Thank you for saying this, and with such a fascinating history.


Canadian Tik Tokers Talk #I'MSORRY

video from: https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/imsorry-a-vaccinated-apology-to-the

Sept 11, 2022


OLDER MAN IN BASEBALL CAP (a) NOTEATINCRICKETS: Hi guys, me again. I just wanted to touch on my previous video a little bit. You know I think it's high time we really need to start to come together on this. And when this all first started, and the vaccine started rolling out, I wasn't paying attention, I wasn't listening, I soaked in whatever the government was telling me. And you know what, it really took the Freedom Convoy to open my eyes a little bit and to see what was going on. You know, seeing them trucks out in Coutts, and truckers blowing through the barricades, and seeing hundreds of people lined up on the highways supporting the convoy. It was really touching. And that's when I really started to dig deeper and open my eyes.

Sometimes it takes a big man to say, you know what, I screwed up and I'm sorry. Well, from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, you know what, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you sooner. I'm sorry I let the government get the best of me and think that they had our best interest at heart.

I want to encourage other people who are vaccinated to do the same thing. You know, we got, you might not see it because it doesn't affect you or it doesn't concern you, but people have lost their jobs, they've lost family and friends, they couldn't visit their sick parents in the hospital, they couldn't be at funerals and weddings, you know, some of their friends might have said, you know what you're not vaccinated you're not my friend anymore.

We really need to come back together as a people and start to work together on this. So for me, as a vaccinated person to all the unvaxxed, I'm going to start to train and say, I'm sorry, I fuc*ed up. And thank you, thank you for what you're doing. God bless.

YOUNG WOMAN IN CAR (a) UNIQUEGREENLADY: Alright, I'm going to try and do this without crying. I would just like to say thank you, sir, for your apology. Through all of this bulls*it with covid I've lost friends of over a decade, family has chosen to stop speaking to me. My mother couldn't be present for the birth of my daughter. And for someone who doesn't get apologies very often, this means a lot. I probably won't hear an apology from the people who I think frankly owe me one. So, thank you. Thank you very much.



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Someone sort of gets it. Still he/she/they are not/isn't sure of what the non vaxxed endured though. I will tell you it was a pressure cooker like no other designed to break you down mentally emotionally spiritually. Reduced you to a conformist and ultimately a slave. All you could do was, be still and know YOU and YOUR SELF were enough, good enough to make those decisions, had the ultimate right to make these decisions and to trust in your inner voice for what ever reason it said not to do this thing...and endure loss of friend, family, job, social standing livelyhood, economic well being. All because you dared to disagree to see things differently, to have more faith in yourself and your own reasoning than what your gov't and MSM were peddling to you.

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All unvaxxed can forgive, but we will never forget the humiliation and the feeling of being a dirty diseased person with bigotry and selfishness.

We know this will haunt us for the rest of our lives.

We've live off of substack authors and researchers to get through the isolation from society. This truth has sustained us.

We are better people as a result.

I weep reading individual VAERS reports......pain & alone.

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"We know this will haunt us for the rest of our lives."-- Indeed it will.

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Yes the vaxxed wished death on us, said we didn't deserve medical treatment, 'othered' us.

We respected their (uninformed) right to choose, and hoped that they did not suffer adverse events.

Our fears are being realised.

I agree with you. I know who are the better people as a result.

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#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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“ We've live off of substack authors and researchers to get through the isolation from society. This truth has sustained us.”

Amen. It is really very painful and very lonely. I’ll never be the same and it’s been awful but am trying to live as if it’s a good thing nonetheless. I don’t know how to do it.

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I’m confused by this belief that somehow you being unvaccinated makes you some kind of elite person who withstood the test of time. I would say the overwhelming majority got vaccinated because they were uninformed/coerced or put in a position (college/employer requirement) where they felt as if they had no choice. We need to start researching solutions at this point, or the future is not going to be so bright whether you got vaccinated or not.

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I agree that many got coerced or had no choice due to life circumstances. My point was that they were never ostracised or discriminated against like unvaccinated people were. Absolutely we all need to work together for solutions.

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It makes you elite BECAUSE YOU USED YOUR BRAIN. You reasoned out based on the clue facts around you that a) what you were being spoon fed (fear porn) was wrong, incorrect not supported by reality around you and b) that you were being used as a Guinea pig or experimental test subject in an experiment that YOU DID NOT CONSENT TO. Therefore you withstood huge pressures to 'cave' so your life would easier, you could keep your job etc etc. This is called coercion. It is morally reprehensible and completely contravened in medical ethics to coerce a person in such a fashion. At least in the Western World this was the standard. Now it appears there is no legal protections (they've been stripped out of laws by judges that have likely been paid off) so there is only "Obey Your Goverment - Or Else". That is why those who chose and choose now to stay unvaccinated are both morally and ethically superior to the 'vaxxed' Sheep who let fear porn stampede them into surrendering their right to informed consent and became a slave. If you do not have bodily integrity and the right to choose it, without fear or sanctions, YOU ARE A SLAVE. Slaves obey. Free People Question Everything.

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Thank you Oona Pilot for validating my opinion.

I walked away from a 25+ year career in emergency/ICU nursing as the integrity of my DNA and freedom to choose was more important than anything. I refused to comply with any part of this inhumane experiment/psyop.

I was shunned by family and friends, labelled as selfish, a granny killer, and prevented from participating in ' normal ' society. At times I still struggle with the emotional and psychological toll this has taken.

For those who now want to label me as 'elitist' in a derogatory way, go ahead. I can live with my beliefs and my decisions.

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"We need to start researching solutions at this point, or the future is not going to be so bright whether you got vaccinated or not."

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"it was a pressure cooker like no other designed to break you down mentally emotionally spiritually" -- Indeed it was.

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OMG! That's the best thing I've read in a long time! That took some cajones from that man to explain and apologize. Thanks!

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Having written court ordered investigations on felony cases for fourteen years in the past, I can confirm that the press often has it wrong or just inaccurate, and that they don't work very hard to ascertain truth. They will sometimes support whatever a county attorney tells them, even if there are other motives behind a guilty plea rather than guilt (i.e. the defendant will do a lot more time if he refuses to admit "something" and he looks bad because of history). Conversely, the press sometimes insists that a defendant is innocent when clearly the defendant is guilty, because he/she is likeable or psychopathic or both. When you consider what went on with covid and that the press clearly refused to report anything but "safe and effective" regarding any aspect of the response, it's clear that they have been bought and paid for. I don't know how you'd stop the steady flow of propaganda from our government, but reporting is no longer reporting fact. Most of the press has become a tool of the arrogant and they like believing that they're "in the club", though they're only useful idiots.

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Apologies are rare as hen's teeth, as the saying goes, but they are out there. Here's another one:

E-petition debate relating to the safety of covid-19 vaccines - Monday 24 October 2022

UK Parliament (official YT channel)



Danny Kruger is a Member of Parliament (Conservative) for the Devizes Constituency, in Wiltshire, England.




DANNY KRUGER: Sir Roger, and it's a pleasure to serve under you and I'm very grateful, grateful to my honorable friend and member Elliot Colburn for Wallington, he gave a very good defense of the vaccine program and of the MHRA and I respect that. I do regret his response to my honorable friend, member for Christchurch I think who raised the point about medical expertise which cast some doubt on the vaccines, and my friend chose to smear all opponents of the vaccine program. There of course are lunatics out there who are making absurd and outrageous claims but I do suggest that there are many reasonable and respectable people who have anxieties about the vaccine program and particularly of course in their own cases, those of themselves and their families who have suffered as a result of the program. And I'm a member of the parliamentary group my friend member from Christchurch chairs looking at vaccine injuries. And we met I think it was the first meeting of the APPG last week in committee room in [?] House. And we met there, there was only I'm afraid a tiny handful of colleagues but well over a hundred members of the public attended which isn't the usual story for an APPG. And I felt some of the shame on behalf of parliament, this was the first time that those members of the public, families of the bereaved, themselves injured citizens had had the opportunity to be in a room with members of this house. And I'm very pleased that we are now having this debate and I'm particularly pleased that we have the opportunity for members of the public to hear from the minister about this topic.

And I should say to members of the public watching that we have here a very good minister who is genuinely committed to health and to public health and has shown a real interest in this topic and in the effect of covid policies, as before when she was a backbench MP. And I would say that the UK as a whole, and while many questions need to be answered about our covid response, is by no means the worst offender. We're not Canada or New Zealand or China, places where they think they can exterminate covid by depriving the population of the most basic civil liberties. But we still do have I'm afraid much to ask, questions to ask ourselves and even much to be ashamed of.

I am particularly ashamed, and I'll put it on record, in hindsight, of my own vote to dismiss the care workers who didn't want to take the vaccine. And I very much hope that the 40,000 care workers who lost their jobs can be reinstated and they be compensated.


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Apologies are accepted. If you coerced vax, or publically advocated it, you need to stand trial at Nuremberg2.

Forgiveness, but justice for Nuremberg code violators.

Children were murdered

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Dec 17, 2022
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citizen-victims! well stated

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"This is total lawlessness and now we're seeing that the science was never followed from the beginning"

New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor

Approximately 5 hours of testimony

Gail A. Brewer, Chair

September 9, 2022






My name is Billy Kozis and I'm a health care worker, I was a health care worker. I worked for 13 years in a nursing home. And I was let go because I refused to put this stuff in my body, the covid vaccine, experimental, it's against my religious beliefs. They accepted my religious belief, right? They gave me an exemption, but they could not accommodate me, which is illegal, which is unlawful.

The Department of Health took it upon themselves to remove religious exemptions from health care workers when they don't have that authority. OK? This is complete lawlessness and it was allowed to happen. OK? The Department of Health does not make laws. The Assembly, the Senate, they come together, they make bills, and if they pass them, the governor signs them. This is total lawlessness.

And now we're seeing that the science was never followed from the beginning. The masks don't work. The covid vaccines did not work. People were getting booster after booster after booster and they're still getting covid. Then they change the goal posts. They say, you know, oh , your know, it's not that it prevents covid, but it prevents you from dying, it prevents you from getting sicker. All bull, and it's all fake science, OK?

And now the CDC comes out and says that there's no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated, yet we're still playing these games. These pandemic games that it's not happening. OK?

So when are we— and thank you public servants who are here right now, who are respecting us and stayed and listened. Because the other half is disrespectful and disgusting, who left. OK? [applause] Very disgusting because we sat here—

GALE A. BREWER: Quiet! Quiet please.

BILLY KOZIS: We sat here to listen to you guys, and half of you are saying nonsense all day long. Nonsense! And I'm here, patient, listening to you guys. OK? Talking silly little things and this is the most serious thing that can happen, is you guys violating our rights, OK?

And we're going to win this battle. Whether it is in the courts, whatever is going to happen, we're going to win this battle because the truth is on our side, history is on our side, science is on our side. And we got this. [Time alarm sounds] [applause]

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you.

[applause continues]

GALE A. BREWER: Quiet, please! Quiet! Quiet! Thank you.

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thank you for furnishing these testimonies. we need a database full of them.

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Here's another testimony that I think expresses very well what so many people feel--


PULL-QUOTE: "We're going to be on the right side of history. The people who are against us are against civil rights and religious freedom."

New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor

Approximately 5 hours of testimony

Gail A. Brewer, Chair

September 9, 2022





BRENDAN FOGERTY: Hello everyone, my name is Brendan Fogerty. I was a captain for the New York City Fire Department. I served for 20 years and I went from being essential to being disposable from the mandates. And my religious exemption was denied. And I received those threats of termination and I retired. I would love to go back to my job.

I normally get nervous when I speak in front of, in places like this, and I always say this prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

We're going to be on the right side of history. The people who are against us are against civil rights and religious freedom. We deserve to have our jobs back.

I could fill this, this crisis you have of people who can't figure out how to, how to close this gap, get rid of the mandate, OK? We'll get our jobs back. That'll narrow the gap. Get rid of the mandate so you can attract more people who actually have values in their lives and will come and work in this city, OK?

I never took this job to be rich, I took it to be secure, OK? I knew I wouldn't get rich. But I was told it was a secure job. I have four children and a wife. And then they say, it's over. I would have been better off becoming a Met or a Yankee. But I gave up that dream in fourth grade. Alright? Fifth grade MVP right here, Good Shepherd Little League. I had a shot. Not anymore, OK? I gave my best years to this city. Twenty years, from 21 to 41, and then they take it away at the peak of my earning career. I made it to captain. I went through that process. You should be ashamed of yourselves! You should be ashamed of yourselves! [Time alarm sounds] Eric Adams [Mayor of New York City] is going to be on the wrong side of history. The people who looked by are the same people who thought slavery was OK.

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much.

BRENDAN FOGERTY: The same people who thought—

GALE A. BREWER: OK thank you.

BRENDAN FOGERTY: segregation in Shea Stadium was OK.

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much, sir.

BRENDAN FOGERTY: You segregated us. I was allowed to work in this city—


BRENDAN FOGERTY: But I wasn't allowed to eat in a restaurant!

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you.

BRENDAN FOGERTY: In this city!

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you, thank you very much.

BRENDAN FOGERTY: I was allowed to work through the pandemic but I wasn't allowed to eat in a restaurant!

GALE A. BREWER: OK, Thank you.

BRENDAN FOGERTY: I could wear the uniform, go to a burning building, but not eat here!

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much.

BREDAN FOGERTY: What's wrong with you people? Trust the science!

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you.

BRENDAN FOGERTY: You guys are fu*ked up!

[loud applause and cheers]

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you. Quiet! Quiet please. [loud applause continues] Quiet! Quiet. Quiet please.

MALE VOICE: Quiet down please, quiet down please.

GALE A. BREWER: Quiet. Quiet please.

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"We the people have the right to choose what goes in our body, especially if it's against our belief."

New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor

Approximately 5 hours of testimony in total

Gail A. Brewer, Chair

September 9, 2022







CATHERINE JEAN: Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for having me here. My name is Catherine Jean. I am a registered nurse. Before I was wrongfully terminated, I used to work for the City Hospital Queens, and also Young Adult Institute.

On September 27, 2021 I was placed on leave without pay and was terminated on November 28, 2021 from Queens Hospital. And on January 14 of this year, I was also terminated from YAI.

Both of these companies terminated me without acknowledging my sincere religious exemption letter which I submitted to both companies' Human Resources.

It was discriminating against my religion which violates my Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

We the people have the right to choose what goes in our body, especially if it's against our belief. And also I believe my body is a temple of God, as it says in the Bible, and therefore, by forcing me to take an experiment vaccine which until now there is no transparency on what's in this vaccine.

Also myself I had covid in 2020 and I developed natural immunity and since then I've been fine with no covid.

This left a big impact in my life and also in my family because now I'm left without a job.

I love what I used to do working as a nurse, taking care of my patients, which also is a great reward for me because it was always my dream as a young girl to become a nurse. And now I feel that for the past year it went down the drain. [Time alarm sounds] This has caused great impact which is, financially, I had to remove my children from Christian school because I couldn't afford to keep them there, you know, a lot of bills, I'm in a lot of debt. And it's been very harsh.

GALE A. BREWER: Wrap up.

CATHERINE JEAN: And I hope the mayor change their mind and give us back our jobs. Thank you.

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much. [applause] Quiet please! Quiet.

3:31:09 [END]

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"I was tossed aside like human garbage"

New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor

Approximately 5 hours of testimony

Gail A. Brewer, Chair

September 9, 2022






LAURA HOFMANN [via Zoom]: First of all, I want to work. In January 2022 I was fired from my job of 10 years following an unpaid involuntary leave of absence due to the covid vaccine mandates and my firmly held religious beliefs.

I was tossed aside like human garbage after being a dedicated worker of ten years. The unfair treatment negated the decades of volunteer community work that I have done alongside my former employer and in the Greenpoint community on multiple environmental waterfront parks and housing issues.

I've testified many, many times before New York City Council regarding those issues. Never would I have ever thought that I would be testifying about my right to work, my freedom of religion, or having control over what to put in my body. But here I am.

My income and my ability to get another job were taken away, and it was needless since I've had natural antibodies since March 2020, following being sick with covid.

Given my community-based knowledge about environmentally linked diseases and knowledge about my own auto-immune diseases, I knew it was a strong possibility that these antibodies would serve to protect me from covid in the future. And now the CDC is finally catching up, acknowledging what many people already knew.

What hurts the most is that I truly loved my job, my coworkers, my clients. And I'm still friends with many of my coworkers and clients who sought me out on social media. I worked as a housing counselor in a respected not-for-profit community organization under contract with HBD [Housing Preservation and Development] as a housing counselor, housing counseling agency.

As an essential worker, I worked both in the office and remotely serving clients during the heart of the pandemic. I made wellness calls to seniors in an effort to prevent them from feeling isolated. The same organization that did this work, that—

MALE VOICE: Your time has expired.

LAURA HOFMANN: —hired me, for who I am, and isolated me, a senior with medical issues.

GALE A. BREWER: If you could wrap up, thank you.

LAURA HOFMANN: Basically, the mandates have severely harmed me and harmed the way that I interact with community. I refuse to even eat out in establishments that did not push back against the mandates.

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you.

LAURA HOFMANN: And it's to the point where I myself, after fighting environmental issues in these communities for decades, I'm thinking about moving out of New York myself.

[continues talking but is muted]


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Did Wahl or Grounder advocate coerced vaccine?

Nuremberg2 for those that did.

Those that advocated Nuremberg Code violations and then died... Well, God took vengeance. They won't be able to help murder anyone else.

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Pretty sure they are (well, were, in Wahl's case) both Vax Covidians.

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

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I read more... Grounder did work to coerce it. Death penalty offense.

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And #NoAmnesty

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That’s a very eerie story and definitely a good parallel to what’s happening now. So very many people have participated in pushing these injections on the public that it will be a miracle if we can ever get out of this. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, medical journals, politicians, public health authorities, pharmacists, the entire mainstream media, business owners, educators, universities, and more. So far, none of the vast numbers of people involved in this, who actually have the authority to stop it, seem open to any evidence that all is not well with the “vaccines” (with very few exceptions like Dr Mulhatra, Dr Campbell etc- hopefully more will join them!).

The current situation reminds me of a little set of statues that my grandmother had. It was three monkeys and it represented see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Self incrimination seems unlikely so predictably, everyone responsible just keeps covering their eyes, ears and mouth.

It’s very frustrating to see it unfolding and to know it’s happening and yet to not be able to do anything about it. Non-compliance is something, I guess, until the truth finally becomes so obvious that it’s self evident to all. I keep wondering, are we there yet? I still hear bivalent booster commercials over the PA at the grocery store so I take that as a resounding “no”.

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My brother told me to trust in The Lord and directed me to the book of Proverbs. For today I was supposed to read Proverbs 17.

It did not disappoint. So woe to this doctor-wife who continues to peddle the lie of “safe and effective”

“Eloquent lips are unsuited to a godless fool— how much worse lying lips to a ruler! A bribe is seen as a charm by the one who gives it; they think success will come at every turn. Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. A rebuke impresses a discerning person more than a hundred lashes a fool. Evildoers foster rebellion against God; the messenger of death will be sent against them.”

— ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬-‭11‬‬

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Merriam/Webster Word o the Day....Oblivion (This is so cool!)

Oblivion asks forgetfulness of us in both its meaning and etymology. The word’s Latin source, oblīvīscī, means “to forget; to put out of mind,” and since its 14th century adoption into English, oblivion has hewed close to meanings having to do with forgetting. The word has also long had an association with the River Lethe, which according to Greek myth flowed through the Underworld and caused anyone who drank its water to forget their past; 17th century poet John Milton wrote about “Lethe the River of Oblivion” in Paradise Lost. The adjective oblivious (“lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention”) followed oblivion a century later, but not into oblivion—both words have proved obdurate against the erosive currents of time.

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Dr. Alexander is a relentless truth telling warrior. Thanks for linking to his report, and for your interesting story as a lead-up!

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New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor

Approximately 5 hours of testimony in total

Gail A. Brewer, Chair

September 9, 2022






DANIEL CREREND [via Zoom]: Good afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Daniel Crerend. I'm married and a father of two beautiful children. I was previously employed by the NYPD from January 2013 to July 2022. I was a detective with the Brooklyn North Violent Crime Squad, formerly known as the Brooklyn North Gang Squad.

As a kid, there were two things I wanted to be when I grew up, a New York Yankee and a police officer. Obviously the first option did not pan out, but I was able to fulfill my dream and become a police officer. Ironically, if I had, my testimony would not be necessary today because I would be exempt from the vaccine mandate. Unfortunately I am not a multimillionaire athlete or entertainer, therefore I am not eligible to be part of this protected class of the New York City caste system.*

[*Transcriber's note: Crerend is refering to the Mayor Eric Adams' decision to exempt professional athletes and performers from vaccination requirements in local venues.]

Not only has the city of New York violated the religious liberty of every city employee who has been denied a religious accommodation, but the mandate itself is completely [Zoom transmission interruption] have had covid since we cannot work at home when the city shut down, therefore we acquired natural immunity to the virus.

Ah, excuse me [moves camera]

Going back to May 5th, 2021, during a Governor Cuomo press conference he stated, you cannot mandate vaccines because these vaccines are approved under something called an Emergency Use Authorization and by law, you cannot mandate a vaccine approved under Emergency Use Authorization. I myself went to a vaccine site back in June of this year and requested Comirnaty or Spikevax which are the only two FDA-approved version of the vaccine. They were not available and I was told they've never been available at the NYPD vax site. [Time's up alarm sounds] Also as of last month, the CDC—

MALE VOICE: Your time has expired.

DANIEL CREREND: Has revised their covid 19 guidelines and stated, CDC's covid-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person's vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur. Though they are generally mild, the persons who have had covid-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection. Combine all this with the fact that back in August of 2021 the director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, stated, in reference to the vaccine, what they cannot do anymore is prevent transmission. That was two months before the inception of the vaccine mandate. If anyone could explain a reasonable argument for firing thousands of city workers for not receiving a vaccine that does not stop transmission or infection from covid, I would love to hear it. The simple fact is that there is no logical argument that can be made. You cannot make that make sense.

MALE VOICE: Time's expired.

DANIEL CREREND: Now nearly a year later after losing thousands of city employees to termination, resignation, forced retirement, the mayor's still not budging on the mandate, crime is out of control and reaching epidemic levels while covid— I'm just about done.

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much. Thank you.

DANIEL CREREND: Excuse me, I'm just about done.


DANIEL CREREND: While crime is reaching epidemic levels while covid endemic levels, the mandate carries on in the guise of public safety. Unlike covid, there is a very simple cure to the violent crime surge in our city, it's more police, it is experienced police. What the mandate is doing is making our city far less safe.


DANIEL CREREND: Ah, losing thousands of experienced police officers, myself being one.

GALE A. BREWER: Sir, you got to, you got to wrap up, please. Thank you. We gotta wrap up.

DANIEL CREREND: I have one last point. Mayor Adams may not remember me, but on the fourth day of his day in office he [?] was press conference on [?] Gang Takedown, I was the lead investigator on it. [Continues speaking, but Zoom has been muted]

GALE A. BREWER: Alright, thank you. Thank you very much.


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Those who are blind, are those who do not wish to see.

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Odds are, Mr. Wahl’s wife, Dr. Celine Gounder has moved on.

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The so called Covid “vaccine” was developed and supported by people (Anthony Fraudci and Bill Gates among others )who want to reduce the world’s population. It works as a binary poison. First it weakens the heart then adrenaline supplied naturally by the body’s of athletes on the field supplies the second part which overloads the heart creating heart failure and athletes fall dead in the open field. News media failure to follow up on these stories implies collusion with the drug industry to hide the truth.

It also acts as an immune suppressor. It lowers CD 4 T cells so the body cannot resist any opportunistic threat

like cancer.

It accumulates in the ovaries creating sterility. This is the reason it is being pushed on children.

It causes the body to manufacture spike proteins which cause blood clots in all parts of the body long term. This causes the loss of fingers, arms and legs, blindness. More boosters more death.

If you have been “vaccinated” get some Lumbrokinase, or serrapeptase, or nattokinase to help dissolve the clots. Take on an empty stomach an hour before eating.

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The Leake / McCullough partnership is brilliant. Just bought Entering Hades and look forward to reading it over the coming Winter break.

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Excellent post. Thank you.

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How did some of know that the vaccination from the start was bullsht, that masks were a way the little tyrants in the government could see how far they could push the masses, then the masses who drank the coolaid started trying to enforce the mask wearing and vaccination on those who refused to be controlled. Now we have drag queens in the White House how far will these people go.

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"Feeling overwhelmed by the news? You’re not alone. There’s a lot of information out there, and it’s hard to break it all down and digest it properly. That’s why I, Bill Gates, invented Liquifact — an easy-to-absorb formula that ensures you’re getting all the right facts."


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