Perhaps the people in charge of the WHO, CDC, FDA have been studying Greet Vanden Bosche’s (GVB) inescapable immune escape book and are starting to think it’s looking like he is on the right track. Easier for them to hype a new pandemic than have to explain that their mRNA shot backfired resulting in a massively worse problem than the original lab leak.

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Yes I agree. I think they may have decided a new 'pandemic' will be needed to hide the emerging torrent of Covid vaxx injuries.

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The M.R,N.A..., is being put in F,0.0,D..... D0 this N0W........ t.co/vKo7R4ntQj

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It doesn't have anything to do with what they think it's needed. The " tsunami of severe ilnesses and deaths" it's coming in every single highly vaccinated country, whether they like it or not. The virus is way beyond their control now. And no matter what they do they can't control it anymore. Unless...unless they mandate ivermectin for everyone. Imagine that! My bet is that that's going to happen in the end.

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It didn’t backfire, it was all intentional. Kill some with a plandemic, kill more with a bioweapon, kill yet more with a worse disease released around the time the WHO treaty takes effect. Viola! Total world control with a depopulation bonus. This is their agenda. Nothing will stop it.

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Oh, yes it will! What do you think it's going to happen when the " tsunami of severe ilnesses and deaths" will strike? Do you think people won't find out what's causing it? Can you imagine the anger of parents when they will see their loved ones dying like flies or becoming severely ill? Do you really believe they will do nothing? I highly doubt it.

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That’s already happening and very few people are fighting back. Most are succumbing to the gaslighting. Besides the system is large, wealthy, and powerful and most people are just sheeple anyway. You may think it’s a pessimistic view but I think it’s realistic. I just don’t see anyone making true progress against anything being done by the powers that be. We are on a slippery slope heading downhill fast. They own everything, including the medical industrial complex and court system. With the exception of a few people who alone don’t get far, they’re all bought.

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when all of the woke idiots are dead?? maybe we will re-emerge and have a fighting chance?

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I think there is truth in what you say, and it would be hard to dismiss it. However, unexpected surprises like " black swan events" may happen along the way. So, that's what I'm betting on. That something so unexpected will happen that will take the WHO and WEF by total surprise. And once the cat is out of the bag you can't send it back.

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Time will tell, and I don’t think it will be long. I do expect major things this year, possibly even a black swan event, but I think it will all be in the same vein. Not in our favor, certainly.

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The US government already mutilates children with transgender surgery and openly flaunts this fact with pride, and the collective population accepts this ATROCITY.

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they're doing NOTHING now....the obituaries read...'died peacefully in sleep' or 'died in car while on duty'... It is simply BS. Anyone pissed off would go postal and never shut up!

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I agree right up to your last sentence. IT MUST BE STOPPED. At all cost. This all started nefariously. END IT BRUTALLY.

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I'm afraid you are right: the only way to end this nightmare is a brutal ending. It will only end when one side capitulates completely and it's brought to its knees. I don't see any other way around. This is all in the book written by Neil Howe: " The Fourth Turning". I wonder when this man will finally muster enough courage to speak up. All the ugly things happen only in the " fourth turning", and we are in it. When does it end? It will end around 2030, give or take a few years. The book also gives excellent advice on how to prepare for this turning. I highly recommend the book.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

I'm thinking we're already in the 7yr tribulation...by 2030 Jesus returns. Was believing in a rapture, but now not so sure about that.

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Agreed. I used to be a "pre-tribber", but in the last few decades, I no longer think we will get that free pass. Scripture doesn't say that, outright; it only hints here and there. Which shifts me from pre-tribber to prepper! 😉

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the awsome thing is we're directed and protected miraculously...keep dropping truth bombs and pointing ppl toward God. The peace we carry is very visable to others, I've got to quit getting caught up in the drama and anxiety and keep focused and worshipping and in my right mind...not the emotional limbic unresolved childhood trauma mind. yes, very prepped here and bonding with neighbors believers or not...some unbelievers (stubborn) are paying attention though

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That sounds intriguing. I vaguely recall hearing about it and I may purchase it. I have a biblical world view that makes sense of what I see happening, as it’s all in there. I’d like to see how that author’s view matches up. Thank you for sharing.

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That would be nice but I’m not holding my breath.

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In case anyone needs help getting up to speed with GVB’s work, I made a nice little collection of pertinent links here:


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Thank you for putting this collection together. Now I can send it to everyone.

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I just put together some information on heart attacks and women (including a first person account by a woman who described on the radio her harrowing story in which she miraculously survived pretty much unscathed a coronary vessel dissection) at this link:


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You’re welcome. I added another Dr. McMillan link to the top of the “Disease X” section (and there’s a Kamala parody video there too!).

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I would say it's not a " perhaps, but rather a sure thing. I have no doubts that they know perfectly well what Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has been predicting. Therefore, they are already preparing for the big " tsunami of severe ilnesses and deaths" coming our way. They will try " to sell it" as a brand new pandemic, but it won't work this time. We have Twitter now, and everyone will find out what's the cause of that " disease X" that they are talking about. And on top of that how will they explain to the population that is only the vaccinated ones dying and the unvaccinated ones are just fine?

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Their first Experiment wasn't big enough. The peckertracks want to do over. Bigger. Worse. I say hunt those DEVIANTS down and EXTERMINATE them.

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If their goal was to depopulate the planet, then it's clear that they completely failed! How many people died percentage wise out of 8 billions? In percentages, is insignificant. But if I'm wrong, please correct me. Maybe their secret plan is coming next. This delusional mass vaccination is the " greatest gain of function" ever done on human species. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche said that. Maybe that's their end goal, and their plan B. Perhaps this is why plan A looks like a failure.

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Thanks liked your take on this issue.

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It's a lab release, not a leak. A leak is accidental.

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Agree. They didn’t engineer a virus & a trillion $ “vaccine” & then hope for a leak one day..,

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I am looking for a better paying job. Perhaps hunting down PLANDEMIC DEVIANTS would pay better than making gun parts or bomb parts...

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Ooo! I *like* it! Han Solo, plandemic bounty hunter!

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Brand X well let’s hope not everyone is fooled this time! Close the damn labs everyone of them everywhere! Cut all ties with the who and splinter the WEF into 10,000 pieces. Sell their lear jets and donate that money to all harmed in any way by their poison.,

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Problem WHO treaty due to be signed -190 countries have submitted to WHO takeover during Covid plandemic few if any are refusing to sign this next treaty. We are no longer sovereign nations. Sign this treaty and life as we once new it is over. Check out Roguski’s substack sign petition now to try to stop the treaty.

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The US is notorious for breaking treaties. That's one hope 🤞

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Well let’s pray for divine intervention.

They have till November 24 to wrangle their new brand X sequel to covid 19.

Pushbacks we need to all be German farmers shut down the whole corrupt Washington DC and have them bend a knee to the people they are supposed to serve. WHOs Next?

Well controlled demolition is in full swing.

Can count in our illegitimate leaders to

Do everything in their power to have this

Stupid idea a reality.

Gonna need more than signatures

Me thinks. They respect no citizen, &

Have every reason to be terrified of what’s coming to them.

Hoping we can make them eat their own poison ☠️ and sell their lear jets to help in the assistance of all those poisoned by

The last fuckery.

Hangings are in order!

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Don’t stop with just the Lear jets! These cretins have all criminally enriched themselves in the process: let ALL of their ill-gotten gains be seized and redistributed amongst their victims!

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In 2009 Baric wrote an article showing the Hydroxychloroquine was effective against SARS-1. Hence the attacks on hydroxychloroquine started in 2019.

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Yes. Dr. Zelenko, RIP, found that article.

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Right. In October 2019, France's Health Minister removed HCQ from the ministry's list of safe Rx.

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Where did the French people bury him?

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The French Minister of Health was actually a woman, Agnes Buzyn, who then declared HCQ to be a poison. Her husband, Dr. Yves Levy & Dr. Didier Raoult are not on good terms. Dr. Didier, you may recall, was successfully treating patients with covid with HCQ & Azithromycin. Dr. Levy is involved with vaccine development, hence the need to disparage Dr. Didier & HCQ.

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That piece of shit probably commissioned the building of the Wuhan Institute of Virology building personally. France, Ifvyou haven't already killed that piece of shit, get busy.

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John, you are very much on track. Here is one source of information in an article from 3/24/2020...https://en.reseauinternational.net/conflit-dinterets-autour-du-coronavirus-agnes-buzyn-vs-didier-raoult/

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Yep, and Rick Bright of BARDA told Trump that the FDA would not allow a distribution of the hydroxychloroquine Trump purchased to any people outside of hospitals.

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I was already taking it for another purpose so was protected. When I stopped taking it I kept some on hand. When I got it in 2021 I treated myself using Dr Z’s protocol and stayed away from the medical industrial complex.

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I read the government even destroyed some stockpiles of Hydroxychloroquine.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

Yes. Trump ordered hydroxychloroquine stockpiles on Dr. Zelenko's advice. The hydroxychloroquine arrived. Trump issued an EO, as Dr. Zelenko suggested he do, to allow doctors to give it to their outpatients. Rick Bright of BARDA, however, intervened and told Trump that the FDA would only allow it to be given to patients in hospitals, which was usually too late for the hydroxychloroquine to work.

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Based on that, BARDA members should all be HUNG PUBLICALLY.

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Scum did that.

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Not sure if you saw this recent substack article by Dr. Meryl Nass re: HCQ...https://merylnass.substack.com/p/here-is-the-evidence-from-2004-2014

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Excellent. I like. It earlier, but you inspired me to read it again and comment.

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Well, I do remember Gates saying; " the next one will get attention" ArrestBillGates. A terrorist and an extortioner.


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Full immunity given to Gates by WHO he ain’t no victim.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

Members of the WHO are overdue for sentencing for Crimes Against Humanity.

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More good news: Chinese Researchers Engineer Deadly Coronavirus Strain Targeting the Brain and 100% Kill Rate in Mice, Acknowledge Potential Human Spillover Risk | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft, 1-16-24


They’re going to do something. It’s amazing how this comes out right after POTUS45’s Iowa Caucus win. Is this going to be another cheat repeat like 2020? I guarantee it won’t be. This just cannot be allowed to happen again.

One of the only religious leaders I know of who has been telling the truth for years:

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Shares Powerful Message He Sent to Participants of “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International” Meeting | The Gateway Pundit | by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 1-16-24


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Thank you for posting a link to Vigano! He is a truth teller and an enemy of the globalists. He has written at least two letters to president Trump encouraging him to continue his fight against globalism and to protect the constitution. I believe he is or was in hiding but he does post on Twitter/x. He is a true hero.

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You’re welcome. I actually snapshotted some of his letters. They’re long, though, and I don’t know if I have the links. I’ll look when I have the opportunity.

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Archbishop Vigano is a heroic truth teller. Anyone in the medical freedom movement, Catholic or not, ought to be reading his letters.

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Noel Yuhari just did an interview saying Trump will likely win and he will be the "death blow" to the "global order" and people shouldn't be patriotic but rather loyal to the globalists.

They're not going to allow us another election.

Send all our depleted troops overseas. Induce a new pandemic (in city centers rampant with 5G)

Allow these fighting age men from the border who coincidentally happen to be here rights to citizenship if they act as flying monkeys of the UN Peacekeepers in our uniforms.

Grid goes down. Chaos ensues. The purge and every man for himself. When it comes back up you're only allowed access to society with digital ID so we know you're not spreading it.

I think I covered everything. See yall at C0nvid camp

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Here’s another short clip from Dom Lucre re 4th PSYOP Group: https://truthsocial.com/@Shroomxyz/110811676624317352

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We can’t have another stolen election anyway. When POTUS45 talks about the 2024 election, he’s talking about a fair election that’s going to be conducted “after” we take our country back. We’ll have the opportunity to vote for him or anyone we choose, although I think we all know who we’ll be voting for. We could never continue forward without draining the swamp. I have faith that we and other Patriotic allies are in this together. May the best plan win. My sister sent me this link from Dom Lucre at X, and it’s a video by the U.S. Army 4th PSYOP Group. Just copy and paste the url in your browser. (Ghosts in the Machine). https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1745617587721908669?s=12. I have a few more videos somewhere I’ll try and find. Just want to throw a little hope your way. We are busy behind the scenes. Just be as prepared as you can be. It’s definitely going to happen this year. POTUS45 read the poem, “The Snake,” and he said, “Get ready, get ready.” Our Vets and others like them are very astute. They speak the same language. He was sending them a message.

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It was intentional before and it will be intentional again. Heads must roll.

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Targets the brain, and might make a good excuse for prions formed by the mRNA shots... Neurological demise explained away by this, seemingly deliberate, brain targetting covid research on nice?


Just trying to think how you might if a member of the WEF/WHO inner circle ... Talk about dangerous deadly research, but keep it in the background as we discuss potential Disease X... Then as the mRNA injuries mount up, blame a dangerous covid mutant, or even better this mouse brain covid disease has escaped...??

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I just had surgery, and since the hospitals are allowed to use vaxxed blood (I don’t even think they’re testing for HIV blood anymore), I was so afraid they would give me a transfusion. They didn’t murder me this time. It’s hell trying to stay alive nowadays.

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Thank God you didn't need the transfusion... It has been something I dread too, I can understand your extreme anxiety ... Thankful you got through without needing a transfusion, wishing you a speedy recovery too 🙏

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Thank you so much for your kind words!

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Q. How TF can Turdos Adhominem Beejayzus who has never been an MD of any variety be running the global scam that is the WHO? Who exactly voted for him? I don't recall ever being asked to place my X on any ballot form.

You know what the answer is. I know what the answer is..... He's a WEF sock puppet shill. A 3rd world chancer who is getting minted doing the bidding of Soros, Gates and Schwab.

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Gates hand picked him

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Just like he hand picked Fauci.

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It's the bean counters who will be running it, not doctors.

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He is the “former” leader of a terrorist group. Look it up.

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Just by coincidence(!), I hit this article today (Jan 16) on Newsmax titled "Despite Known Risks, Chinese Scientists Develop New Lethal Coronavirus". 100% lethal over 8 days in mice. Biosecurity of lab unknown!

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I saw that. What is wrong with these people?

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It’s Just Pure Evil What Lucifer’s Worker Bee’s are Doing. I Think God has a special place for all who indulge in Murder & Greed and Sin. Since they are Sinister.

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If they do not repent of those sins, then, yes, the "special place" is hell.

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Chemtrails can deliver anything

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The Satanic World Health Organization plans to own and control everything and everyone on earth. Use the above websites to oppose hell on earth!

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Hanging would be too good for these characters.

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And don’t forget in that timeline that Trump signed EO 13887 on Sept 19, 2019, fast-tracking the vaccine technology for the upcoming fake pandemic. Can’t have been a coincidence.

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I read somewhere (cannot find it now) that also around 12 September 2019 when WIV database went offline, that the ventilation system in that lab was changed, and so was the management, with military moving in. It would be great if you are able to confirm/refute this.

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Covid was such a success for psychological mind control, they are likely to do another one locking you down even more.

A great program for complete control fostered by technology.

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They already built the the SARS-Cov-2 bioweapon and fired it on us. They already fired the so-called "vaccine" gene transfection bioweapon on us. We are dealing with psychopaths.

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