I'm holding out hope that Novak Djokovic's day of redemption is coming. The fact that his fellow tennis players have abandoned him instead of standing with him is one of the saddest parts of this story. Hopefully he has enough left in the tank to still win in 2023!

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I agree that his fellow players should have demonstrated solidarity with him. They seem to have adopted the attitude: "I got the shot, so he should get it as well"--i.e., archaic conformity. See also my post "Covid Fascism" about the cancellation and suicide of one of Germany's greatest musicians. His colleagues also abandoned him. Thanks for reading. Please share the link with your friends!

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You meant https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/corona-fascism Thank you for the story. I wasn’t aware of it

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He has always been my fave and even more so now.

Maybe if more people shared their stories, things would become more clear to people still not in the know ... people talking to people and not just gov't/media/big pharma selling to people.

Case in point:

People Rate Ivermectin Higher than COVID-19 Vaccines


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I live in the penal colony of Australia. This whole disgusting saga involving Novak was just one example of the many instances of ' political grandstanding with a sadistic twist' that many were forced to endure.

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Yes sadistic!

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Novak has already won. His heart , health and good humour remain in great shape. In this way, he makes a powerful contribution.

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I have a suggestion if you want a CDC true crime story to write about. Check out the April 29 MMWR publication and look to see what is being covered up, how, and why.


Why is 2019 omitted from the graph in Figure 1?

Why doesn't the CDC compare the pre-pandemic 2019 all cause mortality for all age groups with 2020 and 2021 data? 2019 data is a better baseline.

How is it that 85+ y.o. covid deaths declined 28% in 2021 v. 2020, while working age covid deaths doubled?

Since 85+ y.o. all cause mortality declined 14% in 2021 relative to 2020 and working age all cause mortality rose almost 18%, why is it that the CDC lumped them both together in the graph, creating a Simpson's Paradox? Why doesn't the CDC cover this in the discussion section?

2019 statistics


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Many thanks for this!

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Thank you for writing about Novak's trial by fire. Thank God he has a psyche made of steel and great intelligence. He worked tremendously hard for years to develop a healthy body after years of allergies. Shame on Rafa Nadal, whom I use to hold in the highest regard, who demeaned Novak and ignorantly stated that the shot was the only thing we have to stop the pandemic! Imagine that! Novak does not need any day of redemption. The world and us tennis lovers know now or will know the truth about these evil injections. Novak, who was the #1 tennis player in the world, will shine brightly in the annals of tennis history. I might add that it was not only the govt, but the ATP who banned him from the US Open! The Australian govt is fascistic and cruel/sadistic and most likely under the influence of the CCP, its' neighbor, so I have been told.

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Thank you Dr McCullough, your courageous stance has been instrumental in almost red pilling my cardiologist husband. I, a psychiatrist, always saw through the lies😜. Last was a little internecine joke but seriously I was a believer until very early on in this saga and now I sadly see the corruption of my once vaunted profession

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The PM at the time Scott Morrison (dubbed windsock by one witty commentator) with an election looming and in response to a growing social media fuss thought it would be politically useful to ban Novak Djokovic. He and his party suffered their worst defeat ever in the election.

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Not only have the famous have been abandoned, the everyday, ordinary person who didn't take the shot has been hung out to dry also. Only two of my former clients have maintained any contact. I was a hairdresser with clients for 20+ years. When this whole mess came down I shut the doors, and then people didn't want any information not in agreement with the m.s.m., c.d.c., and f.d.a. Still, to this day it remains the same.

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Horrible. What state are you in?

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Mpls. Mn. We had Gov. Waltz put out a hot line to be able to turn in your neighbors if they broke lockdown. And to think I used to be in support of dems.

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Is Gov Waltz (out the door please) up for re-election? Vote against. One of my cousins is thinking of moving to Mn. He thinks only Mpls is the problem, or that whole county. What do you think?

And if you supported dems in the past, and have come around, congrats. Me too! If you're surrounded by the all your life, it's tough to see through the fog. Just be glad you're out.

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AGREED! My boyfriend, foreigner, cannot travel to be with me in the states!!! It’s INSANITY INNANITY!! What is the right govt entity to barrage with this issue? I’m hitting my reps but wondering aloud....

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Still foreigners unvaxxed are forbidden?

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Yes ma'am...

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Today on kcbs.

Richelle walensky has tested positive,has mild symptoms

I think she got it direct inject

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I just find the timing so vaxxidental, let's go cdc!!!!

More child sacrifice guaranteed

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I think that Novak Djokovic has demonstrated a courage of convictions that is sadly less common than it should be, specifically among celebrities. There are many everyday people who made the same choice, but theirs was quiet and unheralded.

His example is an important story of seeking and conforming with truth rather than popular narrative. We must continue to tell these stories and seek out the similar stories of common people. The struggle is not over.

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