Jacinda Ardern should be in jail for her tyrannical behavior during the Covid brouhaha. By feting her, Professor Klonick and Harvard brings great discredit on themselves.

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They are fascists and communists - they do not give a shit about individuals. She needs to be arrested for mass-murder. Peace.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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All polytheistic and bow to 'The City of London'/Basel, Switzerland; seat of the tyrant 'Shadow Govt. behind all those of the world the U.S. humiliated multiple times before weak totalitarians succumbed to the seduction of outlandish assets and power to become modern-day Benedict Arnolds.

Is she yet another fortunate graduating from Cecil's Rhoades Scholar Program? Her words sound remarkably similar to so many indoctrinated/brainwashed among the 'Council for Foreign Relations' as well as 'The Grove'...Sorry, she's a woman as identified in this post and as recognized, is not allowed with the Bohemians.

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Jacinda Ardern should have had the death penalty imposed on her. Cheaper than jail and jails may be owned by Blackrock anyway.

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Universities have become originators, incubators and purveyors for moral depravity, cultural insanity and societal suicide. They are the source of all that ails government, medicine, law and science. They should be decertified and deprived of all government funding until they stop corrupting their students and undermining civilization.

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Exactly!! We are where we are due to listening to the "experts" with all those letters behind their names who have NO common sense nor care for the people. The wise have become foolish and the foolish wise.

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Nearly every major university in Canada took tax payer dollars from Trudeau to promote and enforce experimental medical products on healthy individuals. Guilty guilty guilty - Alumni - vote with your wallets. No more donations, period.

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I went further and instructed my "elite" Ivy League university to take my name off the list of their alumni. I told them nothing could undo the humiliation of having graduated from such a place, but they could at least save me the embarrasment of having their mail delivered to my home. These institutions of intellectual depravity have to be publicly shamed as well as defunded.

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Did you really? That’s brave. (I’m not being sarcastic-- it really is). Good for you!

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I really did and it was very liberating. A badge of honor to be rid of them.

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As Upton Sinclair wrote: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

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Not difficult to understand but rather they lack the moral clarity, or strength- or have it and brush it aside to worship at the altar of money and position. I think Sinclair is too kind or too far to the left. The most important decisions are never ' free '. Otherwise what is the meaning of those who fought in our American Revolution, just for example. They valued freedom over treasure. I have a patient who was a 17 year tenured school teacher - who refused the vaccine. He is proudly doing manual labor and delivering wine - and living without medical insurance.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

Harvard continues its downward spiral away from teaching Constitutional Law and ethical business practices - and advocating students to adopt compatible principles, and farther into teaching methods to assist corruption and globalism furthered by totalitarian strategies and tactics, regardless of the often-misleading titles it puts on its courses and programs. Harvard is not alone, however, and parents of young adults seeking education in law and or business should look carefully at the apparent ideological biases and politics of any college before spending consequential amounts of money on inflated tuition. Harvard should not appear on any list of prospective secondary schools for patriots and Constitutional conservatives.

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Problem is the more corrupt America becomes the more attractive Harvard becomes to those seeking influence, power and money. Will become tougher to prosper outside of the rigged system. Credentials (where you went to school) will mean everything - not because you are necessarily extra smart but because you have adopted leftism and have regard only for yourself.

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“Tougher to prosper”?

So the easier path to financial wealth is more important than maintaining strong ethics, faithfulness to the U.S.Constitution, and personal righteousness as measured against the Ten Commandments? I would suggest any high school age teenager who is making life decisions based on what the mob of easy money-seeking lemmings are doing is in serious need of strong but wise parenting or counseling about the wrong values now being taught in these corrupted institutions of indoctrination.

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Universities have, with their previous or current jab mandates, kinda maimed or killed off many of their students and more so, the parents of their students. The money train that built them has been derailed, even if they do not see it yet.

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China loves American Universities...

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China IS American Universities...

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Except they’re still highly funded by government subsidies, soros open society, and all the other corrupt NGOs.

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Klonick misrepresents Judge Doughty's ruling because that is what the totalitarians do, make up facts to support their claims.

Judge Doughty ruled the government is barred from suppressing speech. He made no ruling to bar the government from saying whatever it wants to say. That distinction is lost in the left's gnashing of teeth.

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Instead of 'facts' lets call them 'fakst'. Or 'fake-st'

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The folks at Harvard have lost their minds.

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What a loss for Harvard. A huge reason not to send your kid there

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Your last sentence sums it all up really well; Ardern and so many other "world leaders" are today's breed of "useful idiots" for whom any form of Constitutional government is a threat to the Globalist agenda which they now blindly follow and adhere to; they should enjoy their fake status and positions while they can because they are destined to be disposed of by their elitist puppet-masters once they have served their purpose.

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Scary! Wait until those oh-so-distinguised Haavahd fellows run afouwl of the New World Order or the Chinese takeover! Then they'll start channeling some inner Solzenitsyn if they even have such a capacity for any kind of real introspection. But by that point as C. King once sang 'it's too late baby". Or as J. Mitchell once sang "Don't it always seem as though that you don't know what you've got till it's gone!" As for digital Samidzat of some sort to stop the ever encroching techno-transhumanist-digital tyranny, well, good luck with that!!!

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Yes Sir. Good stuff, but I’m not worried about the AI digital tranz’s whatever. People will step up for each others kids. Im not worried because we Nam vets tried to push back on the PLA (CCP), the real elephant in that war and tell our Boomer peers what was coming, but got smeared by the Marxists and their liberal elites while we were there and when we came home, so this is not new for us. And second, Wuhan Covid was strike two against old guys like us so soon we and our history will be gone, just like it was planned by the Harvard Tory’s. Good luck America.

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Tyrannical arrogance in the ivory tower. What an evil, trashy affiliation.

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Amerika loves proto-Nazis, neo-Nazis and fascists of all leanings - right, left, and in-the-middle. Operation Paperclip continues apace...

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Sadly, like those sitting up in the stands at the gladiator spectacle, such elitic academics are so dissociated from the consequences and impact of their words that they prove themselves irrelevant to the general public.

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The problem is we are living with, and being ruled over by their psychotic ideas--- forced "vaccination" into an ongoing pandemic with a toxic, non-sterilizing, modRNA LNP encased experiment, which likely created the Delta wave, and harmed millions, 2 years of lockdowns and school closures, forced social distancing, forced masking, bankrupted business, worldwide, and Stifling Of All Dissent!

These are Sociopaths, and the climate lockdowns, 15 minute cities, happening in my small town in Oregon,

(YIKES!) social credit scores, Digital ID and Digital, Program able Currencies are NEXT--- if we do not fight back en masse!!!

Wake up everyone you can. Especially those local, and those in D.C.- it's an anti-human, anti-life agenda, in my book. We must counter it with everything we have. Good luck, and see you on the barricades!

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Another destructive woman. That’s part of the plan. Put women in positions of power and influence and watch society crumble.

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Like Angela Merkel

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Sadly, our law schools are chock full of people with impressive academic accomplishments and accolades, but little or no understanding of the realities of or the true meaning of the constitutional protections afforded to us in the form of our protected God-given rights. One of the mainstays of freedom preserved in the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution is the very first amendment, ratified effective December 15, 1791. In my opinion, the amendment's status as NUMBER ONE is synonymous with its importance to a free society. Censorship is antithetical to the concept of freedom.

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Depressingly-stupid Harvard. I not only question her magical talents to “fall upwards into prestigious university positions” immediately after she’s forced to resign from a powerful government office of another country, but whether or not she actually got all of her own vaccines her angry constituents or the student body of Harvard was forced to receive, same with her supporting contributors like Bill Gates. When’s the last time Harvard students protested for or against anything you’d expect them to, like free fucking speech? So bloody lame.

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