Dear Dr. McCullough, thank you for your bravery and courage to uphold truth. I am an R.N. and truly understand the battle we face. God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you.

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Thank you Dr McCullough. Thank you for your courage.

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I cannot think of a more deserving Doctor, Dr. McCullough. You have been a shining example of how

all Doctors should be. You are stainless steel, and then some.

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His Truth is Marching On!!

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Dr. McCullough, you deserve all the good things life has to offer as you have remained true to your path of service.

Sad that I'm not able to say the same of so many others similarly charged.

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Thank you Dr. McCullough for your willingness to speak out.

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Every doctor whether MD or DO is given a sword to battle disease and pestilence for his/her patients. Unfortunately for many they have LOST such via an organized political scheme to suppress medicine at its CORE values...freedom to treat the patient effectively and with sensitivity. I fault the AMA and most any State Medical Board who have allowed massive political corruption to seep into their decision making...they have forgot about what is really the best care for US and bowed to suppression and lies.

The lack of or minimal resistance from the thousands of MDs and DOs is extremely depressing and ALARMING for it signals a less talked about truth...physicians are easily conned and manipulated and no longer really of scientific minds interested in the best care...only what is “allowed” by POLITICS. What use to be a strong group who greatly advocated FOR the patient has turned quiet, just as the politicians predicted...an amazing and totally depressing occurrence.

Sadly this too is my profession for which I was trained before politics arrived, we treated all equally and to the best of our abilities and principles...all which now has changed whether by political mandates or discriminatory edicts. Hopefully the physicians of the World get some stones to lift this honored profession back out of the political gutter where politicians usually reside.

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I feel a bit overwhelmed today thinking about it. We are thankful for all the people who courageously stood for what is right. I’m just going to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. I know there is a lot of good out there. I just want to constantly remind myself of that.

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Praying your colleagues in the shadows develop the courage to join you! With countless others, I thank you for the protocol that rid me of the vid in three days.

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Thank you, Doctor. You are an inspiration

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Congratulations, Dr. McCullough! You well deserve this award for being the hero that you are.

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Dr. McCullough, you deserve the honor and much more although no one goes through the torture you have endured over the past three years for accolades, the motivation and will is from a much deeper place.

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