Nice article. Great to see medical students who are awake - hopefully the future of medicine! Keep waking your fellow students up!

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And, in medical school today he will learn that there are an infinite number of genders, gender is fluid, men can become pregnant, pregnant women are “birthing persons”, there is no such thing as a woman, only people with vaginas, whites are systemically racist, ethnic differences in lab values is racist, this student’s qualifications will be called into question thanks to the lowering of standards in the name of DEI, and elective abortion is a form of birth control. I’m very concerned about the future of the medical and nursing professions.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Maladministration in the workplace that willfully infringes on the constitutionally protected liberties of an employee should be made a felony.

Have we not already seen the profound and destructive price paid by our citizenry, our corporations, our governmental entities and institutions; the profound and expensive costs of employees, executives, trustees and officers who engage in maladministration in a manner that violates the constitutional rights of the victim?

We can flush the law and policy of all the other victim-isms. Let the onus fall upon the doer of the unconscionable deed. If maladministration should become a felony in this context, there would be no need for the hodgepodge of this-or-that particularity of mistreatment.

Those employed who would maliciously use their positions or willfully engage in malicious administration of their authority are committing high crimes of great mutual interest; crimes that involve the outright theft of the targeted individual's constitutionally-protected unalienable rights upon which all that is good in our great nation is founded.

One more thing; remove the protections of qualified immunity regarding the prosecution of maladministration of authority over another.

Maladminstration is a most pernicious form of crime. Maladministration amplifies and concentrates the population of malignant narcissists and sadists in positions of authority. Such concentrating phenomena not only come at a profound individual and mutual economic cost, this currently forms the pervasive sepsis that grips the institutions of government, private and public organizations, industry and commerce, both driving and perversely monetizing the rewarding of psychopathy and systematic cruelties of we find aggressively accelerating across modern technology era.

Maladministration, wherever it is found, a whatever level or place, implicitly resents a FELONY that no sophisticated or complex society can afford to tolerate.

What is the COVID fiasco but a perverse and pervasive example of promiscuous maladministration?

Maladminstration is THE problem. Make it the felony it deserves to become. The perversion of otherwise just and necessary authority deserves no less penalty.

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When James becomes a doctor, can he please come to Massachusetts and practice? We need more doctors like him!!!! God bless you and keep you, James, your parents must be incredibly proud of you.

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God bless him, best wishes for a bright and hopeful future!

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Thank you, Mr. Friday, for summarizing this important Congressional hearing and sharing your perspective.

I have a few suggestions for you:

(1) Join IPAK and read this organization's journal, "Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law."

(2) Attend law school and pass the bar exam *before* you go to medical school. Why? I've observed that allopathic medical training installs certain cognitive deficits in doctors-to-be; it damages critical thinking and the ability to think and learn "outside the box." The rigorous training in critical thinking that a law degree entails will help you preserve your cognitive abilities as you go through medical training.

(3) Consider becoming an osteopath (by training at one of the osteopathic colleges that did *not* give in to the pressure to "go allopathic") or a naturopath, instead of an M.D.

(4) Attend only law and medical schools that allow you to refuse all mRNA vaccines. Do your own research on vaccines before accepting even "traditional" vaccinations. I suggest you read two books: "Turtles All the Way Down" and "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies."

(5) When you become a doctor, preserve your ability to think for yourself and practice medicine in light of your own values and ethical principles by establishing an independent private practice rather than becoming "an employee doctor." Join AAPS.

(6) Regarding controversial figures in medicine (such as Andrew Wakefield, Paul Thomas, Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough), make a point of going directly to their own writings, speeches, presentations, and interviews to learn firsthand what they have said.

(7) Keep in mind what a wise older doctor told me: "Doctors learn a certain way of thinking during their medical training. Many doctors never grow beyond that way of thinking. They become time capsules of the knowledge and ways of thinking that were current when they completed their medical training. I, myself, for many years did not listen adequately to my patients. When I began to listen, I began to learn."

Good luck and best wishes to you!

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Encouraging article. Wishing Mr. Friday success in his future career in medicine and law. Already he is taking a position and one of the courageous ones.

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A bright young man. I wish him success in his endeavors! Godspeed.

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Thank you for your intellectual courage.

We could fix most of this. Corporations write bills for Congress all the time. We the People could too. We should write a bill together across party lines that targets the one thing we should all agree on: stopping the corruption in our systems. So we write a bill, and then pressures our representatives as a unified people to pass it (yes against their own interests).

Call it something like:

The Unifying of the People Act

Would you agree to this?


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James is a bright light ! With luck there are many of his generation with similar qualities !

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(May attend Law School.) Or I suggest make great friends with a wise old attorney or district judge.

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I woukd say to James, beyond the kudos for a well written article, beware the programming inherent in schools. You will need to do extra work to determine how much of what you are being taught is mixed with propaganda. Even the Medical Freedom Movement docs are still hanging onto some erroneous information and still cannot function without the blessings of a pre-print or print paper. Expand your repertoire to include alternative medicine and study history so that your legal studies are broadened. Be critical of everything you hear and read. Always ask -or look for - the money trail and ownership trail of even the schools you attend. That will tell you quite a lot about how much programming you might be getting. Best of luck. You do represent our future in the best possible ways.

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Peter and all,

All the health professionals and any one else working in medicine and especially training for any of this work were forced to be vaccinated with 100% pure BIOTERRORISM a very short while ago…

Hard to believe ALL the medical students were being vaccinated…all so shameful!


Aren’t the medical schools part of ground zero for depopulation? Their history tells all…

Peter…why haven’t you and colleagues UNITED and working UNDER Leaders whose expertise is serious strategic planning to…


I know these strategic planners and they have been waiting on the sidelines for you all to get it together!

HERO in my world…those who stop the bioterrorism asap!!! I see no heroes yet!

Why is that?

Reasons are now obvious…

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Best wishes to Mr Friday on his future in medicine and law!

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Young men like this gives us hope! Thank you Dr. Mccoulagh!

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After reading what you wrote, I wondered if you were aware that Dr. McCullough is the Chief Executive Officer for The Wellness Company who has pro-Covid vaccine practitioners at their company like Dr. Drew who continued vaccinating his elderly patients despite all of the evidence to their harm. You wrote: “Mr. McCullough renewed his call to remove the vaccines from the market due to them being unsafe.” So is promoting a company who supports vaccinating the elderly a company you would expect Dr. McCullough to be the Chief Executive Officer of?

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