Thanks to everyone for reading, and thanks for your replies. RFK, Jr. was not aware that his son had travelled to Ukraine until after the fact. He did not endorse his son's decision to do this. However, he accepted his son's decision to place himself in harm's way to back up his convictions. Best regards, John Leake
It is not brave to volunteer to be a machine gunner anywhere. I volunteered to be a Marine and go to Vietnam. Not brave but ignorant. There is nothing brave in killing people. It is ugly and we need not put a shine on it.
Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs - same thing. Gangsters who make Al Capone look like a pussy cat. The fact these men hobnob with western politicians shows how corrupt and debased western democracies have become. These men are terrifying and soulless. Nobody should be helping their countries fight each other. Without US/NATO interference Ukraine would have agreed to letting the Donbas become an autonomous Russian enclave, any fighting would have stopped and they would all have just continued living next to each other and disliking each other. Instead the US/NATO gangsters had to stir it all up. Kennedy was wrong to encourage his son to take a side - it's got nothing to do with the US. It's like brothers arguing and they would have sorted it out themselves.
This whole power struggle between The West and Russia goes way back and is centuries old. Some facts from recent modern history are that, as soon as USSR falls apart in 1991, USA moves in on Ukraine with various NGOs and other political organizations masked as religious, educational, social, climate and animal rights groups. The brainwashing of Ukrainians starts at that point. Ukrainian identity is being aggressively established, as separate from anything Russian. They are told that they are exceptional, more ancient and more advanced, looking to the West for progress. While, if they look to Russia, it will pull them into backward, soviet-style, poverty-stricken existence. In 2006 NATO/USA starts funding and training Western Ukrainian Nazi radicals in Poland and Estonia. The first Ukrainian 'color revolution' called 'Orange revolution' takes place in 2004. Due to the the fact that 'the muscle'(Nazi radicals) weren't present and also because the USA installed President Victor Yushenko decided NOT to make an enemy out of Russia, the project failed at that time. Neocons learned from it. They created 'the muscle' and they found the right guy to be president---Oleksiy Poroshenko. Thus, the second project 'Maidan' revolution of 2014, was a success. The rest you know.
They attacked Crimes first. It's the some arm water ports they've been after since Peter the Great got fascinated with having a navy in the 17th century.
Wow John, you’re ok with an American risking his life as a mercenary for a country your literary agent says doesn’t connect to Americans? And I’m
Missing the noble cause. We have spent billions of our tax dollars on this boondoggle, most of which will likely be laundered back to this atrocious administration. All the while depleting our own soldiers of weaponry they will need when this idiot posing as a CiC eventually orders them, including my child, in to the fight. You’ve lost me here, sir.
I'm in favour of people critically analyzing their convictions before they set out on a path that results in other people's deaths. Getting involved in a foreign conflict with no other justification than the 'power of your convictions' is not only foolish, it's morally bankrupt.
That in a nutshell is the problem with our current society. People acting on the 'power of their convictions' with no solid rationale behind them. May I remind you that there were plenty of people whose 'power of conviction' forced an insane medical regime on the rest of us, and who were quite OK with denying us employment, travel, and even access to loved ones in their final days?
The majority of people in the west are morally bankrupt. They neither think through the consequences of their actions, nor take responsibility for them once they're proven wrong. They just keep doubling down while dragging the rest of us down with them.
We had a perfect example of this in Canada just the other day. The entire Canadian parliament giving a standing ovation to green t-shirt guy who arguably represents the worst moral corruption on the planet outside of Washington itself. Bizarrely, even the French language press in Quebec heaps praise on this pathetic fraud. I guess they aren't aware that the Russian language has been banned from all public offices in Ukraine to the point where a mere store clerk can be fined for speaking Russian to a customer, even if that customer addresses them in Russian! As for the rest of parliament, I guess they're OK with the imprisonment of the leader of the main opposition party and banning of all the others. Even Franz Kafka couldn't make this shit up, and yet we keep hearing excuses for this travesty, and worse, believing them like they were some kind of eternal truth and not the evil machinations of the same people who are trying to kill us with their phony 'vaccines.'
Fascinating stuff, have been interviewing people on this subject, would like to see more evidence that it's moved beyond the experiment/proof of concept stage. While I am keeping my mind open, I doubt that massive weather systems can be manipulated, though this won't prevent our insane, debt-financed government from trying.
I’ve been watching high altitude aircraft expel “contrails”‘for over 50 years. My Mom used to tell me it was SAC flying patrol. I’d say they are well beyond experimental stage.
Doc, I would wager if they can foster the development of earthquakes they can move pretty big air masses. Some years ago, a storm developed in the Pacific northwest and at that time early in the movement process, weather officials traced the path of the storm, allegedly by isobar analysis, and they figured out that the storm center would hit 75 Oak Street in Hoboken, NJ. And it did!!! It wasn't steered? We started weather shaping with our dear friends, the Russians, during the Cold War! I guess beezness is beezness......
When my crazy sister challenged me on 'chemtrails' say a couple of years ago I reacted to the term. What a nutcase! But I promised to take a fair view of it.
After a lot of reading, and, most importantly, observation of the sky itself up here near Edmonton Alberta, I concluded that while it was not clear exactly what, and unclear what for, it WAS clear that something was being sprayed. You see a literal checkerboard of trails, with the north south ones parallel and heading to nowhere in northern alberta, and the trails just persist and persist and spread, and voila yet another day that ends in this weird silvery haze. Every so often, in the middle of all of this you see a jet with 'normal' contrails, right in the middle of it all, with a dense but short and quickly fading contrail. Huh. Huh. That is like really weird.
And sometimes a dark shadow on the edge of a trail. And '2 piece' trails with one aircraft like a minute behind, just slightly to one side, and the two trails merge and you get this dark shadow.
I thought my sister was moonbat crazy. In some ways she is. But she was right about the trails. Just look up. Modern westerns cant hardly get a shot of a normal sky anymore, people under 20 dont even know it is weird. Go watch old and new film outdoor scenes, and ponder what you see. But mainly just look up and ponder the persistence, the spreading persistent white silver haze. Day after day after day.
Its a good day when the boys are out of juice or what have you. Blue sky, normal looking clouds. I spend say half my time in summer, or more, outside working. You see a lot. A good investigation would start with the airfields, start finding vantage points for long range camera work, count the flights. Up here we got a big military base, prob where the flights originate.
I know, nuts right? But in the medical field the most common retort to talk of dangerous jabs is 'well everyone would have to be in on it, and thats impossible'. Potato potatoe.
Have you not read Bernard Vonnegut ( brother of Kurt) book about Project Cirrus for GE? If not it is worth reading, knowing that weather manipulation has been going on for a long time
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has talked about his sons' decision. It was a subject that he and Connor disagreed about but they did not close the door on each other. Connor likely fell for ' the media message ' and had to find out for himself. It's called growing up.
John, are you suggesting parents sacrifice the lives of their sons for Ukraine? Dr. Peter McCullough and you have done an outstanding job warning the parents regarding the dangers of the Covid 19 vaccines. I thought the objective of Courageous Discourse is to save lives not sacrifice them.
He wasn't knowledgeable on the country where he was going. Sounds like he believed propaganda and was brainwashed about this whole issue. Thus, put himself at risk unnecessarily. Thank goodness he didn't die there for these awful oligarchs and neocons.
Sons frequently ignore their father’s advice, but we don’t know the details. Young men often seek adventure in war zones. I’m not condemning, only commenting. I’m glad Conor wasn’t killed or maimed.
'Courageous'? 'Noble cause'? The last paragraph is very confusing. I'd say he was not knowledgeable on the subject of 'Ukraine, USA, Russia', that's why he went. This is the second time I'm encountering some statements, where the writer isn't knowledgeable enough on the subject. The first time was about 'USA winning WWII'. It is off putting and makes me want to unsubscribe. If someone is a true expert, then they should write about the subject. I am originally from USSR/Ukraine. That doesn't make me an expert on the subject. But my background helps spot false statements quickly.
Inserting yourself in other people's conflicts is the 'American Way' and denials aside, they're almost all in support of it, being so convinced of their moral superiority and profound insights. As I pointed out elsewhere, even Kafka couldn't make this shit up, but Americans aren't even remotely phased by it. Even those who should be.
ebear, I could be talking out my rear end... have sat and watched.
If it's true that the Clintons have pledged to rebuild Ukraine, and if it's true that Zelensky has asked Marina Abramovich to be Ambassador, then questions arise as to exactly WHO is behind the conflict?
Could it be that this was a long term, decades planned, deliberate set up by "unseen" conductors which involved not just biolabs, but nefarious trades of different sorts, with the key aim to poke the bear for decades in the hope that there would be a proxy war, which would destroy certain "evidence" along the way, result in "dead men can't speak" to get away with an assortment of "murder" and at the same time look virtuous by dragging Putin into a conflict which he never wanted to engage in?
as well as put Europe on the ropes and unravel the world in order to justify "taking control" their way?
Just thinking out loud, because listening to ordinary explanations makes no sense.
I can't speak with any authority, just my own opinion based on what I've read and heard. When the USSR broke up there was hope among the people that they'd be invited to join what author Alexei Yurchak called the "Imaginary West." That is to say, the West as portrayed in movies, TV shows and popular music, which was the only source of information the average Soviet citizen had with which to build an image.
Instead what they got was a decade of deprivation and poverty, the result of former communist apparatchiks in collusion with western bankers robbing the nation blind. That was the situation until Putin came along and started to reverse the trend, which is why he's hated so much by western bankers, plutocrats and their bought politicians.
The same thing happened to Ukraine, except they never had a Putin. The looting continued right up to the present, and in 2014 they were intentionally set on a path to disrupt Russia with the aim of removing Putin and restoring the previous arrangements. It was never going to happen though. They completely misjudged both Putin and the Russian people, and that's where we stand today. That's the Cole's Notes version of it at least. Whether they actually believed they could take Russia over, or just wanted to force them to re-militarize and create a credible threat to justify the continued existence of NATO is an open question I'd say. In either case they've created a formidable enemy out of what could have been a friendly nation whose people held the West, and especially the USA, in high regard. Well, that boat has sailed. Russians have turned eastward and established new friendships, and there's not much we can do about it.
The result is what you see in Europe today - a state of decline that will persist until the EU either dissolves, or the various governments change and clean up their act. How likely that is I have no idea. Was the decline of the EU part of some master Globalist plan, or just the unintended consequence of a poorly conceived strategy? Again, I have no idea, but the results are there for anyone who cares to look. The West is in decline while the East is rising and I doubt anything can be done to stop that. Adjust to the new reality and try to repair the damage you caused would be my advice to western leaders, but then, who listens to me?
Nice summation, and your cliff notes align with my thinking...
Unfortunately, our previous Prime Minister, Herr Jacinda Ardern, doesn't listen to the people who think, but has run a masterful mind manipulation campaign since 2016,, bribed the media as part of the covid construct, which has only done one good thing. Shown people like me, just who are incapable of independent rational thought, so at least the "enemy within" can be seen.
Right now, Herr Ardern is at Yale University having scarpered from here, partly because it's too dangerous for her to walk down a street without someone flicking a truth or two at her.... she should have been permanently "locked" into this country to live out what she created for the rest of her life... rather than being hooked up with the UN and those seeking to continue with their orchestration....
Her successor is no better, and the other major party walks in lockstep. We have a national election coming up, which has lead to "rumours" that the two wings on the same bird - the two major parties - might form a war-time coalition in order to keep the ruination of this country on track.
It would seem logical that most people in all countries, who can think for themselves, see past the political smoke and mirrors and at the very least understand that the truth lies outside of the current spiel.
Look on the bright side. You're far enough away, and financially too small to get a visit from green t-shirt guy. I don't know if you caught the recent action in the Canadian parliament, but it was a full house. Every seat was taken, and everyone stood to applaud. Probably the first time in our history that that ever happened. Cringe doesn't begin to describe it.
"fought for Ukrainian independence against Russia during the Second World War."
No mention of the fact that he fought with the 14th Waffen SS Division. In other words it's OK to applaud a former Nazi so long as he fought against the Russians (our ally) and not us!
I want to know this. Where are the Canadian Jews who ought to be outraged by this? When do we hear from them?
I agree with you and am surprised that some of your readers don't recognize irony when they come across it. It is perfectly appropriate to write about this awful war. It has everything to do with the toxicity that is eating away at our country.
Do I respect the convictions of others? I try but it depends, as it does for all of us. It hinges on objective reality to the extent that can be established.
Human trafficking? A good thing? Of course not. Telling others the COVID shots are just great? No, this is not a conviction I respect.
The war in Ukraine is a topic that requires homework. One’s sources are important and we come to a certain conclusion if all we hear are government narrative MSM talking points and a different conclusion if we research more extensively. Likely our values stacked up against those of most other Americans are pretty much the same. The conclusion we pick depends on who is speaking to those values and who is telling the truth. It’s NOT this administration any more than they told the truth about the virus and the shots.
Belonging to CHD and reading substack is, to some extent the reason I am a living “mandate retiree.” Maybe the only one out of the 20,000 employee community of our hi tech corporation who gave up $2M of compensation through 2024 by ditching out on the shots in Sep ‘21.
Among those who took their chances are about 30 colleagues now dead (only an estimate … it will take an AG investigation to find out). These folks made a bad call because they did not do their homework. Doing homework on something unrelated to work proper was entirely new for me, so I totally understood, but grieve that no one listened. I sent Dr. McCullough’s 1h20m presentation from 2021 to some.
I don’t know the timing, but, possibly before Conor Kennedy ran off to Ukraine, RFKJR himself had posted on Spotify interviews of several sources on the Ukraine war. These early interviews definitely left us with mixed impressions of the conflict. Kennedy at that time took no position.
It was more recently that Bobby caught up with Ritter, MacGregor and Abelow. Links are pasted below.
My own vigorous opposition to US involvement in Ukraine was premised on interviews with Ritter and MacGregor prior to Kennedy’s discussion with them. I left a note on the mCHD website urging Kennedy to speak to them. Two additional references of mine are the extensive “Bandera Lobby” Substack posts (Moss Robeson) and several interviews with polymath, ex-GCHQ and current UK Column reporter Alex Thomson, found on Rumble.
In his interview with James Dallingpole, Alex gently chided his host who seemed to seek approval for encouraging his son’s ambition to serve in the Ukrainian Air Force. Alex let him know the only one to be “pleased as punch” if his son is sacrificed over the skies of Ukraine would be be Liz Truss.
Did Conor need to be machine gunning Russian soldiers his age? Was he really fighting for the free people of Ukraine or was he aiding and abetting the Bandera Nationalists in attempting to assert their authority over the residents of the Donbas who had been resisting it with their lives since 2014? What evidence did he have that Putin was trying to reabsorb all of Ukraine? I say there was none but for propaganda, confusing though it is.
And why were 100,000 Ukraine troops doing on the Donbas border when Putin invaded? What did the Banderists have in mind for the residents of Luhansk and Donetsk? Love for Russian speakers? The privilege of Kiev governance that approved the shelling of civilians by the Azov battalion since 2014?
Why should I be preoccupied with Putin when our own administration has exterminated 1M of our own citizens? Is that perhaps the reason propaganda directs our attention elsewhere?
And what do I care about the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine as if Kiev’s jurisdiction over the Donbas is some sort of divine right? It is a phrase bandied about as a platitude.
My sources lead to conclusions and convictions different from Conor’s. As a citizen I want us OUT. I’m glad Conor made it back but he may acquire a new perspective as so many soldiers did who served in Viet Nam.
Greetings Edward. Thanks for reading my post, and many thanks for your thorough and thoughtful reply. I wasn't suggesting that Conor Kennedy's view of the war was sensible, and nor did his father think that it was. I merely mentioned his story as an example for people in the United States and other European countries who passionately believe that there can be NO negotiated settlement with Russia. I am often confronted with such people, and more than a few feel so strongly about it that they have personally attacked me for even proposing negotiations. Conor Kennedy shows them that if they really feel so strongly that people should continue dying instead of at least trying to negotiate a settlement, then they should consider joining the fight.
Thanks so much John and Peter! For my part I appreciated your run down of the dominant Ukraine Oligarchs and don’t imagine there is anything much I can say you don’t know! My spiel and list of references was inspired by readers who believe the MSM narrative that Putin is another Stalin aiming to reassemble the Soviet Empire. I’d like to think instead we can pick up where Lincoln and Alexander ll left off with big plans for cooperation. Three dead Presidents, two dead Czars and two World Wars, Viet Nam, WTC, two Gulf Wars ... etc., say something about how international financiers (our own Oligarchs) have felt about that over the generations! What is going on now looks more like a square mile inside the city limits of London reassembling the British Empire! They have a pretty good handle on the “mind space” considering the intransigent medical tyranny and strange “woke” revolution that seems to go with it in former colonies across the globe. What a difference a written Constitution makes! Everybody says it’s all China’s doing. But is it? I look forward to your posts! Best regards!
PS. I commented to Dershowitz about the Nationalist (Nazi) domination of the Kiev regime since 2014 and before. He read my comment on air and declared “There are no Nazis in Ukraine!” I love this guy except when he is parroting Biden Administration narratives with a straight face. Yes of course he is entitled to his convictions. I daresay at age 85 the Ukraine military would take him! I’ll try to talk him out if it.
How the West Brought War to Ukraine: Understanding How U.S. and NATO Policies Led to Crisis, War, and the Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe
I believe Zelensky was paid handsomely by the WEF Globalists to clear out Ukraine. What better way to clear out a country than to go to war?
I believe the WEF Globalists want Ukraine’s fertile land for themselves. Crops will be grown and cattle will roam.
The war is about securing a sustainable food source for the Globalists and a Headquarters. I think Putin may be in on the war charade too. If Putin were not in on the charade, Zelensky would have been a dead man a long time ago. His coordinates are public record when he is on Zoom!
"If Putin were not in on the charade, Zelensky would have been a dead man a long time ago."
There's a long standing tradition of not targeting foreign leaders during military conflicts. The practical reasons are obvious. If we target them, they'll target us. Besides, who will be there to negotiate a surrender when that point is reached? With no leaders to call a halt the fighting will continue and lives will be needlessly wasted on both sides.
As for Putin being 'in on it' I imagine you're thinking of his alleged membership in the WEF's 'young global leaders program.' What's left out of that narrative is the fact that he worked for the intelligence services at the time, who would no doubt want one of their own on the inside. Even if he voluntarily participated it means nothing. That was many years ago and people do change their minds, especially when they feel betrayed. Arguing that Putin is WEF on that basis is like saying all Yale alumni are Skull and Bones. AFAIC, that narrative is just more disinformation to discourage people from viewing Russia as a positive force in opposing the NWO.
A really good control scenario, and capital sucking one at that, is to be in a state of permanent war and crisis. "We have always been at war with Eastasia". Both sides 'in on it' at at least the very highest levels, and Bobs your uncle just a bonanza of money and control......
Hard to say. I have no valid opinion. I do note that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is like J+J and equally dangerous. And a long while back they had 60% uptake. So that is a bad sign, although not definitive. If the Russian authorities continue to push jabs, and seem unable to bring the war to a close, well those are also bad signs.
You could easily have Russian generals and Colonels, fighting for real real, and not so far above them a rather different strata. It would be all of a piece with my theory that the true evil core of 'fully in on the plan' people are just a fraction of a fraction, maybe 10000 world wide? Vampire squids who understand the whole genocide starvation war crisis destruction of sovereign states, crippling of energy, food and judicial systems. Right below them I believe, choose to believe, you got folks who know bits and pieces, only. Compartmentalization. And even a mafia boss might rebel at killing say 5 billion people. Not to mention an otherwise corrupt federal judge or general.
Their control, I hope, is tenuous, their weakness, I hope, is that even the bulk of their minions would recoil at the total plan. Anyways it is certainly possible that China and Russia are 'in on it'. Are they poisoning their people? Are they spraying their skys? We have always been at war with Eastasia........?
EDIT a 'tell' on an everyone is in on it' scenario would be a limited nuclear exchange that the UN heroes or other globocap reps manage to 'get under control'. You want to scare people? Get them to take whatever? Turn a couple of cities into green glass and folk will accept anything, anything, to make it stop.
"I do note that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is like J+J and equally dangerous. And a long while back they had 60% uptake. So that is a bad sign, although not definitive. If the Russian authorities continue to push jabs, and seem unable to bring the war to a close, well those are also bad signs.'
One thing that consistently irritates me is the way that people express their opinions as if they were concrete facts, so it's encouraging to see that you haven't done that.
I find the argument that "Russia is in on it" (whatever IT is) fails on several points.
First, mRNA technology has been in the works for many years and it's promoters have characterized it as a potential breakthrough of the same magnitude as penicillin. I understand the argument, particularly where it applies to genetic defects, in fact one of the tragedies of rushing it into production under such suspicious circumstances is that it casts a pall over the entire enterprise.
With that as a background, consider Russia and China's response to the CV19 outbreak. China may have believed they were under attack, thus the draconian measures. It's not like they haven't had similar outbreaks in the past, both in the human and animal populations. Oddly though, while the conditions for zoonotic transfer are present in China (proximity to livestock and poor sanitation) they're also present in dozens of other countries, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and India. So why always China? If I were Chinese I'd definitely be asking that question.
Now, as a Russian observer, what would your take-away be from the outbreak in China, and subsequently Iran, which was hit especially hard at the leadership level? "Is this an attack" must have been one of the points discussed at the leadership level, "and if so, how do we respond?" Protect the population first, then figure out a response would be the logical course of action.
This presented an opportunity for the people promoting mRNA technology inside Russia, who may or may not have had ulterior motives apart from the leadership itself. I don't think Putin or any of his cabinet are microbiologists, so naturally they'd defer to the experts within their sphere. Add to this a tendency of Russian leadership to promote their advances in technology, a trait they inherited from the USSR. Naming their 'vaccine' Sputnik is a direct reference to that. First in space, first in vaccines... the sort of thing you'd put on a postage stamp.
It bears mentioning that the vaccines were never mandated at the national level. That was left up to city and regional administrations, who out of an excess of caution mandated vaccination. Hard to stand against such a tide for a careerist politician which, like everywhere else, Russia has in abundance. So proof of nothing really, except the self-interest of politicians.
The public response OTOH was anything but acceptance, and the reason is simple. Russians are dyed in the wool skeptics, so that 60% figure is highly suspicious. Also, Russia for all its recent advances is still a corrupt society, so anyone seeking to avoid the vaccine had a simple solution: find a doctor who'll take a bribe to enter you in the system then flush the vaccine down the drain. No one knows how many fake vaccine certificates were issued, but I doubt it's a small number. In fairness, some doctors may have done that out of conscience as well. So that 60% is probably closer to 40% or even lower.
Add to this that at least two vaccines have been rolled out subsequent to Sputnik, neither of which are mRNA products. That to me looks like tiptoeing away from what they now know was a bad mistake, which would be right in character with Russian governance: don't mention your mistakes unless it somehow adds to your prestige, which in this case doesn't.
On the specific issue of depopulation, this seems categorically false in Russia's case. Look at the facts. For years they've bemoaned their negative growth rates, their high abortion and divorce rates and the general decline in family formation. To offset this they've promoted large families via the Orthodox Church, and through various financial and tax incentives. They've also relaxed their immigration policies, at least with regard to first world nations, and have actively encouraged people of Russian ancestry to repatriate. So how does that fit with a population reduction agenda?
None of this proves the case one way or another of course, but it should at least be entered in the record as a possible explanation. Anything less is what I call "selective skepticism" which is self-explanatory and unfortunately practised a lot these days, on both sides of the debate.
"Their control, I hope, is tenuous, their weakness, I hope, is that even the bulk of their minions would recoil at the total plan."
The desperation we've seen, the draconian measures, manipulations, lies and obfuscations are all indicative of a plan that's failing. I'm cautiously optimistic on that basis, with the caveat that cornered rats are dangerous, so all bets are off at this moment in history.
My advice is simple. Stay focused on what we know to be true, and present that truth to whoever is receptive. Avoid being distracted by overarching theories, such as "they're all in on it" which not only lacks concrete proof but is highly divisive, and suspicious in and of itself.
Leake is not going to provide any real perspective on the new & improved version of what the Neocons call an "evil doer," any more than he (Leake) will identify precisely who formed, funded and still control the so-called Neocons. Their new & improved version is Vladimir Putin, the man, as just one indication, recently outlawed sex change operations in Russia, and then was promptly vilified and demonized by the WOKE pronoun-crazed "West."
Perhaps a short clip of President Putin will provide some measure of a balanced view of him . . . As a second born of Hungarian immigrants, I am deeply thankful that President Putin purposely and consciously makes a distinction between the nation of Russia, and the prior sewage called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (15 in-total, of which Russia was the largest).
I can assure the reader that Jacob Schiff, and Lev Davidovich Bronstein ("Trotsky"), and Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov ("Lenin"), and Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili ("Stalin"), and Victoria Nudelman ("Nuland"), and Janet Yellin, and Antony Blinken, and even Klaus Schwab, et al. do not want you to watch; very recent:
I fogot to mention Merrick Garland, someone with deep ties to the corrupt "nation" of Ukraine. Garland's true stature/character/status was reviewed by Congressman Tory Nelhs last week:
Thanks to everyone for reading, and thanks for your replies. RFK, Jr. was not aware that his son had travelled to Ukraine until after the fact. He did not endorse his son's decision to do this. However, he accepted his son's decision to place himself in harm's way to back up his convictions. Best regards, John Leake
It is not brave to volunteer to be a machine gunner anywhere. I volunteered to be a Marine and go to Vietnam. Not brave but ignorant. There is nothing brave in killing people. It is ugly and we need not put a shine on it.
But great article. Thank you.
Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs - same thing. Gangsters who make Al Capone look like a pussy cat. The fact these men hobnob with western politicians shows how corrupt and debased western democracies have become. These men are terrifying and soulless. Nobody should be helping their countries fight each other. Without US/NATO interference Ukraine would have agreed to letting the Donbas become an autonomous Russian enclave, any fighting would have stopped and they would all have just continued living next to each other and disliking each other. Instead the US/NATO gangsters had to stir it all up. Kennedy was wrong to encourage his son to take a side - it's got nothing to do with the US. It's like brothers arguing and they would have sorted it out themselves.
This whole power struggle between The West and Russia goes way back and is centuries old. Some facts from recent modern history are that, as soon as USSR falls apart in 1991, USA moves in on Ukraine with various NGOs and other political organizations masked as religious, educational, social, climate and animal rights groups. The brainwashing of Ukrainians starts at that point. Ukrainian identity is being aggressively established, as separate from anything Russian. They are told that they are exceptional, more ancient and more advanced, looking to the West for progress. While, if they look to Russia, it will pull them into backward, soviet-style, poverty-stricken existence. In 2006 NATO/USA starts funding and training Western Ukrainian Nazi radicals in Poland and Estonia. The first Ukrainian 'color revolution' called 'Orange revolution' takes place in 2004. Due to the the fact that 'the muscle'(Nazi radicals) weren't present and also because the USA installed President Victor Yushenko decided NOT to make an enemy out of Russia, the project failed at that time. Neocons learned from it. They created 'the muscle' and they found the right guy to be president---Oleksiy Poroshenko. Thus, the second project 'Maidan' revolution of 2014, was a success. The rest you know.
Kennedy has said (many times) that his son went to Ukraine without his knowledge!
Sorry, I meant Petro Poroshenko, at the end of my previous comment. He is the oligarch portrayed in the middle of the picture of John's article.
Russia attacked Kiev, not Donas. They want the whole state. NATO did not stir it up.
They attacked Crimes first. It's the some arm water ports they've been after since Peter the Great got fascinated with having a navy in the 17th century.
Wow John, you’re ok with an American risking his life as a mercenary for a country your literary agent says doesn’t connect to Americans? And I’m
Missing the noble cause. We have spent billions of our tax dollars on this boondoggle, most of which will likely be laundered back to this atrocious administration. All the while depleting our own soldiers of weaponry they will need when this idiot posing as a CiC eventually orders them, including my child, in to the fight. You’ve lost me here, sir.
I am in favor of people putting themselves at risk for their convictions instead of demanding that others do. Thanks for reading. Regards, JSL
I'm in favour of people critically analyzing their convictions before they set out on a path that results in other people's deaths. Getting involved in a foreign conflict with no other justification than the 'power of your convictions' is not only foolish, it's morally bankrupt.
That in a nutshell is the problem with our current society. People acting on the 'power of their convictions' with no solid rationale behind them. May I remind you that there were plenty of people whose 'power of conviction' forced an insane medical regime on the rest of us, and who were quite OK with denying us employment, travel, and even access to loved ones in their final days?
The majority of people in the west are morally bankrupt. They neither think through the consequences of their actions, nor take responsibility for them once they're proven wrong. They just keep doubling down while dragging the rest of us down with them.
We had a perfect example of this in Canada just the other day. The entire Canadian parliament giving a standing ovation to green t-shirt guy who arguably represents the worst moral corruption on the planet outside of Washington itself. Bizarrely, even the French language press in Quebec heaps praise on this pathetic fraud. I guess they aren't aware that the Russian language has been banned from all public offices in Ukraine to the point where a mere store clerk can be fined for speaking Russian to a customer, even if that customer addresses them in Russian! As for the rest of parliament, I guess they're OK with the imprisonment of the leader of the main opposition party and banning of all the others. Even Franz Kafka couldn't make this shit up, and yet we keep hearing excuses for this travesty, and worse, believing them like they were some kind of eternal truth and not the evil machinations of the same people who are trying to kill us with their phony 'vaccines.'
Well said
Thanks for the links. You've probably read this already but I'll post it for those who haven't.
Thank you ebear.
While I have your attention John, regarding Lahaina, have you ever seen “The Dimming”? Sorry for going off topic on this thread.
Fascinating stuff, have been interviewing people on this subject, would like to see more evidence that it's moved beyond the experiment/proof of concept stage. While I am keeping my mind open, I doubt that massive weather systems can be manipulated, though this won't prevent our insane, debt-financed government from trying.
I’ve been watching high altitude aircraft expel “contrails”‘for over 50 years. My Mom used to tell me it was SAC flying patrol. I’d say they are well beyond experimental stage.
they claimed, not without coinciding evidence, that they had made the monsoons worse during the Vietnam war
LBJ spoke with baited breath about it. He who controls the weather controls the world.
Doc, I would wager if they can foster the development of earthquakes they can move pretty big air masses. Some years ago, a storm developed in the Pacific northwest and at that time early in the movement process, weather officials traced the path of the storm, allegedly by isobar analysis, and they figured out that the storm center would hit 75 Oak Street in Hoboken, NJ. And it did!!! It wasn't steered? We started weather shaping with our dear friends, the Russians, during the Cold War! I guess beezness is beezness......
When my crazy sister challenged me on 'chemtrails' say a couple of years ago I reacted to the term. What a nutcase! But I promised to take a fair view of it.
After a lot of reading, and, most importantly, observation of the sky itself up here near Edmonton Alberta, I concluded that while it was not clear exactly what, and unclear what for, it WAS clear that something was being sprayed. You see a literal checkerboard of trails, with the north south ones parallel and heading to nowhere in northern alberta, and the trails just persist and persist and spread, and voila yet another day that ends in this weird silvery haze. Every so often, in the middle of all of this you see a jet with 'normal' contrails, right in the middle of it all, with a dense but short and quickly fading contrail. Huh. Huh. That is like really weird.
And sometimes a dark shadow on the edge of a trail. And '2 piece' trails with one aircraft like a minute behind, just slightly to one side, and the two trails merge and you get this dark shadow.
I thought my sister was moonbat crazy. In some ways she is. But she was right about the trails. Just look up. Modern westerns cant hardly get a shot of a normal sky anymore, people under 20 dont even know it is weird. Go watch old and new film outdoor scenes, and ponder what you see. But mainly just look up and ponder the persistence, the spreading persistent white silver haze. Day after day after day.
Its a good day when the boys are out of juice or what have you. Blue sky, normal looking clouds. I spend say half my time in summer, or more, outside working. You see a lot. A good investigation would start with the airfields, start finding vantage points for long range camera work, count the flights. Up here we got a big military base, prob where the flights originate.
I know, nuts right? But in the medical field the most common retort to talk of dangerous jabs is 'well everyone would have to be in on it, and thats impossible'. Potato potatoe.
Have you not read Bernard Vonnegut ( brother of Kurt) book about Project Cirrus for GE? If not it is worth reading, knowing that weather manipulation has been going on for a long time
I have not read this, but did see it mentioned in the movie. Will put it on my list.
How do you know kennedy’s act is courageous?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has talked about his sons' decision. It was a subject that he and Connor disagreed about but they did not close the door on each other. Connor likely fell for ' the media message ' and had to find out for himself. It's called growing up.
Perhaps he could have chosen to serve his country.
Perhaps he thought he was ( ? )
I hope the recommendation to "die for a noble cause" was sarcasm. This war is a terrible tragedy for Ukraine, and the sooner it ends the better.
John, are you suggesting parents sacrifice the lives of their sons for Ukraine? Dr. Peter McCullough and you have done an outstanding job warning the parents regarding the dangers of the Covid 19 vaccines. I thought the objective of Courageous Discourse is to save lives not sacrifice them.
These billionaires have many billionaire friends in Washington..
and in Russia, we killing each other for their forever Empire, and they have their bare feet in the cozy sand of the Côte d’Azur .
Is Conor Kennedy courageous or just a foolish young man who was lucky?
He wasn't knowledgeable on the country where he was going. Sounds like he believed propaganda and was brainwashed about this whole issue. Thus, put himself at risk unnecessarily. Thank goodness he didn't die there for these awful oligarchs and neocons.
Sons frequently ignore their father’s advice, but we don’t know the details. Young men often seek adventure in war zones. I’m not condemning, only commenting. I’m glad Conor wasn’t killed or maimed.
And what does that say about his dad's knowledge on the subject? This is how all of us get misinformed. We can't trust what we are told.
The corrupt UniParty thieves and the Ukrainian oligarchs have a mutual admiration society.
A contest to see who can be the most SOULLESS…in this life.
'Courageous'? 'Noble cause'? The last paragraph is very confusing. I'd say he was not knowledgeable on the subject of 'Ukraine, USA, Russia', that's why he went. This is the second time I'm encountering some statements, where the writer isn't knowledgeable enough on the subject. The first time was about 'USA winning WWII'. It is off putting and makes me want to unsubscribe. If someone is a true expert, then they should write about the subject. I am originally from USSR/Ukraine. That doesn't make me an expert on the subject. But my background helps spot false statements quickly.
Inserting yourself in other people's conflicts is the 'American Way' and denials aside, they're almost all in support of it, being so convinced of their moral superiority and profound insights. As I pointed out elsewhere, even Kafka couldn't make this shit up, but Americans aren't even remotely phased by it. Even those who should be.
ebear, I could be talking out my rear end... have sat and watched.
If it's true that the Clintons have pledged to rebuild Ukraine, and if it's true that Zelensky has asked Marina Abramovich to be Ambassador, then questions arise as to exactly WHO is behind the conflict?
Could it be that this was a long term, decades planned, deliberate set up by "unseen" conductors which involved not just biolabs, but nefarious trades of different sorts, with the key aim to poke the bear for decades in the hope that there would be a proxy war, which would destroy certain "evidence" along the way, result in "dead men can't speak" to get away with an assortment of "murder" and at the same time look virtuous by dragging Putin into a conflict which he never wanted to engage in?
as well as put Europe on the ropes and unravel the world in order to justify "taking control" their way?
Just thinking out loud, because listening to ordinary explanations makes no sense.
I can't speak with any authority, just my own opinion based on what I've read and heard. When the USSR broke up there was hope among the people that they'd be invited to join what author Alexei Yurchak called the "Imaginary West." That is to say, the West as portrayed in movies, TV shows and popular music, which was the only source of information the average Soviet citizen had with which to build an image.
Instead what they got was a decade of deprivation and poverty, the result of former communist apparatchiks in collusion with western bankers robbing the nation blind. That was the situation until Putin came along and started to reverse the trend, which is why he's hated so much by western bankers, plutocrats and their bought politicians.
The same thing happened to Ukraine, except they never had a Putin. The looting continued right up to the present, and in 2014 they were intentionally set on a path to disrupt Russia with the aim of removing Putin and restoring the previous arrangements. It was never going to happen though. They completely misjudged both Putin and the Russian people, and that's where we stand today. That's the Cole's Notes version of it at least. Whether they actually believed they could take Russia over, or just wanted to force them to re-militarize and create a credible threat to justify the continued existence of NATO is an open question I'd say. In either case they've created a formidable enemy out of what could have been a friendly nation whose people held the West, and especially the USA, in high regard. Well, that boat has sailed. Russians have turned eastward and established new friendships, and there's not much we can do about it.
The result is what you see in Europe today - a state of decline that will persist until the EU either dissolves, or the various governments change and clean up their act. How likely that is I have no idea. Was the decline of the EU part of some master Globalist plan, or just the unintended consequence of a poorly conceived strategy? Again, I have no idea, but the results are there for anyone who cares to look. The West is in decline while the East is rising and I doubt anything can be done to stop that. Adjust to the new reality and try to repair the damage you caused would be my advice to western leaders, but then, who listens to me?
Nice summation, and your cliff notes align with my thinking...
Unfortunately, our previous Prime Minister, Herr Jacinda Ardern, doesn't listen to the people who think, but has run a masterful mind manipulation campaign since 2016,, bribed the media as part of the covid construct, which has only done one good thing. Shown people like me, just who are incapable of independent rational thought, so at least the "enemy within" can be seen.
Right now, Herr Ardern is at Yale University having scarpered from here, partly because it's too dangerous for her to walk down a street without someone flicking a truth or two at her.... she should have been permanently "locked" into this country to live out what she created for the rest of her life... rather than being hooked up with the UN and those seeking to continue with their orchestration....
Her successor is no better, and the other major party walks in lockstep. We have a national election coming up, which has lead to "rumours" that the two wings on the same bird - the two major parties - might form a war-time coalition in order to keep the ruination of this country on track.
It would seem logical that most people in all countries, who can think for themselves, see past the political smoke and mirrors and at the very least understand that the truth lies outside of the current spiel.
Look on the bright side. You're far enough away, and financially too small to get a visit from green t-shirt guy. I don't know if you caught the recent action in the Canadian parliament, but it was a full house. Every seat was taken, and everyone stood to applaud. Probably the first time in our history that that ever happened. Cringe doesn't begin to describe it.
Here's what I'm talking about:
"fought for Ukrainian independence against Russia during the Second World War."
No mention of the fact that he fought with the 14th Waffen SS Division. In other words it's OK to applaud a former Nazi so long as he fought against the Russians (our ally) and not us!
I want to know this. Where are the Canadian Jews who ought to be outraged by this? When do we hear from them?
I agree with you and am surprised that some of your readers don't recognize irony when they come across it. It is perfectly appropriate to write about this awful war. It has everything to do with the toxicity that is eating away at our country.
Hi John
Do I respect the convictions of others? I try but it depends, as it does for all of us. It hinges on objective reality to the extent that can be established.
Human trafficking? A good thing? Of course not. Telling others the COVID shots are just great? No, this is not a conviction I respect.
The war in Ukraine is a topic that requires homework. One’s sources are important and we come to a certain conclusion if all we hear are government narrative MSM talking points and a different conclusion if we research more extensively. Likely our values stacked up against those of most other Americans are pretty much the same. The conclusion we pick depends on who is speaking to those values and who is telling the truth. It’s NOT this administration any more than they told the truth about the virus and the shots.
Belonging to CHD and reading substack is, to some extent the reason I am a living “mandate retiree.” Maybe the only one out of the 20,000 employee community of our hi tech corporation who gave up $2M of compensation through 2024 by ditching out on the shots in Sep ‘21.
Among those who took their chances are about 30 colleagues now dead (only an estimate … it will take an AG investigation to find out). These folks made a bad call because they did not do their homework. Doing homework on something unrelated to work proper was entirely new for me, so I totally understood, but grieve that no one listened. I sent Dr. McCullough’s 1h20m presentation from 2021 to some.
I don’t know the timing, but, possibly before Conor Kennedy ran off to Ukraine, RFKJR himself had posted on Spotify interviews of several sources on the Ukraine war. These early interviews definitely left us with mixed impressions of the conflict. Kennedy at that time took no position.
It was more recently that Bobby caught up with Ritter, MacGregor and Abelow. Links are pasted below.
My own vigorous opposition to US involvement in Ukraine was premised on interviews with Ritter and MacGregor prior to Kennedy’s discussion with them. I left a note on the mCHD website urging Kennedy to speak to them. Two additional references of mine are the extensive “Bandera Lobby” Substack posts (Moss Robeson) and several interviews with polymath, ex-GCHQ and current UK Column reporter Alex Thomson, found on Rumble.
In his interview with James Dallingpole, Alex gently chided his host who seemed to seek approval for encouraging his son’s ambition to serve in the Ukrainian Air Force. Alex let him know the only one to be “pleased as punch” if his son is sacrificed over the skies of Ukraine would be be Liz Truss.
Did Conor need to be machine gunning Russian soldiers his age? Was he really fighting for the free people of Ukraine or was he aiding and abetting the Bandera Nationalists in attempting to assert their authority over the residents of the Donbas who had been resisting it with their lives since 2014? What evidence did he have that Putin was trying to reabsorb all of Ukraine? I say there was none but for propaganda, confusing though it is.
And why were 100,000 Ukraine troops doing on the Donbas border when Putin invaded? What did the Banderists have in mind for the residents of Luhansk and Donetsk? Love for Russian speakers? The privilege of Kiev governance that approved the shelling of civilians by the Azov battalion since 2014?
Why should I be preoccupied with Putin when our own administration has exterminated 1M of our own citizens? Is that perhaps the reason propaganda directs our attention elsewhere?
And what do I care about the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine as if Kiev’s jurisdiction over the Donbas is some sort of divine right? It is a phrase bandied about as a platitude.
My sources lead to conclusions and convictions different from Conor’s. As a citizen I want us OUT. I’m glad Conor made it back but he may acquire a new perspective as so many soldiers did who served in Viet Nam.
Greetings Edward. Thanks for reading my post, and many thanks for your thorough and thoughtful reply. I wasn't suggesting that Conor Kennedy's view of the war was sensible, and nor did his father think that it was. I merely mentioned his story as an example for people in the United States and other European countries who passionately believe that there can be NO negotiated settlement with Russia. I am often confronted with such people, and more than a few feel so strongly about it that they have personally attacked me for even proposing negotiations. Conor Kennedy shows them that if they really feel so strongly that people should continue dying instead of at least trying to negotiate a settlement, then they should consider joining the fight.
Thanks so much John and Peter! For my part I appreciated your run down of the dominant Ukraine Oligarchs and don’t imagine there is anything much I can say you don’t know! My spiel and list of references was inspired by readers who believe the MSM narrative that Putin is another Stalin aiming to reassemble the Soviet Empire. I’d like to think instead we can pick up where Lincoln and Alexander ll left off with big plans for cooperation. Three dead Presidents, two dead Czars and two World Wars, Viet Nam, WTC, two Gulf Wars ... etc., say something about how international financiers (our own Oligarchs) have felt about that over the generations! What is going on now looks more like a square mile inside the city limits of London reassembling the British Empire! They have a pretty good handle on the “mind space” considering the intransigent medical tyranny and strange “woke” revolution that seems to go with it in former colonies across the globe. What a difference a written Constitution makes! Everybody says it’s all China’s doing. But is it? I look forward to your posts! Best regards!
PS. I commented to Dershowitz about the Nationalist (Nazi) domination of the Kiev regime since 2014 and before. He read my comment on air and declared “There are no Nazis in Ukraine!” I love this guy except when he is parroting Biden Administration narratives with a straight face. Yes of course he is entitled to his convictions. I daresay at age 85 the Ukraine military would take him! I’ll try to talk him out if it.
>>ABELOW BOOK on Amazon
How the West Brought War to Ukraine: Understanding How U.S. and NATO Policies Led to Crisis, War, and the Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe
On YouTube 6-13-23: the counteroffensive (The Duran with Scott Ritter)
Is there an interview with Connor after he came back?
I believe Zelensky was paid handsomely by the WEF Globalists to clear out Ukraine. What better way to clear out a country than to go to war?
I believe the WEF Globalists want Ukraine’s fertile land for themselves. Crops will be grown and cattle will roam.
The war is about securing a sustainable food source for the Globalists and a Headquarters. I think Putin may be in on the war charade too. If Putin were not in on the charade, Zelensky would have been a dead man a long time ago. His coordinates are public record when he is on Zoom!
"If Putin were not in on the charade, Zelensky would have been a dead man a long time ago."
There's a long standing tradition of not targeting foreign leaders during military conflicts. The practical reasons are obvious. If we target them, they'll target us. Besides, who will be there to negotiate a surrender when that point is reached? With no leaders to call a halt the fighting will continue and lives will be needlessly wasted on both sides.
As for Putin being 'in on it' I imagine you're thinking of his alleged membership in the WEF's 'young global leaders program.' What's left out of that narrative is the fact that he worked for the intelligence services at the time, who would no doubt want one of their own on the inside. Even if he voluntarily participated it means nothing. That was many years ago and people do change their minds, especially when they feel betrayed. Arguing that Putin is WEF on that basis is like saying all Yale alumni are Skull and Bones. AFAIC, that narrative is just more disinformation to discourage people from viewing Russia as a positive force in opposing the NWO.
A really good control scenario, and capital sucking one at that, is to be in a state of permanent war and crisis. "We have always been at war with Eastasia". Both sides 'in on it' at at least the very highest levels, and Bobs your uncle just a bonanza of money and control......
Hard to say. I have no valid opinion. I do note that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is like J+J and equally dangerous. And a long while back they had 60% uptake. So that is a bad sign, although not definitive. If the Russian authorities continue to push jabs, and seem unable to bring the war to a close, well those are also bad signs.
You could easily have Russian generals and Colonels, fighting for real real, and not so far above them a rather different strata. It would be all of a piece with my theory that the true evil core of 'fully in on the plan' people are just a fraction of a fraction, maybe 10000 world wide? Vampire squids who understand the whole genocide starvation war crisis destruction of sovereign states, crippling of energy, food and judicial systems. Right below them I believe, choose to believe, you got folks who know bits and pieces, only. Compartmentalization. And even a mafia boss might rebel at killing say 5 billion people. Not to mention an otherwise corrupt federal judge or general.
Their control, I hope, is tenuous, their weakness, I hope, is that even the bulk of their minions would recoil at the total plan. Anyways it is certainly possible that China and Russia are 'in on it'. Are they poisoning their people? Are they spraying their skys? We have always been at war with Eastasia........?
EDIT a 'tell' on an everyone is in on it' scenario would be a limited nuclear exchange that the UN heroes or other globocap reps manage to 'get under control'. You want to scare people? Get them to take whatever? Turn a couple of cities into green glass and folk will accept anything, anything, to make it stop.
"I do note that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is like J+J and equally dangerous. And a long while back they had 60% uptake. So that is a bad sign, although not definitive. If the Russian authorities continue to push jabs, and seem unable to bring the war to a close, well those are also bad signs.'
One thing that consistently irritates me is the way that people express their opinions as if they were concrete facts, so it's encouraging to see that you haven't done that.
I find the argument that "Russia is in on it" (whatever IT is) fails on several points.
First, mRNA technology has been in the works for many years and it's promoters have characterized it as a potential breakthrough of the same magnitude as penicillin. I understand the argument, particularly where it applies to genetic defects, in fact one of the tragedies of rushing it into production under such suspicious circumstances is that it casts a pall over the entire enterprise.
With that as a background, consider Russia and China's response to the CV19 outbreak. China may have believed they were under attack, thus the draconian measures. It's not like they haven't had similar outbreaks in the past, both in the human and animal populations. Oddly though, while the conditions for zoonotic transfer are present in China (proximity to livestock and poor sanitation) they're also present in dozens of other countries, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and India. So why always China? If I were Chinese I'd definitely be asking that question.
Now, as a Russian observer, what would your take-away be from the outbreak in China, and subsequently Iran, which was hit especially hard at the leadership level? "Is this an attack" must have been one of the points discussed at the leadership level, "and if so, how do we respond?" Protect the population first, then figure out a response would be the logical course of action.
This presented an opportunity for the people promoting mRNA technology inside Russia, who may or may not have had ulterior motives apart from the leadership itself. I don't think Putin or any of his cabinet are microbiologists, so naturally they'd defer to the experts within their sphere. Add to this a tendency of Russian leadership to promote their advances in technology, a trait they inherited from the USSR. Naming their 'vaccine' Sputnik is a direct reference to that. First in space, first in vaccines... the sort of thing you'd put on a postage stamp.
It bears mentioning that the vaccines were never mandated at the national level. That was left up to city and regional administrations, who out of an excess of caution mandated vaccination. Hard to stand against such a tide for a careerist politician which, like everywhere else, Russia has in abundance. So proof of nothing really, except the self-interest of politicians.
The public response OTOH was anything but acceptance, and the reason is simple. Russians are dyed in the wool skeptics, so that 60% figure is highly suspicious. Also, Russia for all its recent advances is still a corrupt society, so anyone seeking to avoid the vaccine had a simple solution: find a doctor who'll take a bribe to enter you in the system then flush the vaccine down the drain. No one knows how many fake vaccine certificates were issued, but I doubt it's a small number. In fairness, some doctors may have done that out of conscience as well. So that 60% is probably closer to 40% or even lower.
Add to this that at least two vaccines have been rolled out subsequent to Sputnik, neither of which are mRNA products. That to me looks like tiptoeing away from what they now know was a bad mistake, which would be right in character with Russian governance: don't mention your mistakes unless it somehow adds to your prestige, which in this case doesn't.
On the specific issue of depopulation, this seems categorically false in Russia's case. Look at the facts. For years they've bemoaned their negative growth rates, their high abortion and divorce rates and the general decline in family formation. To offset this they've promoted large families via the Orthodox Church, and through various financial and tax incentives. They've also relaxed their immigration policies, at least with regard to first world nations, and have actively encouraged people of Russian ancestry to repatriate. So how does that fit with a population reduction agenda?
None of this proves the case one way or another of course, but it should at least be entered in the record as a possible explanation. Anything less is what I call "selective skepticism" which is self-explanatory and unfortunately practised a lot these days, on both sides of the debate.
"Their control, I hope, is tenuous, their weakness, I hope, is that even the bulk of their minions would recoil at the total plan."
The desperation we've seen, the draconian measures, manipulations, lies and obfuscations are all indicative of a plan that's failing. I'm cautiously optimistic on that basis, with the caveat that cornered rats are dangerous, so all bets are off at this moment in history.
My advice is simple. Stay focused on what we know to be true, and present that truth to whoever is receptive. Avoid being distracted by overarching theories, such as "they're all in on it" which not only lacks concrete proof but is highly divisive, and suspicious in and of itself.
On a smaller scale, the WEF is clearing out once prominent cities in America. How? Let crime run amiss.
I wonder about that too.
I miss Art Bell.
Leake is not going to provide any real perspective on the new & improved version of what the Neocons call an "evil doer," any more than he (Leake) will identify precisely who formed, funded and still control the so-called Neocons. Their new & improved version is Vladimir Putin, the man, as just one indication, recently outlawed sex change operations in Russia, and then was promptly vilified and demonized by the WOKE pronoun-crazed "West."
Perhaps a short clip of President Putin will provide some measure of a balanced view of him . . . As a second born of Hungarian immigrants, I am deeply thankful that President Putin purposely and consciously makes a distinction between the nation of Russia, and the prior sewage called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (15 in-total, of which Russia was the largest).
I can assure the reader that Jacob Schiff, and Lev Davidovich Bronstein ("Trotsky"), and Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov ("Lenin"), and Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili ("Stalin"), and Victoria Nudelman ("Nuland"), and Janet Yellin, and Antony Blinken, and even Klaus Schwab, et al. do not want you to watch; very recent:
I fogot to mention Merrick Garland, someone with deep ties to the corrupt "nation" of Ukraine. Garland's true stature/character/status was reviewed by Congressman Tory Nelhs last week:
Everyone should watch the one where Putin talks about the new world order.
the men behind the curtain, that bring national policies into line with their private profit agenda
this is unknown territory ... lets stick to what we know ... vaxxines
it is good to understand how and why the vax got here, along with the draconian containment policies, to prevent a recurrence of the covid fiasco
plenty of false leads on this territory ...