They can go to hell.

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Check out this new post on the just-released U.S. Global Health Security Strategy


Q: Who's behind the WHO? Answer: the USA

Would love to see an analysis from John Leake on this all but unreported document from the White House!

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Who'se behind the WHO? None other than their corrupt Bedfellows Bill Gates at the Front of the Line, WEF Klaus Schwab & Young Global Elitist Leaders internationally, CDC, DOD, Big Pharma.....

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Are you sure you mean that? At some point, you and I and everyone with integrity will have to "stand up and be counted." And don't kid yourself Gman: The price you and I will pay could be very, very high.

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On an unrelated yet related topic, I was waiting for my flight this afternoon at O’hare when I noticed a young man, looks middle eastern, also waiting for a flight. He was wearing an ankle monitor! It vibrated, he read it, wrote something on his hand and put it back.

An illegal being deployed. I asked for a supervisor and the supervisor told me “they” see it everyday on all airlines, not just United and there is nothing they can do about it!!!!

The supervisor did offer to put me on a different flight. Turns out the illegal was on a different flight so I didn’t switch planes. INSANITY.

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You make me think of that old TV Show, "The Prisoner" and simultaneously Morpheus' words to Neo: "You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you to the truth... that you are a slave ... born into bondage..."

Kafka and Orwell together could not create what is our day-to-day reality.

Oh, and by the way? I will NEVER board an airliner, ever again.

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those words will have no impact if we are dictated to by the WHO via CBDC's, and vax passports

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But it feels damn good to say it. They can go to hell.

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A bit of a stress reliever, but we need to find ways not to get totally locked in. I don't think we will be able to avoid completely what is coming, but we can fight for modulation.

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Louisiana has new Legislation that recently passed that removes them from the WHO Treaty. All The States need to Legislate the same. Call your Governors Office ASAP.

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I already contacted them.

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Exit the WHO! Please see Meryl Nass on Substack. She is an authority on the subject and begs us to contact our representatives in Congress to object to this power and money grab by the WHO, who plan to be the sole decision maker on what and when an international pandemic is announced and the necessary mandates put in place. This is besides encouraging Gain of Function research globally.

The WHO has failed us miserably in the last 4 years. Why would we want to give them unquestionable authority? This Treaty and Amendments change from being recommendations to punishable mandates.

No thank you!

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The WHO is a criminal gang which should have been stopped, its assets seized and its principals arrested and held to account, decades ago. Frankly I'd sooner take my chances with The Medellín Cartel: At least they were honest as to their intentions, and left you alone if you stayed out of their way.

PS: Oh, and Marlene? It's not what you and I want: it's what people like Kill Gates, Satan Klaus, Justine Castreau and Poopypants Biden want.

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Or... Exit the U.S. alliance!! See this post for details on who's behind the WHO:


Will Meryl Nass be covering this??

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Thank you! I sent to Meryl.

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This "Treaty" is an absolute....



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Tedros is a war criminal.

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The agenda is depopulation with a first order side effect of personal enrichment. The clot shots didn’t take out(so far) 1% of what they expected and now the whole business must be put in overdrive and on autopilot.

Their core belief is that their own nationalist socialist programs(eg, social security, Medicare, NHS, BMG, ad Infinitum) have driven the world to the brink of financial collapse, complete with soon to be marauding hordes of prols who will take to the streets once their government benefits are destroyed/taken away. This is a looming and imminent crisis of the first order to the billionaire globalists. Their sense of urgency to kill billions of us asap cannot be overstated. We are no longer affordable as useless eaters

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"Didn't take out 1% of what they expected"... The shots were a 'primer', disease X is the catalyst. SV40 helps JumpStart cancer it appears and the shot overall shortens life expectancy.

Also just read a substack that stated the sv40 used for splice donor/splice acceptor.


So I do not think they are finished with the experiments on us. I think they've just started...

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...but add the food processing plants being destroyed, the oil industry being destroyed and open borders that let in fentanyl and maybe millions of terrorists or armies.

There are 16 million homes empty in the US, most second homes, 4.4 Million have squatters.

That has to be planned to happen.

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"squatter"= ambiguous new term


They are breaking and entering and TRESPASSING...

Correct terminology helps a ton!

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I witnessed first hand today an illegal at Ohare being flown to downstate IL. Looked middle eastern. Had on ankle bracelet monitor. Luggage was a plastic bag. Superintendent of airlines said they see this everyday and there is nothing they can do about it. The government is paying and the government is behind the deployment.

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Yes resells you are absolutely right! They have “only” just begun!

Their plan utilizes a multi-prong approach. They couldn’t rid the world overnight, that would be to obvious, (although it’s possible and some people would be left behind).

Their plan IMO, utilizing the “Covid Scam” as cover, has injected billions of doses into unsuspecting people. These shots kill and maim! That’s obvious from all the “honest” reporting.

The “Bioweapon Injection” also has biosensors, which inevitably will be used to monitor the remaining population, once they reach the intended population levels.

There’s also a mechanism which can be “triggered” remotely and has literally “killed” people already! Notice how nothing has been said about the “Died Suddenly” victims?

This technology has been around for some 20+ years. Nanotechnology and DARPA are one and the same. There’s plenty of research papers discussing the uses of nanotechnology.

Yes, there can be benefits in medical applications. Accuracy hasn’t been so accurate which is still under development. The same thing with the so called Covid Shots! mRNA has and still is flawed technology.

This is why it hasn’t been used before, keep in mind the development was 20+ years ago.

Since the end game is a “One World Order”, populations are far to large to manage and surveillance was an issue. But not anymore! Which is exactly why children are still in the “crosshairs” for injections!

The reality of a “One World Order” is here, is now IMO! In conjunction with the “WHO’s” pandemic treaty, sovereignty takeover, “One Health” will be the healthcare arm of the impending and inevitable “One World Order”!

I’m convinced since I raced down this rabbit hole when lockdowns started. I set out to find out

1. mRNA issues.

2. Why children.

I’ve learned both and recently a German Scientist discovered another link to these most deadly shots which is called “neuroinflamation”! Brain swelling in the Hippocampus section of the brain.

This area is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe. It has a major role in learning and memory.

Alzheimer’s disease is the inflammation of the Hippocampus and causes inflammation which stops new memory functions. The effects can take years to develop or can happen quickly. As the German Scientists explained, people will only be able to remember from the injection back. They won’t be able to form new memories!

In essence what’s going to happen is those remaining people will “line up” without questioning why. They’ll only remember the fear they had and react accordingly. Full brain control by the “Globalist Elites” will prevail! IMO, i honestly don’t want to live in such a world.

I’m fighting for my son and wife and grandson. As well as all people. I’m not sure how “We The People” can stop what has been going on for nearly 100 years.

I do pray every day I’m wrong! I may not be 100% correct although the dots I’ve been able to connect over the past 4 years has lead me to this conclusion.

Thank you redfella for your insight and keep spreading the word about every little bit you learn. All of us must do this if we want to have any success.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Agree 100 percent.

Autism to Cancer, a planned business opportunity that leaves all families broke and broken.

Sure, you kill your customers, but if your a Globalist, that is awesome.

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"Prepare for" means they cause pandemics, to force "products" on people. Any complaints are misinformation or disinformation, as well as hindering trust in "science" (them) and public health institutions and agencies.

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It’s a military op by other means via sustainable goals: one health ideology and ground level clinicians , border dissolution underway now, control of food production and livestock via climate change (climate change also prompt for people relocation, sharing of pathogens( they are creating bioweapons which are dual use in that it is a weapon for nudge and coercion but also threat of giving or withholding treatment for those zoonotic weapons. Policy integration by change agents and politicians corporations licensing health organizations already promoting its adoption.Ecohealth with one of it’s agents Peter Daszek show by his journal just how much is being done and how many collaborators there are. Event 201 and Covid 19 ARE a practice run of it to see how nations and partners acted and how covid 19 would be a nudge for further completion of the project. The final goal is world government.

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It is absolutely unreadable, especially as countries have now added their amendments.

I agree it is an extremely vague document, not set in the real world, but could do a lot of damage in the wrong hands.

I am surprised they still talk about ‘parties’ rather than ‘The Party’….

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You have a point Comrade

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You are correct, the price of protection from nasty diseases is TOO HIGH. I should not be asked to set aside my personal sovereignty to cooperate with some global governmental entity that has never demonstrated its commitment to my health. Just the fact that "they" want to restrict my actions is a clue that they do not have my best interests at heart. LET'S KICK THESE ASSHOLES TO THE CURB.

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It reads like an outreach policy sent by Goebbels from the Reich Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda. The WHO/Gates/WEF are using a similar playbook. I don't think the average person can conceive of the ramifications that will occur if we relinquish our freedoms to them. It is truly terrifying! We are marching our children straight into the lion's den if we go ahead with this.

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Seriously, can civil revolt throughout the western world be far away? The collective of corruption, greed and tyranny must be brought down and crushed.

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Surprised to see Rotary International as a big funder!

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It’s because of their PolioPlus program, well intentioned but possibly misguided, Gates has donated $100’s of millions to Rotary for the effort. His dad was a Rotarian.

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Interesting. Thanks.

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The answer is simple NONE OF IT MEANS WHAT IT SAYS , they mean the exact opposite of what they say , and do the most evil things they can get away with, and since they have gotten away with everything , they believe there is nothing we can do to stop their global depopulation agenda. There is simple answer for that as well . Eliminate them all , removal from the WHO /UN and a missile needs to go off course and wind up in Davos at next major meeting.

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I'm about half-way through the WHO Pandemic Response Treaty. On the one hand, just the "Definitions" section is enough to void your bowels, on the other? What I've read otherwise is so vague and so open to abuse – never mind "interpretation" – as to be completely unacceptable.

I posted the comment below, originally on Lioness of Judah's substack in connection to an article she'd reposted (https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/profangus-dalgleish-massive-cancer/comment/54325032). It's equally relevant here; I suspect it would be equally relevant to an awful lot of Substack posts:

There are two videos amazingly on YouTube I watched yesterday that bear directly on this situation, and are closely related, although I imagine the two authors are likely unaware of each other... 🤔

The first is from "Black Pigeon Speaks" talking about our political situation in The West with reference to Oswald Spengler's "The Decline of the West", first published in 1918 and now it would seem, coming to fruition:

💣 "Is an American Caesar INEVITABLE?" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Ioab3s1Cs

The second is by Dr. John Campbell PhD, relating British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen's speech to an almost empty House of Commons of the nature of the crimes committed with The Covid Scamdemic and subsequent fraudulent Lethal Injections. When the crowd in the public gallery began to cheer, the speaker of the House of Commons coldly announced she would clear the gallery out!

Good thing I wasn't there, or I'd have found a way to gain access to the house and punched the stupid bitch out.

💣 "Outrageous" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd99uVOMWEk

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The Treaty is Guided by "Equity", thus it is a Marxist like ideaology that ends in complete death of the human.

Seems simple.

I think people are trying to make it what it is not, they can not believe people are this evil. They are and will be.

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Surprised at how much Germany at the #1 slot pays them. Germany is never on the right side of things.

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Based on the last four years alone, any nation that votes for the amendments is clearly not looking out for their citizens. There are many laws and regulations at each level of government, put in place over the decades, which are just as worrisome, if not more regarding pandemics and emergency powers.

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