Here's a simpler way of saying it: High functioning or very intelligent sociopaths and psychopaths are overrepresented in positions of power and probably always have been explaining why human history is so bloody. So how do you explain it? Easy – it’s just math. Four people in 100 are sociopaths and one person in 100 is a psychopath. The United States has 330 million people. 4% of that is 13 million sociopaths and 1% is 3.3 million psychopaths. 1% of any random population will have extremely high IQs ie 140 and above. So out of 13 million US sociopaths 130,000 will have near genius IQs and 33,000 psychopaths will have similar smarts. For simplicity let’s concentrate on psychopaths. Psychopathy is well studied as approximately 15% of the prison population has the condition. The bloodthirsty killers portrayed in movies are rare. In real life what they do have in common is a lack of empathy. . They don’t feel the things that keep most of us in check. They have no sympathy. They don’t feel embarrassed. They don’t fear punishment like we do. They can lie without any guilt because they don’t feel guilt. As such they are good liars as they don’t have to deal with body language giving them away. Given a high IQ, they present as fearless leaders and empress normal people / normies who support them to infest high positions especially in the corporate and political worlds. They always support war. It's very profitable and they don't feel any empathy for the young men getting their legs blown off. So how do you counter colluding genius billionaire sociopaths and worse when they own all the levers of power and are supported by an army of normies/useful idiots. I’m reminded of the rock group Ten Years After. “I’d love to change the world – but I don’t know what to do.”

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I agree with your statistics. But one significant point you missed - 1% in society are psychopaths, But 4% in government are!

The reason is obvious, but only if you consider it - psychopaths love to control others, no better way than to be in government.

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Mattias Desmet has made some very insightful suggestions on what to do about it, summarised here:


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Wow thanks for sharing. No short posts on substack - lol. That looks really good though.

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Hmm - I want to keep them short, and I succeed occassionally, but some themes just can't really be dealt with so briefly. I'll keep on striving for a balance!

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Excellent post. Thanks for sharing.

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You're welcome Doc, thanks for the feedback!

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Thanks for sharing this - I am really interested in remedies!

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Me too! We all have to work out together what they are!

For my own thoughts, I've also touched a little on remedies in:

michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-elephant-in-the-womb-part-one, michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-elephant-in-the-womb-part-two, and this week's piece, michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-high-ground,

and a more philosphical / long-term level (ie recognising that deep 'paradigm' change doesn't come easily) view in michaelwarden.substack.com/p/a-cure-for-21st-century-madness, michaelwardemichaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-economist-is-wearing-no-clothes, and michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-circular-economy.

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“I’d love to change the world – but I don’t know what to do.”

It's quite straightforward actually, but it requires a modicum of intelligent action.

The steps are:

1. Start at home base - viz. yourself. Get your act together.

2. Forget about changing the world. That's hubris. Be prepared to work with and for people, but one-on-one or in small groups.

First things first, though. And that means before acting you need clarity.

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So true - all momentous change starts with taking responsibility for oneself and being present for that one person, even when you don't feel like it.

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Exactclicketty. It's essentially about bringing people back home. Sounds kinda funny how people go searching for themselves under every rock, so no wonder there are so many lost souls. It's like looking for the moon with a candle.

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Excellent! My nephew has been on a path of intentional enlightenment for about four years now and he positions himself thusly. His job as he sees it, is to seek true knowledge, spread peace and if he is able to, do so in a way that asks of his fellow travelers that they be rational and learn how they themselves can improve the world.

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Intentional enlightenment - way to go! That's a case of INlightenment. And then, when your inner lamp is lit (aka intuition as opposed to external tuition), then you can cast a light for others.

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How do you know when you've attained 'enlightenment?' Is there some special sign one looks for, and how would a pre-enlightened person know what that is?

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I actually do think there is a level of humility necessary to embrace one's own failings and then start the work to right them as best you can. This process along with enormous amounts of thought and reading from the great minds of history and the present help to create a measure of peace and understanding of rationality vs irrationality, selflessness vs selfishness, enlightenment vs foolish thinking.

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I guess it's the word 'enlightenment' that I find objectionable, not the principle itself. There are any number of self-appointed gurus promising 'enlightenment' of one form or another, the more money you send them the more enlightened you'll be is usually how it works. I prefer R.L. Wing's translation of the Chinese word which has no English equivalent, but comes across in his translation as 'evolved individuals.'


Personally I don't aim for something which suggests completeness, or a goal attained, as I think of the world as dynamic and ever changing, where our aim is to understand the nature of change and how we interact with it. Basic Taoism I guess. I also use my own formula which I call MU for Managed Uncertainty. The first principle of MU is to ask yourself 'what am I doing, and why am I doing it?' If you don't have a clear answer, then it's time to pause and reflect. This has kept me out of trouble too many times to count, so it works for me, although whether or not it's a path to greater understanding or simply a way of avoiding conflict I'm not sure.

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How do you know when you've attained 'enlightenment?'

Great question. So tell me, can light exist without dark (aka shadow) in the physical dimension? Can enlightenment exist without endarkenment (aka confusion) in the dimensions of psyche? In other words, can something or some state be predicated as an absolute without its opposite?

On our path from cradle to grave we experience the occasional flash of illumination; a satori or aha moment when all becomes crystal clear. But you can't grab it, cling to it or put it in your pocket. Sure, you can go down to the ocean and scoop up a bucketful. That can be fun - but it's folly to point to your bucket and say "look, i've got the ocean in my hand".

Dream on! In this incarnation, we have a limited capacity to absorb and hold. Moreover, regardless of how big your bucket, the contents are static and defined: the ocean is boundless and dynamic - it's alive. So, enjoy your day by the sea and have fun with your bucket, but if you try to swallow the ocean you'll drown.

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I'm suspicious of Hegelian dialectics, which is to say, situations where you're only given two choices, or descriptions that involve opposites without any gradation. Sometimes dialectics are appropriate, but overuse tends to limit our thinking. Other than that, I agree with what you wrote. One has to approach the world with humility to have any chance of understanding it.

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With humility, definitely. Moreover with wide-eyed wonder; with the eyes of a newborn child.

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Love that - gotta know good and clear the situation we are in.

'A message from Socrates' may resonate with you?


Let me know what you think?

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You wrote "The resolution of that, for me, is to think not of fighting the old, or the sinister, or the manipulative, or the dysfunctional, or whatever it is. It is a feeling that merely seeing those things more clearly at once begins to dissolve them, and strongly motivates the effort toward ‘building the new’."

Right on! And that's the first step in the process of personal growth as a prelude to aiding others in their efforts to improve their lives and the world at large.

So, the programs i present (Kinergy) can be summarised as progressing through the following interlinked steps : 1. Awareness (internal and external); 2. Clarity (in order to make sense of the where, why and how you're at as a prelim to formulating an effective course of action); 3. Energy (the wherewithal to make it all happen).

Anyway, feel free to contact me If you're curious as to what the Kinergy program is and how it works.


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Another take on this is "The Road to Serfdom." Hayek explains how the most cruel and ruthless often infest the highest levels of government.


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I wouldn’t say it was maths so much as ambition and deliberate selection. The job description of a corporate CEO, or even successful politician, calls for exactly those psychopathic character traits. Our culture has raised its children to aspire to those ends - to worship money and status and to strive to achieve them. They’re the hallmarks of success. Business schools teach them how (while smearing on a thin veneer of faux caring sharing claptrap). It’s all exactly those psychopathic traits, just spun a little differently - as Heller so succinctly had Yossarian opine.

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Reminds me of how, after we lost (13) servicemen/servicewomen during the disastrous pull-out from Afghanistan, Biden kept looking at his watch as each casket was removed from the plane. Talk about a lack of empathy/sympathy...

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Really good point Robert, well said. When you put it like that, it’s hard to be optimistic.

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You can vote for RFK Jr. and hope he has good personal protection - like a squad of ex-special forces.

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So interestingly, can you to the rest of that math that shows whatever the counter balance of these groups are? Meaning of the REST of the population, can you define geniuses and other ‘good’ types? Like all the folks who have stood up against this tyranny?

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“Suppose someone invented an instrument, a convenient little talking tube which, say, could be heard over the whole land...I wonder if the police would not forbid it, fearing that the whole country would become mentally deranged if it were used..."

- Kierkegård 1813 – 1855

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This is excellent analysis but perhaps a bit too many assumptions. I'm not naive enough at 64 to think all is hunky dory, but I have more faith in humanity than most. I also believe that those of us who know the truth have a sacred responsibility to defend it no matter how hopeless it seems. Defending and protecting all that is sacred, beautiful, innocent, life affirming is what makes us human. It's all too easy to become nihilistic, but as Chris Hedges says: "I don't fight fascists because I will win. I fight fascists because they are fascists." Which I understand as a relentless pursuit against evil no matter the cost, no matter the odds.

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I'm older than you and have far less faith in humanity. "relentless pursuit against evil no matter the cost, no matter the odds"? How many were shown to be up to that task over the last three years? You're describing the actions of a very rare person.

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I'm not disagreeing, but to throw up our hands in despair is an absolute gift to the forces of evil. They LOVE it when people give up because then they can continue to escalate their psycho-sociopathic agenda. I just cannot do that. If I give up, it means that I'm aiding and abetting evil. Even if I'm the last person on earth, I still must stand up for all that is good.

Sadly, because of learned helplessness, most people have given up. I don't hold any animosity toward them. They're mentally ill. Instead, I try to model courage and tenacity. I'm not perfect, but the alternative is unacceptable.

It's ironic that people on my side often get mad at me *just for trying* to maintain my own standards. What I focus on are all the people like me who are doing good in the world.

As Helen Keller says: "Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. My optimism, then, does not rest on the absence of evil, but on a glad belief in the preponderance of good and a willing effort always to cooperate with the good, that it may prevail.”

In fact, Ritu Ghatourey is correct when she said: "The world suffers a lot, not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people!"

Or the quote incorrectly attributed to Edmund Burke: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

At the same time, each one of us must take responsibility for being part of the solution instead of bemoaning that the world is collapsing and wringing their hands in rage and despair. Action is the antidote to despair. It doesn't have to be spectacular or violent action. If enough people do something, the world can be transformed. Cynicism is nihilistic. Life calls us to do better.

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giving up and speaking the truth are two different things. He's in reality. You're not.

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Thank you. I wondered wtf is SignMe Up talking about. I never said a word about giving up. SignMe Up actually claimed to agree with me then went off on a rant that had nothing to do with anything I said. But I might as well make the point, those who speak of having such courage as to pursue relentlessly no matter the cost or odds, are never people who actually possess such courage. Which is not really a slam - such people are so rare as to be practically non-existent.

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Great numbers but it's planned. They didn't ask just end up there, they were placed. Many paid, many mentally ill and essentially possessed, and also those you speak of.

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Psychopathy, psychopathic talents actually dovetail with leadership traits so they will always tend to rise to the top of any group. (Read Dutton's "Wisdom of Psychopaths." The Yin-Yang dynamic of leaders and their emotionally vulnerable followers (always susceptible to manipulation by pressing their emotional buttons of fear, hate, greed, false pride and blind loyalty) results, as proven repeatedly by social psychologists Asch (group conformity), Milgram (obedience to authority) and Zimbardo (groups made to believe in their own superiority or "exceptionalism"), result in what Arendt termed "the banality of evil." At times the psychopathically-inclined leadership can command anywhere from 70 to 90% compliance of their "followers."

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Missing from Carl Jung and reply: The reality of spiritual forces at war [inside mankind his will and external demonic] against God's original design. Rejecting God's ways quickly becomes deviant. As observed throughout history.

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"What if" these overrepresented "leaders" are simply part of an dEvil family? Who is it that has been causing trouble from The Beginning of the human age? Who incited the rebellion in the age before? Is this too simple for the enlightened ignorant?

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Maybe they're psychopaths' are just smarter and better connected than our psychopaths'.

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Sort of. Read the book the Sociopath Nextdoor. Facinating read actually.

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Well, the bible talks nothing about that. Humans follow Satan and do what they want with no regard for anyone else or maybe those that help them help themselves but that's it. These people are just lost souls yes. I would say 90% of these elected officals are Godless and either knowingly or unknowingly follow Satan.

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"Simpler"? Don't know if I would use that word, but the content of your reply more than compensates for any perceived misuse of the word on my part.

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It’s rather simple. Have you ever heard of ketosis? You have to starve the beast. That is to say, a large enough number of people have to agree to stop engaging and supporting the machine. And that’s where the rub is. You’ll never get enough people to exert the discipline (nor the intelligence) necessary to forgo what the psychopaths are selling everybody. Look at the Bud Light and anti-woke movement: it’s hitting them where it counts. Now all you have to do is the same on a larger scale regarding the levers of power (war, consumerism, hate, division, etc.) that the psychopaths control. Most people will refuse (or be unable) to do so, which makes them complicit and culpable in the bad outcomes generated …. over and over and over again …. since the beginning of time.

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When you have no moral absolutes and no fear of the God of creation, or appreciation for what He's done in and for you, you grow angry and rebellious because you're not god, but you sure think you should be. Many have informed Him in one way or another that they don't want His order, His authority, His protection, and He has responded by taking His hand off them, per their desire. As this cancer of evil grows however, it is becoming more and more apparent that one will have to make a decision about what camp they're in. Those lapping up the evil will become, and are becoming, sicker and sicker, and turning on each other. They will eventually leave space for righteousness, if the righteous are willing to fill it.

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Excellent. These crazed individuals are moor less; without absolute truth there is no solid ground. Everything is fluid & changing non stop. As you observed, anger takes over.

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Anger, racism, hatred, demon possession and mass-annihilation of everyone except the top psychopathic, sociopathic, "philanthropathic", mass-murderous, mass-genocidal, Satanic Ashkenazim ("the only white race worthy of surviving") and their transhuman slaves.

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but it all began with turning one's back on God, and He turned away from them and left them to their own devices. And btw, many Ashkenazim do not believe themselves to be white, so their criticism of white culture or character is not applied to themselves, just to others of European ancestry.

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That's why they want the whites gone. We're the only group that competes and wins. We don't have faces, voices, or bodies like them. They're practically deforned and nasty looking. Hey these are the facts they are indeed pissed about. They're not the best so they want to kill anyone better. Hence why the state of Israel was established. Hitler was right all along. I'm sure you'll lose your mind on that comment but the only thing anyone knows about him is what they're told. Never read Mein Kampf or any other book he wrote. He did say in about 1933 that the jews would create a state from which they would rule the world. Yeah, and they used him as the guy to do it. I believe nothing they told us about anything. After 911, how could you.

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He did talk in Mein Kampf about the Jews turning their backs on God, and that was why he hated them. imo, Hitler thought he was going to save western civilization from the Bolsheviks 'World Communist Revolution'. There was a nascent communist uprising in Germany, that began in the city Hitler was living in, and he saw it firsthand. He did mention that "behind every one of the guns (small cannon) was a Jewish man in a long coat and fedora"; it was accompanied by a photo to that effect. The German army put it down rather handily, and they tried the perpetrators. Yeah, they did 9-11 and Luck Larry Silverstein made billions from the insurance fraud. WEF is Bolshevism by another name.

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Are you aware of Mattias Desmet's insights about the countering of this horrible trend?

Summarised here: michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-witch-the-war-and-the-virus-part

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An important thing he said is to never, and meant never, stop speaking out loudly and clearly. He said that, in history, when the speaking out stopped, the terror began.

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Here's a little extract from the summary of Desmet I wrote, in the form of my message to each of the three groups:

TO THE ALIGNED: All of us (nearly) can agree that there is a real problem going on. There are good reasons that you are anxious and that you hunger for some social cohesion. But please be careful of demonising those who don't see the cause and the cure as you do.

TO THE OUTSPOKEN: What you do can make a huge difference, even if it doesn't always feel like it. But focusing on the apparent stupidity (that's not actually what it is) of 'the aligned' is seriously counter-productive. Quietly persist in getting a reasoned and verifiable message to 'the reserved'. But know that while your chances of getting 'the aligned' to change their position are effectively zero, an environment in which a reasoned counter-view merely exists and is circulated may soften a little their animosity at dissenters, and the extremity of measures they might support to deal with the dissent.

TO THE RESERVED: You are in a sea of potential. Or rather, you are a sea of potential. Far from being irrelevant, public dialogue and exchange of information and viewpoints is the only real motor of societal change there is, or can be. Without your engagement, the default direction of development will be the one driven by a synergistic mix of media misrepresentation, government reactivism, and the 'significant minorities' who are justifiably terrified, and who passively empower such institutional maladies.

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Yes. The speaking must be consistent and calm, with no attempt to convince those who will never be convinced.

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Though it would be futile to try to convince those who will never be convinced, anyone who is not a moron is susceptible to being convinced by explaining to him/her that there is a difference between a "complex" and a "non-complex" system that, if not recognized by a builder of a model of this system, results in the existence of counter productive public policies, an example of which is the Biden administration's anti-fossil fuels energy policy.

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Absolutely. But I also found very valuable the way he identified three groups which form, which I paraphrased as 'the aligned', 'the outspoken' (that's us!) and 'the reserved'. He highlighted that it can be dangerous and counter-productive to keep pushing 'the aligned' (that is those who are the most hypnotised), and that in our outspoken-ness we should seek to work respectfully with the reserved - those who haven't yet accepted the messages of the outspoken but are actually amenable to new facts, respectfully presented. I've seen it work. Fortunately 'the reserved' are the biggest group, so acheiving a critical mass is at least in theory possible.

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Well said.

Are you aware of Mattias Desmet's insights about the countering of this horrible trend?

Summarised here: michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-witch-the-war-and-the-virus-part

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Yes. In the book entitled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Desmet describes a psychosis in the minds of people who welcome totalitarian rule over themseleves and others. He calls this psychosis "mass formation." In the public policy research that I have conducted I have discovered the root cause of mass formation. This for a "complex system" to be mistaken for a "non-complex system" in the construction of a model of this system. The corrective is to tell the victims of mass formation psychosis of what is wrong with their thinking. Though to call them sociopaths is accurate it violates the principle that science is value free and may be counter productive.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, CA



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Altiyan Childs, winner of the 2nd season of X Factor Australia released a very convincing 5 and a half hrs video recording a few years ago, in which he explains, citing various documents, how freemasonry works. In his view all world leaders are members, plus a significant portion of celebrities. At its highest level, the 33rd degree, the organisation practices satanism. Blood is drank and human sacrifice occurs. Judging by what has happened the last 3 yrs I have come to the conclusion that the world is in the grip of the members of a variety of organisations right now, e.g. Club of Rome, Bilderburg group, ......, WEF, UN (at the UN HQ there is a chamber where Satan is worshipped) but spanning across all is freemasonAltiyan Childs, winner of the 2nd season of X Factor Australia released a very convincing 5 and a half hrs video recording a few years ago, in which he explains, citing various documents, how freemasonry works. In his view all world leaders are members, plus a significant portion of celebrities. At its highest level, the 33rd degree, the organisation practices satanism. Blood is drank and human sacrifice occurs. Judging by what has happened the last 3 yrs I have come to the conclusion that the world is in the grip of the members of a variety of organisations right now, e.g. Club of Rome, Bilderburg group, ......, WEF, UN (at the UN HQ there is a chamber where Satan is worshipped) but spanning across all is freemasonry. We are in myry. We are in my view literally in a battle with satan and, therefore, apart from all else that we do to fight against the efforts of elitist satan worshippers to take over the world our battle needs to focus on spiritual warfare. A large portion of our counter offense requires us being on our knees. Here is a link to Childs's video: https://youtu.be/1GjzW24tTMQ

If I'm correct the people behind the seemingly crazy, bizzare plots are not in fact lunatics but people who have unshackled themselves totally from the Christian-based ethos that for centuries influenced and guided our legal, political and many societal systems. They are now free to do whatever they desire and their new master has convinced them to (need I list their obvious goals to the enlightened?) do what we now observe, are threatened by and are fighting against.

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some of the involved elites were never shackled to Christianity to begin with

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Others were

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Fully agree that we are in a dark spiritual battle and must foremost respond to it on that level. However I also very much like Mattias Desmet's insights into my earthly strategies for shifting the balance a little.

Summarised here: michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-witch-the-war-and-the-virus-part

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Desmet's work presents us with the opportunity to shift the ballance completeley. To do so we must point out what is wrong with their thinking to the people who are guilty of the psychosis that Desmet calles "mass formation." What is wrong is that these people are mistaking a "complex" physical system for a "non-complex" physical system in the construction of a model of this system upon which a public policy is based.

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A scientific way of describing the people who hatch these plots is to point out that they are, "reductionists," that is, people who think there is no such thing as a "complex system."

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Well said.

Are you aware of Mattias Desmet's insights about the countering of this horrible trend?

Summarised here: michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-witch-the-war-and-the-virus-part

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They always did, but now technology amplifies their control and impact significantly.

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It's not only technology, the control mechanism went away. The people who should control these psychopaths just give up. This is in my opinion the biggest trouble, you have to argue with an idiot and not go out of his way. I also thought that he will burn him self but no, my experience is now that you have to show them, that they are not going through this, and you have to thought on them.

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One of the big problems I see is that those of unsavory moral character, the grifters, the sociopaths and those with sexual disorders, are often clever enough to manipulate their way to the top, where they are immune from prosecution. So the pedophile becomes the police chief and the grifter becomes the politician and the sociopathic eugenicist becomes the head of charities that pour their money into population reduction schemes. So now it has come to a point where liars and thieves are rewarded while those of decent moral character are often punished...

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Though these people are of unsavory moral character, an alternative to punishment of them that may be more effective is to tell them what is wrong with their argument. What is wrong is that they are mistaking a "complex" physical system for a "non-complex system.

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I remember reading Joseph Heller's Catch-22 while working the night shift in a SAC base ER in northern Michigan in 1966. Thoughts of Major Major and other hilarious characters made me laugh so hard that my sides hurt. Today's hateful, self-righteous insanity is no laughing matter. Like those old CD-Rs that, once written, could not be erased or re-written, I've long ago concluded that even if what we say is true and wise and it could be reduced to their level of comprehension, we will never get them to listen or respond to our message because their "neural programs" are fixed like cement. For me, my dwindling years are too precious to squander in fruitless attempts to persuade them they might be wrong. Lately, I've even thought that maybe enough of us like-minded, rational people could somehow induce them to take whatever contiguous part of the country they wanted to live in and agree never to enter the contiguous part we have selected to live in. I just want to live in peace and not have to endure constant, politically-induced hate, vitriol, bigotry, and intolerance for some part of my remaining years.

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Sadly this seems to be true. One of my biggest lessons during the past 3 years was seeing how no logic or reason or evidence or ANYTHING could penetrate the ‘believers’. A rude awakening.

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That there is no logic or reasom or evidence is equivalent to saying that the argument of the believers falsifies Aristotle's laws of thought.

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It can, actually, help a lot if you were to move to a small town in a red county (with Constitutional sheriffs) all within a red state. Even if you do not agree with some of the area's conservative aspects, the desires you now have for your life will fit nicely with what they have. You will be welcomed by the people as far as you want, and you will be left alone. The evil, Alice in Wonderland people will not go there. You will be insulated, among nature, if you so desire, and you will rarely even know what is happening in the cities and blue states. I think you will feel close to both God and nature. Don't worry that you will miss fancy restaurants or museums. You won't. If you don't like to cook, and don't have a lady to cook for you, the church ladies will take GOOD care of that for you.

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I appreciate this Jennifer. I left Commifornia to go to Tennessee. I hope Joe finds what he is looking for.

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I relate with that feeling Joe. Being that those folks are so ‘cemented’, how could an agreement like this every be sustained? Like our NATO agreements?! No matter the desire for peace, it must be fought for like the USA was fought for. I just heard someone say “we are in our 1776 moment”. I think that’s true. If you really want what you said, you need to go hide somewhere and start a new life for the last phase of it. Somewhere you think you’ll be safe for the last phase of it. Not sure that place exists in a modern sense.

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Rebecca, see my comment below.

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Excellent essay. Just one criticism:

"Take just about every major public policy issue—the pandemic response, the vaccine cult, the war in Ukraine, and now the transgender cult—and note the profound irrationality of it. Common sense, reason, restraint, prudence, and circumspection—all seem to be constantly subverted by aggressive and disordered people."

You left out the mother of them all - the 'climate crisis'.

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The Father of all Lies has been working overtime...

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His time grows shorter with each passing day.

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Fauci? The father of all lies working overtime! 😱I thought he retired! 😉😗👍🙏

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Charles MacKay — 'Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one...

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Are you aware of Mattias Desmet's insights on supporting that 'one by one' process?

Summarised here: michaelwarden.substack.com/p/the-witch-the-war-and-the-virus-part

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Evil is very different from mental illness. Allowing ourselves to think of the global predators— the elite globalists as mad in some fashion disarms us and does not enable us to be appropriately shielded for battle. In contemporary times naming or considering evil has been denigrated but we need to wonder if that is purposeful to disarm us as to the true evil nature of the global elites we are up against.

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Was Dahmer mad or evil?

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To call this behavior "evil" is judgmental rather than scientific. To call the thinking that produces this behavior the "mass formation psychosis" is a scientific way of of making the same point.In my public policy research I have discovered the root cause of this psychosis. This is for the builder of a model of a physical system to mistake a "complex" system for a "non-complex." systerm. Advising those people whose actions are judged "evil" of what is wrong with their argument is a scientific way of dealing with this phenomenon.

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Hi John— perhaps it’s my Yankee ignorance— but Bedlam, in the UK was built in 1330. The Vienna Narrenturm was built in 1784 — fascinating structure!

About Bedlam: In 1247 the asylum was founded at Bishopsgate, just outside the London wall, by Simon FitzMary, former sheriff of London; it was then known as the Priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem (from which sprang the variant spellings Bedlam and Bethlem). Bedlam was mentioned as a hospital in 1329, and some permanent patients were accommodated there by 1403. In 1547 it was granted by Henry VIII to the City of London as a hospital for the mentally ill. It subsequently became infamous for the brutal ill treatment meted out to its patients.

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As has always been the case, the actual mentally ill are not so much the problem, it's the 'normal' people roaming free who you have to worry about. They are many and will indulge any opportunity to express their insanity and satiate their sadistic impulses under the guise of 'care in the community' or 'the greater good'.

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Call evil what it is. Don't beat around the bush. Evil is not a sickness.

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An interesting statement ...evil is not a disease. These days evil does a pretty good job of masquerading as disease,dysphoria, overpopulation, SAFETY & SECURITY, MAPs, (insert latest buzzword).

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No, evil is not a disease and that hit me about a year ago and since then I don't call all the bad things that are happening, "sick" or "crazy." When I said those evil things were "crazy" I was actually helping the evil remain incognito. Expose it.

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The work done by Dr. Iain McGilchrist explores the mental state of our current culture in his first book The Master and His Emissary and most recent The Matter With Things. We are operating with right hemisphere deficiencies which explains so much of this seemingly mentally ill general society. Check out his work.

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Some Inmates have more decency, respect, proper values then Canadian government.

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Criminal sociopaths installed themselves in the executive branch, which of course became apparent the minute vote counting stopped in states which were about to determine a presidential election (Joe is just a pitiful puppet, obviously). Mentally healthy individuals don't abuse the people of an entire nation and trash the most fundamental law underpinning their society. They are utterly self centered, deceitful, manipulative and vicious; lacking empathy or a sense of guilt. Yes, sociopathic lunatics.

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True. But you forgot the climate scam.

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I think you hit the nail on the head with this one, and I might even go a bit further....perhaps not just the mentally unwell, and the immoral are "running the show" in high places of government and financial power, but what if the actually "evil" are doing so as well?

What if there are individuals who derive pleasure from the suffering and deaths of others? Those who start wars unnecessarily, knowing that the result will be a blood-bath of innocent civilians, children, women and elderly? And enjoy knowing they have created this human suffering and death?

I personally believe we, those of us "normal," with empathy and conscience, need to contemplate the opposite.

That this is a real possibility in our world. And that the rest of us don't perceive what is really happening because we cannot comprehend that it is even conceivable, much less actually happening around us!

Whether true or not, it's obvious that those making decisions for us are neither competent or compassionate. And we must make our choices ourselves, without the interference of those who are not responsible, not able, not moral. That I do know, for certain!

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