I am so sorry for this man, and all the other injured. It is not just unnecessary, it is a crime.

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And thank you, Dr. McCullough, for the advice and words of caution.

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Tragic what these selfish, greedy and incompetent doctors and scientists at all levels of government and our medical system have done to innocent people around the world!

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My Fiancées had an Abdominal Aortic Dissection 2 weeks after the second shot. I will do my best to share her story here. Before all this happened, she was an extremely fit very competitive triathlete, Personal Trainer and fitness professional.

Her full story is available here at IG: @ingidoyle

OR https://www.facebook.com/gerard.rennick/posts/before-taking-the-vaccine-ingi-doyle-was-a-competitive-triathlete-this-is-her-st/307966507807118/

Please DM her if you want to know more.

Some Notes:

Ingi received the COVID Pfizer Vaccine

14 days prior to the dissection occurring Ingi received the second Pfizer shot

2 days after the 2nd shot she had a sore arm and developed significant fluid retention swelling under her arm after the second shot (aka COVID Boob) this was imaged by ultrasound via a GP. This lasted until about the 7th day post 2nd vaccine shot.

7th to 14th day after 2nd shot she continued to have headaches and tiredness and loss of appetite and a significant drop in aerobic ability suffering from extreme exhaustion after basic aerobic activity.

Day 14 post shot she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen (appendix like) with associated back pain. Went to emergency diagnosed with a large tear with false lumen from just below her renal artery to her iliac branch.

Attempted management failed after a month and the damage was getting closer to her renal artery.

She underwent 12 hour open abdominal surgery to have a prosthetic graft inserted from her renal arteries down to and including both of the common iliac.

During the surgery she had the blood supply cut off to her lower organs and legs for extended period which meant post-surgery she had multiple organ failure including kidney failure, liver failure and bowel failure. Her liver and bowel have mostly recovered but she has permanent kidney damage currently around 35% capacity. 1/3 of one Kidney is completely dead due to blood supply not being able to be reconnected.

She had a lymphatic leak into her abdominal cavity which went undiagnosed for weeks causing her massive pain and discomfort, which was due to a lymphatic vessel being severed during surgery. When discovered she was drained of more than 6 litres of Chyle.

She almost died twice during her 14 days in ICU.

She lost 14 kgs. She normal weighs 60Kg

Her Biopsy has been delivered to a preeminent professor of immunology for examination under mass spectrometer (this has not occurred yet as he has been locked out of his lab because of his vaccination status).

Her biopsy has also been delivered to esteemed Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole for examination (awaiting results- preliminary examination shows inflammation like that seen in Dr Arne Burkhardt videos).

She has since had a full genetic panel done with absolutely zero genetic predispositions found.

Reported to TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) in Australia by hospital head vascular surgeon as vaccine harm in early November 2021.

Recently joined a class action against the government, TGA and multiple others.

She now lives with continuing hand and feet pain which is being treated with hypobaric chamber.

She has irregularities in her bowel function still and her renal capacity is still only at 35%. She has vascular flow issues in her left leg due to internal scaring from the surgery which is forcing her body to find a new way to return blood flow from her left leg back to her heart.

But she is still with us… due mostly to her incredible fitness and an entire life of healthy choices and the efforts of a great surgical team. Unfortunately, most others with this type of reaction are no longer with us to tell their story.

The difficulty is mustering together all of those with similar dissection stories to make sure that they are supported and are heard. Please DM Ingi @ingidoyle for support.

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|I am so sorry to read about all that Ingi has been through. This is so unnecessary and sad! That stories like hers are also being silenced and mocked is unconscionable. Wishing her the best!

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Peter, Thank you for this meticulous and concise post. Over ten years ago, my Mom survived a dissection in her ascending aorta. Even though she stated that she won’t get a fourth Vax, I sent this to her to seal her begrudging decision. Has there been any case studies on post-vax AE in Crohn’s patients and/or bowel obstructions? Both VAERs and Vsafe have safety signals. However, I suspect that GI docs are more obdurate in their pro-vax thinking and therefore less likely to report. My younger, continuously vaxxed sister had a flare up/bowel obstruction in Spring, 2022. Thank you!

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Another aortic dissection: Demetrious Johnson

Age 61. And (apparently) yes he was:


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Is this what they're saying killed Grant Wahl?!?!

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Have a healthy friend with no family history of heart problems who experienced this and survived thanks to a courageous Dr. friend who suspected that our friend was encountering life-threatening symptoms. The victim's cardiologist was not alarmed, and had our friend not reached out to our Dr. friend and rushed into more extensive testing and ultimately emergency surgery, he would probably be dead. And I'll point out that no one has the courage to pin this on the vaccine.

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I hope Dr. McCullough can comment on this letter: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2207270

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Hello Allan,

You need to pay attention to the disclosure form, where the authors declare conflict of interest with Pfizer.

Best wishes

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