Hey everyone, it is perfectly normal for a man dressed up as a woman in official government garb discussing the suicidal tendencies of trans children to a minor on television, and if yoy think otherwise you are a vile, disgusting hate-filled bigot who wishes young people to live with assigned genitalia.

Also, the whole gosh danged summer is Pride now! Wave those flags and celebrate until September!

If you ask what we are celebrating you are a wretched cis gendered Nazi and the gloves come off for you.

Don't mess with Trans Rights! We are coming for your children and you cant stop us!


Have I got it down? This is where we are, right?

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You could also ask conservative Catholics, "What rite do you have to practice your religion according to tradition?!"

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Is the pope a catholic? Not the one occupying the Vatican

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I think he identified as a Catholic...

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Jesuit, false prophet. Cheist is returning. The temple is being built! Praise God.

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If you don't know or see the difference, then there is no hope for you.

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I was interpreting the comment by aldous huxtable [I love that name😁] as sarcasm, and adding another sarcastic comment relating to one of the most outrageous acts by the Biden administration, and including a pun for good measure [since I have never been able to resist puns].

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aldous huxtable’s sarcasm was obvious, yours not so much. But maybe you have to be Catholic to get it. As well as the pun.

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Sorry for the confusion, I have a dubious habit of writing to amuse myself.

Adding a non-sarcastic comment to a sarcastic comment would be like putting new wine in old wineskins (Luke 5:37).

In my comment "What rite" instead of "What right" was a reference to some Catholics who attend the Latin Rite mass (see https://www.latinritemass.net) and inspired by the FBI considering them domestic terrorists (https://www.foxnews.com/media/purported-fbi-document-suggests-agency-targeting-catholics-attend-latin-mass).

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Thank you, An Ominous.

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Horror of horrors

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This awfulness is happening because we turned our backs on God, He was taken out of everything, so now the void is being filled with satan and satanism, we did this to ourselves, now we have to fix it starting with bringing God back and honouring Him.

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One does not have to be religious to know this is true. Culturally, we have been devoid of our spirituality, as it has been fractured up and sold out to points of interests manufacturing falsehoods or controlled releases. Fiction, entertainment, giddy nonsense, convenience and instantness has weakened humans and removed them from our connection with our life source and soul.

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No offense, but huh?

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No offense taken, but I am not sure what I need to state further.

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IMHO - Aldous is saying the same thing, but from a "non-traditional religious" perspective - spirituality - as well as explaining how we got here, as it applies in a secular regard. In all cases we've traded away our morals and ethic (spiritual & secular) for Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment. In doing so we have willingly wandered astray and let others define not only what is acceptable, but what is normal - and it's all garbage, perverse and evil. Whether you believe in God, a higher spiritual power or are an atheist who believes in truth, honesty and high morals, we have collectively allowed this crumbling of our society and must shoulder the blame, in order to understand how to fix it.

Aldous, if I miss-stated that, my apologies.

I will add this - for those who've the will to fight this evil, in order to reclaim what was squandered away - you have to be realistic. We do not win this or by chance break even - in an election cycle or even a decade (or two) - this is going to take at least a generation, but probably two and YOU will not be here, to see it happen. However, it wont happen then, if you don't fight now.

This is where most people say "that long...well then what's the use...I'm going to watch netflix and order doordash???"

Which is how we - like the hundred of millions that came before us - always end up in these repeating cycles of chaos and destruction.

Before we make any progress, we will have to reject the lies of convenience, comfort and entertainment (distraction) we have wallowed in, for a century or more.

If that doesn't quite make sense, here is an example:

There is much justified gnashing of teeth and griping about Big Pharma killing us with their poisons, right???

Well the way you fight and beat them, is by taking your health back. Stop eating crap, exercise, stop drinking to excess, stop smoking, stop over eating, eat more raw one ingredient foods, drink more water, give up fast and processed foods...you know all the stuff no one likes to do. It's so much easier to just take a shot, pill.

This applies to anyone - will doing this cure you...maybe not, but it will - without a doubt - improve your health on some level, no matter what is wrong with you. But this is where you get those nay sayers - "if it won't cure me then why do it...it's too hard...it cost too much...".

Excuses, apathy and laziness will always result, in a world like we are living in today. The orchestrators of these legacy attacks and agendas know this and count on it. In case you missed it, they have been doing this to us and we have been letting them, for thousands of years. They know us (the masses) better than we know ourselves or them.

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🌟 Beautiful 🌟

It is an honor to be understood with these words.

Edit: user name checks out 👍

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Thank you sir!!

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Nailed it.

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it's been the same since the beginning of time....no worse, just like our current division pales in comparison to during the 10 years leading up to and after the civil war. I read about that this morning and it gave me some comfort. There is nothing new under the sun, choose God's way for life or freely choose to go down as a fool with satan.

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Even an atheist can understand the insanity here. It is not sufficient to blame lack of faith in God., IMO.

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Correct! But he's returning! The temple is being re-built. Agenda 2030 is the other side which will ultimately glorify God. EVERYONE will bow to God.

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The entire past three years has been a horror show, and what is perhaps the most horrifying of all is that millions of Americans have and continue to stare right into the face of that horror and see a nothing-burger. “O Judgment ! Thou art fled to brutish beasts, and men have lost their reason !” William Shakespeare, from Julius Caesar.

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The overall program is to reduce the human population to well less than 500 million to save us from human induced global warming. Transgenderism is one means. As, we are already into positive feedbacks, it is not going to be successful. To me a question is why is bill gates and George soros satanic plan proceeding?

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from the perspective of all the families who suffered for the past 30 (thirty) years from vaccine damage. The horror show has been ongoing for a very very long time. It has been a quiet screaming with no one listening.

The enemy has been practicing their evil for more than a hot minute.


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God encourages us over and over to 'come and reason'... stay sober minded, alert, find and stay in your 'right mind', where peace, truth and wisdom dwell. Learn to think and be rational. God is not mysterious and unable to be understood. Only the puffed up, arrogant and self important cannot make sense of His simple truth. Jesus walked on by the closed-minded arrogant self-absorbed narcissists and met with the humble simpletons.

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I think a lot of people simply see Trump with a halo or horns and follow whatever cult programming comes after that.

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I feel left out, since I see neither (or both) on Trump. Great president 2017-2019, wasn't up to the attacks on 2020, Operation Warp Speed, not giving signals he's learned much since 2020. (I know, we cannot guarantee that ANYONE would be up for the onslaught of 2020, but Trump sure wasn't.)

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Do you want a Democrat who will keep inflation and a poor economy? I know I don't. I'm spending almost double what I did for food and gas under Trump. This has been very, very hard for seniors who must live on little more than Social Security.

The bottom line is that you are going to have to choose between a Democrat who will not help us economically, or Trump, who will give us a good economy.

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Disliking Trump but respecting many things about his presidency, before going to the polling booth in 2020, I weighed the choice and decided it was painfully obvious that voting for Biden over Trump would have been a grievous moral error. If Trump gets the nomination next year, he'd again be the only choice.

Even with Trump's rocky governance in 2020, his 4 years show that he was a FAR, FAR, FAR better president than Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Obama, and Biden. Compared to Clinton, Trump has a much better character and is much more law-abiding.

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These days, "being left out", means you "are in". Its like watching children squabble at the playground. No parent there feels "left out" lol get my meaning?

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I am simply in awe at how the trump haters are 100% the ones who fell for the plandemic BS... they bought the propaganda hook line and needles in the arm. Instead of quiet rational decision making, they were easily incited into hatred, name calling, self-doubt, fear, chaos and frankly acting like hitler followers. No amount of money could have paid for the PHD we just received for free by watching the past 3 years of govt, MSM and media collusion to take advantage of the weak-minded for profits $$$. If no one woke up and saw how they were used and abused, there is nothing I could say to help them, except...repent and pray for the scales to fall off of your eyes. Now we can see why 'money is the root of all evil'. Just as you see our regime has corrupted every arm of govt, media, medical, insurance with millions thrown at them to play out this evil agenda of destroying anything good or Godly. Never sell your soul, there is no amount of money worth losing your integrity with yourself.

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Will you please avoid the generalizations. I never voted for Trump, thought (and still think) he is a stupid asshole, thought he bungled the so-called epidemic, and do not believe he has the wit or wisdom to fix the HHS and the medical system. I am not a Trump-hater as I do not think he warrants that much energy. Nor did I ever believe there was a COVID epidemic, that it was a lie was clear to me in early 2020.

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should've said those who 'seethingly hated trump', were the ones taking the jabs and screaming at the unvaxxed as causing them personal harm.

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Levine has it ass-backwards; calling 'evil' good and good 'evil.' Based on the data, 'gender-affirming care' doesn't prevent suicides, it causes them! Follow the science.....

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Woe to those!

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Horror is too kind of a word for what the evil they are doing to kids.

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Technocratic medieval mindset.

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The absolute freak show aside, the claim that gender affirming care “prevents suicide” is entirely false. For those who love to “trust the science” they sure like to make all sorts of unsubstantiated claims.

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It is the opposite actually, more people kill themselves after the transition than without the transition. I would like to see some hard numbers behind this "lady's" claims.

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That fake, hideous, mentally ill "woman" is no lady.

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Thus the quotes!

Candy ass clown show in the upper levels of gubmint!

This is bonkers!

Maybe I am old, but I don't understand how people are going along with this.

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Does this idiot really think he's a woman?

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He has children.....

..... but he fathered them.

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or, "mothered" them in this case?

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I read the 6/13/23 entry on Failed Surgical Creation of Phalli in Women entry by Dr McCullough. The included images of phallioplasty and mediodioplasty (the horror!) are forever burned into my memory. Gender affirming surgery, a euphemism penned by Satan himself. What amoral or demon possessed person/society would convince a profoundly confused young woman who is in pain AND her parents that this (Perhaps also the removal of breasts, uterus and ovaries? OMG!) is an acceptable response to her pain and confusion? Have we gone mad?

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Utterly mad.

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Everyone and I mean EVERYONE needs to see what Dr Peter McCullough posted that showed EXPLICITLY the truly grotesque nature of 'gender affirming care' surgery. Progressives love to obfuscate truth using duplicitous language - and people who should know better fall for it. Disgusting. The surgeons performing these malicious life altering surgeries on children are monsters. Once you are an adult if you choose to have this done to your body, just DO NOT ASK ME TO PAY FOR IT!!!!!!!

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This Admiral is referring to the “Dutch Study”, an unsupportable piece of science (fiction) that supposedly shows the link between non affirming care and suicide. Actual statistics do not back up this study. Furthermore, from my understanding, it makes no attempt to determine suicide rates of detransitioners. Given that the rate of “trans” kids has increased 10x in recent years and that most show “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” (which is generally a sign of social contagion and trying to fit in as opposed to legitimate craving to live as the opposite sex), it’s likely that 50% - 90% of today’s “trans” youth will seriously regret their decision, especially after they realize they’ve been sterilized, stripped of their ability to experience sexual enjoyment, and in cases of surgery, mutilated of perfectly healthy organs. What will be the suicide rate for this cohort? What will be the mass murder rate for this cohort, such as in the case of the “trans” mass school shooter a few months ago? “Trans” is this generation’s anorexia. It’s a way for teens (and younger) who don’t feel like they belong or who don’t love their bodies (isn’t that all teens???) to gain attention and feel important for a short time. The difference is that with this mental health crisis, adults are willing enablers and are therefore criminally negligent.

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You can thank Bruce Jenner for making this look glamorous.

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Dr Bailey (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-023-02576-9, 2022) and Lisa Lippman (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202330, 2018) identified the nonsense involved and have been shouted down. Apparently "science" can't deal with what seems near obvious - social contagion taking advantage of the turmoils of puberty. There also seems a connection to autistic children adding to their often social difficulties.

So very odd that within the EU, they have stopping trying to "affirm" care and are trying to provide care. We should be paying attention.

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This is a cult and a sterilizing cult at that.

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There is no doubt that in maybe twenty years this will considered to be on the same level as lobotomies.

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In 20 years this population is going to be so pharma'd out and effed to the gills, knowing nothing but fictional stories in VR and drugs, no baring in history or life, no concept outside of self pleasure and entertainment.

Unless we push back against the madness.

I went to school a long time ago. There was a sex ed class. It was strictly biological. It was taught in SCIENCE class.

Today, children are being taught SEX ED. Like felatio. You can not make babies with felatio. Or gelato, which spell check insists on.

Why are children being taught "how to have sex"?

I really think this is robbing children of an important experience in life. Growing up requires figuring out how to "get it on". It is awkward in the beginning, you make mistakes, you figure it out, it builds character and instilled knowledge on how to interact with who you are attracted to.

They are purposely detonating the support columns of human interaction with this crazy ass stuff.

Edit: to clarify, children do not need to learn how to get it on. That happens in adolescence. When you learn naturally. Teaching pre adolescent children what adolescent children figure out is going to screw them up. Thats my point if it wasn't clear.

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Since sex is a natural human function, it doesn't need to be "taught." It's what comes naturally.

The creepy, unnatural activities practiced by lost souls operating outside of nature "need" to be taught in school (how absurd) because the children are being groomed to participate in them by their teachers and other evil, misguided individuals who wish to gratify themselves by despoiling children. In a word it's a sin.

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Your first sentence is the beginning and ending of this entire stupid debate. Bravo on your poetic precision. I do not think it could be explained more simply.

If we do not course correct, eating classes are next, hands optional.

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Aldous: Your last sentence! omg, lol

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I suspect that America has long had a problem with "sex", perhaps we can blame this on some religious confusion. My parents were so embarrassed by the subject they could not wait to let the public school "teach" me. Perhaps transgenderism is just another way to avoid the issue of explaining sex to children. If so, our schools have failed us hugely.

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Good point.

How in the hell will these children be supportive parents to their own children, when that time comes? Assuming they are even capable of having children.

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They won't be, their own parents are not good parents, I don't see how anyone comes out of this cycle, and I think thats the point.

I'm diving deep right now on the work done by James Lindsay. He has a sub here, https://newdiscourses.substack.com/ , I highly recommend his work.

He has dissected the writings that have led to this insanity. All his work there is available on his podcast too.

His series on Groomer Schools is necessary listening. Once you understand how deep this goes, how long it has been going on and who is behind it, this is a very series threat to society at large.

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Agreed. Depopulationist barbarism. Pure and simple. Same old pattern:

Identify group

Dumb them down

Create illusion of culture of oppression

Pretend to sympathize

Get them to willingly co-operate with a self-genocidal plan

Demonize its opposition

Create agents of the genocide: infanticide, fratricide, homicide etc.

left a few points out but thats the evil plan outline.

Pass it on: when folks see a pattern, they can’t un-see it.

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Really makes one wonder if atrazine and like chemicals were not mistakes but intended, along with fluoride, which, by the way, this mowan (I am creating a new pronoun here) Rachel Levine, actively suppressed information about how fluoride is making everyone retarded, and what impact all of this could have on our genetic health.

That above may not be a diagramical sentence, but I hope it makes sense.

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mowan is a good one

howsabout hsr instead of his or her

just to be able to write complete sentences....

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all written down and explained in Rules For Radicals

Hilary Clinton studied all of this and wrote her senior thesis on it which is now locked up and not available at her alma mater Wellesley College

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Unless I'm mistaken, Caitlin Jenner is simply living out his/her fantasy without bothering anyone while seeming to recognize and even respect that biological men are not women. S/he is not annoying. In fact, I find his/her ideas to be interesting, thoughtful and even logical when s/he appears on talk shows.

On the other hand, this Levine person is being celebrated as a female Admiral quite like the Emperor Who Had No Clothes and that is ridiculous. In America you're free as an adult to present yourself in whatever manner you like, but that does not create in me an obligation to 'buy in' to your fantasy.

Worse, this person wants to use hsr platform to bamboozle immature attention seeking kids to mutilate their bodies while blackmailing parents using the suicide lie to get them to cave to the irreversible destruction of their own children. (I've read suicide is a real possibility, but is most likely to occur after the irreversible mutilation when the kid matures and realizes he/she was just confused and needed time to grow into who they really are.)

Makes you wonder what other insane stuff is going on in this person's mind. I consider pretty much everyone involved in this current administration to be an abomination....

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I heard from someone whom I respect, and who would know, that Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior, is a good person doing a good job. That’s one, anyway.

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Hi kapock

I wrote you a reply but you have to scroll down to find it. I looked into Deb Haaland and she does seem qualified. I also offered info about Gina Raimondo, Sec of Commerce, who also seems capable so I am backing down on that blanket statement. I just loathe the current occupant of the WH....

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You might ask exactly what has Deb Haaland ever done in terms of work history. She seems to have never held a job outside of politics.

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These people are pagans mostly, atheists otherwise. Both groups have a long history of hating Judeo-Christian beliefs, and believers, because we hold to a higher power. For these people, they believe themselves to be god-like and therefore can do anything if they will it. Stiff-necked because of their hubris and pride.

Danny Huckabee

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Thank you for this breath of fresh air....Our children and teenagers need strong masculine AND feminine role models in order to find their own pathways through their lives. It is the job of parents, teachers and caregivers to be upright and show integrity and strength in their personal lives and in their actions.

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Exactly this! "It seems to me that this is a black and extortionate lie designed to deceive desperate parents into consenting to the butchery of their adolescent children. The Assistant Secretary has no scientific or moral grounds for making this assertion, and should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting the mass assault of minors."

There are perhaps hundreds of rewritings of Heart of Darkness, which I learned about in a class on post-colonialism, which is another discipline that has been hijacked and frozen and pushed into hyperbole and delusion by wokeism. Someone could write a fine version on these child mutilations, which, I'd put money on this, will lead at some point to transhumanism. These often autistic, indoctrinated kids (due to schools and the vaccine schedule and the poisons in food and air and water and who knows what else) will be numerous and intensely miserable as they grow up, and I'm sure they are planning for that, offering them at that point transhumanist experimental treatments and microchips and plug ins to technological worlds to "cure" their misery. Same argument will be used. Transhumanism will be suicide prevention, with the same mealy weaponized compassion cultishness that this is a part of. And, naturally, since humans are just a resource to be extracted from, of course Jennifer Pritzger and corporate medicine will rake in billions. Good analogy to Leopold. These enslavements and tortures have been going on for many centuries.

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