Thank you for calling out the fraud for what it is and being one of the earliest to do so, Peter. You are an example of someone who is living courageously and not by half-lies:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

The “Origins of SARS-CoV-2” article is a laughably transparent attempt to redirect people’s attention from the most plausible explanation to a preposterous alternative.

Stating that “There is no rational experimental reason” is manipulative framing to suggest anyone considering a lab origin must be a crazy conspiracy theorist—without actually providing any substantive evidence for dismissing this hypothesis.

It also reveals that the authors are either profoundly stupid regarding the development of bioweapons and gain-of-function research or they think we are—very likely the latter because they would have had to know they were writing a spin piece per the PR instructions handed down from Dr. Mengelfauci (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer).

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The proximal-origin authors base their zoonotic argument weakly upon it being an unknown virus, therefore that's why no one would be experimenting with it. That must be why the Wuhan Virology lab took their virus database offline because it was only known to the database. They did offer up renamed RaTG13, a very close cousin, sans the furin cleavage site. Eventually their misdeeds will catch up with them.

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You understood the fraud taking place 3 years ago and had the courage to describe it to the world in a congressional committee hearing. You did this at great personal and professional risk. There is no doctor who stands above you as a leader in the resistance to the malicious fraud that is still being perpetrated. with intent to harm people around the world. I humbly thank you.

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Agree completely! Dr. McCullough has saved countless lives, probably including mine, with the courage to speak out and assemble like-minded doctors who would provide actual treatment. He is a treasure. Praying he continues to receive the strength to run this race and expose the evil that has been perpetrated.

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Dr. McCullough

Wow. Bolstering your argument with their own publications is brilliant. It seems tight.

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Peter and all…please support a serious Supreme Court case that many, including entire states will want to join!

Where is Our Freedom Movement with actions that matter to STOP ALL TREASON…bioweapons events, open borders, election fraud, etc?

HOPE is here…Supreme Court case highlighted in links in the following Lex Greene piece…




Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and still counting)

P.S. Spread the word of this CRITICAL Supreme Court Case…last peaceful option!

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Given recent decisions by SCOTUS, notably the Brunson case which found that no US citizen has standing before the court even if the matter is treason by public officials, I think it is most naive to place any faith in SCOTUS. Their function today is to protect the status quo, and the rule of law does not enter into their reasoning any more than public health enters into the reasoning of HHS and FDA.. The behavior of lower courts in the January 6 cases corroborates my cynicism.

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The Brunson Case never had a chance and you only need to read page one to know it…

1) The brothers are not lawyers, trying to represent the case without proper legal counsel.

2) They name a long laundry list of defendants individually. This alone will prevent any Court from taking up the case.

I have great faith and HOPE that Lex and others will get the job done on this critical Supreme Court case because Lex is a contributing think tank member and adviser to NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER.

What is NALC? TNALC is not a law firm. It’s a Constitutional research, education and strategic planning think tank developing winning constitutional arguments, evidence and strategies for law firms representing constitutional cases.

They are the only group that has accomplished anything productive in the last 3 years…a serious Michigan Supreme Court case against Whitmer, one of the most maniacal Governors in the country with a 7-0 decision in a liberal court!

Whitmer has tried to take that case down 3 times and cannot because of the excellent work of NALC!

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You might be right, but the fact is that SCOTUS denied Brunson claiming they had no standing. That says the court is more interested in form than in substance. Hope and faith are virtues and appropriate in religious settings. I guess that’s why the justices see themselves as priests in the black robes and act accordingly. I hope time will prove me wrong and you right. In the meantime the rule of law in this country is an illusion.

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This Michigan Supreme Court case against Whitmer, one of the most maniacal Governors in the country was VERY successful with a 7-0 decision in a liberal court…thanks to NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER!

So successful that Whitmer tried to take this case down 3 times and lost!

I have great faith and trust this group can get the job done with a Federal Supreme Court case that will shut down ALL the treason we see everywhere!

More questions…send Lex Greene a message at NEWSWITHVIEWS.com…contact info at any of his pieces there!

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Shared with many nurses and doctors!

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Thank you Peter! In my latest letter (50+, dating back to April 2020, all of which discuss and name Big Academia as criminals), I once-again call out Big Academia as criminals,; I refer to them as "academic mercenaries." Please see Page 8 of 26, and 26 of 26, here:


Speaking of academic mercenaries, please remember, it was the University of Minnesota that mandated that Mrs. Jummai Nache be needled with Bourla's mRNA . . .

Reference 1 to that letter is in overleaf; just below Page 26 of 26. That 24 March 2021 reference and the statement by Congresswoman Nancy Mace compelled this latest letter. Please click on the picture of Congresswoman Mace (Page 2 of 26); pictures and JPEGs and text boxes are hyperlinks. Please feel free to share/comment.

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Before I forget, I mention Dr. Peter McCullough on (cover letter) Page 11 of 26.

Just so everyone has handy, this is Reference 1:


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See also Alex Washburne's Substack for an article which shows that SARS-CoV-2 has distinctive patterns which match those which would arise from the final genome being stitched together in the lab from multiple segments drawn from multiple viruses. The pattern cannot reasonably have been thought to arise by natural evolution:


This article https://alexwasburne.substack.com/p/a-synthetic-origin-of-sars-cov-2 links to a preprint, which he co-wrote, with all the details.

The next article https://alexwasburne.substack.com/p/open-letter-to-the-world argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has lead to a very much greater amount of research on SARS-CoV-2 like corona viruses, and that a lot of this research involves gain of function research which raises the risk lab leaks and so further pandemics.

https://alexwasburne.substack.com/p/zoonotic-origin-evidence-we-dont points out that the zoonotic origins of SARS (AKA SARS-CoV-1) in 2002 were quickly found and thoroughly researched. Yet, over 3 years after SARS-CoV-2 started spreading widely, no evidence of its zoonotic origins has been found.

There is an additional way of determining reliably what happened, even without understanding the biological details and without trusting anyone's judgement about those details:

The logic of Sherlock Holmes' "dog which does not bark" sleuthing (https://brieflywriting.com/2012/07/25/the-dog-that-didnt-bark-what-we-can-learn-from-sir-arthur-conan-doyle-about-using-the-absence-of-expected-facts/) applies to this supposed mystery of the origins of COVID-19, with Check-Mate! force and clarity: Both the Chinese and the US governments are hiding information about this research and doing nothing to seriously pursue the numerous lines of evidence for them both being responsible for engineering the virus. The current US Congressional Inquiry into the origins is the product of Republican congress men and women, who now have majorities in both houses. This is the legislature, not the United States government.

Exactly the same applies to the supposed mystery of who sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines. Does anyone seriously think that the United States, with all its intelligence agencies, military forces, undersea hydrophones, surveillance satellites and spies really does not know who did it? The US government is very much in the business of knowing these things and holding those responsible for such a destructive act accountable. However, they are not at all interested in investigating. No barks from them at all.

Finally, please see the research articles on vitamin D and the immune system cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ (Co-signed by Patrick Chambers MD: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Patrick-Chambers-4/). Most people have 5 to 25 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which is 1/10 to 1/2 of the 50 ng/mL their immune system needs to function properly.

If everyone had 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L), then neither COVID-19 nor influenza would be very transmissible, in any season, except perhaps between very closely confined people. There would be no pandemic. The disease would rarely seriously harm or kill the people who are infected. Sepsis, which kills 11 million people a year (2007: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)32989-7/) would only rarely occur.

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Clear and present fraud. The power behind those who wish us harm is strong.

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Going to send you over to dialogue with Lex Greene since has been a consultant in Constitutional Law for MANY years on civil and military cases!

Constitutional Law has NOT been taught lawyers since 1946. Why do you think that is?

Yes, our Constitutional Law System was traded for British Common Law in 1946 when ‘procedure and precedent’ was brought to our shores…a disgusting system that is designed to shutdown the voices of the people on great display in many courts today, right?

More gross treason!!!

Go to Lex’s piece at newswithviews.com….

QUITTERS NEVER WIN and get his contact info at end…any more comments and questions need to be directed to him!

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Academic fraud...a very mild descriptor of what has really occurred which is well beyond just “academic” in orientation...it must include the broad agenda of total propaganda is all spheres for this COVID hysteria and censorship has been planned out in detail before it ever arrived on our shores. The ability to de-platform anyone who offered up an opposing position ascribes a much more broad based enforcement arm of this Deep State agenda...even at the State Medical licensing Boards. This devious and cooperative effort by all spheres of influences within our society is both tragic and still in-place to repeat it again and again..just awaiting orders from their un-elected masters.

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Courageous Discourse is right!

We are in a race for our lives and so many have no idea. I hope the pace of awakening accelerates. Time is of the essence.

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To give everyone an idea how RELENTLESS is the medical/health fraud committed by academia, especially in the context of their latest charade "COVID-19," we now must endure the rubbish by . . . policy advisors?!


Throughout the paper (referenced/linked in the article above), we find the phrases 'cases' and 'COVID-19 cases." But doing a word search of that goo, how many times do we find the term 'pcr'? Zero, of course.


EVIDENCE FROM COLLEGE COVID-19 MANDATES, is dated "July 2022." So why all the hype at the home page ( https://www.cornell.edu ) of my alma mater at this late point?

In my letter to fellow Cornell graduate Anthony Fauci of 21 July 2020 (Yes. . . . 2020), on Page 2 of 36, I call out the issue of Cornell University participations in the then-upcoming crimes against humanity:


Given Dr. Robert Redfield's recent testimony, you might note my Question 1, at-bottom of Page 3 of 36. (Just for the record . . . one of the early recipients of my 21 July 2020 letter? Dr. Peter McCullough. And thank you Dr. Pam Popper for uploading to your site: https://wellnessforumhealth.com/dr-fauci-requesting-your-official-response-to-sars-cov-2-covid-19-related-questions-by-paul-sheridan/ )

But back to today's Cornell home page hype . . . why now . . . regurgitating their lies from July 2022?!

One of the most repulsive lies of that July 2022 paper is their crap about . . . hold for it . . . the notion that the mRNA poison contributed to a reduction in . . . transmission! From the 9 March 2023 Cornell Chronicle yarn, quote:

“ 'Given the mandates mostly impacted students who are very unlikely to die from COVID, we argue that virtually all of these saved lives are due to reduction in transmission to other members of the community,' said Michael Lovenheim, professor in the ILR School and the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy and the Donald C. Opatrny ’74 Chair of the Department of Economics."

Sooooooooo...according to this Fauci-face-saving professor of economics (Huh?!), the mRNA needle mandates "saved lives . . . due to reduction in transmission." Okaaaaaay.

But let me answer the 'why now?' question . . . and this is not speculation.

In my letter to the Ivy League presidents of 27 October 2022, I reviewed the testimony at the European Parliament Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic of Pfizer Marketing Executive Ms. Janine Small . . . under Examination by Parliamentarian Mr. Rob Roos – 10 October 2022. Here is a link to my letter sent IN HARD COPY to the presidents and law school deans of the Ivy League:


Please see cover letter Pages 10 to 19 of 33 (quick read, mostly JPEGs).


Soooooooo...according to Cornell professor of economics, Mr. Michael Lovenheim . . . a needle that was never even tested for transmissibility, is responsible for reducing . . . transmissibility??????

We must not let Big Academia off-the-hook for their open participations in the second most vicious Crime Against Humanity. Thank you Peter for getting on-board.

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The Brunson Case never had a chance and you only need to read page one to know it…

1) The brothers are not lawyers, trying to represent the case without proper legal counsel.

2) They name a long laundry list of defendants individually. This alone will prevent any Court from taking up the case.

I have great faith and HOPE that Lex and others will get the job done on this critical Supreme Court case because Lex is a contributing think tank member and adviser to NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER.

What is NALC? TNALC is not a law firm. It’s a Constitutional research, education and strategic planning think tank developing winning constitutional arguments, evidence and strategies for law firms representing constitutional cases.

They are the only group that has accomplished anything productive in the last 3 years…a serious Michigan Supreme Court case against Whitmer, one of the most maniacal Governors in the country with a 7-0 decision in a liberal court!

Whitmer has tried to take that case down 3 times and cannot because of the excellent work of NALC!

Will send that case link in a separate post!

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Stop the C-19 vaccine/shots now for everyone in the USA

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Your just calling it what is “FRAUDS”. Don’t back down from these losers!

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