Almost all my v’d friends are “different” now. And not in a good way. There is just something “off” about them now. My daughter says the same thing about her v’d friends.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

I think I may be living through the early stages of this right now with a family member unfortunately it's impossible to discuss this with them.

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A frail, elderly but otherwise healthy pt. developed fever and delirium < 10d after a V.A. administered covid shot in January of 2021 . He was hospitalized for "covid pneumonia". Over the ensuing weeks of recovery he displayed a stark deterioration in short term memory and early recall. His symptoms were very reminiscent of Korsakoff syndrome but he is neither malnoutished nor alcohol dependent. This gentleman remains otherwise alive and well but the retrograde and anterograde memory impairments have continued to worsen . The temporal coincidence with his receipt of a covid shot leaves me very suspicious that his neuropsychiatric decline was caused or aggravated by the mRNA jab.

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Welcome (finally) to the PANDAS / PANS vaccine rabbit hole. Neuropsychiatric symptoms following shots. Not just covid. All shots. Parents of injured children have been shouting from the rooftops for years.

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While perhaps not definitive enough to be published in a medical journal, there are a myriad of accounts of people advising that their vaxxed friends are just ‘different’ now, from a general malaise, indifference, something you cannot readily define, but just different in emotional and intellectual response. Is this specifically from the vax? From the societal changes due to the ‘pandemic’? I have no idea, but have found that a number of my friends are no longer as outgoing, social, etc.

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Dr Mccullough in a recent interview you refered to a study by Helen Banoun which talked about vaccine shedding.

If the unvaccinated are exposed to the vacine through shedding does it equal having taken the shot?

I.e. is it permenant and gene editing?

Please clarify your opinion on this most important question.


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My husband is an internist, and a patient of his (that I also knew) tragically committed suicide recently. Hearing the news, his medical assistant reminded my husband that this is the 5th or 6th suicide in his practice in a relatively short period of time. It made me wonder when he told me that.

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Yes. Vaccines can cause CNS inflammation/MS like damage. Treating with steroids can exacerbate the problem, steroid induced psychosis.

It’s okay though they have another drug for that 😳

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But... as always (I have said it before), the authors of the Psychosis case reports conclude at the end that these AEs are "rare" and should not discourage people from getting "vaccinated". I find this practice disgusting; reporting serious AE and still pushing the "vaccines". At least Morz, the author of the second article about pathologic findings of encephalitis and myocarditis does not engage on that practice.

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What is the count now? About 800 different adverse reactions from these Covid poison jabs??? Wow.... these Experimental products set a new standard for devastation of the human body...

Thank you for your continuous work exposing the Crime of the Century... Dr McCullough...

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A lot of v'd people appear to me to be unable to engage in conversation about anything that might lead to even mild disagreement, and not just about the shot or its affects. They seem to have flatter affect in general and inadequate concern about significant life events or even lesser uncomfortable or difficult issues (i.e. death of a loved one, dealing with children acting out). There are anti-depressants that produce this type of behavior, which I saw in clients at times over many years, but I can't recall which ones. I do remember having concern about women caring for young children with this sort of "stepford wife" behavior.

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Just watched the CHD video with Naomi Wolf - the findings of 3000 healthcare professionals who read through ALL of the court ordered Pfizer documents have been published. They are urging everyone to purchase from Amazon so that it goes viral. Yes, psychological disturbances are discussed as well - but more disturbing is the potential destruction of the world's population - BioNTech is a CHINES COMPANY - they want our land, natural resources, NOT OUR PEOPLE. Looking at the death rates - we top the list followed by Western Europe after the so called vaccine. Watch the interviews then purchase the book.


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My sister in law fairly suddenly became unable to keep a train of thought. Communicating has become pretty much impossible for her. Her husband is very passive about it and feels she simply has Alzheimers. I'd be freaking out but he seems strangely zombified. One of her brothers says this happened suddenly and wonders about medications. I wonder about the shot, which the family STILL feels is a necessary part of your health regime. I told her not to get a booster and she seemed confused - until the thought faded into oblivion. She has severe anxiety, a weird OCD about her phone beeps, and is fully disabled. She was a totally normal school teacher prior to the covid years.

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I have head this described as “NPC”, or non player characters.

The vaccinated are somewhat disconnected from any type of mental engagement.

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Suicide rates among college students appear to be high, especially where vax mandates are present:

1. Stanford: https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/03/04/stanfords-star-soccer-goalie-katie-meyer-died-by-suicide-authorities-confirm/

2. Cornell: Suicide is implied at the end of the story:

“This is the *fourth student death announced during the Spring 2022 semester*…The University will hold an in-person community support meeting on Thursday, April 21 from 5 to 6 p.m. in Goldwin Smith 142. Students in need of professional mental health support can call Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 607-255-5155 and employees can call the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) at 607-255-2673.”


3. Mississippi State (athlete, so vax is mandated):


And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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It is amazing to suspect or assume, that somehow we are indeed under a radical human "behavior"

modification by a systematical lowering of our ability to grasp the daily downhill events. It's Crazy!

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