Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Right. I think it’s extremely important to point out that not everyone exhibits symptoms of damage and perhaps might never be damaged by the shots.

Whenever I’ve said this it triggers anger from anti vaxxers who are absolutely certain doom awaits all that were stupid enough to roll up their sleeves.

Another thing I’ve tried to point out that is met with derision is you do not have to focus solely on shot damage to come up with lots of reasons why compliance was ignorant and dangerous. Tons of low hanging fruit.

But nobody wants to hear it. I think covid dissenters are so laser focused on the shots they miss the complete picture. I think they’re being led with blinders on.

Even if you think the damage via injections is intentional it makes sense that to retain deniability they’d have built-in inconsistencies to scatter attention from a single point of failure.

It’s important for the purveyors to have a portion of the vaxxed insisting they complied and are fine. While this may actually be true there are lots of other reasons why compliance was severely damaging to society that reaches far beyond damage by the injections.

While the new age Knights of Globalism pick off swaths with longbows the resistance ignores their broadswords, mace, battle axe, quarter staff, rapiers, slings and catapults. The injections are not their sole armaments. Wake up to that fact or be destroyed.

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These pharma companies are smart ass deceivers.

If all the vials were the same, they knew the incidence of debilitating adverse effects would be overwhelming.

This is why they sent phony vials with a concoction that was not a vaccine mixed in with the experimental mRNA vials.

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Thank-you Dr. McCullough for continuing to educate all who seek the truth.


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Don’t forget that at a 30% placebo-like rate per injection, the odds of escaping unscathed are 9% with two injections, 3% with three injections, and 1% with four injections. I hope I’m wrong. Please change my mind.

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Dr. McCullough...I came across this article yesterday, written by a Canadian dentist, Howard Tenenbaum, DDS, PhD, & his proposal for treating myocarditis. I found it to be very interesting & thought you would be interested in reading it too. His abstract, dated 10/24/23 , is at the bottom.....https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/exclusive-research-bombshell-possible

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I just today heard from one of my bowling team members (female, early to mid-70s) that she took the COVID booster earlier in the week, had a terribly sore arm and felt so bad the next day she couldn't get out of bed. She said "I don't think I'm getting another of those shots." I'm thinking she may not be alive long enough for the next "booster." Wonderful, friendly, funny lady. I've added her to my prayer list.

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Thank you so much, my son was mandated to take the injection for college in 2021, and I want him to start the protocol but wasn’t sure if he needed it. I am definitely going to do some asking regarding the side effects he experienced days and weeks following ...he had EBV/mono in spring with elevated liver enzymes, but the doctor never thought it could be related. Thanks you for being such a voice of reason, we so appreciate all you do!

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Asking whether someone had pain in their arm after their vax might be a good indication of issues to come. My question to Dr. McCullough would be, if they respond yes, they did have arm pain, then what do you advise in order to ward off any further heart problems (or worse)?? I ask because this might be a good question to ask loved ones or friends…..

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