May he rest in peace. I am profoundly saddened at this horrible news-I relied on him, from his first reports, for the truth, which was then corroborated by others. What happened to him is an act of criminality by all involved.

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but we got the smart-mouth arrogant ungrateful he/she basketball player out.

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No compensation for the murder of Gonzalo Lira. He leaves behind a widowed Ukranian woman and two small children.

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No thought though, in Lira's head, about their safety? Hmmm. Ideologues.

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I don't know what to think. I just finished reading an obituary of sorts on Unz.com ("Goodbye, Gonzalo Lira. Try to Rest in Peace" – https://www.unz.com/article/goodbye-gonzalo-lira-try-to-rest-in-peace) which could have done with a lot of polishing before it was posted, but Declan linked to this: https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1745926815233736875... Yeah, well, I'm not surprised after watching it that Gonzalo was "taken out"; The Parasites don't like it when you shine a light on their activities. Meanwhile most people are simply not capable of comprehending the depravity of the monsters running this shitshow; it's vomit inducing, it's like having your head forced into the business end of an outhouse it's so revolting.

So actually I do know I suppose, what to think, and it's terrible: Given the present state of the world, AussieManDust, sooner or later each and every one of us must make a stand, fully aware of the hideous price we will have to pay to do so, and I think that's what Gonzalo did... Because as Robert Louis Stevenson observed, "sooner or later, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences": Sooner or later, we will be held to account...

To conclude I draw your attention to the examples set by Sophia Magdalena Scholl, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer... 🤔

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Jan 13, 2024Edited
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I hear you. But a woman & his 2 kids, mate! He's dead, did his thing. Her? With 2 tykes... in Ukraine??? Now? I'll be harsh: when you think with your dick, you use no conscience 🙅 What was he thinking? So, this is MY feeling on this. Hero? Maybe. But a dad IS a hero! Get a kid, your job changes.

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Did you consider that maybe his wife is someone who is as courageous as Gonzalo and accepted all potential risks when marrying a dissident journalist's voice?

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He was doing the responsible thing - leaving the Ukraine. He just left too late and got caught leaving - after Zelensky had gone full tyrant.

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Hero indeed! The men that have sat back and not had a voice these past several years are C-O-W-A-R-D-S! There are more woman fighting for all that is upside down in our world than men. What are the men waiting for?

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But that was from Evil Empire Russia. So actually, not a relevant comparison.

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This is an outrage. I hold Biden and his corrupt neocon State Dept directly responsible.

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Doesn't matter. I suspect Victoria Newland or whoever's in charge at the State Department will eventually win The Nobel Peace Prize for what they've done in Ukraine. In the end Gonzalo Lira amongst millions of others will be no more than a footnote in someone's PhD dissertation... 😥

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This is an outrage. I hold Obummer and his corrupt globalist State Dept directly responsible.


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I was hoping he would survive and get away from that Ukrainian jail - not really expecting him to. He was a brave and decent journalist who must have known his chances were slim but nevertheless he kept on reporting-- R.I.P.

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It is heartbreaking, so unjust, cruel and unfair. My heart goes out to his family.

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Gonzalo, a dual citizen of the US & Chile, could have *easily* been allowed to leave (or be deported from) Ukraine with a single phone call from D.C. That call never came, nor would it ever as he was deemed an enemy of both the US and its proxy and thus had no value to The State. He made some errors to be sure, judgment errors in particular, including naively believing he could continue to report what he described as the reality on the ground in Ukraine with no serious personal repercussions, despite the increasingly repressive & paranoid puppet Z's willingness to destroy Ukraine as a nation and suspend any/all semblance of legitimacy, rule of law, freedoms of religion & speech, etc. Such is the state of affairs we see enveloping much of the planet. I for one could not have imagined this would be where we are approx one quarter of the way into in the 21st Century, but a very dark time is upon us to say the least. RIP Gonzalo.

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Yes, Gonzala published many, many you tube videos where he disclosed all types of information about the US, Ukraine, and Russia movements and situations. I'm thinking he was seen as a smaller version of Julian Assange.

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Reports from his father were that they had tortured him in prison which resulted in a pneumothorax but denied him medical treatment. I’m not a medical professional of any kind but it was a believable story to my ears and my heart is saddened by his loss. Truth is told at a cost and in this case it was a very large cost. R.I.P Gonzalo Lira

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Not surprised at this information..feared it might be so. Makes it all the more heartbreaking…

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World wide tyranny

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love him or hate him...Trump kept us in worldwide order and tyranny was held at bay...even as our own citizens tried to destroy and annihilate him daily for the last 8 years....all of these legal BS cases are the continuation of delusional ppl working as satans minions. Repent. I kindof think the vaxxines are their retribution in a weirdly visable slow death scene before us with no stopping it. Their delusions will not stop....be very aware and vigilant. The woke are like cornered wounded animals and they sense it.

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Trump's words were a harbinger of things to come, but his time in office was a turning point for the coalition of our gargantuan federal bureaucracy to shift from the mask-on to mask-off mode. His actions in unleashing the Coronavirus Taskforce went against the "holding tyranny at bay" premise. Then, his very existence thereafter became a way to justify setting up precedents of tyrannical rule that may be exempted by special connections and favors (ie. the Chinese Communist model.)

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Until Covid, Trump seemed to be an outstanding executive administrator who set an exemplary record of achievement; someone who actually fixed things for the better, and showed everyone how to make the government run more efficiently and effectively. when covid hit, it became painfully clear that he was the WRONG MAN IN THE JOB. His actions to shut down the country in response to the outbreak will go down as the most egregious example of "A cure that was exponentially worse than the disease". he had chances to change course and didn't. He declared EUA which usurped unprecedented power in the hands of health agency unelected burocrats who took it as their signal to engage in tyrannical authoritarian activities. It just spiraled into chaos with his political enemies smelling blood in the water, and it cost him re-election. IMO, he does not deserve another term. He owns the debacle and is responsible for us now emerging into year 4 of covid insanity where those in power rely on lies, propaganda, coercian, erosion of rights, tyranny and exploitation at every level and opportunity, with no one held accountable. That Trump continues to double down on his actions and has no repentance for his actions makes him entirely unfit to lead the nation. Notwithstanding, the MAGA agenda may be what the country needs to help turn the tide and bring monumental change; without Trump as its leader.

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First, Trump is not a scientist or a public health “expert “. His mistake was in thinking that he and the bureaucrats (Fauci, etc) were on the same side...... that of the American people. He took their advice and implemented their recommendations , not knowing that they had a different, more evil, agenda.

Second, Donald Trump’s reelection is the only peaceful hope that we have left.

When Biden was elected, everyone with a brain knew what would happen, and it’s worse than expected.

Biden, his minders, and his disastrous administration.....if given four more years......will result in totalitarian, single party rule (with the Democrats being the only real Party), along with much worse inflation and economic distress, and further foreign policy failures...... possibly even nuclear war.

Donald Trump is the ONLY one running with the political will and ability to possibly fix this mess,

If he’s given a chance to do it.......

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Trump’s support of the “vaccine” and Operation Warpspeed is his Achilles’ heel. 15 days to stop the spread made sense to most people, to give time to get personal protective equipment to hospitals. The nation’s stock pile of PPE and ventilators was empty. It was only later that we learned about the harms caused by the inappropriate use of ventilators. Trump sent hospital ships to NY and CA to relieve the overflow of COVID patients in hospitals, which we found out later was a lie. But what did Gov. Cuomo do, he sent COVID infected patients, along with a supply of body bags to nursing homes. When Trump wanted to end the lockdowns, it was governors who refused. Gov. Whitmer would allow one to shop at a Home Depot or Walmart, but not at a small Mom and Pop shop. She also wouldn’t allow you to buy seeds for a vegetable garden, but you could buy liquor. Trump got passed a “right to try” law that allowed terminally ill patients to try investigative new medicines. This helped to save many lives, but each of these patients gave informed consent to receive these treatments. Trump has never supported vaccine mandates. Trump is not a doctor, not a scientist and he put his trust in the wrong people who were supposed to be experts. Unfortunately, he can never admit that he was wrong about anything. There is a way he could while still saving face, but this gets harder and harder as time goes on. Of all of the current presidential candidates, who is not without sin? We must look at the totality of each of the candidates and their record of accomplishments.

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Mainstream news lie about Everything! I stopped tuning in to tv news years ago because it is total propaganda including Fox news. Thank God for Epoch Times and podcasts.

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I got rid of my TV last year.

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Well that was probably a good idea. I still have mine because I like to watch old movies.

And nature programs.

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Tubi shows classic movies for $5/month. It's great.

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I also subscribe to the criterion channel which I have found to be the best. Yet. Every month they have new selections so it never gets old. They have old movies, new movies, foreign movies the whole thing. Best investment of t v watching I ever made.

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You're a but more sophisticated. I'm watching the Columbo shows on Tubi.

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Ha ha! Hey there's nothing wrong with good old colombo.

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Victoria Nuland is an evil Jezebel and like Jezebel of old she deserves to be eaten by dogs. Lira’s imprisonment and death by neglect belie the image of Banderovits Ukraine as a “liberal democracy” deserving US support.

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Have you watched Gonzalo Lira's video on Victoria Nuland?

These people rule over us!


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I only watched part of it so far but excellent video. Everything he’s said so far rings true. Gonzalo is very articulate, apparently a Dartmouth grad. I am sad about his death and also about the death of journalism.

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RIP, Gonzalo. When I first started following him, I looked for some background to get a handle on what kind of person he was. I found this article he wrote just before graduation from Dartmouth College.


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Sad but shows his mental strength and endurance.

Truthtellers certainly need those qualities.

Rest in peace brave soul.

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Wow! Thank you so much for this.

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Rest in Peace, Gonzalo Lira.

I was rooting for him to get out of Ukraine and into Hungary last summer.


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I've gathered through the Internet Grapevine, sorry, I can't quote any sources 'cause I don't remember / no longer have them, that Undersecretary of State Victoria Newland was personally aware of Gonzalo Lira and his predicament – but she also personally despised him, would do nothing to help him. 🤯

You know? I think about the diabolical filth in positions of power throughout The West; Victoria Newland, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Justin Castreau, Jacintha Adern, Scott Morrison, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, or proven genocidist Benjamin Netanyahu to name a few, but it's actually all of them... 🤔💩

I am instantly reduced to a quivering, shivering, incandescent, psychotic rage. 😱💣

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The question that nags at me is, if the "government " is trying to kill me with the jabs, what else are the doing to kill me??

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Do you need an actual list? It would be a lengthy one....

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Yeah, the slow kill list is long, but the fast kill list is catching up, with limitless street drugs, MAID, DNR, 5G, ,,,what else, oh yeah, mask, lockdowns, social distancing.

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John and all,

I am NOT surprised at all an American citizen journalist who told Truths has been neglected and/or murdered in a crap hole country!

Do we not live in a dangerous world where murdering your enemy is not a big deal for our enemies? COMMUNISM 101!

I thought this message TODAY would resonate to YOU and everyone from me…a patriotic Constitutional Conservative Grandmother of soon to be 9 grandchildren who over my dead body has NO intention of leaving them to a life of miserable Communism!

My message today to ALL…

2024…either the reset will favor the people OR the reset will be in favor of Communist control/WEF/Klaus Schwab…SATAN!

Which is it Americans?

Where are the actionable SOLUTIONS?

NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…ONLY America First Constitutional Conservative strategic planners! JOIN with a monthly donation to receive their important newsletters! Their site tells you all you need to know about them!

P.S. Support Mike Lindell as FOX has dumped his MY PILLOW advertising WITHOUT notice. He has supported Trump with LOTS of his hard earned $$$ from Day 1, continuing to go after all the election fraud. He deserves EVERYONE’s support to keep his business going!

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Gonzalo’s YouTube series “System Pigs” is excellent stuff. Watch the videos and let’s keep his memory alive.

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Gonzalo Lira murdered

Another casualty of the intensifying global war on dissident reporters, and truth in general.


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