Great article the last few paragraphs alluded to,

Carl Jung, the eminent Swiss psychiatrist and father of Depth Psychology, said:

The idea of an all-powerful divine Being is present everywhere, unconsciously if not consciously, because it is an archetype. There is in the psyche some superior power, and if it is not consciously a god, it is the "belly" at least, in St. Paul's words. I therefore consider it wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, for, if we do not, something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid such as only an "enlightened" intellect could hatch forth.

That’s about as secular a way to put it as you can get. You don’t have to see it that way though, but if you are a die-hard atheist, or someone who simply gives no credence to a “higher power,” Jung’s advice should be well considered. What is happening now in our culture is a clear example of Jung’s last words in this quote: it is wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, or else something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid…” Uh…yeah…isn’t that what I have been saying for two years now?

If a people do not accept the Creator as Sovereign, as their Supreme Ruler, as their Source of Rights, they must, perforce, locate sovereignty in some mortal man or in some man-made institution.

Logically, it has to be one or the other. If they locate sovereignty in government - a man-made institution - they have created an authoritarianism they must live with until they revoke it.

“If the religious instinct does not find its satiation in religious activity, it searches for what nourishment it can find elsewhere, in politics and business and education and, for that matter, within the confines of our private lives. Under such circumstances, everything becomes contaminated with unrecognized religious urgings and promptings and produces a zealotry whose intensity and danger is disproportionate to its putative cause. In consequence, it is now incumbent upon us all to engage in a most serious discussion about just what is Caesar’s and just what is God’s, understanding that some must be reserved for the latter, lest what is absolute and divine be attributed to the former.”

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Indeed. The belief in the Magical ‘vaccines’ , masks and hand washing certainly was religious. Why on earth do parents still send their children to such an abusive school? Montessori schools are not usually like that.

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What kind of parents would subject their children to this abuse? This is sick and twisted, cruel, and inhumane.

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...the new face of child abuse parading as virtue....leading tots into anoxia and communication disorders....not to mention rsv...Save us oh Lord

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It has struck me also that many of the professionals who have been treating COVID with appropriate medicines, vitamins, minerals, and supplements, and/or have neen speaking out about the vaccine dangers, are strong believers in God. Many of them also believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

I think the primary reason they acted is because they were probably taught when young that God and Jesus expect us to sometimes sacrifice in order to help others, especially when we have unique skills that can (1) save others from death or serious harm, or (2) help others through death or harm with a particular grace and love.

I added the second one because I am both disappointed and angry that the majority of America's priests, bishops, pastors, ministers, rabiis, and other religious leaders did essentially nothing to minister to the people who ended up having to die completely alone in the hospitals and elderly care homes. I was taught that our "religious" would never abandon the sick and dying, and yet they did. I was shocked at this, as I was shocked at the medical professionals.

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Wow, that was fast, John! Fun to see this idea sprout from a seedling so quickly.

A Midwestern Doctor has been exploring the Salem Witch Trials and their bearing on today’s religious manias if you haven’t yet read this:


And, of course, CJ Hopkins has been writing about Covidians (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/?sort=search&search=covidian) since the beginning, and I addressed the first entry in my Letters series to them:

• “Letter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel)

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If I remember correctly, there are photos of Dr. Fauci with the pope. Years of planning, I’ve gone onto this crime against humanity. Let’s not forget the Vatican is run by Jesuits, and the Vatican, aided the Nazis.

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

NO DOUBTS about the Rothschilds (Meyer Family) of the Bank for International Settlements with all their Central Banker Cartel Families being VERY PLEASED with all the contraband sucked out of the 'American Middle Class Cash Cow' by way of LAUNDERED TAXPAYER DOLLARS to fill the Fascist Financier's Dossiers.

What kind of loving parent allows their child to attend a Montessori School perpetrating such abuse? Any parent tolerating such travesty enacted onto their child really must be assessed for Mental Health purposes. Impossible to imagine such people to allow this...But, even more stunning to think about injecting any child with this Ai/Bio Nanotechweapon they RE-IMAGINED a Vaccine. WOW!!!

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

Methodist church in Cape Town, South Africa, draped itself with a banner that explicitly announced "The blood of Jesus will not save you from Covid"

I was raised in the Methodist church. Utterly useless. All I heard about back then was Vietnam and other social(ist) issues.

Fact is, the blood of Jesus is not meant to "save us from Covid." Unknown to these non-savants, **we all die*** at one point or another. The blood of Jesus saves me from the penalty of my sins before a just and holy God, and does eventuate in eternal life.

I don't get it with this poster. Did they think we thought that claiming the blood of Jesus - which I do - would save me from Covid... or cancer (which I have had), or for that matter bad breath or body odor?

I am utterly sick of liberal, unbiblical, unChristian fake Christianity. It has as much do do with real Christianity as CNN has to do with real news.

Fact is, as Chesterton purportedly noted, when men cease to believe in God, they don't believe in nothing, but ANYTHING. And political correctness seems to have replaced Molech in that regard

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I’m surprised a Montessori school would do this. But I am even more concerned about parents that would go along with it. A few days ago in a doctor’s office, I spoke to a woman in her 20’s who worked there. She was still wearing a mask and told me: “Well, I got used to it. I like it. And last winter I did not get sick so it worked.” It ‘worked’? What worked was the brainwashing.

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Well said! The religious fervor extends to environmentalism, global warming, and gender reassignment.

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The cult is a hard habit to break......

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That doesn’t sound like the Montessori schools I’ve had experiences-from my children attending to subbing at other schools. But it was about 48 years ago!

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It is The Church of Covidianity, The Mask is The Crucifix and the "vaccine is The Sacrament". This is as described by Patrick Henningsen of 21stcenturywire.com way back in 2020 or early 2021.

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Many years ago I came across the theory that the bizarre behavior observed in Salem was caused by having eaten, or been involved in the cultivation of a wheat crop that was contaminated with Ergot.

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I had told a friend who was finishing Med School during the height of Covid non-treatment madness, "the doctors (that refused to treat) were worse than Dr. Mengele." "At least he was a true believer, in a sick, depraved, inhuman cause. The "Let them Die" Doctors did it to protect their licenses and their Mercedes." They could have been such heros. Their names could have been lessons for all future Med students. Instead the 99% cut and ran. It is a tragedy when an opportunity for greatness arises I one's life, the pinnacle of one's life, and they failed. How many lives would have been saved from the disease and the hell the shots have wrought if ALL Doctors did aggressive and open early treatments? Sadly we will never know.

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