Not one American should die for Ukraine’s territorial integrity since the U.S. over the past 3 decades have absolutely provoked this war with Russia through diplomatic chicanery! Best authority on this is Jeffrey Sachs—his recent interview with Tucker Carlson was a literal tour de force of the time period I cite above. Note to the reader: I am an American armed forces veteran of the Cold War era.

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Absolutely agree with this. You're not dying for Ukraine by supporting the war, you're dying for a bunch of western elites who lust for power and domination of the world, by trying to weaken any perceived threats to their domination. Oh, and they also like to make billions selling weapons.

The Ukrainian men dying in this war are just pawns in their game. They don't care about Ukraine's "freedom" or any such thing. Don't buy the emotional drivel they use to sell their war games.

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too bad you have everything in place (guns & the second) - and you just keep "protesting"

not what the founding fathers had in mind (when they wrote Second Amendment)

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How about instead of insulting a person who served his country in the most dangerous time in American history and was willing to sacrifice their own life for yours, why don’t you tell us what you’re doing to help stop this insanity? Are you even “protesting” or do you just insult those of us that do? You have the same “guns and second” to use as the forefathers had intended them to be used. And yet you sit in front of a screen and insult the ones who have already protected your sorry a**. Grow TF up.

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"Calin's Substack" literally has NO content, LOL!....no need to let the trolls trigger you, brother....stay safe out there in Montana!....Molon Labe, right?....etc.,....

God Bless you....

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I wasn’t triggered, although it’s not like I’ve never been.

No, Substack is and should be a place for meaningful discussion, even if we don’t see eye to eye.

I’m sick of brainless idiots who have nothing better to do than insult people who have actually done something with their lives, rather than sitting on their fat asses trying to bring people down to their meaningless level of ignorant stupidity. I’ll call out the thin skinned cowards every time.

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"When they trigger you, they win"....that's more along the lines of what I was gettin at....

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Can we just down-vote this troll? Unfortunately not. Slanted playing field in here...

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Jeffrey Sachs is quite reliable on this. This short interview with Piers Morgan (~5 min), summarizes the whole conflict nicely:


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Thank you so much for your service!

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one american journalist already has without comment from the current administration

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No. I am not.

I have little regard for the EU or NATO.

UKRAINE is FJB'S war and a money laundering machine for the 🫏 party and the military industrial initiative.

I saw the dark side of the world in Vietnam in 1966-67.

This will be much worse.

Peace in the Middle East, Joe, but not the Ukraine? WTF?

I am betting on Putin.

From the beach....


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It's a republican money laundering operation as well. I just want it to be clear that both sides have a hand in this. Both sides keep enthusiastically voting for more money going there despite American citizens saying they want the conflict to stop.

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Justin - Red or Blue, Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, Elephant or Donkey - it does not matter. They are ALL in on it with a few true statesmen such as Rand Paul exceptions. Our Government has become corrupted - top to bottom. They won't stop until they are stopped and Putin/China and now even Saudia Arabia are coming together against U.S. hegemony and hubris. Going to be ugly I believe

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Spot on!

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As Jack Pasobiec pointed out the other day during an interview by Alex Jones, Lord Ismay, the first secretary general of NATO, said "“The purpose of the NATO alliance is to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” Working like a charm with respect to Germany, especially with the U.S. sabotage of Germany's natural gas supply from Russia.

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That was a 1949 quote and has little to do with today's geopolitics. As someone who faced the Soviets (Russian) across the Fulda gap I would suggest NATO was a necessary alliance. The US was the dominant partner because no European nation had the strength or the will to oppose to Russian expansion. Putin sees Europe in general, and former Soviet states specifically, as Russia's fiefdom. NATO did NOT keep Germany down. US support for Germany allowed to become the powerhouse of Europe. Putin's whining about NATO expansion, as his neo-nazi accusation, was nothing more than a red herring to justify what he was going to do anyway. A a student of history he is well aware that nations with multi party governments are slow to act. Russia has a managed multiparty system dominated by United Russia with 70% of the Duma seats where the executive creates and manipulates parties, excluding those it cannot control.

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I haven't seen a shred of evidence that Russia is looking to expand its empire. When the Soviet Union fell, many countries left the fold (Georgia, most of the "stan" countries, etc). I haven't seen any military attempts to force them back.

It only takes less than half an hour of research to find out that it was mainly the pull by the USA to get Ukraine into Nato, that was one of the main causes of the Russians entering into war with Ukraine. The other cause was the aggression by the Ukraine government against the predominantly Russian-descent peoples in the Donbas areas who didn't want to go along with their love affair with the west.

There could have been peace, and it wouldn't have been that hard.

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The greed for Bioweapon investment and stock options have driven the Ukrainian War. When the test subjects are the Russian speaking areas, and even into Russia, how long would anyone just take that? People like Lindsey Graham who immediately panicked and called for the assassination of Russia’s leader Putin, should be thoroughly investigated for his part and gain in the destruction of so many lives and the bankruptcy of American people. He is a world class Traitor, imo. What does he care, or any of Biden’s scurrilous family? When will there be a War Commission to take care of the Opportunist Blackmailing Zelensky, the above mentioned investors, including any and all Congressional Inside Traders with their dirty hands and filthy Conflict of Interest overlooking the cost of human life, wasted resources and NATO’s bullying tactics to Russia, who should be our biggest ally. Instead, we get the half-brained derelicts, including the Globalist Garbage who think their money make them intelligent and leaders by default.

In addition, anyone using the term ‘Biden and Harris’ Border Policies’ needs their head examined. Their invasion of America, like their shots and test swabs, were intentional violations of American established law for safety and sovereignty, Voter Fraud Treason to establish a one-party system, which after the engineered chaos would segue into the Final Authoritarian Solution and the largest crimes against Humanity, to date.

Act accordingly.

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Very well said!

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Don't forget Russia's need for access to Crimea, & their Black Sea Fleet....

MSM never mentions that....

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"Putin sees Europe in general, and former Soviet states specifically, as Russia's fiefdom. "

Guess that’s why Putin has been invading countries right and left after the USSR collapsed.

Lol….you might want to stop listening to American state news because they just brainwash people to spout government propaganda.

As for the Nazis in Ukraine…yeah they are real.

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NATO, a necessary alliance? You need to do some serious investigation into history and what the REAL story is and has been for the last 100+ years.

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How about a few facts to start our research from, Liz????....

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I suggest you find out the "real story".

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I suggest YOU tell US, and stop playing head-games and word-games, dude....

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I suggest that YOU tell US, and stop playing head-games and word-games, dude....

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Sep 16Edited

I don't think anyone would minimize the danger from Stalin, though oddly, just four years prior to 1949, the necessary alliance for FDR and Churchill was with Uncle Joe himself, a leader at least as murderous as Hitler. But Ismay was a senior military advisor to Churchill, and the British enmity for Germany dated at least to 1914 if not earlier.

From what I read, WWI was stalemated in 1916 and a peace agreement was possible, but opposed by the British, who continued a starvation blockage of Germany for years after the eventual 1918 armistice. The Versailles treaty then carved off parts of Germany and delivered them to its neighbors, while imposing all the costs of the war on Germany, assuring, as Keynes wrote in 1921, a renewed war.

Sure enough, the people of German areas given to Poland and elsewhere wanted back with Germany, and while that could have been agreed, Britain and France objected, guaranteeing Poland's borders. Our future friend Uncle Joe then signed a nonaggression pact with Hitler, and the two then invaded and and split up Poland. Britain and France then declared war on Germany--but not the Soviet Union!--and WW2 was underway. After Dunkirk, Hitler again offered peace, but Churchill rejected it.

At war's end, with the U.S. having essentially displaced Britain as a world power, FDR's Treasury Secretary proposed a plan, the Morgenthau Plan, to permanently weaken Germany. An investigation by Herbert Hoover concluded the plan was unworkable, and would result in up to 25 million Germans dying from starvation. So officially the plan was supplanted by the Marshall Plan, though elements of the government remained committed to revenge. See the incredible documentary The Savage Peace regarding mistreatment of German civilians after the peace.

That the German government was willing to ignore the destruction of their low-cost natural gas supply, and the resultant weakening of their economy, suggests that they remain occupied U.S. territory.

Regarding Putin's whining about NATO expansion, perhaps G.H.W. Bush shouldn't have promised NATO would never move east. How would we feel about Russian or Chinese nukes in Manitoba or Ontario? Why was the U.S. concerned when the Soviets put missiles in Cuba? Plus, it wasn't Putin or Xi that forcibly vaxxed the West with a dangerous experimental mRNA vaccine--it was our own treasonous Dear Leaders. The enemy is inside the gates.

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Or Israel? These people would rather immolate, incinerate and irradiate every person (including their illegals) in the United States than allow Donald Trump to be President.

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Indeed! Second smartest guy in the world has posted (on Substack) numerous miraculous cases using the Tippens protocol, a combo of ivermectin and vitamins. I'm saving all his posts

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Fenbendazole is important as well. It is good to fight long COVID too.

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As important as these experimental protocols, changing your diet is crucial too. Completely removing sugar is imperative. My sibling is going to beat pancreatic cancer with the help of God, family, friends, diet and IVM protocol. 🙏

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Wishing your sibling the very best.

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You may wish to look into the FenBen protocol, which Ivermectin is taken with. Start by looking up Joe Tippens story.

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Urine therapy, including long-term fasting for serious cases, has saved thousands of lives from 'terminal' diseases including cancer.

Bit more info here:




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Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for sharing!

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I don't care a hoot what happens to Ukraine.

The whole thing is bizarre and never made sense.

It's apparent, Kerry, PELOSI, Biden, and Clintons were monetarily involved in Ukraine way before they pulled us into the fray. Trafficking is my worry.

Zelensky was making bimonthly trips to the Whitehouse....duh! What happened?

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Money laundering

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Let's not forget that much of the power in Ukraine is with actual Nazis who revere an antisemitic war criminal.

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If Zelenskyy's wife can go on a shopping spree in Paris, within the first 2 year of the "war", their NATO buddy bureaucrats wouldn't be worse off.

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America's Globalist's Banker's unending wars continue infinitum...I fought in Vietnam, I was young, idealistic, impressionable, I believed in democracy and freedom and I also believed everything my government said to me, I was naive, now I am older and wiser and I see the deception and lies, I see nothing has changed...

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Agree with one add - all the corruption, deceptions, and lies are accelerating at warp speed. And, the Feds are printing money like it is confetti. America is swirling the drain.

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Thank you for your service. Unfortunately, Vietnam Nam was just another (in a line of many/all) DS globalist, cartel babylon, central bankers psyops -- none of which had anything to do with their "stated" purpose. No better time than the present for the world to wake up to the heinous lies, grifting, propaganda and agenda(s). Nothing is as it seems or as we think we know it. Not one thing we've been "taught" or "told" is real or true... about anything, including "war".

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It’s amazing how much we’ve learned over the years. We’d need much months to explain everything.

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Thank you and your family for all your sacrifices! ❤️

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"Shortly after 9/11, I heard numerous politicians saying things like, 'We never imagined that our enemies would use passenger planes like missiles to attack our buildings.'"

John, I think it bears restating that this above statement was a total fabrication from our leaders Look up any good 911 researcher such as James Corbett and they will bring this out into the light—there were military exercises created around this very scenerio.

Agreed, this nation is attempting to start WWIII and its not unintentional but designed to create enough chaos to launch a global government.

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Lol…it was America’s idea to fly passenger planes into buildings. Intelligence agencies and some folks in the pentagon took the plan to Kennedy who just walked out on them.

Operation Northwoods?

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Not to mention Hollywood foreshadowing of a plane going into the WTC that summer and U.S. military hijacking exercises going on THAT day to confuse any response, with a baffled air traffic controller (one of many, reportedly) asking "Is this real-world or exercise?" Amazing how Osama tricked Dick F'ing Cheney into doing that!

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How will a nuclear war help their global govt? Electronics will be fried, all data they might have on us destroyed, and the survivors will be uncontrollable.

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I think we’re going to learn a lot more about 9-11 in the future. I’ve even heard POTUS45 say so.

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Corbett’s Report, among many other sources, has shown that 9/11 was self-inflicted. I view the war in Ukraine as another self-inflicted tragedy. Self-interest,

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....as regards 09/11, NOTHING Trump says should be taken seriously....that's all I'm saying....

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Yes. The planes were flown on autopilot and not flown by the hijacers.

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No planes….explosives.

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Well…explosives (likely also involved) or not, actual planes did make contact with the buildings and the ground. And while we honor the dead, and the heros, they are chortling behind our backs on their success in misleading the masses. They “sacrificed” people/families to the devil for personal financial gain.

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Sorry, Danielle, but there was NO plane crash in PA that day....

What hit the Pentagon was most likely a cruise missile....

Remember "Building 7"....

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Where did Pennsylvania plane debris go?

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This is about dying for Black Rock not Ukraine.

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Blackrock, WEF, British "royalty," Ukraine--same globalist criminal gang.

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Vote for Harris/Walz = your kids and grandkids will be drafted and die on that sh*thole battlefield.

Your choice.

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🇺🇸Trump 2024 to save America🇺🇸

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I believe this is total truth

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Surely John, even you know 9/11 was an inside job. Now we have blinken and nato, aggravating the living daylights out of president Putin..not the first time. Honestly it is as if nato and blinken, would love a war. Does anyone know why?

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Not ready to die or send more $ for Palestinian genocide either

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The Neocons must be removed from government, and I suggest also jailed. Have they won any conflict? Has a member of your family died or been injured for a justified reason? Nope, these conflicts are always started by Neocons going back to Korea, and they have all been disasters. These people are deeply flawed and come from both political parties. They now control the Administration and have been the major players trying to remove Trump when he was in office. They are now working to keep him out because he refuses to go to war, their stupid wars. This same group killed Kennedy, and now it looks like it orchestrated the assignation of Trump. We must remove these people.

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Sorry to hear about your friend John… but if we all think this is the be all on this earth most have missed the boat on befriending consciousness. We are spiritual beings that borrowed a physical dress up costume to play the many roles the world illusion labels us with. We grasp onto life as if we are to expect immortality in the flesh… yet we are all more than just the physical. If we can learn to walk away from world illusions and FEAR (false evidence appearing real) and know all we have is this moment and the future is what we manifest in our consciousness… more people would want to keep their consciousness clean from world mind or distraction! Put more time into living this moment and meditate on the fact there aren’t what if’s, but only WHAT IS!

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I respectfully disagree. We can’t imagine ourselves into peace. We have to work to attain it, and sometimes work looks like a fight. I will stand against the evil of this world and trust God to accomplish His will. The spiritual is certainly more important than the physical, but God created us in His image (spiritually), and sent His Son, Jesus, to be born in human (physical) form on earth, to live a perfect (holy) life, so that He (Jesus) could sacrifice His life on our behalf giving all of humanity (physical beings) the ability to choose (mind/thought) to trust Him or deny Him (our spiritual Father/creator-God). Body/Soul/Spirit- 3 parts of our being, in the image of God who gave all for us. Choose you this day….who will you serve; as for me and my house, we will serve God (paraphrase of Joshua 24:15–the Holy Bible)

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You speak to minds, supposedly rational, with great heart my friend… words as they are meant to be written,

Creating the pause that reflects the light

In the darkness

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NO , nor my 2 sons .

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