Oh, the Mayans have nothing on us. We dismember babies in the womb to the tune of over 100,000 a DAY. That's right, every day. And many of these babies have developed nerve systems so they feel every ounce of torture. Others are near full-term as they are burned to death by saline solution or dismembered limb by limb. No, the Mayans have nothing on us. We just do it with white lab coats and latex gloves while we call it "health care."

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Humanism is the new paganism

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Love the corollary, John, between Apocalypto and the science mafia that exists today! Here in the Fort Worth area we had a similar experience with the clouds - right before the total eclipse the clouds gave way and we were able to view the entire total eclipse!

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FYI the real Khul Ku Khan was a very advanced being and Teacher who would never endorsed human sacrifice but such practices ultimately lead to the collapse of a civilization one way or the other. Democide is a symptom of a society about to collapse. So this year will be very interesting indeed

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Cool video....in San Diego, we had partial eclipse. The sun came through the trees and on the sidewalk we could see little partial suns. Awesome! So even though we did not have the complete

experience, we were able to join the celebration.

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Excellent! Many high priests who need to be dethroned. I live in Ft Worth and captured the partial in backyard followed with the eclipse and all the solar lights there popped on. As well, what I first thought were kids from the elementary school across from me, turned out to be dogs barking and howling in the neighborhood...........even my maltese howled which is rare. How can the mad scientists be held accountable? Their narrative was sucked in by most of my friends and family...never again to see the forest from the trees.

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"I am science!"

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Good one. High Priests of Scientism.

Was talking to a mid 30a tennis partner recently and suggested Manukah honey for her sore throat. She’s highly educated and has job at major consulting firm. She dismissed my suggestion as an old wives tale and said she will get antibiotics. She mentioned she was running. A few days ago and suddenly lost her equilibrium. I told her I was surprised her father, a neurosurgeon was ok with her getting vaccinated. She said he did as well.

It’s astonishing to me, the people who are held up to be the smartest of the smart became doormats.

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Exactly a return to darker times. Light is brought by a redeemer but darkness is brought for punishment. People are prey because of their condition

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The modern Demonic Eugenicist U.N. is far WORSE than the Mayan's...We murder the INNOCENT to the tune of millions per year and force other nations into the same horrors of depopulation, sterilization and ELECTRONIC BORG SLAVERY screwing around with Quantum Physics and time


Beyond the Murders in the Womb; the Demon Eugenicists have murdered untold millions of brown, black and poor people throughout the world through Big Ag and Big Pharma; far beyond all the billions kept poverty-stricken, IGNORANT, starved and exposed to the elements or overtaxed into oblivion by EVIL believing itself God and other human beings 'Cattle'. Also not counting those poor souls tortured, raped, beaten as production facilities for their hallucinogenic Adrenochrome and Ritual Murders at the commands of Hell's Angels they choose to host.

Technology has merely allowed murder to become a CLEANER ACT as they need not massacre and have blood and gore all over the place they then must order others to clean up.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

look closely at the local sunspot on the cloud around the sun - they start at 1:04 min fyi

now ask yourself how can there be a local sunspot (heavy light congregation) from a sun that is supposedly 93 *million* miles away? :-)

just sayin'

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My first thought at all the "ceremonial" chanting was that of the Druids dancing at the equinox in spring at Stone Henge. Interesting also that we in the Richmond, VA area experienced a small earthquake later yesterday evening. Any connection?

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What a great movie that was! Just brilliant!!!

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The ideology of Scientism is alive and well. We not only abort our babies but we surgically disfigure and pharmacologically destroy our young because of “gender dysphoria”. And loud voices censor any criticism of the practices. When will man realize he is not God.

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You are spot on @Johnleake, I just watched 'Climate: The Movie' and although the topic is very familiar, it presents scientism exactly as you say, sacrificing humanity on the alter of the mendacious green agenda.

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