The medical community, and especially medical organizations, have lost ALL credibility.

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No. Not all medical organizations. You should look into the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, aapsonline.org. This is a physician's organization which rejects the irresponsible progressive slide of much of US medicine. To name just 2 issues, AAPS opposes both the transgender abuses, and the abuses involved in the pandemic (for example, state medical boards threatening docs who offered early treatment with hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, and CDC/FDA/NIH/WHO saying the experimental genetic injections are "safe and effective"). Much of their website is written to be understandable and informative to the non-physician. For example, on the homepage you can download an excellent free booklet on how to protect yourself from Covid. BTW, AAPS could use our financial support, as they have educational and legal funds that reach out to educate medical students and residency doctors (our future physicians), and fight the progressive slide in court.

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Wow, sounds like the multitude of problems with this text book are similar to the disaster that was the Covid response. Lies, deception, misrepresentation, facts used out of contexts, and a profit avalanche for the proponents of the data. The entire medical industry seems to be hopelessly corrupted by vested interests

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Thank you so much for working with Dr. Grossman to speak out on this issue. It's shocking how many people have no idea of the number of kids being told by authority figures that they are transgender, and that all their problems will disappear if they pursue disfiguring and sterilizing medical treatments. Please let your readers know about Partners for Ethical Care (PartnersForEthicalCare.com), which raises awareness about this issue worldwide, and its Transition Justice project, which is finding legal help for detransitioners (transitionjustice.org).

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Watching Doctors Of Medicine

Trying To Put The Toothpaste

Back In The Tube

Is Even More Comical

Than Watching Them

Trying To Get The Toothpaste Out.

Which Is Why 4 Out Of Five Doctors

... Recommend The 5th Doctor.


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Yes you are correct, but the moral cowards of accountability snakes will try to slither away. But, do not take these things lightly, the lunatics of the WEF (circa 1971) have come a long way thinking they have propagandized 2 1/2 generations starting with my beloved groupthink Boomer generation who never saw all this coming. They have moved to quickly near the end, the reset is 2030 when most Boomers will have met their demise, those that the whole Covid test of compliance did not already kill. The 2008 Trojan horse of mandatory Medicaid for all is still working the uniparty, minus conservatives to arrest all body sovereignty. The climate hustle is to control mobility with the next big freedom killer is digital currency. The extremely financially powerful WEF with Black Rock and Vanguard using middle America’s retirement funds love the WEF. They want a rice size chip in the meaty part of the thumb with every aspect of your life on it to know where you have been and where you are going. The WEF lunatics just came out stating you will still have a choice of cash, “your choice” depending of course on legislation they can buy.

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The APA, and their DSM (catalog of mental diseases that can be treated with expensive pharmaceuticals) is a shameless racket. Every new version of DSM adds new mental diseases that purportedly need to be treated with drugs and/or expensive lifelong treatments. The APA's credibility among genuinely thoughtful and holistic therapists and healers is in the toilet. Whatever they recommend, hold on to your wallet and run the other direction.

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Gender transitioning surgery is the result of psychological manipulative twisting of young minds, and the gaining of huge surgical fees by money hungry medical doctors.

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Sucks when your parents are morons

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psychiatry is TOTAL BS

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No. Establishment Psychiatry has a lot of BS. Do you also say "medicine and surgery is TOTAL BS" because some pediatricians, endocrinologists, and surgeons are up to their elbows in this scam? I would hope not. There ARE good psychiatrists out there, like Dr. Grossman, who is mentioned in the report. She is not the only one. Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

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I am sure there are and you can count them with the fingers in one hand, but if they prescribe drugs to "treat" mental "illness", they are quacks. Sadly, I know of family doctors that prescribe drug to "take off the edge."

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The War On The Child: Battlefront “GAC ATTAC”

“Not only do the authors ignore the most current systematic reviews, which count as the most reliable source of scientific information in evidence-based medicine, they also repeatedly undermine well-established standards of care in multiple mental and medical practices. We highlight just two examples of many.”


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This letter is a tour de force and very important.

As a retired psychiatrist I saw the beginning of the politicization of the APA many decades ago when leftists began to petition to remove homosexuality from the DSM III. The fact that sexual perversions were listed as diagnoses was not a value judgment or a prejudice, it was based upon biology and what is known about psychosexual development. In individuals who chose a person of the same sex for love and sexuality, their development took that turn for specific reasons that could be understood. People could get help to learn more about themselves, even to the extent of character change, but also people who were in emotional pain about this could get help.

Once the political change was made, it was made under the false premise that people are born with these sexual perversions and therefore psychological treatment was harmful. I saw then that when you politicize science all you get is bad science. When you politicize treatment designed to help and respect individuals, what results is people go without help for their emotional pain.

Now the evil ones have been seducing children to mutilate their bodies as a hoped for solution to a child's emotional distress, when they are not even old enough to fully own their sexuality. It is soul-crushing and a form of child molestation done "for the benefit of the child."

All Americans need to wake up and realize genital mutilation and sex change operations are purely destructive to children's minds and bodies and should be outlawed as criminal.

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Well said, but in a world where perversion is celebrated, and insight is non-existent, what can we expect? The reliance on chemical and surgical solutions to mental health problems is going to, and is already, damaging thousands, and poor communities will, and are, suffering disproportionately. When those charged with "helping" are endorsing chemical and surgical solutions for people already confused and lacking self-awareness, they are revealing their own mental health issues. Having the APA, doctors, social workers, therapists, etc. under the authority of people who lack insight, even regarding themselves, is dangerous, useless at best and destructive at worst.

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So true.

But then again the APA always did have a basic problem. The basic inherent flaw is that no psychiatrist is required to have any kind of personal therapy or psychoanalysis. In order to become a psychoanalyst, however, you must have an analysis. Thus you have an in depth experience in bearing painful feelings over time, and getting perspective. You know the pain of revealing things about yourself you never wanted to even remember, and you know the emotional freedom that comes when you can face yourself fully, without having to hide feelings or conflicts from yourself.

But in psychiatry this isn't required. It means that psychiatrists often lack empathy and lack self-knowledge, and yet consider themselves knowledgeable about what their patients need. I would say the degree to which a psychiatrist focuses on drugs alone is proportional to the lack of insight he or she has into him or herself.

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Loved listening to her views on Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman, and enjoyed reading her letter. Bless the leaders who have the understanding and platform to publicly fight for the next generation.

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I look at the issue of Transgender surgery is another way for these cretins to kill/sterilize the world in support of WEF depopulation goals. It is plain for everyone to see that the major problems today are high national debt, uncontrolled immigration, loss of able bodied workers due to vax injuries, VAX deaths, gender multilatition, soaring food prices, etc etc leading to the destruction of the Western Civilization and channelling us towards a WEF dystopian future.

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Thank you for your tenacity and medical integrity. Your leadership is essential!

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Great letter Dr. McCullough! It appears parts of the medical profession are coming to their senses, I hope so.

That APA has become a captured organization is old news in a sense. Back when Bush & Co were torturing at Guantanamo (and Abu Ghraib and everywhere else) , APA went onboard with the torturers like Dr. Jensen and a few others. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/dangerous-ideas/201304/guantanamo-and-the-apa-where-accountability-goes-to-die

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"This aggressive approach discounts the possibility that many of these children, if not initiated on blockers and hormones, would eventually conclude that their early gender dysphoria was the developmental prelude to a healthy, non-heterosexual adult orientation."

Perhaps that last phrase is a typo. Are we saying here (and underwriting with our signatures) that healthy adult orientation is NON-heterosexual? Should this not instead read, ". . . their early gender dysphoria was the developmental prelude to a healthy, heterosexual adult orientation."?

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"their early gender dysphoria was the developmental prelude to a healthy, non-heterosexual adult orientation" - and often to a healthy heterosexual orientation. For example, many girls have a phase when they feel ashamed about their changing bodies, And it is just just that - a phase, when a girl learns to accept herself.

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