As a heart surgeon, I’ve been trying to wake my colleagues up to this. But most of than prefer to keep up with the narrative. It’s been a lonely and pretty tough journey...

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Considering that medical journals cancel the real science, I don’t find this surprising. But there is a growing number of doctors speaking up. We have to bond together.

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Absolutely, Med journals for about 40yrs have been controlled by Big Pharma..If you want the Big Picture go to RetractionWatch.com.. and Yes indeed we do have to unite.. keep spreading the word everyday to our various leaders political, cultural, religious , Expand our contact base and relentlessly send emails, phone calls.., protests.. share Best Practices [daily... 6 contacts a min.] constantly refine and Streamline systems for more and more efficiency...

Its All about the Numbers.. critical mass is coming.. the Tide is turning.. lets overwhelm Big Brother...without Violence... We simply have to persist...

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Those with eyes ...but "will" not see. Ears but "will" not hear. What a dysfunctional existence.

There ...fixed it! Mo Betta!

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Incredible... I just don't understand how a cardiologist can stand by and do nothing.. these are innocent trusting children.. when one does nothing and Knows the potential for death or at least permanent disability..

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Don't forget, in Nazi Germany it was the doctors who started the eugenics programs which gave rise to the Nuremberg Code.

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Perhaps they should consider their obligations under fiduciary duty regulations. These legal cases may be helpful.


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This doctor now has over 500 myo/pericarditis patients. Only a small handful are slow to recover because they had been damaged for a long time. He's in Canada but if you have an official diagnosis he will treat you long distance. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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Have you asked why they "prefer" to keep up with the narrative?

Is it just that business hasn't been this good since VIOXX was taken off the market?

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Its disheartening. Knowing in your mind and very soul something is very wrong but no one else sees it

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Are they really blind or are they turning a blind eye because of the available choices, it's the easiest?

Most disheartening to me is seeing so much selfishness in a profession based on altruism, even when that selfishness costs others their lives.

It will be a long time if ever before your profession regains it's once vaunted status, and that will cost more people their lives.

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it may be an entire generation before we recover. That saddens me I loved what I did for 35 years but now am ashamed of my professions response

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This doctor now has over 500 myo/pericarditis patients. Only a small handful are slow to recover because they had been damaged for a long time. He's in Canada but if you have an official diagnosis he will treat you long distance. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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May I suggest that your only responsible for what you do. Maybe join a telemedicine group that supports real health care. If you haven't already (I suspect you might have) I recommend you take that negative energy and use it by standing against the medical murder that's being perpetrated on the people.

I thank you for your honesty.

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Thank you for that sir. I am attempting to get the bad taste I left with out of my mouth by joining with 2 of only other like minded thinkers in my town using FLCC type protocols. I hope this gives me back some of the love of medicine I had for 35 years.Talked a little with Wellness Company too

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Thanks for trying, we need more like you and Dr. PM. Praying the collective outrage will get louder.

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Last year, a boy sitting next to my daughter passed out during school Mass. He and my daughter were readers, so they were close to the altar. He was 💉+. His mom was the school nurse and had a Fauci bobble head on her desk. Can’t vaccinate against indoctrination (or stupid).🤷🏻‍♀️

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I would like to see the whole article to get a description of what I see in the picture labeled “D”.

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Is this the simple reason why we do not see the victim grab or clutching the chest at the heart location while grimacing with pain indicated by facial expression? (as in the TV/Movies depiction)

They seem to switch "OFF", quite literally in a heart beat! Young or old.

With the fact that the heart is the most complex muscle within the body.

Would it not make sense that it has the most complex array of pain receptors?

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With Ventricular tachycardia, which is what was discussed in this article, there is no clutching of the chest. They pass out because essentially the hear is not beating effectively enough to get the blood out.

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Thank you! Was good to see you over the weekend! Courageous! Stay the course.

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This doctor now has over 500 myo/pericarditis patients. Only a small handful are slow to recover because they had been damaged for a long time. He's in Canada but if you have an official diagnosis he will treat you long distance. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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Thank you sir I appreciate that. I am looking into something in the way of Liberty medicine locally with a couple of the only others similar thinking practitioners in my town using FLCC like protocols. A work in progress. Have had some discussion with the Wellness Company. I do hope to get the bad taste and disappointment to go away with doing what I know is right

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This doctor now has over 500 myo/pericarditis patients. Only a small handful are slow to recover because they had been damaged for a long time. He's in Canada but if you have an official diagnosis he will treat you long distance. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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Thank you sir I appreciate that. I am looking into something in the way of Liberty medicine locally with a couple of the only others similar thinking practitioners in my town using FLCC like protocols. A work in progress. Have had some discussion with the Wellness Company. I do hope to get the bad taste and disappointment to go away with doing what I know is right

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I used to respect and utilize health recommendations given by Dr. Gabe Mirkin.

He has come to consistently advise the taking the injections. Here is his most current reason he gives to continue to recommend it and the Studies he references. Does anyone more knowledgeable than I know if these particular studies are credible, and if so what to make of them?

Thank you.


Pat Baum



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