What would we be looking for on the ECG? The problem is at least in NY us PCP's are asked to "clear" these kids for sports. When they are unvaccinated for covid I am relieved as I know that medicine but when they have the covid vaccine on board it's a different story. As I am not a pediatric cardiologist my choices are getting an in office ECG and possibly missing something with my read or sending the kid to a pediatric cardiologist who all now have very long wait times for new patient visits to get them "cleared" to participate in sports. This often results in delays in them starting their sports schedule. Parents are looking for answers. I have young athletes in high school and college asking me if they are going to die as they are seeing what is happening in the athletic world all around them. I am at a loss as very few medical professionals will stand up and do what is right including documenting increased risk because of the covid vaccine being on board and doing the appropriate testing to look for problems. And the responsibility will fall back on us family practice professionals with lawsuits directed at us no doubt because we "cleared" them to play and they dropped dead on the field.

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See the possibility of using MCG as a screening tool . I am finding it slow going when asking if this AI technology can give us a signature of myocarditis??


premier heart Dr Joseph Shen

Dom Costabile DO preserving-wellness.com

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the only way to know is to do a cardiac MRI which is closest thing we have to identifying cardiac damage from the spike protein. EKG alone is not useful at all unless a clear evidence of scar is noted due to R wave morphology. But I, the lowly heart surgeons, defers to the cardiologist - actually electrophysiologist for a more definitive advice. One thing for sure. Every sports venue in America needs an AED on the wall and the entire athletic staff needs BLS.

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The question of "What would we be looking for on the ECG?" is addressed by the so-called "Problem of Induction." The problem is of how, in a logically permissible way, to select the set of inferences that will be made by the induced model about the conditional outcomes of the events of the future for a physical system from a larger set of possibilities. Conformity to the rule that the induced model represents all of the available information but no more solves this problem. However, conformity to this rule is not the way in which the set of inferences that are made by the COVID models were selected in the past. Instead, they were selected through usage of the intuitive rules of thumb called "heuristics." However, on each occasion in which a particular heuristic selected a particular set of inferences for being made, a different heuristic selected a different set of inferences for being made. In this way, the method of heuristics falsified the Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC)). The LNC is among Aristotle's three Laws of Thought.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, CA



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This is probably the most important issue since the discovery of vaxx damage. How to medically diagnosis and then how to decide. Even if there is a pre-vaxx to post-vaxx cardiac difference is it significant and what advice to give. If a kid pre-vaxx is a five star prospect what does the vaxx do to that prospect if something is found. Do you live life to the fullest or do you suddenly change life’s course. Bronny James just might be one relevant example regardless of his supposed congenital heart defect - he still was vaxxed.

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Great idea - if only we had health systems who wanted the truth to get out.

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health systems don't want the truth out.

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Then get those in denial, willing to even be screened. That will be the hurdle for my sons.

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I've been taking beta blockers for 20 years. I wonder if their blocking the uptake of adrenaline would help?

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Can anyone with MCG experience answer the question of using the functional digital data driven AI in the form of computational informatics, provide a signature of myocarditis in young previously healthy subjects?? Or is their a pattern of myocardial inflammation, spike induced?? We are aware 51% of cases are asymptomatic. Anyone aware of the data using Multifunctional Cardiography MCG, FDA approved cpt code 0206T.

Dom Costabile preserving-wellness.com

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I have a question. It seems raised adrenaline causes the heart attack. Are we safe from the adrenaline used in dental freezing?

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Having and AED at every sporting event should be a must. The question of before and after ECGs is filled with all kinds of concerns- delays, costs and most of all are the measurements comparable to each other. Better than a shot in the dark, no pun intended, but needs a lot of testing and worst of all the diagnostic ties.

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In the development of the algorithm, the mistake must not be made of assuming a "complex" physical system to be a "non-complex" one. This mistake is commonly made in the construction of epidemiological models. Conformity to the rule that the induced model represents all of the available information but no more works successfully regardless of whether the physical system is "complex" or "non-complex." Details on how to conform to this rule are presented in the book entitled "Multivariate Statistical Modelling" by the late theoretical physicist Ronald Christensen. Contact me for help, if needed.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, CA



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No, it does not have to be this way. Hitch sister Socialized medicine’s Van to big brother totalitarian ideology’s wagon and eventually the wagon pulls the Van. All the rest of the fateful “good intention” protocols’ experiments only benefits the global “stake holders” complaining about the smell of the piled bodies. Doctors, not government employed DEI trained “practitioners” will have to win this war, but only if the citizen patient’s stand behind them and cast out their political usurpers.

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There was a time when I thought hospitals were the most wonderful places on earth, surviving Nam. Then I became a caregiver to the terminally diseased and realized the dysphoric relationship strain placed on medical staff by government mandated intervention, Socialized medicine. It’s a game of words and understanding the system, literally Russian roulette. Know to much without a degree and you’re out of the loop. Payment method determines treatment protocol of straight forward care, otherwise government created price rise and control makes one a burden on the system working 24/7 on the government dole of downgraded pay or care on the shoulders of what are now exhausted terminal medical staff of government “employees” of the system. Usurped scientific intuition depressed by the whims of bureaucrats of massive decisions like open borders’ tsunami’s of free healthcare and “Better call Saul” alternative. 31 + Trillion debt, degraded triple A credit rating, we have cooked the books for decades since ‘93 Clinton (D) initiated the uniparty under the Democrat banner, gutted middle American manufacturing and officially hitched America’s medical needs to Socialist/Communist interest, “for the good of all”, the mantra of every totalitarian State. Then came the 2008 Trojan horse of Medicaid to replace Medicare upon the demise of Boomers in a few more years. That’s when I began noticing and passing the grim reaper in the hallways of hospitals. Keep buying those lottery tickets for your grandkids, my Boomers.

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In other words, the government has replaced scientific knowledge by pseudoscientific knowledge in the treatment of the patients in a hospital and to the detriment of these patients.

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A well trained AI should be very accurate. Any undiagnosed abnormalities regardless if they were vaccine caused myo/pericarditis would be sufficient to refer the person for advanced screening requiring other, more invasive diagnostic tools.

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One should beware of the term "AI" as, rather than being a technical term it is a marketing term that can, an often does, lead people astray.

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Excellent paper. Thanks for sharing.

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