Wow. Unbelievable. Time to cancel my Amazon Prime subscription!

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I just canceled my Audible account and wrote about Dr. Marik's treatment on Amazon's FB page. I will be curious to see how long it's there. It probably has already been shadow banned.

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I cancelled mine way back when they took down Parler. I only order from them if I absolutely must which is not often.

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Thanks for sharing! You’re right about Parler!

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Same here.

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6 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Yes, also, Amazon just sent me an email encouraging me to get a flu shot and covid booster with their affiliate "One Medical"-- No way José!

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:D That's a sign to move on. Wow.

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I got scammed from Amazon about a year ago. Scammers got into their telephone

system somehow. They got me on those stupid gift cards. Because, I had a problem

with my order. I retrieved some of the money from my bank. We talked to numerous

supervisors at Amazon. They promised to return my stolen money. NEVER did! I will NEVER buy from Amazon again.

I even filed a claim with Attorney General Ashley Moody from Florida. I am still

waiting for a resolution after over a year.

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File a report with the Better Business Bureau; you'll likely get quicker action.

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Thanks for the information :-)

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This might help. Christopher Elliott writes a consumer helpline and articles that are nationally syndicated. He recently answered a person's complaint about Amazon. Here is his link that lists Amazon's executives and their email address.

Hope it helps.


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I am thinking the same thing.

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And tell them why!

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Yep, canceled just now! We get to choose today.

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I just spent months trying to stop Amazon Prime from taking money from my bank account, even though I don’t have an account with them according to the website nor have I used it. After an hour on chat with 10 (yes ten) “ass-ociates I finally got the info to do it myself. How? Because I bought a book from them many months ago

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I cancelled Amazon when they cut wikileaks, back in ?2011. I never looked back.

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I cancelled mine when Amazon started pulling this stuff.

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I am so angry and upset. But I have been that way since 2020. They have persecuted Dr. Marik and the other truthtellers worse than imaginable. That good doctor and the very few others like him have kept me perfectly safe and healthy and sane during these very dark times. But we are still outnumbered by the voluntary blind non-thinkers.

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There are so many suckers in this country. Libs think conservatives are Nazis. Yet, Libs are the ones burning books, just like 1939, in the name of misinformation and disinformation.

For the Libs, keep taking your vaccines. Eventually it will thin the herd.

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Those are NOT Libs, neither are they progressives; they're retrogressive leftist globalists, closet Satanists, which most will, naturally deny... but whose agenda are they supporting and following? Time to stop utilizing their twisted versions of terms to hide the ugly truth of who and what they are, and make them look their own evil right in its ugly face!

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Please God, thin the herd sooner ...

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Dr. Marik is a hero and Amazon is so wrong for doing this!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬Another reason to boycott Amazon!!!

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Amen!!! I never thought I would want to boycott Amazon! They make my life so much easier, but their doing this is wicked!!!

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We simply must boycott Amazon, it seems to me that is the only moral choice.

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Wonder how much Big Pharma pays Amazon?

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Amazon is now in the business of providing prescriptions.

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Heresy = anything that might even potentially interfere in the business model

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Is that Amazon, or a service that uses their platform? I understood it to be the latter when they started it...

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Not sure...I just remember receiving an email from Amazon about having my Rx being filled by them.

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Amazon is now filling prescriptions...that is what I meant.

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they'll soon be providing them too, I reckon, via AI "docs"

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Might as well ask Dr. Google...type in your symptoms...get a diagnosis.

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That's a truly excellent comment. Really, really, that's how doctors are educated to prescribe and treat - by protocol - and they do it for their legal security against malpractice claims. If doctors are prescribing by protocol google/AI can certainly do that job.

In Australia, prescription by pharmacist is just beginning, for a selected range of drugs/diagnoses.

Doctors will need to work hard to maintain their turf.

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same globalists, same agenda.

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While Bezos, with the wonky eye, sails around the world with his plasticized girlfriend with the stumpy legs.

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Yes indeed, so do I. Pharma-zon ...

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How can a shipping company do this???

And to the most humble outstanding brilliant physician???

Prayers going up.

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Dr. Marik should fight this with Amazon. His book is a review of the published literature! What's wrong with that? It's a free download at FLCCC website, FYI.

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Thank you!

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We know that Amazon (owned by Bezos, FFS) is part of the globalist ‘regime’ but we keep using it. We know that Google misdirects and influences search requests, but we keep using it. We know that You Tube censors content, but we keep using it. We have the power to influence (or bankrupt) all these entities, but we don’t.

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Knowledge is the key! We know about this because of Substack. Rumble has become a competitor with YouTube. I know it’s a David/Goliath battle, which is why our new mantra is, “Fight. Fight. Fight!” Most of us here are saying do not comply. Fight with our pocketbooks, as thin as they have become the last almost 4 years! It will be a huge sacrifice for me personally to give up the convenience of Amazon, but I am seriously considering it. (Age & health issues). I’ve ALWAYS taken my business elsewhere when businesses do bad things. As an aside, I already ripped out Alexa & every plug—have a box full to junk! Thanks for listening to my diatribe😊

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I'm shocked you ever bought from Amazon!

I'm shocked you ever installed an Alexa!

Better late than never to an unplugged life :D

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I urge everyone reading this to watch a program which is still available on YouTube at time of this writing. It tells a different story of the true intent of the experimental Covid 19 injection and it is directly related to what we are seeing happening now with the upsurge in cancers. Watch it while you can and be enlightened.

Decentralized Medicine - Jack Cruse

Assembly 2023 - 43 minutes

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What will be worse than what we have seen to date is that there is a self-replicating mRNA "vaccine " that is intended to be more toxic and more contagious than the previous products. Thus far, one gets the mRNA and then it keeps on making spike all the time, so you have a lot of spike in your body. But now, what if you had mRNA that could continuously multiply itself and then all of that making spike all the time. You would have a lot more spike and a lot more health risks, and more shedding to. I saw a video where a professor emeritus and researcher from Japan said, "We tried to stop it, but we couldn't. When this comes to North America, don't take it. It is very dangerous." So I can't remember his name, but then I saw video in which Michael Yon said he had been with the professor over a period of days trying to learn all about it; Michael is a former Green Beret, and now an investigative reporter but not a scientist. But anyway, I know that Pfizer made the product in Japan but it is apparently intended for North America, and is intended to reduce the population of North America vastly. I'm not sure about this part, but someone in comments on another substack had said that the mRNA is housed in some "harmless" virus and that would be how it would be transmitted to us, and I suppose that is how it would spread from person to person. But I have not yet seen anything about a new Covid shot being rolled out here. Though Dr. Jessica Rose wrote a substack about some of the potential issues with self-replicating mRNA, pretty recently, maybe within the past 1-2 weeks, and it has something about mRNA in the title of the post if you look in her archives. So it is real, and she thought it was concerning. We should all pray for unexpected delays with the rollout. Anything could happen, but I understand at least at one time, the plan was to roll this out in October. It's already been given to at least a few people in Japan, but there was to be a big push in October, so we'll hope otherwise. I do know about spike causing cancer, it does it three different ways, I saved the substack, can't remember who wrote it, but one way is that the spike protein can sit on a cancer gene that might normally be "off" and turn it "on." You can turn genes on and off, and often our body turns on genes when we need them, and don't have to know or think about it, our bodies help us out that way. But the spike protein turns on a cancer gene, but then in addition, spike shuts down some part of our immune system so we don't fight the cancer, plus the "vaccine" shuts down our ability to edit our genes if there is an error. And there is some theory, and maybe it was Dr. McCullough who wrote it, but some theory that you may not actually get a cancer unless you get hit three different ways, and the vaccine gets you at least 3 different ways. So, yes, I have friend who is a young woman who had a really aggressive cancer out of nowhere. A young (married) mom with small children fighting a turbocancer. She didn't get the shot, but some people get it by shedding from others. But I've been reading about Ivermectin treating cancer - someone in a comment at, I think, a different substack, said she had taken 24 mg. per day of Ivermectin x 5 months and her cancer was totally gone. And there is information from a very recent study that apparently Ivermectin kills the cancr stem cells so it can't come back. At the start of the pandemic, I spent hours every day reading everything I could find that came out, now the information is multiplying so much, it is impossible to keep up - good that good info is getting out and good research is being published, at least sometimes, not everyone is 100% cancelled. But in my email I tag things like "cancer" or "cancer treatment" different subfiles for "vaccine" stuff, mRNA, but to keep all of it in my head, who wrote this or that, and so on - information overload. But - If someone is looking for any specifics about cancer treatment in addition to what Dr. Marik has written - the lady who apparently cured her cancer with Ivermectin 24 mg. (others have good results, but this was the lady who commented on a substack) - I asked her and she said she got her info at Bright Research. You have to pay $35 to actually read anything there, and I can't afford to pay that every month but because of my two friends with cancer, I thought I would look and see if it was worthwhile, just pay one time for one month and then unsub. They have a good source for Ivermectin, also there is a nonprescription anti-parasite medication that helped someone, on a substack, maybe even this one, I have forgotten, thought I saved it. Ah, it is Fenbendazole, someone had, I think esophageal cancer and was dying. Took Fenbendazole three days a week, used the liquid 3 ml of the 100 mg. / ml product, and after a few months, the cancer totally went away. Fenbendazole is the same as Merck Safeguard Goat Dewormer, 125ml by Merck. It was about $33 for a bottle of it on Amazon. Now I don't want to buy from Amazon, but I could see what it is, they make it for cows too but the strength is different, and I know the dose now for the goat version which is what the person used. I have read about this on Dr. Makis substack, and there was a controversy about some of the brands being questionable and one company lying about another, but not sure which brands have accurate potency - so for someone who was looking for fenbendazole for a serious reason, Dr. Makis said, use Merck Safeguard. I don't necessarily like Merck as a company but fenbendazole is a good product and if Merck is making it, which they are, their version is going to have accurate doses, if they say it is a certain amount of medication, it is. Anyway. thanks for posting the info about the you-tube on cancer, yes, we will be seeing more, and good to know ways to treat. I would never want to go to a hospital for treatment after what we saw during the pandemic, and I'm a health professional, but I hope to never set foot in a hospital again. But yes, there will be cancers, and anyone who got the shot needs to know how to treat. Well, Nattokinase to get rid of spike and some of the supplements to get rid of spike would reduce the risk of getting cancer. But - if one gets cancer, then good to know things that can help.

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OMG! Thank you, Howard Jeglum, for the info to watch "Decentralized Medicine - Jack Cruse"!!! Very interesting! MK-Ultra, CIA, the Mafia, jabs, National Cancer Society, etc. Everyone, watch it - only 43 min.

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People are too lazy to change their habits and give up convenience. One sees this in the early voting and mail in voting that is destroying our nation by giving a leg up to the cheaters. They give up their liberty for convenience. They patronize Amazon because it is so easy and cheap to order off their site. One could use other search engines, like Brave, and look for the item and order it directly but no, that would take more time and maybe cost a few dollars more. We get what we deserve.

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we can though. It could all flip on a dime. It's reaching the tipping point I think. Just wrote an article on my substack about this.

Building a globalist-free society


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Amazon is deciding what we can see. Incredible. Censorship at its worst! I’m sure the persons making the call are not doctors and especially not doctors of Dr. Marik’s caliber. 😡😡😡

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Amazon is deciding what you can see, WHEN YOU USE AMAZON. So, don’t use them. Simple solution, no??

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I suspect that they are, indeed, doctors with financial stakes in not repurposing said drugs.

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Not physicians. Physicians don't earn money selling anti-cancer drugs. Those drugs cost a fortune, and pharma companies make billions. It's the drug companies who stand to benefit from cancer meds, or lose if there is competition from inexpensive meds or supplements. I can't imagine a physician doing this - there is no major financial incentive for an MD regarding the book or what is in it. So, could be pharma OR maybe just Bezos is in with the globalists and is hoping to reduce the population so he doesn't want any cancers being cured.

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"I can't imagine a physician doing this" ..... Then you might want to reimagine. 75% of physicians now work for Corporate Medicine and have quotas to meet. The other 25% were and probably still receive upwards of $300 for one shot of the "safe and effective", in addition to hefty bonuses from Insurance companies along with paid luxury trips.

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Great reason to rediscover homeopathy, naturopathic physicians, and original herbal medicinals that are still effective and useful.

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I do nothing Amazon.

Bezos is a narcissistic and a woke buffoon.

Yo, Jeff, watch ya gonna do if C knocks on your door? 🚪

From the beach....


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Hi. I am co-author of two books that were published on Amazon. I'm not the main author and I don't receive royalties, but I was intending to self-publish through Amazon. BUT - if they are going to cancel people and keep the royalties, that doesn't like a good plan. But - does anyone know a good alternative for self-publishing similar to Amazon? Amazon has a system of print on demand, and when people purchase a book, they print and ship - but that way there is no warehousing. But there have been some problems with Amazon anyway, and again, if they are going to cancel people and keep the royalties, I don't what to put any additional books in their hands. I just thought maybe someone here would have an idea of an alternative. It is so unfortunate they would do this, because it is so convenient to buy things on Amazon. But I think I am going to entirely quit doing anything on Amazon. Very disappointing. Doubly so, because I was going to buy Cancer Care, and now I don't know where I will be able to find it. Yeah, probably some pharma company paid to have it cancelled.

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THANK YOU for demonstrating character and integrity instead of just greed. May ALMIGHTY GOD immensely bless you for it!

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You can download FREE from FLCCC.com.

That is the caliber of Dr. Marik.

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Thanks, I have two friends who have cancer, and I just downloaded the pdf at FLCCC for them and for me. Yes, there is no one like Dr. Marik. Other good doctors in FLCCC also, for sure, but Dr. Marik is for sure a hero and has done well with this Cancer Care. I had read bits of it previously but would want to be sure to have it accessible for reference, and for these friends.

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Have you looked into Bookbaby? I bought a book through them and I think it was self published.

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Thank you, I will look into it.

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Time to set up a bookstore on Public Square or another alternative to Amazon. I would not be surprised that this is the beginning of the second round of heretic book burning at Amazon. The last one was successfully stymied with Elon's help.

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Elon Musk... The Savior of Free Speech and the World's Greatest Citizen.

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sadly a designated "hero," when in reality he's a technocratic huckster who wants to put chips in your brain and he's part of the Palantir (CIA contractor) super pac. Space X is launching these “green plus” satellites and Elon is a big proponent of carbon taxes. Billionaires are not going to save us.

James Corbett's expose:


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How can they do that? Surely Dr Marik should be able to collect his royalties? It cannot be legal to deprive an author of his royalties. Who made Amazon the arbiter of what we can read?

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Outrageous. I'll buy the book from FLCCC just because this happened.

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Me too !!

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Love you♥️👏

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Can we do a boycott of Amazon and let them know why?

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Very upsetting to see such a shining light as Dr. Paul Marik being censored on Amazon. Glad his book is still available elsewhere and we need to wean ourselves off of Amazon anyway. On the bright side, Dr. Marik's book must be getting a lot of traction for it to be dropped. I'm a cancer survivor and 15 years ago purchased a number of books about alternative treatments with no problem. Free speech under our oppressive regime means you can say whatever you want as long as you don't appear to be influencing too many people. Once you start to get a big audience they shut you down.

But isn't democracy all about people trying to influence each other in the free market place of ideas??

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