele arrested, as DOD bioweapon injections continue killing our citizens. A Concentration Camp without the normal barbed wire. Our Constitutional protections are being pre-empted by false Elections, Marxist Judiciary, Barack's Executive Orders and Border invasions among 100 other Community Organizing attacks.

Ukraine reminds me of a festering sewer. Child trafficking. Pariahs like Lindsey Graham, most likely heavily invested in the illegal Bioweapons Labs. Zelensky blackmails Biden, both cheap actors, plundering at will.

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Thank you for addressing this subject. Just because COVID is so compelling, doesn't mean we cannot address a different topic at the same time. And while I am sure the Russian angle is truly important, I know little about it and welcome your information.

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Thank you, John Leake, this is a vital point. It does all connect, covid policy and US foreign policy-- which isn't necessarily to say that it's well thought-out or well coordinated. It all strikes me as a thoroughly corrupt-infinite-layers-of-bureaucracy mess. But there is a connection; the one has powerful implications for the other. And on this note, if you haven't already listened to it, and for any readers here who have not yet, I would very warmly recommend Kunstler's latest interview with Dr. David E. Martin.


I am a US citizen, and while I believe there is much to value about the United States, I also believe what we're seeing now is an acceleration, and a very strange, ugly, and sudden one, of what we've been seeing for the whole of our lifetimes, bit by bit (and with some zigs and some zags): the decline of the US as the post-WW II dominating world power.

I look forward to reading more of your posts.

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The United States has a leader who is cognitively deficient, so yes it is weak. And now there is a wing of the Republican Party which wants America to withdraw from its position as world leader. If that happens the void will be filled by China and Russia and America will come increasingly under China’s influence. The road to perdition goes through Ukraine. The America of JFK is dead. Pay any price is being replaced with “we don’t care and aren’t even willing to offer moral support” to those fighting for freedom.

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> "... which wants America to withdraw from its position as world leader."

The didn't want to cooperate with Russia, despite Putin's numerous invitations to do just that. But USA wanted to be the single and supreme super power, bullying every other nation that didn't think it is the best of ideas.

> "If that happens...."

That will happen. But the blind leading the blind couldn't foresee that other people and nations wouldn't simply accept the American war machine destroying country efter country according to the whims of the US hawks. We also read Kennan (or the hawk's interpretation of him) as well as the Wolfowitz doctrine, the RAND corporations cunning think tank and so on. We, the rest of the world, we actually also do read those papers & doctrines, and seeing the USA in that light, the USA looks really dark. Just look at Iraq and.... well, all tghe nations having been bombed to dust for no good reason, other than the soldiers out there looking for oil.

> "... the void will be filled by China and Russia and America will come increasingly under China’s influence."

Yes. You are perfectly right. Which is exactly what many people feared when Putin's invitations to cooperation was turned down and even mocked & laughed at by American politicians. You know their names, as I as a Swede do also. We're not stupid.

America will become a laughing stock very soon. But the love-relation between Russia and China is not likely to last very long. China is and has ben for a long time a threat to Russia. Look at the borders they share. China actually needs big chunks of the eastern parts of Russia, which Russian can't really defend (East of the Ural mountains there are less Russians inhabitants than in my country Sweden, less than 10 million, that is). Only Russia's nukes keeps the Chinese out of Eastern Russia. And I haven't even mentioned the totally different culture and religious traditions of the two. First of all, Russia is NOT a Communist country, it's traditional conservative Christian values sits much deeper than it does in the West these days (BTW, topple Putin, THEN you will end up dealing with the old Communists which are currently held back by Putin). Nothing Christian is long term "compatible" with atheist / Communist countries like China.

These two nations will join their ranks only to give the USA a bloody nose. After that, God have mercy on us.

But in Europe the word "American" will be considered a swear-word before the end of the next winter. When the average Europeans finally understands what access to cheap energy means.

<b>BTW, I've been pro-USA all my life, but I regret the madness with which the "swamp" and the warmongers & hawks have destroyed what could have been a good thing for the world. Now it no longer is what it once was.</b>

Bzrizinki's - and the other US Hawk's, together with the Pole's and the woke Western politician's - hatred of Russia will end up destroying Europe, and much of the rest of the world.

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Putin has made his ambitions clear. He wants to reconstitute the Soviet Union. He is a totalitarian thug. Anyone who wants to cooperate with him is a moron.

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Only morons wants to freeze to death in - for example - my location in the Northern Sweden located North of the Arctic Circle, which means a latitude of the Northern parts of Alaska. And only morons prefers to be raped by the adepts of the green Communist Schwab's WEF.

Only for the Energy reason alone I'd want - as well as the industrial Germany - to cooperate with Putin. Si?

But in the USA nothing outside of the USA matters. But we are well aware of your Kennan, Wolfowitz and RAND corp, which proponents duped even Mr T to think that cheap energy from R was a problem. As if we would prefer to buy extremely expensive energy from the US resulting in our economy nose diving if not moving to the USA.

But in reality the cheap energy from Russia was a problem only for a US geopolitical strategists (read "hawks" and warmongering neocons and democrats) afraid of economic competition threatening the Ponzi-scheme called "dollar" (Ponzi scheme because the US-economy is very much based on the rest of the world buying US debt (treasury bonds so thet the US can keep printing fiat dollars. Which we then rely on as a reserve currency aso, aso.

Also the Americans will suffer when that house of cards comes crumbling down.

But I'd also cooperate with Putin because of Putin's resistance against the WEF and all the degenerate progressives imposing their pervert degeneracy on other nations (in the name of "democracy"). And not to forget the moron hawks raping the remaining (normal) people of the USA, which I assume is still in majority, but have no say.

Anyone being duped by the globalists and warmonger's propaganda is either not interested in geopolitics, doesn't have the time to study the subject, or is willingly being duped. Whatever you would call the latter kind I refrain to speculate in.

In a few month the US/NATO project may well be part of history.

// Swedish moron,

in one of the last "lands of the free"

threatened to become chained by a

NATO forever fighting the US forever wars.

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Rolf I appreciate your comments. One addition which hopefully should increasingly be clear, is that the US wars are not for the benefit of the US at all. It is a puppet.

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I understand that - just as in Sweden and many other Western so called democracies - the will of the people is something very different from that of corrupt politicians, backstage elites and unelected administrators who actually runs the show, usually from behind the scenes, but recently with more openly dictatorial methods.

Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Rutte, Swedish & Finnish PMs, Scholtz, horzeface, Zelensky, all of them.

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@Terrence Gain Complete nonsense. Your statement above replicates the blatant lies by the same sources which you can’t trust regarding the plandemic, the mRNA vaccines, the mask mandate, the lockdowns, and Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation, etc.

Why do you believe their false narratives about Russia, but NOT their evil propaganda on COVID? (I make the assumption because you read Dr McCullough and Mr Leake’s Substack articles.)

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And American leaders are thoughtful and caring? Every government on earth is controlled by totalitarians or wannabes.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

They aren't leaders merely occupants by illegal means. Death by vax. "No moral support to those fighting for freedom" but death and destruction to innocent citizens by nuking them deliberately and ignoring pleas for help. Ohio. How much lower can they go?

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Hi John, many thanks for "going there", and for sharing your thoughts. As a European citizen, I have always felt this way. I can encourage your readers to go explore Oliver Stone's "The untold history of the United States", which also looks into these particular dynamics in a non-partisan and more detached manner pushing back the cloak of propaganda to reveal what lies underneath it all; and yes, there is no knowing how Russia would have responded to a more even-handed West, interested in true partnership. Self-interest in the East would have come to the fore also. "They" are neither better, not worse than "us" - and they love their children too (Sting to the rescue). Unfortunately, the West's relentless painting of Russia as the perpetual enemy, continuing unabated to this day, has prevented us from ever knowing what a more open and peace-oriented world society (or Union of Nations) could have yielded. The dynamics engendered by the second WW were too "interesting" to the West, and were hence kept in place and nurtured like that poison tree (William Blake helping here), and a contrarian Russia was needed to justify these policies. The apple bright these policies will bear, is yet to be fully beheld, but outstretched below that tree will rot the corpses of millions. And I agree that the covid-related murders and deaths are part of that very same maelstrom of disastrous western policies...

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Sweden here,

Yes, you are perfectly right in that the "US hawks" is causing immense problems by provoking Russia using Ukraine as a proxy.

Ukraine on its own would never had even thought of provoking this (yes, this) war with Russia, but being enticed by the US/NATO that they would have the support needed to win a war, some corrupt Ukrainianz was hooked on the idea, and now hundreds of thousand Ukranians (with "s") are dying.

As for Sweden and Finland joining NATO, its an equally stupid idea. Since the eighties CIA has gradually caused naive Swedes into thinking that we should join NATO, but if the Soviet was a threat (well, not really) at least the post-Soviet Russia was NOT a threat. The whole NATO thing is destroying Europe on so many levels. People are suddenly deeply divided over the issue, now that Russia has been painted as a threat AFTER the gross provokations by US/NATO.

The average citizen wouldn't notice the order in which the relations with Russia has deteriorated, but I also followed the developments since many tears, and I notice how Mainstream Media painted Ukraine in the darkest colors regarding corruption and Nazi-extremism until February 23rd, 2022, and from the 24th, Ukraine suddenly is portrayed as the "defenders of democracy and Western values".

But whatever those values are - if represented by the warmongers and woke generals - they never were my values, and never will.

It doesn't really matter whether you think Russia is doing the right thing in Ukraine - what matters is that we, the West, provoked the whole situation by attempting to place anti-American forces and missiles along the US-Mexican border, right at the border at that. Of course I meant the Russian/Ukrainina border, but you get get the idea.

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The reasons behind both the NATO expansion and covid response were the same, profit. One case for the military industrial complex and the other for big pharma. As with any decision made politically the answer can always be found by following the money.

Same goes for biden's crappy policies that are pushing us toward conflict with china except that money flowed in order to place china in the advantaged position.

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And Biden, govt occupier

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