I don’t expect doctors to “wake up”. It would overwhelm their egos and make them admit the harm they have inflicted on innocent people who trusted them. Now that we are learning how much money they made from government grants, pharmaceutical and insurance companies it’s impossible for many of us to ever trust them again. Perhaps that’s one of the positive outcomes of the COVID scam—-it shines the light on how corrupt and downright evil much of the medical establishment has become and how shaky its foundation was in the first place (think Rockefeller) God bless the heroes like Dr. McCullough and the other fighters. They are few and far between. My hunch is that most doctors will continue to practice as usual, with more harm done to those foolish enough to continue to see them.
Yes- the docs that promoted the vax to their patients and their families have an almost 100% chance of NOT reversing their promotion of the vax for two reasons... 1. The total number of people (including their own loved ones) they would have influenced to get vaxxed (and put at risk) is likely huge. Not many docs would shoulder that burden and face the blowback from that gracefully. Doctors are the source of healing and protection of our health- right? 2. Acknowledging the failure of the vax and the harm it has caused would mean the crumbling
of the foundational medical complex they have known and perpetuated.
Again- not many docs will be willing to humbly admit the damage they themselves have inflicted upon their patients and the loss of foundational beliefs in the system.
Independent docs are few and far between, and if they don’t toe the organization’s 💰 bottom line, they loose their livelihood due to non compete clauses in every contract. 🤬🤬🤬 The takeover of medicine by mega corporations does nothing good for the patient population as a whole.
Relying on corporations powered by the profit motive is antithetical to meeting basic human needs. Needs for safe, nutritious food; effective medicine; shelter; education. Etc. Our very government seems committed to the idea that if something worthwhile is needed, then someone deserves to make a profit from it. That is our essential ERROR.
Keep in mind that as Dr. Peter McCullough pointed out, the doctors were the first to buy into this; they were the first to get these shots. They have psychologically bought in to this jab hook, line, and sinker. (It's not merely an admission of the horror they may have inflicted on others that is a hurdle for them; it would be a realization of the horror they may have inflicted on themselves.)
There is a large number of young dead doctors in the greater Toronto area who are dead from presumably having taken the jab.
I keep telling you they’ve been groomed by Big Harma for decades—just like pedophiles groom kids—until they fall in line. It begins in medical schools. We’d better be wondering how we stop it or create a parallel system for health care.
I have a wonderful functional doc who told me it was all a scam. A one-time visit with another functional doc. A heart surgeon also. Asking him about Covid he said: I'll be fine I had the vaccine. I tried not to laugh. Last visit.
I pause and question every thing they tell me ,what my problem is if I have any .Some two month ago I had a knee problem and the doctor told me something that made no sense to me .So I did some investigating and went back and told him what I think it is and believe it or not he agreed with me and seemed to be happy that the patient played doctor for him instead of the other way around .What I told him had nothing to do with what he told me the problem is .
The doctors must be living a nightmare existence. They can’t admit that they know the truth. Their consciences must be driving them crazy. The ones with religious beliefs know what awaits them at the end of their days, on the other side.
There are plenty of doctors out there (including my primary care doctor) who absolutely believe the fake data the gov't and big pharma put out there these past couple of years. They are busy (because you know, they have to crank through the patients these days) and barely have time to read the (captured) journals, let alone subversive substacks by Mccullough and other doctors and scientists.
I don't think my doc even understands that when the gov't offered $$ incentives to hospital systems, early on, to give a diagnosis of covid, to admit a covid patient, and to use ineffective treatments like remdesivir or inappropriately administered ventilators, the gov't was strongly incentivizing those hospital systems to push treatments and policies that might harm patients.
Unfortunately, in the mid-sized Midwestern city where I live, the medical system is captured, and the only doctors who are not captured have gone boutique, which is a very expensive option for many of us on a tight budget. (And of course, insurance declines to cover many alternative but effective treatments offered by these providers, for various health issues.)
And to those folks who say "But you can't put a price on health"--meaning that I should nevertheless go "boutique"--I would agree, IF I was guaranteed that alternative (boutique) treatment was likely going to resolve my health issues. The truth is, going "alternative", and spending hundreds of dollars for tests and treatments, does NOT guarantee that your particular health issue will be resolved. It does typically guarantee that your provider will spend adequate time with you and really try to help you find solutions for dealing with your issues. At the end of the day, you have to figure out how much of your savings/income you are able/willing to spend in exchange for potentially resolving your health issues.
We are just now reaching the point of linking to the extent neurologic system in humans effectively, so "Borg" is still sci-fi. This is still more a spiritual issue than a physical one.
The transfection of DNA by the mmRNA and the DNA plasmid "contamination" of the devil's juice 💉may have already rendered these doctors and their shot victims to be a different species. Since we don't have transparency with our research / medical system it is hard to get widespread confirmation whether this is the case. Hard to find out if not even looking. The Borg issue is tough to prove..I have heard speculation that vaxx rage may be something that involves neural linkage. Heard of incidents where small groups of people verbally or physically accost an unvaxxed person and then just snap out of it & go on as if nothing unusual happened. Anecdotal only. I agree it is more likely to be weighted toward a spiritual issue at this stage..but I don't doubt experiments are being done using vaxxed to test out the control features some portion of the vaxxed have been installed with.
Those, the docs who are believers & KNOW the COVID truth & vaccine harms yet remained silent & worse - did what they knew was harm - are the ones that need to speak up now & shout the truth. If they are believers, they know what to do in order to redeem themselves.
Most doctors now have the blood of the ones they knowingly murdered on their hands ..If entering a hospital with flu like issues ,you most likely come out in a dish as ashes .My brother trusted them and payed with his life in six short days .
You also have to step back and recognize that these freedom doctors are also making money. On average getting a prevention packet for the next viral outbreak cost 275$ just for the IVM. I get that you have to charge ,right?- I’m a provider too! BUT this price eliminates the ability of a couple on SSI setting up a prevention plan for one
Soon after the start of the COVID "pandemic", my husband, my teenage daughter, and I had a brief discussion. Each of us, independently, decided "If I get COVID, no matter how sick I get, I'm not voluntarily going to a hospital. I'd rather take my chances on dying at home than go to a hospital knowing I'd almost certainly end up heavily drugged, on a ventilator, isolated from family." My daughter and I had COVID in mid-March, 2020; and I believe my husband had it in August, 2020. All three of us were "high risk" but came through it ok with DIY treatment at home.
Good call. Someone pointed out that it seemed that all "COVID" deaths were in a hospital. I don't know of anyone who died of COVID that wasn't hospitalized. Nor does anyone else I've asked.
Yes, I'm sure. The CDC's Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance system data showed that Influenza B peaked in the U.S. in the last week of December 2019 (I had this illness right at the peak) and Influenza A had a flat plateau-peak in early Feb 2020 (my husband and I came down with this a little past the peak). It also showed that COVID-19 peaked in the U.S. on March 22, 2020 (this was the sharp winter/early spring peak typical of temperate climates; four to five months later, the southern U.S. had the long, low summer hump typical of subtropical regions).
My daughter and I got sick in mid-March, 2020. I did anti-viral treatment starting on my first day of symptoms, had an extremely mild case, and by the eighth day (March 22), was completely well again. My daughter did not do early treatment; March 22 was her eighth day of illness and the day she began to develop shortness of breath. She had a "classic" case of COVID (in her case, very uncomfortable but not dangerous) and took about a month to recover.
Coronaviruses and influenzas have very different symptoms and courses of illness. COVID-19 begins with gradually developing and worsening cold symptoms, like a normal coronavirus, but starts to switch to flu-like symptoms on the eighth day of symptoms, when (for some people -- not all --) it enters a second stage (created by gain-of-function manipulation, in my opinion) with cytokine releases, high inflammation, and hypercoagulation.
I think the CDC, WHO, Fauci, et al. deliberately conflated influenza symptoms with COVID symptoms for two reasons: (1) so that case counts could be inflated by calling "everything" COVID and (2) so people would not seek treatment during the first stage of COVID-19 (they wouldn't recognize the early symptoms); this way, more contagion would occur, more people would get very sick and die, sales of Remdesivir would bring in more money, and people could more easily be frightened into taking the clot-shots.
Here's some useful info: Typical coronavirus: Cold symptoms appear and worsen gradually over a period of one to two weeks, reach a peak, then lighten and disappear gradually over a similar period of time. Typical influenza: You feel "under the weather" (and often irritable) for a day or two, then you crash. You may wake up sick one morning, or crash during the day. When you crash, you go from functional to prostrate within an hour or two, because your body does a big release of cytokines. These are toxic chemicals that are intended to kill the virus, and they usually do a good job of it. The problem is that cytokines are toxic for your own cells, too -- so you end up writhing around on the bed moaning things like "Oh [name of deity here], I can't believe how bad I feel!" because you are actually being poisoned. After some time (perhaps several hours, or overnight), you feel less horribly sick, but "wiped out." It can take weeks to fully recover from the wiped out feeling, because your body has to do a lot of rebuilding.
BTW, Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale says that during an epidemic of a novel virus, it's not unusual for all the "usual" endemic viruses to disappear until the newcomer's epidemic tapers off and the newcomer becomes endemic and joins the line-up of "usuals."
go to youtube and type in 'francis collins covid song' (NIH former director) there are 2 and they'll make you want to puke. It is the greatest example of a corrupted 'professing christian' and how to know from here forward what we'll be confronted with WAY more than what we have seen. Ppl 'having a form of religion' but they do not know Him.
And yes, R Smith, the power of the Gospel messages saves....and saves absolutely:
"For this reason we bow our knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of His glory He may grant us to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in our inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith—that we, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth," Eph. 3:14-18
If you look at the history of the girls that were killed by the HPV vaccine too… most were really active athletic girls too… there’s some commonality there … if anyone cared to actually find out the mechanism of action that killed these poor kids.
“ In June 2013 the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) suspended its HPV vaccination recommendation after a series of highly publicized alleged adverse events following immunization stoked public doubts about the vaccine's safety.”
There was a fatal vaccident that occurred recently to one of my child's schoolmates father. I have also been noticing "died suddenly" occurring more in my local news site. Between war and corruption and the economy, what else is it going to take for the world's peoples to have had enough? We are being led into oblivion, when is it going to be obvious?
This is no longer about waking up. It's long since been nothing more than WILLFUL BLINDNESS!! And as far as I am concerned, everyone who continues with these damned kill shots gets the death sentence. Life in prison without the possibility of parole for disability, of which there are tens of millions at least!!
It's truly disgusting what happens to the majority of people when faced with fidelity to the ethics of their oath or keeping their jobs financed by extremely perverse government incentives. SICKENING!!
Correct and they will remain in charge until enough sheep wake up to the fact that they are being eaten by the wolves. Follow the $$. It's the story of all of human history.
Plausible for sure! Esp since the “immigrants” aren’t jabbed. They’ve warned us about the need for population reduction for decades. They've tried antifertility stuff more than once (Tetanus shots in Mexico, only for women of CB age??? Contained anti-HCG), but intentional harm is just too evil to wrap my head around just yet. IF that was the plan, it’s genius. Different disease states, good healthy recipients, grant money and MSM to control the narrative, deaths occurring over time, unlimited means of power to suppress any objections…
In the very least, these cases need to be investigated & mRNA vaccines need to be halted especially in young people. However, there are still schools & universities & Non-physician Health directors (Los Angeles) who are still pushing &/or requiring that people take the Covid vaccine—for symptoms equivalent to a “cold.”
Not to mention the increase in unusually presenting carcinomas in younger people.
Talked to a cancer doc recently who reported starting chemo immediately for an 8 year old whose cancer was growing out of his body. Though there are reportedly more kids sick and with these virulent cancers, this doc, and many others, are blaming it on covid, the disease not the shot. I wonder if they then inject the kids at the hospital.... So insane.
What message are we sending to the medical students who are still being "encouraged", or in some cases, required to receive the updated "boosters?" Critical thinking has been unashamedly thrown out the window in favor of blind acceptance of the mainstream narrative.
We have a young friend who has been making her way through medical school to become an osteopathic physician--where one should find more enlightened students, right? Sadly DO schools have been mainstreamed to a large extent. Her refusal to vacs has subjected her to shunning and ridicule, but she was allowed to continue, and AFAIK, she perseveres. Medical school is difficult enough without that kind of mental and emotional strain, and her brave stance is enormously admirable.
I don’t know why but, I haven’t heard about the military recruits dropping dead. Didn’t they all have to take the jab? They have some pretty intense physical training to do and it would be easy to keep track of their health outcomes. Maybe they conceal what’s happening there? And what about when or if these men are sent into battle??
You don’t hear…”accidents,” “suicides “ “overdoses,”… Those commanders who spoke up were removed from their posts. “The Navy has fired a dozen leaders but won't explain why A total of 13 commanding officers have been fired so far this year, including five in one week, the Navy said.” Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/A2s7rtAM5TUi9YqTUIt3lxA
Interesting!…and if the soldiers aren’t dropping dead from the jab - Why? There’s apparently different formulations in each batch; some causing no side affects, while other batches have shown severe side affects - why? Are some batches simply saline? Are saline jabs given to prominent news figures and maybe the military and navy recruits just for show?
I remember hearing (don't know for sure) that the US Congress had HQ and ivermectin available to them while it was virtually outlawed to the rest of America. --- Simple things like this reinforce the 'knowledge' that our so-called leaders have no real concern for the citizenry.
Anything possible re military, but enough deaths and “events” that I think they got the same random lots. Same with News figures; another one here recently.
Pharm companies do not send one lot to one area. (Too easy to track AE’s? Worth considering. IDK. Seems it would be much easier to recall bad batches of any shots.) Seems to have started in about 1987 when a Wyeth product had a cluster of AEs in one State. I have an image of their internal memo limiting numbers of batch numbers sent to a single location. Likely continues. There definitely seem to be “safe” batches (zero side effects, and why those recipients look at us like we’re nuts) mixed with not so safe batches (different frequencies as well as different types of AEs. Not saying we’re a bunch of lab mice. Per Jeff, just saying.) Differences in population genomics matter too. Did I answer your question? :)
Not sure of your answer. Are you saying that, even for the ones at the top of the food chain it was just the luck of the draw which vax batch they received? Have they been dying from it too?
Nothing seems legal, including the bait and switch on the FDA “approved” jab that was never used. And no ? that there are “bad batches.”
EU Jounal of Clin Invest ran letter to Ed re Danish study: Pfz shots in 1 grp had ZERO AEs. No sore arm, no lymph nodes, no headache, nada. Per Jeff Childers C&C, “the implications are massive.” i.e. 3rd batch is placebo. Germans found “almost none of the harmless batches had any quality control at all. Suggests advance knowledge that these batches didn’t need to be tested.
There was an internal memo (Wyeth, about 1987) to not send too much of the same lot number to any one location. Cluster of AE’s prompted that memo, and I’m sure it’s still a “thing.”
They’ve deliberately used a huge control group to manipulate the AE percentage to “doses”.Probably helps profitability too.A vile of saline must be cheaper than serum..
There have been a number of instances with issues of stroke and heart related issues with military pilots after the jab. I also believe that the military complex is hiding/ covering numbers up just like the CDC and NIH have done from the beginning and continue to do so that the American public doesn't know the truth.
There is a series of shots that recruits are given when they commence their basic training, which runs from anywhere between 8 and about 11 weeks. Is this enough time for any damage from the jabs to take effect? (I don't know; I'll defer to the experts here on this one. But I wouldn't simply assume because recruits aren't collapsing after having taken a shot in the past 8-11 weeks that the shots weren't having a deleterious effect on their hearts.)
But, I think many of the recruits would have received the shots the same timing as everyone else, whether enlisted yet or not. It would be interesting if, when they are signing up, if they get asked, “Okay, and which batch did you receive? - and that will determine your future with us.”
I think there is a test they can run that would give specific information as to whether there was myocarditis or pericarditis; it would give information specific to the military member. (Supposedly, the Israelis used to run this test for new members of the IDF but stopped in the last couple of years.)
An Instagram account with almost zero reach has been doggedly reporting this constant flow of death for a long time now. Every day. It's almost unbearable to watch.
It's a very morbid comedy, one which we should stop watching and participating in. Wake up people! Stop injecting unnecessary substances into your bodies!
What heartbreak, a child so full of promise, so much before him, brought low by a bunch of greed maddened medical sociopath's bent on controlling the world via mass genocide.
As for the political scum that tied their wagons to their demented dark star, they will be slaughtered in their turn for they know far too much. Too late they will realize the WEF label is not an elitest designation, it is merely "Davos speak" for Next To Die.
I don’t expect doctors to “wake up”. It would overwhelm their egos and make them admit the harm they have inflicted on innocent people who trusted them. Now that we are learning how much money they made from government grants, pharmaceutical and insurance companies it’s impossible for many of us to ever trust them again. Perhaps that’s one of the positive outcomes of the COVID scam—-it shines the light on how corrupt and downright evil much of the medical establishment has become and how shaky its foundation was in the first place (think Rockefeller) God bless the heroes like Dr. McCullough and the other fighters. They are few and far between. My hunch is that most doctors will continue to practice as usual, with more harm done to those foolish enough to continue to see them.
Yes- the docs that promoted the vax to their patients and their families have an almost 100% chance of NOT reversing their promotion of the vax for two reasons... 1. The total number of people (including their own loved ones) they would have influenced to get vaxxed (and put at risk) is likely huge. Not many docs would shoulder that burden and face the blowback from that gracefully. Doctors are the source of healing and protection of our health- right? 2. Acknowledging the failure of the vax and the harm it has caused would mean the crumbling
of the foundational medical complex they have known and perpetuated.
Again- not many docs will be willing to humbly admit the damage they themselves have inflicted upon their patients and the loss of foundational beliefs in the system.
Independent docs are few and far between, and if they don’t toe the organization’s 💰 bottom line, they loose their livelihood due to non compete clauses in every contract. 🤬🤬🤬 The takeover of medicine by mega corporations does nothing good for the patient population as a whole.
Relying on corporations powered by the profit motive is antithetical to meeting basic human needs. Needs for safe, nutritious food; effective medicine; shelter; education. Etc. Our very government seems committed to the idea that if something worthwhile is needed, then someone deserves to make a profit from it. That is our essential ERROR.
Exactly why mega corporations running hospitals is so terrible for population health. Protocols everywhere. Think ventilators and Remdesivir…
Exactly. Also, staff laid off to save costs. Multi-million dollar salaries for CEOs.
Big is bad. Bigger is worse. What could be bigger than big pharma?
Keep in mind that as Dr. Peter McCullough pointed out, the doctors were the first to buy into this; they were the first to get these shots. They have psychologically bought in to this jab hook, line, and sinker. (It's not merely an admission of the horror they may have inflicted on others that is a hurdle for them; it would be a realization of the horror they may have inflicted on themselves.)
There is a large number of young dead doctors in the greater Toronto area who are dead from presumably having taken the jab.
I keep telling you they’ve been groomed by Big Harma for decades—just like pedophiles groom kids—until they fall in line. It begins in medical schools. We’d better be wondering how we stop it or create a parallel system for health care.
Sadly far too many RNs were right there with them.
I have a wonderful functional doc who told me it was all a scam. A one-time visit with another functional doc. A heart surgeon also. Asking him about Covid he said: I'll be fine I had the vaccine. I tried not to laugh. Last visit.
I pause and question every thing they tell me ,what my problem is if I have any .Some two month ago I had a knee problem and the doctor told me something that made no sense to me .So I did some investigating and went back and told him what I think it is and believe it or not he agreed with me and seemed to be happy that the patient played doctor for him instead of the other way around .What I told him had nothing to do with what he told me the problem is .
The doctors must be living a nightmare existence. They can’t admit that they know the truth. Their consciences must be driving them crazy. The ones with religious beliefs know what awaits them at the end of their days, on the other side.
There are plenty of doctors out there (including my primary care doctor) who absolutely believe the fake data the gov't and big pharma put out there these past couple of years. They are busy (because you know, they have to crank through the patients these days) and barely have time to read the (captured) journals, let alone subversive substacks by Mccullough and other doctors and scientists.
I don't think my doc even understands that when the gov't offered $$ incentives to hospital systems, early on, to give a diagnosis of covid, to admit a covid patient, and to use ineffective treatments like remdesivir or inappropriately administered ventilators, the gov't was strongly incentivizing those hospital systems to push treatments and policies that might harm patients.
That's why I sought out another Dr.
Unfortunately, in the mid-sized Midwestern city where I live, the medical system is captured, and the only doctors who are not captured have gone boutique, which is a very expensive option for many of us on a tight budget. (And of course, insurance declines to cover many alternative but effective treatments offered by these providers, for various health issues.)
And to those folks who say "But you can't put a price on health"--meaning that I should nevertheless go "boutique"--I would agree, IF I was guaranteed that alternative (boutique) treatment was likely going to resolve my health issues. The truth is, going "alternative", and spending hundreds of dollars for tests and treatments, does NOT guarantee that your particular health issue will be resolved. It does typically guarantee that your provider will spend adequate time with you and really try to help you find solutions for dealing with your issues. At the end of the day, you have to figure out how much of your savings/income you are able/willing to spend in exchange for potentially resolving your health issues.
Doctors? Consciences? There is no connection between the two.
Of course there is; they're as humans the rest of us. Many may have seared theirs into silence, but that doesn't mean they don't have them.
Correction: they used to be human before they became homo-borg-genesis.
We are just now reaching the point of linking to the extent neurologic system in humans effectively, so "Borg" is still sci-fi. This is still more a spiritual issue than a physical one.
The transfection of DNA by the mmRNA and the DNA plasmid "contamination" of the devil's juice 💉may have already rendered these doctors and their shot victims to be a different species. Since we don't have transparency with our research / medical system it is hard to get widespread confirmation whether this is the case. Hard to find out if not even looking. The Borg issue is tough to prove..I have heard speculation that vaxx rage may be something that involves neural linkage. Heard of incidents where small groups of people verbally or physically accost an unvaxxed person and then just snap out of it & go on as if nothing unusual happened. Anecdotal only. I agree it is more likely to be weighted toward a spiritual issue at this stage..but I don't doubt experiments are being done using vaxxed to test out the control features some portion of the vaxxed have been installed with.
Those, the docs who are believers & KNOW the COVID truth & vaccine harms yet remained silent & worse - did what they knew was harm - are the ones that need to speak up now & shout the truth. If they are believers, they know what to do in order to redeem themselves.
Wait, Steve, are you implying medical doctors have a conscience? What a strange idea.
Most doctors now have the blood of the ones they knowingly murdered on their hands ..If entering a hospital with flu like issues ,you most likely come out in a dish as ashes .My brother trusted them and payed with his life in six short days .
You also have to step back and recognize that these freedom doctors are also making money. On average getting a prevention packet for the next viral outbreak cost 275$ just for the IVM. I get that you have to charge ,right?- I’m a provider too! BUT this price eliminates the ability of a couple on SSI setting up a prevention plan for one
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil
the contemporary phrase 'follow the money' is SO biblical now.
You want to find the evil actors and get to the root of the corruption....the bible tells us how.
It is through this craving that many have wandered from the Faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows
For me the scariest place to enter is a hospital .
Soon after the start of the COVID "pandemic", my husband, my teenage daughter, and I had a brief discussion. Each of us, independently, decided "If I get COVID, no matter how sick I get, I'm not voluntarily going to a hospital. I'd rather take my chances on dying at home than go to a hospital knowing I'd almost certainly end up heavily drugged, on a ventilator, isolated from family." My daughter and I had COVID in mid-March, 2020; and I believe my husband had it in August, 2020. All three of us were "high risk" but came through it ok with DIY treatment at home.
Good call. Someone pointed out that it seemed that all "COVID" deaths were in a hospital. I don't know of anyone who died of COVID that wasn't hospitalized. Nor does anyone else I've asked.
Are you sure you did not get a flu ,? You know thee one that was replaced with the name COVID???
Yes, I'm sure. The CDC's Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance system data showed that Influenza B peaked in the U.S. in the last week of December 2019 (I had this illness right at the peak) and Influenza A had a flat plateau-peak in early Feb 2020 (my husband and I came down with this a little past the peak). It also showed that COVID-19 peaked in the U.S. on March 22, 2020 (this was the sharp winter/early spring peak typical of temperate climates; four to five months later, the southern U.S. had the long, low summer hump typical of subtropical regions).
My daughter and I got sick in mid-March, 2020. I did anti-viral treatment starting on my first day of symptoms, had an extremely mild case, and by the eighth day (March 22), was completely well again. My daughter did not do early treatment; March 22 was her eighth day of illness and the day she began to develop shortness of breath. She had a "classic" case of COVID (in her case, very uncomfortable but not dangerous) and took about a month to recover.
Coronaviruses and influenzas have very different symptoms and courses of illness. COVID-19 begins with gradually developing and worsening cold symptoms, like a normal coronavirus, but starts to switch to flu-like symptoms on the eighth day of symptoms, when (for some people -- not all --) it enters a second stage (created by gain-of-function manipulation, in my opinion) with cytokine releases, high inflammation, and hypercoagulation.
I think the CDC, WHO, Fauci, et al. deliberately conflated influenza symptoms with COVID symptoms for two reasons: (1) so that case counts could be inflated by calling "everything" COVID and (2) so people would not seek treatment during the first stage of COVID-19 (they wouldn't recognize the early symptoms); this way, more contagion would occur, more people would get very sick and die, sales of Remdesivir would bring in more money, and people could more easily be frightened into taking the clot-shots.
Here's some useful info: Typical coronavirus: Cold symptoms appear and worsen gradually over a period of one to two weeks, reach a peak, then lighten and disappear gradually over a similar period of time. Typical influenza: You feel "under the weather" (and often irritable) for a day or two, then you crash. You may wake up sick one morning, or crash during the day. When you crash, you go from functional to prostrate within an hour or two, because your body does a big release of cytokines. These are toxic chemicals that are intended to kill the virus, and they usually do a good job of it. The problem is that cytokines are toxic for your own cells, too -- so you end up writhing around on the bed moaning things like "Oh [name of deity here], I can't believe how bad I feel!" because you are actually being poisoned. After some time (perhaps several hours, or overnight), you feel less horribly sick, but "wiped out." It can take weeks to fully recover from the wiped out feeling, because your body has to do a lot of rebuilding.
BTW, Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale says that during an epidemic of a novel virus, it's not unusual for all the "usual" endemic viruses to disappear until the newcomer's epidemic tapers off and the newcomer becomes endemic and joins the line-up of "usuals."
go to youtube and type in 'francis collins covid song' (NIH former director) there are 2 and they'll make you want to puke. It is the greatest example of a corrupted 'professing christian' and how to know from here forward what we'll be confronted with WAY more than what we have seen. Ppl 'having a form of religion' but they do not know Him.
So is fear of all kinds, like fear of losing livelihood, for instance; fear of needing- but not having- vaccine passport...
I fear you have misdiagnosed the disease. You are looking for libido dominandi. That is what truly nourishes the Evil in our society.
Nope. It's the LOVE of money that's at the root. It may manifest in many ways, but that's the root none the less.
That is merely an additional diagnosis.
Yes, Mpup, that and "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
And yes, R Smith, the power of the Gospel messages saves....and saves absolutely:
"For this reason we bow our knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of His glory He may grant us to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in our inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith—that we, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth," Eph. 3:14-18
If you look at the history of the girls that were killed by the HPV vaccine too… most were really active athletic girls too… there’s some commonality there … if anyone cared to actually find out the mechanism of action that killed these poor kids.
If you want a quick history of the vaccine corruption of just this one HPV vaccine… look at the years of this corruption!
Japan banned the vaccine because of deaths.
“ In June 2013 the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) suspended its HPV vaccination recommendation after a series of highly publicized alleged adverse events following immunization stoked public doubts about the vaccine's safety.”
April 2022-
Resumption of active recommendation of the human papillomavirus vaccine in Japan and future challenges for the National Immunization Program
As a part of the program, municipalities send vaccination vouchers to individuals who are eligible for vaccine administration.
Corruption and Greed over safety.
Have you heard of the bolus theory by Marc Girardot? Very interesting.
Very interesting- thanks for sharing
Epidemic of willful blindness. Well said. When people rely too much on the institutions of man. Strange times to be in.
There was a fatal vaccident that occurred recently to one of my child's schoolmates father. I have also been noticing "died suddenly" occurring more in my local news site. Between war and corruption and the economy, what else is it going to take for the world's peoples to have had enough? We are being led into oblivion, when is it going to be obvious?
Some of them are heavily controlled and programmed. Sorry to hear of the loss.
This is no longer about waking up. It's long since been nothing more than WILLFUL BLINDNESS!! And as far as I am concerned, everyone who continues with these damned kill shots gets the death sentence. Life in prison without the possibility of parole for disability, of which there are tens of millions at least!!
"Witch Doctors In White Coats" is what the medical "profession" has largely become....
So sad.....
It's truly disgusting what happens to the majority of people when faced with fidelity to the ethics of their oath or keeping their jobs financed by extremely perverse government incentives. SICKENING!!
Taking care of the vaccine-disabled could easily crash our economic system. Might that be deliberate?
Since they are hell bent on depopulation, destroying the economy could be part of the plan. They want to force CBDCs on us anyway.
The bankers are determined to be in charge.
Correct and they will remain in charge until enough sheep wake up to the fact that they are being eaten by the wolves. Follow the $$. It's the story of all of human history.
Plausible for sure! Esp since the “immigrants” aren’t jabbed. They’ve warned us about the need for population reduction for decades. They've tried antifertility stuff more than once (Tetanus shots in Mexico, only for women of CB age??? Contained anti-HCG), but intentional harm is just too evil to wrap my head around just yet. IF that was the plan, it’s genius. Different disease states, good healthy recipients, grant money and MSM to control the narrative, deaths occurring over time, unlimited means of power to suppress any objections…
In the very least, these cases need to be investigated & mRNA vaccines need to be halted especially in young people. However, there are still schools & universities & Non-physician Health directors (Los Angeles) who are still pushing &/or requiring that people take the Covid vaccine—for symptoms equivalent to a “cold.”
Not to mention the increase in unusually presenting carcinomas in younger people.
Talked to a cancer doc recently who reported starting chemo immediately for an 8 year old whose cancer was growing out of his body. Though there are reportedly more kids sick and with these virulent cancers, this doc, and many others, are blaming it on covid, the disease not the shot. I wonder if they then inject the kids at the hospital.... So insane.
I’ve seen journal articles that show increase in cancer in young people who have NOT had Covid.
Also, the original claim that Covid causes more myocarditis than the mRNA vaccines has been shown to be FALSE.
Ya can't see what ya won't look for.
What message are we sending to the medical students who are still being "encouraged", or in some cases, required to receive the updated "boosters?" Critical thinking has been unashamedly thrown out the window in favor of blind acceptance of the mainstream narrative.
We have a young friend who has been making her way through medical school to become an osteopathic physician--where one should find more enlightened students, right? Sadly DO schools have been mainstreamed to a large extent. Her refusal to vacs has subjected her to shunning and ridicule, but she was allowed to continue, and AFAIK, she perseveres. Medical school is difficult enough without that kind of mental and emotional strain, and her brave stance is enormously admirable.
So refreshing that Substack allows dissenting voices to say what needs to be said. I'm with you on this, brother!
I don’t know why but, I haven’t heard about the military recruits dropping dead. Didn’t they all have to take the jab? They have some pretty intense physical training to do and it would be easy to keep track of their health outcomes. Maybe they conceal what’s happening there? And what about when or if these men are sent into battle??
You don’t hear…”accidents,” “suicides “ “overdoses,”… Those commanders who spoke up were removed from their posts. “The Navy has fired a dozen leaders but won't explain why A total of 13 commanding officers have been fired so far this year, including five in one week, the Navy said.” Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/A2s7rtAM5TUi9YqTUIt3lxA
Interesting!…and if the soldiers aren’t dropping dead from the jab - Why? There’s apparently different formulations in each batch; some causing no side affects, while other batches have shown severe side affects - why? Are some batches simply saline? Are saline jabs given to prominent news figures and maybe the military and navy recruits just for show?
In NZ we have discovered that 11,000 bureaucrats were given vaccine exemptions during Covid.
I remember hearing (don't know for sure) that the US Congress had HQ and ivermectin available to them while it was virtually outlawed to the rest of America. --- Simple things like this reinforce the 'knowledge' that our so-called leaders have no real concern for the citizenry.
Wow, 11,000 people in power! Yet, they didn’t have the moral fortitude and goodness of soul to use their power to protect their own people.
Anything possible re military, but enough deaths and “events” that I think they got the same random lots. Same with News figures; another one here recently.
What do you mean by, “ random lots”?
Pharm companies do not send one lot to one area. (Too easy to track AE’s? Worth considering. IDK. Seems it would be much easier to recall bad batches of any shots.) Seems to have started in about 1987 when a Wyeth product had a cluster of AEs in one State. I have an image of their internal memo limiting numbers of batch numbers sent to a single location. Likely continues. There definitely seem to be “safe” batches (zero side effects, and why those recipients look at us like we’re nuts) mixed with not so safe batches (different frequencies as well as different types of AEs. Not saying we’re a bunch of lab mice. Per Jeff, just saying.) Differences in population genomics matter too. Did I answer your question? :)
Not sure of your answer. Are you saying that, even for the ones at the top of the food chain it was just the luck of the draw which vax batch they received? Have they been dying from it too?
And if there ARE different formulations in the batches, how is that even legal?
Nothing seems legal, including the bait and switch on the FDA “approved” jab that was never used. And no ? that there are “bad batches.”
EU Jounal of Clin Invest ran letter to Ed re Danish study: Pfz shots in 1 grp had ZERO AEs. No sore arm, no lymph nodes, no headache, nada. Per Jeff Childers C&C, “the implications are massive.” i.e. 3rd batch is placebo. Germans found “almost none of the harmless batches had any quality control at all. Suggests advance knowledge that these batches didn’t need to be tested.
There was an internal memo (Wyeth, about 1987) to not send too much of the same lot number to any one location. Cluster of AE’s prompted that memo, and I’m sure it’s still a “thing.”
The question remains, are the jabbed (part of our family included) just a huge experimental group?
They’ve deliberately used a huge control group to manipulate the AE percentage to “doses”.Probably helps profitability too.A vile of saline must be cheaper than serum..
Rhetorical question, right?
There have been a number of instances with issues of stroke and heart related issues with military pilots after the jab. I also believe that the military complex is hiding/ covering numbers up just like the CDC and NIH have done from the beginning and continue to do so that the American public doesn't know the truth.
Consider the time frame.
There is a series of shots that recruits are given when they commence their basic training, which runs from anywhere between 8 and about 11 weeks. Is this enough time for any damage from the jabs to take effect? (I don't know; I'll defer to the experts here on this one. But I wouldn't simply assume because recruits aren't collapsing after having taken a shot in the past 8-11 weeks that the shots weren't having a deleterious effect on their hearts.)
But, I think many of the recruits would have received the shots the same timing as everyone else, whether enlisted yet or not. It would be interesting if, when they are signing up, if they get asked, “Okay, and which batch did you receive? - and that will determine your future with us.”
I think there is a test they can run that would give specific information as to whether there was myocarditis or pericarditis; it would give information specific to the military member. (Supposedly, the Israelis used to run this test for new members of the IDF but stopped in the last couple of years.)
Thank God that some docs like McCullough are starting services such as the Wellness Company!
Liz Gunn: New Zealand. https://nzloyal.org.nz/
An Instagram account with almost zero reach has been doggedly reporting this constant flow of death for a long time now. Every day. It's almost unbearable to watch.
It's a very morbid comedy, one which we should stop watching and participating in. Wake up people! Stop injecting unnecessary substances into your bodies!
What heartbreak, a child so full of promise, so much before him, brought low by a bunch of greed maddened medical sociopath's bent on controlling the world via mass genocide.
As for the political scum that tied their wagons to their demented dark star, they will be slaughtered in their turn for they know far too much. Too late they will realize the WEF label is not an elitest designation, it is merely "Davos speak" for Next To Die.
Simple logic is too simple for the simpletons who run things...