Dear Readers,

As always, we are extremely grateful for your comments. We are always touched by your kind words of praise and encouragement, and strive to learn from your constructive criticism. I (John Leake) am especially grateful for the extremely informative feedback to this particular post. I'm heartened to see how many now understand the the Climate and Vaccine Cults are closely related, as are the high priests running them.

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I was redpilled as was the author. Given half the story at university, with “save the earth from humans” mentality, then 20 yrs later seeing Mr Gatesfromhell and his hitlerian Final Solution awakened me. Thank God!

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I'm a member of a local permaculture group, most are climate fanatics and were easily made covid fanatics. No amount of rational thought can persuade them, they seem to need this religion and the virtual pats on the back they get from being the "good people".

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They made a stupid mistake, trying to pile the pandemic scam on top of the climate scam. It totally solidified the deceit, corruption and lies. It was so obvious, to many loose ends. Now is the time call their bluff.

See you on the barricades.

Richard Feyman:

In 1963, Feynman stated during a lecture: I believe in limited government. I believe that government should be limited in many ways, and what I am going to emphasize is only an intellectual thing.

No government has the right to decide on the truth of scientific principles, nor to prescribe in any way the character of the questions investigated.

Feynman added: Neither may a government determine the aesthetic value of artistic creations, nor limit the forms of literary or artistic expression.

According to Richard Feynman, it is the duty of a government to its citizens to maintain the freedom, to let those citizens contribute to the further adventure and development of the human race.

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Dear Dr McCullough,

Let me suggest we consider the Facts regarding Big Carbons 40yr propaganda campaign.. and the possibility.. that it was more than very effective.. the Big Pharma Poison jab Propaganda program has only gone on for a few years and it created Mass Psychosis.. Big Carbons propaganda has been running for 4 decades... doesn't that give one pause? Total expenditures to defeat Bona Fide peer reviewed International Atmospheric research in the many billions.. over 4 decades.. A recent survey of the G20's climate scientists found 99.97% agreeing that man is the central catalyst of Climate change.. the. .03% [Professional Contrarians] were put on the BC payroll to speak as often as mainstream media would have them.. several were paid 25K for each TV or radio appearance.. I mentioned earlier Frontline did an expose' on just a 10 yr period..

This propaganda campaign has been going for 40yrs.... Perhaps being a Climate change denier is being a member of a Cult?

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Please stop posting articles about politics.

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Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, http://www.theenergyreport.com/pub/na/11079 and whose boat I have personally been on in Vancouver Harbour in the 1980s.

“I am a skeptic on climate change. I know the climate is changing, and it always has been. I've studied this intensively over many years. I started what I call the Carbon Project here in British Columbia back in 1989 in order to bring everybody together to discuss this subject and figure out the facts behind it. Since then, I have watched as hysteria has grown, as if the whole world is going to come to an end and civilization is going to die because of humans causing this climate change. I don't buy that, and I certainly know we don't have any proof of it. I'm not denying that we might be playing some role, but the natural factors that have always caused climate change have not suddenly disappeared. I'm very skeptical of the alarmist nature of climate campaigning.” –

Moore, an ecologist and the co-founder of Greenpeace, also has said “We are dealing with pure political propaganda that has nothing to do with science,” while returning to Dr. Will Happer physicist at Princeton Univ, who has stated “Policies to slow CO2 emissions are really based on nonsense,” at a Texas Public Policy Foundation meeting. Happer, Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT and others at this meeting said claims of the hottest year on record are “nonsense” because there’s so much uncertainty surrounding surface temperature readings — especially since scientists often make lots of adjustments to weather station readings

In 2014, famed astronaut Walt Cunningham went to that year’s global warming UN climate Summit and called the whole AGW gambit "one of the biggest frauds in the field of science."

John Coleman, founder Weather Channel during interview on CNN: "I resent you calling me a denier, that's a word to put me down." Like holocaust denier..."There is no consensus in science. Science is not a vote. Science is about facts. And if you get down to the hard cold facts, there is no question about it: climate change is not happening, there is no significant man-made global warming now and there hasn't be any in the past and there is no reason to expect any in the future. There is a whole lot of baloney and yes it has become a big political point of the democratic party and part of their platform and I regret that this issue has become political instead of scientific. But the science is on my side. The 97% of scientists that claim there is global warming is a political figure. The government puts out 2.5 billion dollars directly for climate research every year. It only gives that money to scientists who will produce scientific results to support the global warming hypothese of the democrat party position. So they don't have any choice, if you gonna get the money, you got to support their position. Therefor 97% of the scientific reports published support global warming. Why? Because those are the ones the government pays for, that's where the money is. It is really simple. That doesn't mean it is right. That doesn't make it true. That only makes it bottom paid for. The money goes in circle….Please stand back from this issue and let the two sides be on the air. There are 31,000 scientists who signed the petition that says it is not valid, that my position is correct and we will keep battling and we will prevail in time…."I hope you go to the websites that present the papers that show that none of this alarmism about ice, and heat waves and drought, "sky falling", none of this is happening…."The weather channel has bought in to it. They drank the cool aid. But so is all the media, that's not big surprise….Many programs they put on on tv... They are not reasonable. They put on their climate geeks, those are not scientists, those are nuts. They never put on a real skeptical scientist. They don't give us any spot on their channels…."I am terribly disappointed. I created a channel to give people their weather, where they live, in their region, and keep them posted on the weather and serve a real purpose. And that channel has been totally distorted and become stranger it can be."

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This addresses the question I've been carrying around about the veracity of global warming claims...I suspected there were problems with all this since I went to an Al Gore talk 15 years ago. Can you suggest a handful of sites that are well-resourced about what is actually going on with weather and climate? Or a published author who makes a good, data based case for no GW?

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Yes. Wattsupwiththat.com is the best out there. Get on the The Week That Was email list. at https://sepp.org/ Check out Cornwall Alliance. Truth is, about a decade ado, Frederick Seitz Past President of the National Academy of Sciences sponsored a petition against the whole global warming façade at http://www.oism.org/pproject/. Over 19,000 scientist have signed this petition, as opposed to the 600 the U.N. could scrounge up, and some of these 600 have since reconsidered their past agreement, such as Nobel Prize winning physicist Ivar Giaever who stated in an update to the U.S. Senate Minority report for 2007 that “Global warming has become a new religion” and “I am a skeptic.” Later, in 20011, Giaver upped the ante by resigning from the American Physical Society, stating “"The claim … is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this 'warming' period."

Japanese scientist Kiniori Itoh, another former IPCC member has called Gorian warming a “scientific scandal,” while noting that people “will feel deceived by science and scientists” when they learn the truth. For a complete list of signees to the OISM petition – which includes a simply staggering number of Ph.Ds, - see http://www.oism.org/pproject/., where they are arranged in alphabetical order. Meanwhile a similar petition at www.petitionproject.org as of Jan., 2010 – had 31,486 scientist signatures, including 9,029 with Ph.Ds, disagreeing with anthropogenic global warming (the minimum qualifier to be on the petition is a BA in a field related to climate)

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Alex Epstein's is the best. His and Moore's books are fantastic. I have articles about this and more on robertyoho.substack.com.

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I suggest Tony Heller’s videos on Rumble. I’ve been studying this issue for a long time…. there is so much good information out there! Recommend that you ignore “published” papers: there is no funding for that. And any good scientist who disputed this narrative was vilified and funding cut off. I posted this “walk away” video (got 48K views) on YouTube in 2017: https://youtu.be/5KFcAPsAXRI

I’ve learned even more since then: I’m now an anti-vaxxer, as well. And I post on Rumble, here’s my latest: https://rumble.com/v23ctcy--how-to-hold-fast-to-your-freedom-trust-in-gods-plan-and-more...-episode-10.html

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Tony has a subtle sense of humor. Thanks for the tip. Your talk was very thought provoking as well. I especially appreciated the way you went back through past votes and experiences with US Presidents and re-evaluated them based on what you learned. Through all of this, I have bold faced and underlined for myself the need to avoid the MSM, look for data-based information, seek multiple sources, and be aware of the conflicts of interest whenever I am urged to do something by politicians and talking heads (and moreso, the stronger the urging).

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Thank you! Yes, I do love Tony’s humor. And I very much appreciate you watching my old video, and your nice comments, besides. So many of us are waking up to the lies we’ve been told.

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Bjorn Lomborg supports the idea that anthropogenic C02 is responsible for warming, but his book False Alarm is a masterpiece in dismantling the insane policies to mitigate the warming.


Steve Koonin book Unsettled, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YXvBdwmxT2c


Roger Pielke Jr. also believes in the narrative but has definitely shown that extreme weather claims are bunk.


Ross McKitrick: https://www.rossmckitrick.com/

This will get you started.

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Is this the same Patrick Moore (Canadian) who popularizes amateur astronomy, written many astronomy books and writes monthly columns for Sky and Telescope?

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No, that’s a different Patrick Moore.

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Thank you. That's good to know.

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Dir Patrick Moore might be a Brit

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Bravo! More people need to wake up to the climate scam that is using our own tax dollars to fund the globalists - and thereby our own demise.

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It's all about the money. The WORST thing is cutting down forests, which take in CO2 and generate oxygen, and replacing them with "green energy" solar fields; acres and acres and acres. How stupid is that?

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Yes. It was already provided by nature. All we had to do was protect it.

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The word FIELDS is now verboten. It is considered racist (because that is where black people were first exploited - long before being seconded to support wokeism). Fields has been replaced with the word PRACTICUM (which seems to me to be overly sexual). The magnificent UK theoretical physicist, Professor Rudolf Rigger has the story at rudolfrigger.com. We might need to switch to SIGN language.

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That is too funny: FIELDS as a word is racist? POS!

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Anyone who tries to ban natural gas stoves is going to have to contend with my wife, and I'd hate to be in his/her shoes.

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your wife and I will man the barricades together, it seems!

my 84 yr old mother mentioned that idiocy to me today. she said 'I heard some one say something about stoves and climate change' (she likely was half-dozing with the TV on and only caught a snippet).

I just told her it came out of Cali and she chuckled, 'oh ok then'.

(good luck to anyone who thinks they're gonna carry off our 1956 Chambers stove - it easily weighs 200 lbs and has been in continuous, daily use since my parents bought it before their wedding! Bring it, dumbasses, lol)

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Their? Or der./die/das if they self identify as a dolphin?

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Actually I put that there to make clear that it was not my wife's shoes I was referring to. But don't let me interrupt your ever-quick trigger finger.

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Restore singular. Note "sein" is German possessive for both masculine and neuter (also including for "man"). And quit doing gender alteration surgery on dolphins.

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Just messing with the whole woke McCarthyism! :-) Ich spreche eine whenig (sp?) Deutsch auch (as you see, really poorly, spelling probably way off too)

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Actually, the solution would be to build modern and safe nuclear power plants. There are designs that allow for automatic safe shutdown in case of a failure. And these new power plants should use thorium, which can be almost completely 'burnt', instead of the enriched uranium. This will give us time to develop fusion, which still is a thing of the future. CO2 is plant food, not a pollutant. The planet is greening, we will harvest more food. Then we should invest in reforestation, clean the ocean and rivers, invest in biodegradable plastics. It is not that difficult, but the powers to be are not interested in that.

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They should try being concerned that approximately 40,000 birds are killed each year by wind turbines in the U.S. alone (Environment and Climate News, Sept., 2010, estimated 75,000 killed by 2010, and Dr. Mark Perry at http://www.thedailycrux.com/Article/38489/Green_energy states a “2009 estimate from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (reported on the American Bird Conservancy website), those bird fatalities happen more than 1,200 times every day (440,000 deaths annually and 50 deaths every single hour of the day on average).).” Of course, endangered whooping cranes, condors and golden eagles – possibly up to 500 per year! - are all fair game, with nary a peep from the greens. During three decades of wind power usages, not a single wind energy producer has been prosecuted. London’s Telegraph also notes that wind power is killing large numbers of birds, including eagles (read that DDT that kills eagles bad, wind power that makes Al Gore rich good), and noted “The world’s largest and most carefully monitored wind farm, Altamont Pass in California, is estimated to have killed between 2,000 and 3,000 golden eagles alone in the past 20 years. Since turbines were erected on the isle of Smola, off Norway, home to an important population of white-tailed sea eagles, destruction is so great that last year only one chick survived. Thanks to wind farms in Tasmania, a unique sub-species of wedge-tailed eagles faces extinction.”

Meanwhile, the LA Times reported that according to federal wildlife authorities wind farms - with turbines that, while appearing to spin leisurely, actually travel at up to ~ 300 MPH at the tips - kill about 440,000 birds each year. Although a search of the web failed to identify a source for the claim Fish and Wildlife reported that in the year following the Gulf Oil Spill it found 2,308 dead birds with visible oil. Read that: oil killing birds bad, Big Green connected wind farms killing ten thousand times more birds good.

Oh yes, one more: In a summary of avian impacts at wind turbines by Benner et al. (1993) bird deaths per turbine per year were as high as 309 in Germany and 895 in Sweden.” See 2022 article U.S. Wind Energy Company Pleads Guilty for Killing At Least 150 Eagles; Ordered to Pay $8M in Fines with videos discussing this at https://youtu.be/hofs0FTz0_E The book and film Bright Green Lies expose several examples of technology that are promoted as eco-friendly but aren’t necessarily so. This includes wind farms which can be devastating for birds and other wildlife. Offaly Express discusses more on the issue to birds here, with videos on this at https://youtu.be/RtgBWNKwBkE, https://youtu.be/CEersoJLtRw, https://youtu.be/VAO-hWOaXW4, https://youtu.be/ugVkpS9EGl0 and a 52 min one here https://youtu.be/4EYiNDob_7o?t=3 . The American Bird Conservancy, which predicts there will be 1.4 million annual turbine-caused bird deaths by 2030, has filed numerous lawsuits opposing wind projects and has advocated for stricter siting laws for wind developers. Similarly, local fishing industry and wildlife groups have filed multiple lawsuits opposing offshore wind development. In August 2021, a group of “environmentally-concerned citizens” filed a lawsuit opposing wind development off the coast of New England over concerns it would reduce endangered whale species and fishing groups filed their own lawsuits opposing projects in Massachusetts and New York. “Offshore wind is by far the most expensive way to get zero-emission electricity and is probably the most environmentally damaging way to do so,” Dave Stevenson, the director of the Center for Energy Competitiveness at the Delaware-based free market think Caesar Rodney Institute. “It just is the worst option we could come up with.”

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And what is the actual presence of CO2 in the atmosphere? Just over 400 ppm, or around 0.04%, up from 320 ppm, or 0.032% 50 years ago. Of the remaining percentages, nitrogen amounts for 78%, oxygen 21%. Of the 1% that then remains, 90% of that is argon, with less than 4% of that 1% being carbon dioxide (these percentages exclude highly variable water vapor, which is usually around 1 – 4% of the atmosphere – and a much more major contributor to global warming, estimated at being 50-90% of the greenhouse effect). Of course the logarithmic effect of CO2 means each additional increase has less impact that the prior, same sized increase. Even more, about 96 to 97% of carbon dioxide comes from natural sources, such as animals, plant decay and volcanoes.

In fact, relative to volcanoes, former FDA investigator Dr. Arthur Evangelista, noted that the 2010 eruption of Eyafjallajokull in Iceland *********emitted, in four days, enough CO2 in four days to negate every single effort mankind made that year to reduce CO2.*************

But this volcano was a piker compared to Mt. Pinatubo, which when it erupted in the Philippines in 1991 “spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in its entire 40 MILLION YEARS on earth.” (of course, the Laki eruption starting in Iceland in 1783 spewed out an An estimated 120,000,000 long tons (120,000,000 t) of sulphur dioxide, about three times the total annual European industrial output in 2006, equivalent to six times the total 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption!) And this doesn’t include that fact that, as he notes the “bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year.”

And for COP 27 AGW conference in 2022? See Elite Fly 400 Private Jets to COP27, Sponsored by Largest Plastic Polluter in World, To Lecture YOU About Climate, where “The average private jet emits roughly 2 metric tons of carbon for every 60 minutes of flight. To put this into perspective, these same people flying on these jets want you to leave only a 2-metric ton carbon footprint for the entire year. Given that these folks likely spent many hours in the air to make it to the summit, they single-handedly emitted more carbon in 24 hours than many folks will emit in the next decade.”

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I have serious doubts about the magnitude of tbe greenhouse effect of CO2. Water vapor creates vast expanses of clouds night and day which reflect and retain radiant heat from the sun as well as store and release the latent heat of water. I’d not be surprised if the effect of CO2 is completely negligible, considering the anount of fraud surrounding this issue. Not to mention the blatant temperature data fraud exposed by Tony Heller. Like Covid, the entire climate narrative is built upon a mountain of fraud, corruption, staggering scientific ignorance….and self-loathing anti-humanist evil.

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Reid Bryson, THE most quoted meteorologist in the world at the time of his death, said if the climate were a 100 story building, man's contribution would be equal to that of the linoleum on the first floor. My brother studied under him.

If solar activity were decreasing and earth's temperature were increasing, then carbon dioxide induced warming would be a reasonable theory. However, there is no evidence that solar activity has decreased over the last 30 years and it is more reasonable to conclude that the warming seen over the last 30 years is completely natural. This is also confirmed by recent evidence of warming on Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto which do not have human populations burning hydrocarbons.” And Venus as an example of runaway greenhouse effect, with ~96% CO2? There IS no greenhouse effect, as the major greenhouse gas, water vapor, is missing. Little direct sunlight reaches the surface, but the high surface pressure, 92 times that of earth can explain most of that temp. (As a side note, some of Earth’s temperature is produced internally At 80 miles down, at the Mohorovicic Discontinuity, the temperature is around 900 C, and by 1500 miles deep the temperature reaches 3,700 C. Below that, at the Gutenberg Discontinuity, molten rock becomes pure iron and nickel, and below that, the tremendous pressure creates temperatures up to 7000 C – hotter than the sun’s surface. The other half of the Earth’s heat comes from the breakdown of uranium and thorium.)

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The promotion of the Climate change apocalypse follows the same basic playbook as the government vaccine program. Though it is a more recent development and I was not subjected to this propaganda when I was in school.

The basic strategy is to use phony science and 24/7 fearmongering to convince young people that the world would come to an end if we didn't give governments unlimited resources and control to fight the alleged danger. And kids, being impressionable and not knowing any reason to distrust what they are being taught, are traumatized into embracing dangerous agendas.

They don't know enough to realize that, even if climate change is something that we should be concerned about, the so-called solutions will in all likelihood make matters worse, not better, not to mention what they will do to our liberties.

And too many will never really reassess what they learned, carrying their misconceptions with them for the rest of their lives.

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But what if all the most popular entertainers get together for massive concerts in support of the global climate scare? Are you trying to tell me Madonna doesn’t know science?

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Say it ain't so!

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Farley Mowat, the noted Canadian leftist and Greenpeace activist, and whose house my wife used to walk by regularly as a kid in Port Hope, ON., wrote in his book West Viking (written while we were still in the global cooling scare) that there were probably at least dwarf forests growing in Greenland when the Vikings arrived in 985 AD and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History reports “… Erik the Red discovered two areas of southwest Greenland which were suitable for farming, with grasslands and small stands of alder and birch.”

You will note that it is too cold today for any type of forests to grow in Greenland, and there is zero ability to farm, unless modern technologies are utilized – and even then, crop selection is very minimal. Mowat also reported the Arctic pack ice was much less in that Viking discovery era than today. Dr. Fred Singer writes that when the Vikings first settled Greenland, they grew vegetables, and it was warm enough to allow the population to grow to 3,000 people and by 1100 AD the place was thriving enough that they had their own bishop and twelve churches. Nature reported in a 2010 article that clamshell studies also confirm Norse records.

Meanwhile, the Archeological Survey of Canada has also noted around “A.D. 1000, a warmer climate resulted in the tree line advancing 100 kilometres north of its present position.” The results of this? Especially in northern Europe, “the period between 1150 and 1300 was truly a flowering period, for population reached unprecedented levels that were never to be seen again until the late 18thcentury in many countries; the English population experienced a staggering threefold increase in its population during the last century since the Domesday Survey in 1086”.

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All I can say is that I grew up on a farm in the midwest and we had cousins that grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. When we got together we knew that we were from different cultures and saw things differently. We country people knew how to work the land, forests, streams,and take care of it. Our cousins from the city looked down on us thinking they knew more than us country people because they thought they were better educated and more sophisticated. I believe that our environmental problems are because of the disconnection from information about the land from our indigenous communities who have worked the landscape for centuries vs. intellectuals who have not.

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Love this article, John. A very good friend of mine told me that the “hole in the ozone” scare back in the late 80’s was totally bogus. Since he was a chemical engineer at a national laboratory with awesome credentials, I trusted him that the environmental scare tactics and all the rules and regulations based on it were a scam. Nothing in the last 40 years has made me change my mind.

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Would that more of the idiots would be taught by your teacher and experience. I've already lived through over 50 climate catastrophe predictions, and can list them. From global freezing to global warming, neither worked out so now it's just climate change. Duh.

Convenient. Climate's gonna change.

Those people don't understand why Christians don't believe them nor worry about climate catastrophes they promote. It's because believers know the world ends only one way and only when God decides it's time.

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The truth is, there has been global warming recently – but it started around the time of the Revolutionary war, and today we are still BELOW the average of the past 3,000 years. And this is not just for Europe, Greenland and North America, yet another red herring that has recently been thrown out by the desperate global warmers. The universality of the Viking and Mediaeval climatic optimums is written about by Kegwin, who wrote in Science, 1996:274:1504-1508, the mean surface temp of the Sargasso Sea (which lies roughly between the West Indies and the Azores), which was obtained by readings of isotope ratios in marine organism remains in sediment, shows we are, today, **********below the three thousand year average, and far below the Medieval Climatic Optimum,******** albeit far above the LIA. Civil Defense Perspectives, Mar. 2007, Vol. 23, #3, p. 1, notes that evidence for this climatic optimum has been found in all but 2 out of 103 locations where it was examined for, including Asia, Africa, South America and the western U.S. The graph of temperature in the Sargasso Sea if you web search for the Kegwin study tells you all you need to know (note: that big horizontal line running across the page is the 3,000 year average!), Interestingly, the warmer times coincided not only with the best harvests, but also the least amount of major storm activity.

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Given that lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder your maternal uncle is ahead of the curve. Ask him to look into substances that prevent or treat hysteria, hypocrisy, dishonesty, stupidity, egocentrism and Wokeism. Thank you.

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I suspect many of us have trodden the same path. I volunteered for Greenpeace - helped with the Save The Whale campaign and generally classed myself as an eco-warrior. The thing is I still really care about the environment but the whole climate alarmism scam is about nothing more than power and control and green energy is an environmental assault.

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