Wonderful article John - except for the last paragraph: Trump has said he will go to war with anyone for Zionist Israel and even execute American citizens who talk bad about them and Zionist Israel should control America. Strange how you never covered that? He is insane and a rabid racist and Harris is worse! One World Order Fascism or Communism that are our choices of these 2 phony Coward Blackmailed Bought and Paid for Prostitutes!

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So the choice is : Donald, Kamala or not to vote. Donald has done a better job than Kamala up to 2020, and even if he, by his manners and appearance, is not very sympathetic, I trust that Kamala will be even worse once she will sit in the oval office. She will do what the deep state wants her to do, and that is to make sure that all the weapons that will be produced will also be used. Unfortunately, the choice in my two countries (France and Germany) is not very encourageing, either. The time of extraordinary statesmen is over. Who's to blame ? The people, you and me !

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I don't believe there is much blame to the people because they have very little influence or control of politicians, the Big Psychotic Predator Parasites do. and then you had mass programming by the media and more. The Plandemic and forced Bioweapon jab should have made this crystal clear to everyone. Trump is no savior and Kamala is a disaster. The Powers that be put them there not you and me!

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Are you saying”The powers that be”put Trump in? Because I sure don't think so, in fact I don't believe that to be the case at all. There is only one choice for me to even consider and that is Trump, he is not perfect, but if your eyes are at all open and you would like to keep a Constitutional Republic like our

Forefathers put in place there is one choice

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The election is a choice between which group of oligarchs will rule America. America is an oligarchy, no longer a republic.

Just look at Trump’s first term and the swamp monsters he put in place. Bolton, Pompeo and Abrams were some of the worst people to serve in government.

Trump may had not started any new wars, but he took the gloves off for those he inherited. Civilian casualties were much higher during his tenure than Obama’s and his were very high.

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Yeah, he made some bad picks that RINO’s suggested, then he fired them as soon as he realized they were all about themselves and not the country, unlike the One State Democrat Party banner who fires no one no matter the malfeasance or harm to America. Being propagandized by media happens when people rely on favored choices of information that make fools of them. Trump is not MAGA’s darling and will be called out immediately if it’s not in America’s interest, unlike the One Democrat uniparty swamp creatures that serves their government rather than the people.

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Even by his own account, Trump said he was naive in choosing folks to work in his administration — that is why the alliance with RFK Jr is hopefully going to make a big difference re handling the swamp or the blob or what have you.

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Thank you. However I do not think it necessary for Trump supporters who have done their own homework need to apologize on Trumps behalf to the fools that he is not perfect. That none of us is perfect is a given, and those that were propagandized over nine years by 24/7 lies and conspiracies about Trump by a captured MSM are the ones with the TDS problem. It is they who refuse to admit they have been made the fool by their One Democrat uniparty banner with a handful of establishment RINO’s like the dreaded Cheney’s, a Left flank of Communist and Fascists, and an enormous infiltration of global influence trying to crush America’s Constitutional Republic under the ruse of Socialist democracy. MAGA can lead the way back to American sovereignty and personal autonomy.

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There are 3 main Psychotic Predator Parasite Big Powers and Yes Trump is supported y one of them. Is it not obvious? Sheldon Adelson give me $75Million and I'll give Israel the Golan Heights and move our embassy to Jerusalem. Miriam Adelson (this year) give me $100 Million and I'll give Israel the West Bank, Gaza and whatever you want. Americans if you say anything against Israel (GENOCIDE) or Jews we will kill you. You protest Israel (GENOCIDE) we will deport or jail you. Take the Guns first do the paperwork later. Trump does not even know what the Bill of Rights is. He is a Cowardly, Fake, Reality TV "star", Sleazy Casino Owner, Misogynist ***** Grabber, Prostitute Blackmailed Clown. And yes oddly enough Harris and Biden were are worse!

One World Order Fascism or Communism that are your choices.

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Take your TDS meds regularly, they work better.

Fools aren’t boon every day, captured MSM makes them because weak minded people need easy villains to focus on and that’s how wars are started. The absolutely wretched uniparty of Democrats and a handful of RINO’s have for nine years propagandized lies about Trump 24/7, every one eventually proven fabricated and you chose to buy into it because of personal bigotry that is obvious.

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I notice you only respond to facts with drivel. I don't watch mainstream media except for on rare occasions. So Trump did not say Israel should control our Congress? He did not take the Slimy Casino operator Adelsons money of about $150 million for two elections and delivered on his promise to give Israel things which were not Trumps to give? Trump did not say that anyone who talks against Israel should be killed, and deported. You are a lying Coward.

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Jesus Christ is my Savior and He has the power, if He wills, to put people in power and to use people to meet His ends.

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Nine years, 24/7 you have admittedly been propagandized about Trump and like many still deny that you could still be propagandized. If Trump were God, at this point, many, because of that constant “painting” of the picture of Trump by 92% of MSM who 82% say they do not trust, would still find fault. That is how propaganda works, you won’t see it coming because it target you moral virtue in your mind and some people have a very difficult time admitting they were played by something as obtuse as media.

Fools are made, not born, and we all get the opportunity to be one, but the way to avoid being a fool is by doing one’s own homework, regardless of the added temporary stress of realizing we were fooled.

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Precisely whom, do you think, allowed those parasites to creep into places of power, if not the people???

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Do you really think the people control this world? You are aware and intelligent enough to follow Dr. McCullough and John's Exposure so your not asleep like many. Do you think the people made the Plandemic and the Bioweapon Jab to cull humanity? No it was the Psychotic Predator Parasites and the minions who do their bidding like Gates, Fauci, Hotez, etc and program most people through fear, the media and celebrities to follow their illegal insane Mandates and Directives. Do you really think the people put in moronic traitorous Biden and now Kamala and sleazy compromised Trump? No it is the Psychotic Predator Parasites who then use fear, media and celebrities to program the people for one or the other of these traitors. A Awful Genocide of mostly Defenseless women and Children has been going on for the past year and the many past decades with American political and moral support and billions in US Tax $$$$ and barely a peep to shut it down in the media and NOT A WORD ON THIS ENLIGHTENED FORUM. Wake-up America it is almost too late!

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Not now, but you're looking far too narrow; we lost control very a century and an half ago, and it was citizens who did allow that to happen! Had our forebear citizens not gone to sleep at the wheel and put too much trust in their fellow humans of political bent, the situation today might be far different. We lost control before the war in 1861-1865; indeed it would not have happened were that not true. Lincoln, contrary to the myths about him was 1 of the 1st to begin ignoring, and allowing Congress to dismantle, our Constitution, while he trampled on it, all for MONEY to enlarge the federal control. What transpired over the next several yrs in the wake of that war was nothing short of the real "civil war" in this nation! The earlier fracas was between 2 separate nations, not over a single gov't.

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I'm being narrow because we were discussing this election.

Much of it goes back to 1913 The Fed and all that and even before.

I totally disagree with you on Lincoln as the South was unknowingly doing The Crown's bidding, maybe or maybe not like Harris and Biden for China, and were trying to breakup America to take it back. Lincoln freed the slaves and prevented that - that is why he is so cherished. Lincoln also printed our own money during the Civil War so we were not beholden and strangled by the Rothschilds! Look into Judah Benjamin and Jefferson Davis further.

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Vote harder (for candidates positioned there to represent powerful interests) is surely not the solution and has been a proven failure for many decades and caused the murder of hundreds of millions of people.

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The zionists own our politicians.

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Right! And they bought the prostitutes cheaply with a small % of the $ we GIVE them every year! And Trump says it should be that way. Plus many are Epstein/Mossad Blackmailed!

Just Disgusting America!

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Zionsm is yet another term the left has snatched and distorted beyond all recognition. Zionism truly meant the Jews yearning to return at last, as promised, to their own promised land, nothing more or less than that. They had no desire to rule the world, only the land Yhwh promised them, and that was the only land they set about to conquer, in history.

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I hear this comment a lot. And I have listened to Christopher Bollyn’s (can’t recall his last name precisely) long lecture on YouTube and I’ve read One Nation Under Blackmail parts 1 & 2. Nevertheless, as the commenter above stated, at this moment Harris/Walz is still a worse choice no matter how compromised you think the other side also is.

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John, if your discourse is to be courageous, you will need to write about this. But be aware it may cost you your career. Look what happened to journalist Dorothy Thompson, who narrated the documentary Sands of Sorrow, and went from the cover of Time magazine to complete ignominy. See Against Our Better Judgment, by Alison Weir, chapter 16.

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id like to view the proof of Trump having stated such. Please Include. There is SO much more evidence that Trump is race neutral and his short political record proves this both in the vote and his long record of being a boss and leader..

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Take your TDS meds regularly, they work better. The One Democrat Party “inclusive” banner administration of Iranians, Communists, Fascists, that has long ago captured MSM (Pravda) have been propagandizing America for decades, but the old money blue bloods of New England and currently Simi Valley have especially feared and hated the Trumps because it is what they do, give the people villains to focus on as they rape your wallet and children for the idiots who let them. Specifically, since the day President Trump road down the escalator, nine years, 24/7 the MSM dogs have been barking propaganda lies about Donald Trump and the family, and obviously many Americans are so free and secure with all their rights, so many rights they think they bought with taxes, they vote with the One State Party and gladly play the fool of the propagandized, believing ridiculous lies, same as you have cited.

At this time every one of the lies, beginning with hateful wretched Hillary has been proven a conspiracy against Trump, but as KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov has said, those demoralized by propaganda, no matter what proof one shows them after the propaganda, will not listen until the boot of the real perpetrators hits their neck. The Deep State of the current “inclusive” administrative Party like Biden and Obama love watching their fools rise up after they have their operators “paint” (CIA term) a villain for them, it makes them feel powerful because they are actually cowards and their fools adore them for that. That’s why the Dems and traitor RINO’s installed a lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar as America’s figurehead in 2020.

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I never took TDS meds in my life you clown, I suppose you do as you know so much about them and their regularity. If you don't have eyes to see you can't see.

Which point did I make is a lie and back it up?

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There is some truth in this.

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I learned that war was a racket when I was in vietnam. That was in '67, '68 & '69. And many other marines in my company knew it too. Quite a time of cognitive dissonance and depression. Nothing has changed in our world. I voted Trump when he won but can't bring myself to do it again. He says that he will back Israel all the way. That means he will continue to be their slave and send all instruments of war to commit the ongoing genocide of innocent palestinian people. I can't vote for someone who will not take a stand against such horror. Remember that most people ignored the killing of jews and others in the concentration camps. It's happening again right in front of our eyes.

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A vote for Harris is a vote for a one-party state, permanently. The Dems support an unnecessary war in Ukraine, provide funds for the worst enemy of the West (Iran), and ginned up wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, supported Bush's Iraq destruction (which strengthened Iran). The puppeteer may be Obama, but the script for the puppet show is written by the NWO, and it wants to destroy democracy globally so as to create a world in which no individual will have any choices, maybe not even for breakfast. Remember Mao's shapeless blue suits, the re-education camps, the starvation of Chinese and Russian peasants, and weep.

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I agree with everything except Obana is definitely not the puppeteer.

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See also: Obama’s essay in Medium in which he advocated for an open convention right after Biden’s ouster. As we all know, that didn’t happen.

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Maybe not. He's not smart enough, nor does he have enough experience with actually MAKING money instead of having it handed to him. So who IS running the government, in your opinion?

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That is much harder and I think there are two components. There are some very rich people involved, but they work hard to keep out of the news, so they aren't known. I can guess at some, but I'm sure some I've never heard about. Also, the bureaucracy has become so big and powerful, that the unelected bureaucrats, to a large extent, control everything. That is why so little changes when the top executive changes.

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Do you mean SES?

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What is SES?

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He may not be the puppeteer, but is he working for the puppeteers, only one other former president didn't move away from DC, and besides one thing about Obama is he's always telegraphed his intensions, besides Joe wasn't ever capable due to his decline, a man with a cork eye could see that

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He is definitely working for the puppeteers. He probably even has direct contact with them. (I suspect the rich puppeteers used Obama as a go between to Biden. They couldn't go direct, because in Biden's mental state, he might let slip who was running the show.)

You also can't discount the control that comes from the bureaucratic behemoth of unelected government officials that like controlling their little fiefdoms. One reason that things never change, no matter who is elected as the top executive, is that the bureaucrats pretty much do what they want despite who is officially in charge.

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I believe some of what you say about Israel and Palestine is because you have been misinformed by the media. Do you realize Israel has been bombarded by missiles, rockets, and drones almost every day since October 7th? Do you realize the land they've gained was do to them being attacked to exterminate them? Do you realize they've repeatedly given back land to the people that attacked them and then that land has been used to attack them again? Israel and especially it's leaders are not perfect, but they have been put in a position of having to allow some bad stuff to happen or be exterminated. I'd have a little more mercy towards Israel.

Israel always gets all of the blame for the difficult situation of the Palestinians, but their hardship is caused as much by Hammas and their supposed Muslim allies. Hammas cowards attack Israeli civilians and then hide behind Palestinian civilians, but cry foul at Oakestuan deaths. They don't care about the Palestinians. They just use them to manipulate the western sensibilities. Hammas makes sure the Palestinians stay poor and suffering so we will be so worried about the Palestinians that we overlook the atrocities committed by Hammas.

Although I don't agree with everything Israel does, I can't take seriously anyone who blames Israel for everything and never condemns the atrocities committed by Hammas, Hezbollah, and other Muslims in their genocide against the Jews.

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Do you realize that an occupied country has the right to fight back against its occupiers? Israel has been killing Palestinians since 1948. Only someone who is ignorant of the history of this conflict can think that Israel is the victim here.

So Hamas took 250 prisoners which many were the military. Israel has locked up tens of thousands of Palestinians and hold them without charges or trials.

Israelis now insist that they have the right to rape Palestinians that are in their prisons. Go ahead and defend that.

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I don't believe all that you say is accurate, but if some of that is accurate, then that is some of the things I don't agree about Israel doing, but you still refuse to say that Hamas killing Israeli civilians, holding them hostage, raping them, and torturing them is wrong. You refuse to to say that Hamas using Palestinian civilians as human shields so they will die, if Israel retaliates, is wrong. You are holding Israel to a much higher standard than Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Muslim terrorists.

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Israeli civilians or Israeli soldiers? Hamas has released almost all of the civilians long ago and the people who are left are soldiers.


And the raping and torturing of captives are being done by Israel and not Hamas. As for Hamas raping civilians on October 7 well that has long been debunked. If you want to learn the truth try reading the Greyzone and see Max Bluementhol"s Atrocity, inc.

Of course I’m holding Israel to a higher standard. They’ve been illegally occupying and have blockaded Gaza for decades. Israel has ignored every international law set by the UN and let’s not forget the 700,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank. Israel has killed 750 people there even though Hamas is only in Gaza.

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I learned the same when, being of young draft age, I watched what was happening in Vietnam.

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So you are casting a vote for Cornell West or skipping the election altogether? The DNC-criminal syndicate isn’t going to suit you either.

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Thank you, Daniel. I'm voting Trump although I know he'll support Israel...whom I detest. I also detest Hamas and Hezbollah. I think he'll close the borders and give the country a few more years. I'm particularly concerned, at this time, about the speed at which the "Build Back Better" crowd has usurped American Constitutional rights during a brief four years. We will surely suffer from the millions and millions of illegal military-age men who have entered the country under Biden no matter what Trump does so people should be prepared.

I have sympathies only for the Palestinians who are undergoing genocide at the hands of a barbaric Israeli state. I hope Israel falls into the same flames they've created in Gaza. They have no claim to any land in the Middle East, and this entire State was started and funded by the Rothschilds. I need say no more.

I say to those who support this genocide that they will reap their karma: pay heed. According to all numbers, 1,200 Israelis perished on Oct. 7, 2023. Thus far, the death toll in Gaza is underreported: I concur with estimates of over 100,000 dead. Look at the massive destruction Israel has already created in Lebanon in just a few weeks with their usual disregard for human life and indiscriminate bombing. They're an abomination on Earth.

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Then, the Jews were victims, now the Zionist Jews are taking revenge, they metamorphosed into murderers/land grabbers. Their mid-term goal is the Greater Israel, from river Nile to the Tigris–Euphrates rivers system...

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Although (God willing) DJT will still win the election AND be permitted to serve, I've felt for many months that a peace platform has been incredibly underplayed in the election, given the brinksmanship and Ukraine policy that has put us within a small miscalculation or unpredictable event of a hot war with Russia.

This has of course been one of Tulsi's big issues, but she does not seem to have been featured much in the campaign (unfortunately). And, while DJT has periodically spoken of the risks of our present Ukraine policies, and promised to negotiate a solution, I feel that this issue has been relegated to only one of many, and behind more regularly featured discussion of immigration and the economy.

Given the risks, and present posture of the Ukraine war, DJT should be running the equivalent of the famous "Daisy" ads from the 1964 election, and emphasizing the issue much more on the stump. Yes it presents the downside of being portrayed (cartoonishly) as "Putin's puppet." But the American people deserve to have their leaders, and would-be leaders, debate this issue as a core part of the election. The Democrats have been incredibly reckless. But as much as I appreciate what he's done and is still doing, I think DJT bears some responsibility as well to get this issue front and center.

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Sadly, people don't perceive the danger of war until they are struck by it. The same is true of tyranny. Most people don't perceive the tyrant's initial maneuvers, and only recognize the danger AFTER their freedom has been lost. Thanks for reading! Best regards, John Leake

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My father was a POW in WWII in the Philippines (and the Death March). A member of the service for over twenty-one years his experience is detailed in a literally transcription of eighteen hours of tape a Lt. Co. made while studying for her PhD with her dissertation on why some POW's survived while others did not. Forty percent of those sent to the Philippines did not come back. In contrast, ninety nine percent of those held in European Theater prison camps did come back. I remember considering enlisting in the early seventies after high school. My Dad told me, "If you try to enlist I will shoot you in the back. That war is immoral." He remained a pacifist all his life after WWII. He was sent illegally to the Philippines in September 1941 by Rosevelt - who did not get permission to send them from congress in the following December of 1941. The transcription is available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Faithful-Because-Survival-Defenders-Bataan/dp/B09WQDWVZ7/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2327V5AUPK9QZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TH_H1snuY20sIQmtKQJ_9MSaRh8hnZEFL3hQgKcXsII.wweZ3xvJ6Zt0oAf0-gd-VXCiO7EUPiL4rHVmKFG1OQE&dib_tag=se&keywords=faithful+clement+charles&qid=1729782680&sprefix=clement+charles%2Caps%2C250&sr=8-1. The book speaks about current times toward the end though it was recorded in 1981 regarding the Russians and Chinese. Mary Ann Sharkey (Past Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer and member of the Press Hall of Fame)...This book can be read in a matter of hours but will stay with you forever. Big Al Suttman who was unexpectedly called up from the National Guard to the front line in the Philippines tells his harrowing and ultimately uplifting story. He survives one horror after another, the Bataan Death March, the POW camp in the Philippines, slave ship conditions on a POW ship to Japan, and ultimately POW conditions in Japan. He tells the story in a matter of fact, no nonsense manner as he recalls the inhumane conditions imposed by Japanese soldiers. For example, the American POWs were divided into groups of 10. If one POW tried to escape, the other nine in his group were summarily executed in front of the entire camp. Big Al holds on to own humanity throughout the ordeal and is surprisingly generous in spirit to all including the enemy. While it is a war story, it is also a testament to the human spirit. Big Al will be one of the most memorable characters you have met.

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Your father was a wise man.

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Yup. Over a thousand people came to his funeral from coast to coast and Europe on forty-eight hours notice, Never made such money but he sure helped a tremendous amount of people. You can actually her his voice on the promo video for the book on YouTube at https://youtu.be/bjp05-DjfBU?si=ecHHno8Ipqzrjvne.

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I'm not so sure we aren't considering military recruitment is way down even in families who have traditionally served down the generations. And whatever people think about Ukraine, I don't think most people want America to get more involved in that mess. Or in the ME.

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Spot on. War extremely lucrative for the parasitic ruling class.

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Have the Neocons ever won any war or conflict they started? The only winners are the makers of war implements. People on both sides of any conflict lose. What is in it for the average person? At least in the past, a warrior received the spoils of war if victorious. The warmongers have taken that away. The only positive outcome for a drafted or, indeed, a volunteer member of the military is coming home alive and unharmed physically and mentally and still having a family. That's the best outcome.

Politicians have started all wars. So why bother humoring their losing adventures?

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When drafted, asked to say 'yes' and step forwards, yell 'No!' and step backwards.

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WHERE are the college age cannon-fodder for peace? WHERE are the Code Pink hypocrites?

WHERE are the self-righteous, anti-war, Hollywood motor-mouths?

If war is about money for the few and death for the masses , then the Leftist's anti-war outrage is an act. It is selective and politically motivated to further their socialist/Marxist agenda.

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The mere fact that Trump will have Bobby Kennedy Jr and Tulsi Gabbard in high level positions in his administration is a good sign that that should be considered when discussing potential war if Trump is elected.

The Ukraine war and Zelensky is showing signs that he wants to end the destruction of his own country, which has been a losing proposition from day one.

Israel is a different story. They are intent on destroying their enemies before they are destroyed themselves.

But remember that RFKJR would have closed the nearly 800 American military bases across the world, and focused more on defending the US borders and country by creating “Fortress America” and turning to reestablishing economic power in the world and moral authority to the United States. This is common sense policy as the neocon forever war policies that Democrats have embraced along with the chronic disease epidemic are gutting our country financially and morally. There’s a landslide in the air, and if that happens the next Trump admin will have a mandate to rebuild our middle class, and the only way that we happen is to stop the policies of military adventurism that has turned our country into a security state.

But I could be wrong.

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I pray you are correct, Sir.

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The opening of this post reminds me of one of my favorite books which first nudged me to be far more skeptical about our international affairs—Confessions of an Economic Hitman, by John Perkins.

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“If you want to avoid nuclear war, I strongly urge you to vote for Donald Trump…”.

RFK, Jr. Video:


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Eugene Debs said it correctly:

"Let the capitalists do their own fighting and furnish their own corpses, and there will never be another war on the face of this earth."

It’s always been the subjected and poor people who fight wars for their kings and governments while those at the top reap all the rewards and resources. That’s what Smedley Butler finally figured out and it’s what many military families are FINALLY figuring out too. Why keep sending your kids to die for the oligarchs? Not enough, but hopefully some day.

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Major General Smedley Butler has been a touch point and a beacon of clarity for me ever since I learned of him. NeoCons call him a Communist! The NeoCons call anyone who tells the truth about war a Communist. If you read the political commentaries of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), he was of the same mind as Butler. If Butler were alive today, he would be quickly "suicided".

"I do not like wars, they have uncertain outcomes."

Michael Yon has continuously stated that war is never controllable and predictable. The outcomes always extend far beyond the anticipated effects and length of time. War cannot be controlled. "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war." This is the cry of our INSANE NeoCons.

As much as I fear what is happening in eastern Europe, America's insane support of the Zionists in Israel and the genocide taking place as we watch has a much higher probability of getting us all killed. Yet America's churches foam at the mouth in anticipation that such slaughter will bring the so-called Second Coming so they can be raptured while the rest of the world burns. God will not countenance such blasphemy.

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Umm… not in my branch of the conservative faith — Reformed Presbyterian. We have a different eschatology.

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The pharmaceutical racket “profits are reckoned in money and losses in lives”.

And Trump was the major enabler of that, which ended up taking more lives than any single war without one shot fired. And he didn’t bring any troops home. And he’s pledging to support Israel all the way, and to give them anything they want as well as power in our government. And he made it illegal to criticize any of it, which is a violation of free speech.

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Can you explain how precisely “he (Trump) made it illegal to criticize any of it (presumably a pro Israel foreign policy.)” Thanks.

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I believe this (link below) can be interpreted to classify anything that is deemed "hate" as a violation of the law, which can include many things, including free speech violations.


While I don't advocate hate, I can see how setting up laws to make "hate" (which hate is always poorly defined with wide margins of discretion for the enforcer) illegal can lead to abuse of power.

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Agree with Albert. When it comes to Zionism, Trump is indistinguishable from the rest. So we are in trouble...

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