As a doctor, albeit not a REAL doctor(just a vet), I will tell you 100% doctors are wrong. We are wrong a LOT...only our humility in admitting when we are wrong makes us good doctors. Physicians would do well to remember this.

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Gee, Lois, you sound like a "real" doctor to me.

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I had an extremely intelligent friend who went to UVA medical school because as she said then “She wasn’t smart enough to get through vet school.” (Only one human body; male and female vs and endless array of animal species to learn about!). Appreciate your humility though; it is a very rare commodity these days as evidenced by the arrogant attitude of so many “physicians” these days!

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I figure anymore I can guess as good as they do.

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Because patient do. Thank you Dr Lassiter.

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So impressed...A person knowing science is a PRACTICE

based in willingness to learn thoughout a lifetime.

Eternal respect for Vets...As their range of knowledge with

various vertibrates, invertibrates, species and classes is so underrated.

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100% doctors are wrong? Even those of us that fought for the rights of patients to take Ivermectin, sounded the alarm about a vaccine that was rushed to market, discussed natural immunity? What about Joe Mercola and Ben Marble who got canceled by their banks for telling the truth? Or the harrassment Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik and Dr. McCullough take on a daily basis. Every human being, no matter what their profession, is wrong about things in their lives and as you said admitting when you are wrong is the right thing to do. But don't tell me "100% of doctors are wrong" as if the rest of the world doesn't have to stand up to the same standard of integrity.

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You are treating creatures that can't speak, unless of course you are sent a Minah bird, that has to be more difficult than gleaning information from people. I find vets to be very compassionate people in general.

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Dr. Lassiter, you bear the most important attribute of a physician. Besides medical science is not exact!!

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I went to an American Soc. of Anesthesiologists' annual conference in 2019 as a vendor rep. There was a panel on Pediatric Transgender Anesthesiology which I eagerly attended with a colleague. The panelists were in all seriousness arguing that the younger the transgender surgery patient, the easier the recovery so by all means, earlier surgery should be considered if possible. NOT ONE out of ~50 attendees asked a question: "How young is too young?" or made any other objection. I was appalled; but as a vendor I was limited in participation. To this day I regret not standing up and yelling at those ghouls. In a room full of cowards.

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Ghouls is the right term for these creatures from the denizen of Hell.

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Geez, what a shock. The AMA protecting big pharma poisons at all costs. He means vaccine indoctrination and lies must be preserved. Sorry Dr, your vaccine protocols are pure poison and need to be flattened...like in the next 15 days would be fine.

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If it goes by three letters, ignore it.

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It's gonna take more than 15 days to stop the spread of that crap.


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Rim shot!

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Ehrenfeld is a mouthpiece for a disgraced organization. He is only passing gas. (Pun intended.)

What the AMA recommends is the opposite of what we should do as free choice thinkers.

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The AMA is a disgrace. I graduated from medical school in 1977 and I am proud to say that not once have I paid dues to them. And yet, they still send me bills every month.

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Mail the envelopes back to them empty so they get to pay the postage. If everyone did this it would be a substantial monetary hit for them.

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My mother-in-law used to securely tape those "business reply (no stamp needed)" envelopes to bricks before mailing them back. That way the company or organization had to pay a truly painful amount of postage. She said it was a great way to get yourself taken off mailing lists...

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Great idea. Will do

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Love it!!

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LOL! Nor I and me too!

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Same as with the American Dental Association (ADA). I also have never paid them a cent. It has been my understanding that every other dentist I know does belong to the ADA and pays roughly $1500 a year in order to be able to say he/she is a “member”. Like it’s a status thing to belong—and you are less of a dentist if you DON’T belong. The ADA did not strike me as being honest about toxicities (fluoride, amalgam, sealants, etc)and I just never found an obvious benefit to its membership. And you were forced to belong to three organizations; it was a mandatory tripartite membership. What’s up with that? Why can’t I choose which organizations I want to join..? I just didn’t like that either.

I always found a better use for that $1500 😆

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So funny, I have yet, in 27 years as a pharmacist, to ever pay dues to APhA either. They too are a bunch of hypocrite know it alls that have never done a thing for me or for anyone but themselves and their paymasters, big pharma.

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Is the AMA necessary even?

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They are the body that oversees medical licensing, but other than that, nah

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Meeee tooooooo Sharon M

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I take great pride in the fact that I never joined the AMA.

I also don't know any doctors who joined the AMA; or at least, they are ashamed to admit it.

The last data that I knew of was that only 15% of doctors belong to the AMA and I believe that the real number is substantially less.

WHY? Because I graduated from Medical School in 1975 and ever 4 months since then I have received statements telling me that my dues are overdue. For the first few years I wrote back to them stating that I do not wish to affiliate with the AMA and to stop sending statements. But I am still getting them even though I retired in 2017.


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Glue it to a brick and return to sender.

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They are slimebags.

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Greedy slime bags. Don't know how much you know about the AMA but they make money from publishing those numerical billing codes that physicians and hospitals are mandated to use for billing, that change every year at (probably) around $100/book.

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I never joined either. And they continue to try to get me to join despite 30 years of ignoring them.

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Right! That is how the AMA has bamboozled Congress, the powers that be and the general public to believe that they speak for doctors. They list all medical school grads as members. Most don't pay the dues but they still hold your name as a member and just list you as delinquent on payment. That way they can say that they represent X number of doctors that they don't represent and who have no say in their politics and corporate decisions. And Congress is just dumb enough to believe it. They think that what they do to please the AMA pleases most MDs when in fact most MDs have no idea what the AMA is doing.

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The medical system is well beyond hope and completely worthless outside of emergency situations (non-infection related ones!).

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Key words: LGBTQ, activist, AMA, Oregon, censorship:

The AMA has been a Leftist-activist organisation for decades. So it would be no surprise that Ehrenfeld, already having Leftist narratives to promote (and protect) would be chosen to head the AMA and co-author with a Pedi doc from OREGON to promote control (censorship) over said narrative(s). Just more bullshit manipulative activism, cloaked in a medical degree!

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The past four years proved how against freedom the medicals are, and I'm done hearing excuses like "just following orders"

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I vas chust folloving orderss!

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In the 90’s I had to deal with the California Medical Association. As a masters prepared nurse practitioner, myself and my colleagues had to raise money to fight the legislation by the CMA to inhibit our scope of practice. Despite studies showing NPs are as good as a physician and sometimes better. The CMA fought are ability to practice. I am pleased to say that today NPs are flourishing, have the right to practice independently and have the right to prescribe. A very big win for our profession. Nowadays most medical practices include offer care by a nurse practitioner. We have out specialties as well. I celebrate our success, I also know what the medical associations fear. Mainly, their livelihood.

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NOT arguing any of your comment. As a physician, I would also like to point out that perhaps the biggest impetus for the increasing presence and utilisation of nurse practitioners and physicians assistants is MONEY!!! There are far more patients to see (money) than physicians can handle and If you are employed by physicians, you are making money for them. If you are employed by a hospital, you are making money for them. Corporatised, contemporary medicine is about one thing above all else....MONEY!!

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I completely agree. They get paid less, but their education is much less. I had 8 years of post graduate training. Because I supervised NP students, I did get to see the curriculum and it was sorely lacking as was there one day of clinical hours per week. I don't know about the "studies" she mentiond, but I do know the patients would ask when the other doctor or I was back in the office so they could follow up. So not buying the "studies".

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I have to say that my experience with NP’s. And FNP’s is better than any doctor I have ever had. In my experience they listen, are open to nutritional approaches and give me a lot of hope for the field of medicine.

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What part of voluntary, unpaid request for action did this Community mental health agency not understand?


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We have an NP and we love her. Doesn’t rush us and actually talks to us not down to us. I’m glad you fought for your profession. And she answers calls!!

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Well done 🤩 Like all these money obsessed organisations, they fear loss of power, loss of income, loss of control. If you ask them what their end game is, I bet they wouldn’t be able to tell you if you kept asking why……

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True, your skills are needed but my question is

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The AMA, and too many medical organizations’ non-leadership, have revealed themselves to be pharma-whores.

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How Ehrenfeld, particularly in view of his life experience, could advocate the delegitimization of the personal experiences of the many AND the thoughtful conclusions of those equally or better educated than himself is inconceivable.

He’s just another authoritarian “kiss up, kick down” cretin who enjoys the punitive aspects of power. There’s a lot of that going around these days in the decline of empire.

Besides, the AMA has always been this way, only the Covid debacle has provided them a louder voice.

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Just what I was thinking!!

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This is not my father's AMA. (God rest his gentle soul.)

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Regarding climate science, the questions around it are too dangerous to be left to the climate scientists to resolve. Let's instead trust the government, which is obviously better qualified to determine what is quality climate science.

Regarding the practice of medicine, there is too much at stake to leave decisions up to doctors. Let's instead trust the medical guidance of the government, because of their clearly superior comprehension of health and healing.

Regarding economics, it would be foolhardy to trust professional economists to guide policy when we have the government's superior expertise to assure best guidance.

This med-page article represents the apex of captured medicine. Hippocrates has been rolling in his grave for the past from years, and probably would benefit from Meclizine after reading this article.

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The government has now decreed that there are too many white pilots and aircraft maintenance people.

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I love that you stated this is a Constitutional Republic! So many get that wrong these days, at their convenience.

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It isn't anymore; it's a communist oligarchy.

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You have a valid point. That’s exactly what they’re turning it into.

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Pretty sure he is one of the long arms of the WEF/WHO

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