In answer to your last question: YES! Why did hospitals need all of this extra money? Oh, maybe because they were mostly empty given the fact that "all elective surgeries" were suspended to leave hospitals open for the thousands of Covid patients they would be receiving. Well, when that didn't happen (many hospitals were mostly empty as some of the traveling contract nurses reported when they showed up on NYC to respond to the "overwhelming" numbers of patients flooding hospitals and sat in hotel rooms waiting to be called, but weren't) hospitals needed to keep up the charade somehow by remaining mostly empty and obviously needed the money.
A good friend's husband went to the hospital in July of 2020. When she took him to the emergency room entrance, there was NO activity at all and this was in the middle of the day! He was admitted, and for five days he worked from his hospital bed and was expected to come home the next day (day 6), when suddenly he was thrown into ICU and intubated (he tried to call my friend to her and tried to resist the intubation (according to one of the nurses who dared speak to my friend about the incident), but was put on a ventilator and given Remdesivir, and within a day he was dead. For that, the hospital got paid $39,000. They had to make money somehow and killing people for cash seemed to be optimum at the time.
Do you think someone wanted that CEO dead? Very likely.
This was the greatest travesty against humankind in the history of the world and impacted nearly every country and every global citizen. This should never happen again -- although I've heard there's another plandemic in the works. Now we know and we can resist.
The second article has paywall. As for first; I know many doctors who worked independently treating Covid patients .They had considerably more success than the unfortunate folks who were stuck in the hospital systems. Makes me wonder just how many patients are dying due to corrupted protocols foisted on doctors and patients these days. Covid isn’t a one off that’s for sure
There was also a video where someone went into a hospital in Annapolis, Maryland during the panic and it was a ghost town. I can't find it right now, but it was eye opening.
REFUSE & REJECT EVERYTHING they will pushed towards us in the event of any /next PLANDEMIC. We MUST NEVER AGREE or put any TRUST on the CDC/FDA/NIH/WHO… they are ALL CORRUPTED. I know of many many who have died in hospitals & many more who have DIED SUDDENLY AFTER TAKING THE JABS! I’ve experienced the saddest 2-3 years of my life with Several of my members DIED SUDDENLY after taking the jabs. Many of my friends families & my friends have SUDDENLY DIED. All were in good health & never had COVID.
Yes the greatest criminal action against ALL LIFE and the real human species , the hospitals which are nearly all private corporations were struggling after Obama care which was the foundation for all this , all this globalist depopulation agenda has been in motion for a long time .
There is NO WAY to hide or RUN in a TOTAL SURVEILLANCE STATE Unless its designed to be so, by someone with the power to make sure your not caught or its an authorized hit.
Ahhh good to know. My guess is that someone may get arrested but not the actual killer who performed the ‘service’. Idk if it’s fall of Rome or planned destruction to install a new dystopian control system like ‘sustainable digital governance’.
We've got our conspiracy operational concepts mixed up. When it's CIA, we get a patsy in 24-48 hours, dead within the week. Otherwise, it's probably sanctioned but private "service."
So this is what it was like to live in Rome near the end, eh?
the CEO of UHC surely knew how much animosity millions of Americans directed at him and his company, right? You can't be a CEO and have your head completely in the sand, oblivious to what's going on in the world outside your office. So why was he walking alone, with no security? He had a net worth of tens of millions. Security costs money, but he could afford it. Why didn't he take a car between hotels? Why didn't he stay in the hotel where the conference was being held? Seems very strange that this guy walks alone without any security when he'd received death threats. Which brings up another question: Was his murder faked? If so, why?
If we assume the murder is real, Thompson may have reasoned that being attacked at 6:40 in the morning when going, basically across the street from one hotel to another is unlikely. He would be more worried about having protection around the time he was due to speak at the conference, which may have been announced publicly. But the conference was due to start at 8am. For the shooter to know that Thompson was going to be on the street as early as 6:40, they would need inside information.
Of course, if the whole thing is faked, then all bets are off. I do find it striking that the NYPD keeps releasing photos of guys who do not match each other, in clothing or general appearance. My reaction after seeing the latest photo in the taxi was, "we're being played."
I saw a video of two different men...both taxi drivers that witnessed the shooter had hung around all night ...they saw him all night as they did their jobs around the hotel transporting people...regardless...our criminal cartel rogue unAmerican unconstitutional government is at the helm
A huge, white backpack filled with Monopoly money (was the killer trying to stop a monopoly?), an odd gun, weird messages on live bullets dropped on the sidewalk, no usual security detail, a crime-scene video that may have been altered, a killer who wasn't trying that hard to avoid cameras, an upcoming arrest of someone the NYPD says they know the name of (perhaps to be made by the FBI?), possibility the murder is faked (do we have a body or not?)... what's really going on? Is there a plot driving toward a climax, or is this just another diversion by the govt. propaganda department?
Well, we did have a Syrian overthrow occur last couple days. Same one CIA asked Trump if they could do in 2017, which got him in hot water with CIA when he said no... but most of us already know we fund color revolutions every half decade or so, even in America (see 2020)...
We are being played about everything these days arent we ? Like the entire last election and who is now being brought in , and the entire plandemic and all world events .
I posted previously of the possibility that his murder was faked. I had heard that he was soon to be indicted for some kind of financial crime. I had suggested that he may now be in a Witness Protection program. There’s no shortage of theories out there.
right, it may have been your original comment that got me starting to think about this. The comment was on a youtube video about this shooting.
Witness Protection makes sense in one way. If those who would target the witness believe he's already dead, then they wouldn't try to harm him.
But if you fake his death and then have him show up at the trial, there'd be a bit of a problem with that, no? And what about all his friends and family, how do you fake his death and not involve them? Faking his death seems like an extreme action to take for the Witness Protection Program.
He wasn’t the head honcho CEO, but CEO of the insurance division. Most media coverage leaves that part out, for some reason. If he had been the head, there would have been more security. The CEOs of these companies always travel with security and, just POTUS, they don’t fly with the other heads of the company.
Why was he walking? I don't know, I wasn't in his head, but a lot of people enjoy walking in Manhattan. Moreover, many people who truly do need professional security, and are in fact provided it, refuse it / dismiss it / even run away from it because they do not want the inconvenience and loss of privacy, and they think they're so smart (else how would they have arrived at their vaunted position?), they've got an ego that just can't believe something bad would happen to them. Endless stories in this regard.
He's in insurance, right? They have to pay claims... has to know about the excess all-cause mortality, extreme disability claims, etc. Every CEO of a company that offers life insurance knows because they increased premiums 120% in 2023 and 105% in 2024 and cut the payout for company-funded life insurance to 1X salary instead of 2X.
My company sends me a postcard and email every month, has done so for 2+ yrs straight, asking me to get a FREE wrist device that monitors my heart in real time, plus free screening without any clinical symptoms or identification.
For context, as I've previously commented, there are 5,139 community hospitals in the U.S. If each of those hospitals is responsible for (50) deaths associated with the remdesivir/ventilator/midazolam protocol, that comes to 256,950 related deaths. You can be sure that more than (50) patients in each hospital died as a result of this federally-mandated protocol. The actual number is undoubtedly much, much higher & staggering. That nearly every hospital & their administrators & staff got on-board with this medical homicide is unconscionable.
I would side with the decision that garnered the most financial gains in the medical system to be accurate, and not those that prevented illness or treated it quickly. What the shooter did was repugnant though and murder, and he should be prosecuted. However, where are the prosecutions for the millions harmed by the protocols, GOF Sars2, and gene shots? Why isn't there a visceral reaction to those actors? We naturally have a sense of outrage toward the murder of one man, but not for the murder of thousands, is it because large numbers make it impersonal?
A . Bourla CEO of Pfizer has openly ADMITTED MULTIPLE TIMES AT DAVOS . "OUR INTENTION WAS 50% population reduction and we believe we have succeeded ." Trump calls himself the "GODFATHER " of the death shots ,ALL HIS NEW TEAM are ZIONIST, globalist warmongers, what does that tell you ?
Multiple times at Davos meetings and in one interview I personally heard then was removed from net. We now are COMPLETELY government BY THE BILLIONAIRES , OF THE BILLIONAIRES AND FOR THE BILLIONAIRES and the BLACK NOBILITY RULING FAMILIES and the DARK ENTITIES THEY SERVE
Bingo for you John with the hospitals misclassifying medical conditions as Covid instead of what they really were. What government aid did the hospital get for bronchitis? Probably not much or zero. Money does strange things to people, especially businessmen where making money is what it is all about. The hospital administration, doctors, etc can all claim we followed protocal.
We used an overcycled PCR test to diagnose Covid and isolated the patient including isolation from food and water and when they had breathing problems we put them on the vent (Ca-ching, Ca-ching). When the patient died we made sure the cause of death was Covid so the family could scoop another $8000 from FEMA for the funeral). Now the Covid death totals went up aritificially so we could say we need to vaccinate the country for covid and make big pharma wealthier! I am sure some of the money worked its way back to demorat politician's purses.
I have seen comments elsewhere that the pistol used was not a bolt-action one because the video plainly shows smoke/gas escaping from the top of the gun over the firing chamber with each shot (especially the first one). And, they say the motion the shooter uses to re-rack the gun is not consistent with the bolt on the back of a Station Six 9.
According to Colion Noir, who styles himself as a gun expert, what we see in the video is consistent with a standard 9mm semi-auto pistol (such as a Glock), fitted with a suppressor, but without a booster. Apparently such a gun becomes effectively a single shot device that must be re-racked after every shot, as without the booster, the gas from the shell firing is not enough to cycle the gun automatically. Noir has posted video of himself firing such a gun on the range, and he indeed has to re-rack it after each shot.
In any case, it is clear that the shooter expected to have to re-set the gun after every shot and did so without hesitation.
My problem with this theory is that this lack of cycling is not by design, so the chance of jamming would be higher. I still wonder if he was using a slide lock.
To paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, you commit crimes with the weapons you have, not with the weapons you would like to have. I can see the shooter trying out the gun on the range, finding out that he could make it work, and just going with it as getting something different was not practical for any number of reasons.
Friend’s child hospitalized with RSV; repeated Covid tests all negative, but nevertheless discharged with a “Covid” diagnosis. A cousin killed in a motorcycle accident was also diagnosed with Covid. An uncle who died suddenly within 48 hours of his second Covid shot was also called a Covid death. Nope, Covid does not kill suddenly with zero other symptoms (maybe a saddle pulmonary embolus, but even that was reported more after the shots than with Covid). That’s three, just in my small circle. Think about what could be the potential numbers!
And don’t forget, any doctor with an ounce of knowledge knew that Remdesivir increases mortality. Then to continue to bow to corporate hospital protocols despite the astronomical death rates… Words fail me…
"Why did the assassin choose the extremely risky enterprise of shooting Thompson in Midtown Manhattan instead of waiting for a lower risk opportunity near the UCH CEO’s home in Minneapolis?"
If Thompson had been shot discreetly in Minneapolis, the shooting would have got much less attention. If you want to splash a murder all over the media, do it in Mid-town New York City, and make sure the whole thing is on surveillance video.
I do not believe the killer used a Station Six... boy what a rare gun to own, but it was clear that his activity with that gun was not consistent with a Station Six. It was most likely a semi-auto with a supressor - as it was jamming on him and he had to hit it perhaps to get a shell dislodged. Perhaps he was using a subsonic to be even more stealthy and they do not produce enough pressure for a semi-auto.
What information do health insurance companies have, that lots of people want but no one has been able to get? Vaccination status and death. This guy was going to give up the information for millions of vaccinated patients that showed the vaccine was absolutely killing people. That information, if it got out would result in a lot of people going to prison if they survived the crowds of people clamoring for them to be assembled to the nearest lamp post with some nice sisal rope.
This was a big pharma/deep state hit. But they want us to believe it was a family member of someone denied care or a trans person denied "gender affirming care" by this insurance company, anything but the truth which is this guy had the information that would destroy big pharma and the deep state which put this whole thing into motion with the purpose of removing Trump from office.
The authorities in NYC have said that they now know the shooters name, but they aren't going to release the name to the public, because they don't want to tip the shooter off to the fact that they know his name. That makes complete sense. 🙄
The American Hospital Association was proud of its lobbying to incentivize hospital admissions John. The entire debacle was not about public health. Rather , it was about money with no regard for the human aspect of "do no harm."
Your narrative raises an interesting question. Government hit job?
Seems to me he fired from too far away for it to be professional. And the gun needing repeated attention also suggests something amateurish. As does choice of location and apparent lack of concern at being seen. Could be paid but hardly hit-man quality.
Since we are wildly speculating: Murder has nothing to do with Insurance. The etched on deny, etc. just to throw suspicion off. Follow the money, inheritance, will, separation agreement, etc. Hired gun for a person motivated personally.
In answer to your last question: YES! Why did hospitals need all of this extra money? Oh, maybe because they were mostly empty given the fact that "all elective surgeries" were suspended to leave hospitals open for the thousands of Covid patients they would be receiving. Well, when that didn't happen (many hospitals were mostly empty as some of the traveling contract nurses reported when they showed up on NYC to respond to the "overwhelming" numbers of patients flooding hospitals and sat in hotel rooms waiting to be called, but weren't) hospitals needed to keep up the charade somehow by remaining mostly empty and obviously needed the money.
A good friend's husband went to the hospital in July of 2020. When she took him to the emergency room entrance, there was NO activity at all and this was in the middle of the day! He was admitted, and for five days he worked from his hospital bed and was expected to come home the next day (day 6), when suddenly he was thrown into ICU and intubated (he tried to call my friend to her and tried to resist the intubation (according to one of the nurses who dared speak to my friend about the incident), but was put on a ventilator and given Remdesivir, and within a day he was dead. For that, the hospital got paid $39,000. They had to make money somehow and killing people for cash seemed to be optimum at the time.
Do you think someone wanted that CEO dead? Very likely.
This was the greatest travesty against humankind in the history of the world and impacted nearly every country and every global citizen. This should never happen again -- although I've heard there's another plandemic in the works. Now we know and we can resist.
Hospitals were half empty of Covid patients.
Never let a good crisis go wo waste, throw a lot of money at it. Lie about the numbers.
The second article has paywall. As for first; I know many doctors who worked independently treating Covid patients .They had considerably more success than the unfortunate folks who were stuck in the hospital systems. Makes me wonder just how many patients are dying due to corrupted protocols foisted on doctors and patients these days. Covid isn’t a one off that’s for sure
You should not go to the hospital unless it's a real emergency. It's 100% profit ran and hastens death.
There was also a video where someone went into a hospital in Annapolis, Maryland during the panic and it was a ghost town. I can't find it right now, but it was eye opening.
REFUSE & REJECT EVERYTHING they will pushed towards us in the event of any /next PLANDEMIC. We MUST NEVER AGREE or put any TRUST on the CDC/FDA/NIH/WHO… they are ALL CORRUPTED. I know of many many who have died in hospitals & many more who have DIED SUDDENLY AFTER TAKING THE JABS! I’ve experienced the saddest 2-3 years of my life with Several of my members DIED SUDDENLY after taking the jabs. Many of my friends families & my friends have SUDDENLY DIED. All were in good health & never had COVID.
I was the controller for a large group of emergency medicine, radiology and anesthesia physicians. The hospitals were empty where we were located.
Yes the greatest criminal action against ALL LIFE and the real human species , the hospitals which are nearly all private corporations were struggling after Obama care which was the foundation for all this , all this globalist depopulation agenda has been in motion for a long time .
They won’t manage to find this guy because it’s not in their best interest to do so. Just like the J6 pipe bomber.
There is NO WAY to hide or RUN in a TOTAL SURVEILLANCE STATE Unless its designed to be so, by someone with the power to make sure your not caught or its an authorized hit.
Yup. There is no excuse if they don’t come up with the patsy. Er I mean perpetrator.
Ahhh good to know. My guess is that someone may get arrested but not the actual killer who performed the ‘service’. Idk if it’s fall of Rome or planned destruction to install a new dystopian control system like ‘sustainable digital governance’.
We've got our conspiracy operational concepts mixed up. When it's CIA, we get a patsy in 24-48 hours, dead within the week. Otherwise, it's probably sanctioned but private "service."
So this is what it was like to live in Rome near the end, eh?
another obvious question:
the CEO of UHC surely knew how much animosity millions of Americans directed at him and his company, right? You can't be a CEO and have your head completely in the sand, oblivious to what's going on in the world outside your office. So why was he walking alone, with no security? He had a net worth of tens of millions. Security costs money, but he could afford it. Why didn't he take a car between hotels? Why didn't he stay in the hotel where the conference was being held? Seems very strange that this guy walks alone without any security when he'd received death threats. Which brings up another question: Was his murder faked? If so, why?
If we assume the murder is real, Thompson may have reasoned that being attacked at 6:40 in the morning when going, basically across the street from one hotel to another is unlikely. He would be more worried about having protection around the time he was due to speak at the conference, which may have been announced publicly. But the conference was due to start at 8am. For the shooter to know that Thompson was going to be on the street as early as 6:40, they would need inside information.
Of course, if the whole thing is faked, then all bets are off. I do find it striking that the NYPD keeps releasing photos of guys who do not match each other, in clothing or general appearance. My reaction after seeing the latest photo in the taxi was, "we're being played."
We are absolutely being played.
I saw a video of two different men...both taxi drivers that witnessed the shooter had hung around all night ...they saw him all night as they did their jobs around the hotel transporting people...regardless...our criminal cartel rogue unAmerican unconstitutional government is at the helm
Absolutely and likely FBI as well
A huge, white backpack filled with Monopoly money (was the killer trying to stop a monopoly?), an odd gun, weird messages on live bullets dropped on the sidewalk, no usual security detail, a crime-scene video that may have been altered, a killer who wasn't trying that hard to avoid cameras, an upcoming arrest of someone the NYPD says they know the name of (perhaps to be made by the FBI?), possibility the murder is faked (do we have a body or not?)... what's really going on? Is there a plot driving toward a climax, or is this just another diversion by the govt. propaganda department?
Well, we did have a Syrian overthrow occur last couple days. Same one CIA asked Trump if they could do in 2017, which got him in hot water with CIA when he said no... but most of us already know we fund color revolutions every half decade or so, even in America (see 2020)...
We are being played about everything these days arent we ? Like the entire last election and who is now being brought in , and the entire plandemic and all world events .
I posted previously of the possibility that his murder was faked. I had heard that he was soon to be indicted for some kind of financial crime. I had suggested that he may now be in a Witness Protection program. There’s no shortage of theories out there.
right, it may have been your original comment that got me starting to think about this. The comment was on a youtube video about this shooting.
Witness Protection makes sense in one way. If those who would target the witness believe he's already dead, then they wouldn't try to harm him.
But if you fake his death and then have him show up at the trial, there'd be a bit of a problem with that, no? And what about all his friends and family, how do you fake his death and not involve them? Faking his death seems like an extreme action to take for the Witness Protection Program.
He was not rich enough or powerful enough to fake his death and get away with it.
He wasn’t the head honcho CEO, but CEO of the insurance division. Most media coverage leaves that part out, for some reason. If he had been the head, there would have been more security. The CEOs of these companies always travel with security and, just POTUS, they don’t fly with the other heads of the company.
Why was he walking? I don't know, I wasn't in his head, but a lot of people enjoy walking in Manhattan. Moreover, many people who truly do need professional security, and are in fact provided it, refuse it / dismiss it / even run away from it because they do not want the inconvenience and loss of privacy, and they think they're so smart (else how would they have arrived at their vaunted position?), they've got an ego that just can't believe something bad would happen to them. Endless stories in this regard.
He's in insurance, right? They have to pay claims... has to know about the excess all-cause mortality, extreme disability claims, etc. Every CEO of a company that offers life insurance knows because they increased premiums 120% in 2023 and 105% in 2024 and cut the payout for company-funded life insurance to 1X salary instead of 2X.
My company sends me a postcard and email every month, has done so for 2+ yrs straight, asking me to get a FREE wrist device that monitors my heart in real time, plus free screening without any clinical symptoms or identification.
They know.
Faked? There was a body on the sidewalk for hours. Which was his… maybe ask his wife.
For context, as I've previously commented, there are 5,139 community hospitals in the U.S. If each of those hospitals is responsible for (50) deaths associated with the remdesivir/ventilator/midazolam protocol, that comes to 256,950 related deaths. You can be sure that more than (50) patients in each hospital died as a result of this federally-mandated protocol. The actual number is undoubtedly much, much higher & staggering. That nearly every hospital & their administrators & staff got on-board with this medical homicide is unconscionable.
I would side with the decision that garnered the most financial gains in the medical system to be accurate, and not those that prevented illness or treated it quickly. What the shooter did was repugnant though and murder, and he should be prosecuted. However, where are the prosecutions for the millions harmed by the protocols, GOF Sars2, and gene shots? Why isn't there a visceral reaction to those actors? We naturally have a sense of outrage toward the murder of one man, but not for the murder of thousands, is it because large numbers make it impersonal?
Rita - I heartily agree! Also - what about all the other ‘ordinary folks’ (not multimillionaire CEOs) who were murdered during that same week?
A . Bourla CEO of Pfizer has openly ADMITTED MULTIPLE TIMES AT DAVOS . "OUR INTENTION WAS 50% population reduction and we believe we have succeeded ." Trump calls himself the "GODFATHER " of the death shots ,ALL HIS NEW TEAM are ZIONIST, globalist warmongers, what does that tell you ?
Did Bourla say 'our intention was 50% pop reduction...." Where did he say that?
Multiple times at Davos meetings and in one interview I personally heard then was removed from net. We now are COMPLETELY government BY THE BILLIONAIRES , OF THE BILLIONAIRES AND FOR THE BILLIONAIRES and the BLACK NOBILITY RULING FAMILIES and the DARK ENTITIES THEY SERVE
Bingo for you John with the hospitals misclassifying medical conditions as Covid instead of what they really were. What government aid did the hospital get for bronchitis? Probably not much or zero. Money does strange things to people, especially businessmen where making money is what it is all about. The hospital administration, doctors, etc can all claim we followed protocal.
We used an overcycled PCR test to diagnose Covid and isolated the patient including isolation from food and water and when they had breathing problems we put them on the vent (Ca-ching, Ca-ching). When the patient died we made sure the cause of death was Covid so the family could scoop another $8000 from FEMA for the funeral). Now the Covid death totals went up aritificially so we could say we need to vaccinate the country for covid and make big pharma wealthier! I am sure some of the money worked its way back to demorat politician's purses.
I have seen comments elsewhere that the pistol used was not a bolt-action one because the video plainly shows smoke/gas escaping from the top of the gun over the firing chamber with each shot (especially the first one). And, they say the motion the shooter uses to re-rack the gun is not consistent with the bolt on the back of a Station Six 9.
According to Colion Noir, who styles himself as a gun expert, what we see in the video is consistent with a standard 9mm semi-auto pistol (such as a Glock), fitted with a suppressor, but without a booster. Apparently such a gun becomes effectively a single shot device that must be re-racked after every shot, as without the booster, the gas from the shell firing is not enough to cycle the gun automatically. Noir has posted video of himself firing such a gun on the range, and he indeed has to re-rack it after each shot.
In any case, it is clear that the shooter expected to have to re-set the gun after every shot and did so without hesitation.
My problem with this theory is that this lack of cycling is not by design, so the chance of jamming would be higher. I still wonder if he was using a slide lock.
To paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, you commit crimes with the weapons you have, not with the weapons you would like to have. I can see the shooter trying out the gun on the range, finding out that he could make it work, and just going with it as getting something different was not practical for any number of reasons.
The killer is an CIA asset doing his job eliminating any and all evidence of wrongdoing
That’s a LOT of persuasion!
Friend’s child hospitalized with RSV; repeated Covid tests all negative, but nevertheless discharged with a “Covid” diagnosis. A cousin killed in a motorcycle accident was also diagnosed with Covid. An uncle who died suddenly within 48 hours of his second Covid shot was also called a Covid death. Nope, Covid does not kill suddenly with zero other symptoms (maybe a saddle pulmonary embolus, but even that was reported more after the shots than with Covid). That’s three, just in my small circle. Think about what could be the potential numbers!
And don’t forget, any doctor with an ounce of knowledge knew that Remdesivir increases mortality. Then to continue to bow to corporate hospital protocols despite the astronomical death rates… Words fail me…
"Why did the assassin choose the extremely risky enterprise of shooting Thompson in Midtown Manhattan instead of waiting for a lower risk opportunity near the UCH CEO’s home in Minneapolis?"
If Thompson had been shot discreetly in Minneapolis, the shooting would have got much less attention. If you want to splash a murder all over the media, do it in Mid-town New York City, and make sure the whole thing is on surveillance video.
I'll bet it's easier for a killer to quickly disappear in NYC than in Minneapolis
Who has access to the relatively precise whereabouts of Thompson?
And who is the coffee drinker?
Good questions. Also, what do we know about his wife from whom he has been separated for several years?
I do not believe the killer used a Station Six... boy what a rare gun to own, but it was clear that his activity with that gun was not consistent with a Station Six. It was most likely a semi-auto with a supressor - as it was jamming on him and he had to hit it perhaps to get a shell dislodged. Perhaps he was using a subsonic to be even more stealthy and they do not produce enough pressure for a semi-auto.
It was a gun used by veterinary services.
Something like this will be at a horse racing track fir example.
No hot casings flying around.
Very very quiet.
He knew how it worked.
When the gunman fires gas immediately escape from the gun. That does not happen on a Station Six
I know 4 firearm experts that reviewed the video and disagree w you.
What information do health insurance companies have, that lots of people want but no one has been able to get? Vaccination status and death. This guy was going to give up the information for millions of vaccinated patients that showed the vaccine was absolutely killing people. That information, if it got out would result in a lot of people going to prison if they survived the crowds of people clamoring for them to be assembled to the nearest lamp post with some nice sisal rope.
This was a big pharma/deep state hit. But they want us to believe it was a family member of someone denied care or a trans person denied "gender affirming care" by this insurance company, anything but the truth which is this guy had the information that would destroy big pharma and the deep state which put this whole thing into motion with the purpose of removing Trump from office.
The authorities in NYC have said that they now know the shooters name, but they aren't going to release the name to the public, because they don't want to tip the shooter off to the fact that they know his name. That makes complete sense. 🙄
Wow, shaking my head on that one!
The American Hospital Association was proud of its lobbying to incentivize hospital admissions John. The entire debacle was not about public health. Rather , it was about money with no regard for the human aspect of "do no harm."
Your narrative raises an interesting question. Government hit job?
Seems to me he fired from too far away for it to be professional. And the gun needing repeated attention also suggests something amateurish. As does choice of location and apparent lack of concern at being seen. Could be paid but hardly hit-man quality.
Since we are wildly speculating: Murder has nothing to do with Insurance. The etched on deny, etc. just to throw suspicion off. Follow the money, inheritance, will, separation agreement, etc. Hired gun for a person motivated personally.
Exactly…. Follow the money!