My dad had MS, beat it and was jabbed. He now needs a Walker to get around.

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DO NOT GET THE MUCH TOUTED FLU JABBS! Where do you think we got all of these ailments before covid? From all the other vaxxines....MS, Parkinsons, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer etc....ad naseum....now we are seeing the truth of pfarma...it was all a sham...NEVER TESTED ANYTHING. They told us the flu jab was 50% at best and that was a $$ money influenced corrupted guess at best. They were killing our children with 'vaxxines' and causing 1 in 35 autism rates....you don't think their vaxxines weren't causing harm in adults too?? This pandora box is open and it's FILLED WITH SNAKES.

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The 2019 flu jabs contained the Graphene Oxide. The LIPID NANOPARTICLES have been being uses in most previous vaccines as well. TOXIC WITCHERY.

Only NO VACCINES now are safe and effective 👍


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We will literally "never" know the catalog of harms these creatures have absolutely KNOWINGLY unleashed upon humanity.

Their secret recordings may well catch them parroting the phrase "novel virus" into perpetuity, yet patent records prove them the inveterate LIARS that God's creation should never have suffered so long!

This battle, while largely in an unseen realm, will culminate with READILY OBSERVABLE JUSTICE.

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The valuable lesson in all of this is that corporate media is not a watchdog of industry, it is the PR firm of the pharmaceutical companies, and it is working at the behest of government and regulatory agencies to conceal the truth. If people didn’t know this before the “pandemic”, it is now out in the open. Most of the problems with these “new” technologies were known beforehand but were concealed by the corporate media. Thank goodness for independent media, who was telling the truth from the beginning.

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And now "laws" are being passed all over the EU and the west to combat "mis/disinformation." Of course, the corporate media is exempt from these "laws". Read the "Digital Services Act EU" and the UK's "Online Safety Act."

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Yes, I have assumed that in order to get more compliance next time they pull the same stunt, they will have to shut down any independent media. Independent media has been the most effective tool to combat propaganda and the PSY-OP that they deployed on humanity. It will be interesting to see how desperate they get to shut it down.

I had an account with brandnewtube until some agency infiltrated it and shut it down (mostly). I even received an email from the offender. That was pretty desperate. But I imagine it will get worse, which we are seeing with the legislation.

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Industry pays well and there will always be a steady supply of ambitious young talent looking to “make it” in the industry.

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Very true. I try my best to combat this by subscribing or donating to independent media if I think they are honest and are bringing out valuable information to the people. It’s hard to tell these days who is really honest and who is a tool for industry/government but I’m doing my best to try and change the situation. I think it’s the only long term solution. Advertising nearly always leads to selling out down the road. I’m sure there are rare exceptions.

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John, I’d like to repost this on X, is Courageous Discourse on there I don’t see it?

Today’s substack by you makes me extremely angry. We lost a good friend who died 4days after his 2nd vaxx, was totally healthy prior to the deathjab. I also don’t think millions of people would have willingly subjected themselves to this poison knowing what was revealed by just these tapes alone?

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I have two auto immunes with rheumatoid arthritis being the most pervasive of them. I had the first Moderna, because I was being surrounded with how serious it would be if I were to get the Wuhan flu.

Notice how I said I had the first Moderna, but not the second? Because guess what: flareup, flareup, flareup. And I've had this disease for 27 years, and these were the worst flareups I've ever had.

I told my rheumatologist afterwards that people with auto immune should not have this a.k.a. my experience. He finally relented about a year later, and agreed that "it may cause temporary flares".

No, it is caused flares for two years... present tense. I'm taking the anti-spike protocol currently and I've changed my whole diet. Still not as under control as it was prior to.

I have lost complete faith in the traditional medical community. They're hounding me to get my mammogram because I am several years behind. I just can't… Not with the questionnaire asking what I "think" my gender is.

I'm so done!

PS… I've had the wuflu twice, followed front line doctors protocol… Like a yucky sinus infection . 🤦‍♀️

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There are Breastscreen Charity Muggers outside my local supermarket. They must know to avoid me because I'm so ready to ask them what they think impact combined with radiation does to breast tissue. They could use a non harmful method to look for hotspots but that's not what they have. I'd also follow up with asking their thoughts about the nocebo effect of constant bombardment with breast cancer pink ribbon this that and the other. And of course this is so important they must be working for free.

I'm sorry about your RA flare, and the dishonesty that led to it. If there's any justice the liars that peddled the shots to you will get it too. I can't believe a rheumatologist doesn't know auto immune begets auto immune and the one person who is safe from a virus is the one who has the overactive immune system.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Right???? my general practice doctor secretly admits that the jabs are a disaster. He told me he's never had so many blood clot issues among healthy patients before ever.

And I just can't go into my women's breast center knowing that they do screening on trans women. What a freaking insult.

#metoo #trustthescience??

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To be fair if anyone is getting cancer it's those guys, but I'd be looking in the bones first. What happens when you deprive a large structure of testosterone? You can see it in ex racer greyhounds vs breeders or never raced and never neutered. The males get bone cancer more than females and the ones who don't get neutered hardly ever get it. Like mammograms though, vasectomy isn't what the vets sell so your large dog can just die, but not before we give him six rounds of chemo and clear out your bank account. And your son? Well that's the gift that keeps on giving, now we've hacked him up and had the tens of thousands for that and the ongoing medications he will need for the rest of his life we can hand him over to the oncologists.

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I read this to be that some who have autoimmune diseases should have not gotten the jab but get these antibodies....it would have been good to know this BEFORE getting the jab...since I have 3 autoimmune diseases! Thanks Biden, Astra Zeneca, Fauci, CDC, etc.....I wonder if the new issues I have are directly related.

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that's the point of the article....no one was given the decency of being treated like a human with respect and care. You were an object to extract $$ from with no more regard than for a monkey.

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They don't give a flying monkey's arse about the AI community. I am convinced now that we were nothing but guinea pigs for them.

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Yep. Because I knew my existing auto immune may have been caused by all the previous shots I'd had I tried to tell everyone not to risk it. You can't tell me covid is worse than RA or MS. The stupidest part is when I'm sick my body stops attacking me because it has something more important to do. That's right, I often feel better when I'm sick.

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So true! I had zero RA pain during WuFlu. My body was busy overreacting to the virus.

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Read Dr. Andreas Kalcker's book Forbidden Health. He healed his own RA with Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Which, by the way, was 100% effective against C19 as well. https://voedia.com/en/libros-andreas-kalcker/forbidden-health-version-ingles/

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Would it have mattered? I'm sorry but even ALL OVER FASCISTBOOK DAY ONE BEFORE CENSORING EVEN STARTED "DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE! IT'S NOT ABOUT THE VIRUS...IT'S ABOUT THE VACCINE!" IOW we aren't going to kill you with the virus...that's just to scare you into hospitals where they'll force unnecessary treatment and ventilators on you to which then scare everyone else to get the death shot! Oh don't want the shot...well we know you're dumb enough to believe these shots are horrible for you but the flu vaccines ALSO made by us are TOTALLY safe! 🥴 Word was out BEFORE vax's Rona had a 98% cure rate! If people weren't smart enough to use common sense and look around at all those out and about not wearing masks but were a-okay, or the common sense matter of a vax couldn't be created in 4 months AND properly tested, OR those dying either at pre-existing conditions or were kept behind closed doors with NO ONE really knowing what was going on! Let's add nursing homes where most lost 80% BUT YET ALL WORKERS AND RESIDENTS WORE GLOVES AND MASKS!!! I am still ABSOLUTELY flabbergasted at the amount of people that went ahead and got it any way! Alarms were sounded all over for anyone to see! The flu shots alone have such dangerous ingredients in them it hurts! THAT was all over fascistbook too! A few years BEFORE the scamdemic! I'm sorry but I'm completely pissed about how many fell for it all! Even the "it's just a mask" folks screwed us over! Every one of those people who didn't try and stand up litterally screwed the rest of us over and we are LUCKY they didn't go ahead and send troops to hold us down and force the clot shot on us! Why I don't think they did...we are getting it in pork as reported, chemtrails probably, and no telling how else! Hell add by spike protein the vax'd are shedding everywhere! Let's add pcr tests EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE KNOWS THEY ARE BS BUT STILL WON'T QUIT GETTING TESTED!!! 🤯 How do you test for something that can't even be isolated or seen under a microscope??? Fast acting ones have carcinogens in them, but let's keep lining up for them so we can post all over fascistbook for attention we have the FLU!!! Don't even get me started on fascistbook! Leaving Nov 2020 was the BEST decision we ever made! Miss NOTHING about attention seekers at all! Posting their dirty laundry, selfies, every move/thing they do all day, and ailments day in day out! 🤮 We need to bring back common sense! Do they have a vax for that??? I'm sorry this all sounds mean, but this crap could have ended week 2. Look at ALL the ones we'd warn that'd get belligerent about us not wearing masks and how we were heartless selfish people killing everyone around us! After all that it's like Major Payne says..."You want sympathy...it's in the dictionary between shit and syphilis!" Lord forgive me I don't really mean that, but some days it's like we TRIED and were verbally and mentally abused! Now we sit and watch all the carnage knowing it so could have been prevented! We beat ourselves up constantly wondering what more we could have done?! So again I ask...would it have mattered?! Because from where I sat all but a bomb was dropped to sound the alarms!

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This transcript is about antibody treatment, not about vaccines.

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I read it to be about neither and both; as the whole ball of wax was DELIBERATE AND THE DANGER WAS KNOWN WHILE GIVING POISONS TO ALL regardless of pre-existing conditions.

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Yes but it reveals there was a plan in place and it reveals key executives knew the vaxx wasn’t safe and effective.

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Not necessarily. Vaccine and antibody treatment serve different purposes.

I don’t like mRNA vaccines by the way.

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I believe the quote is referring to recipients’ antibodies, hence he says: “you know, you have to know a number of people cannot be vaccinated”...

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I read it as ‘some people cannot be vaccinated, so can be given these long acting antibodies (which their own immune systems cannot make) to help them fight infection.’

During the Covid period some people were treated with antibodies.

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That's how I read it too.

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DARPA's P3 Program (since 2012) was related to all counter-measures based on nucleic acid technologies that "used the body as a bioreactor"

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And Peter McCullough has been raising the alarm for over a year on DARPA's ADEPT: P3 'mission' to "Stop a Pandemic in 60 Days"!


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Peter and Harvey Reich are my heroes.

I have been on Ivermectin prophylaxis since the debacle began.

I am a Texas resident but "winter" in Brasil to enjoy the sunshine and warmth. Ivermectin is an OTC product widely available and very inexpensive.

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They talked about monoclonal Abs. AZ has developed Evusheld against Covid.

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Lipid Nanoparticles are in many Vax which are also toxic.

No vaccines are the only safe and effective ones.

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Danny Huckabee

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Something doesn’t quite stack up about this leaked recording. Mark Esser is based in Maryland


On the recording he doesn’t mention Oxford University at all.

Here’s the team at the Oxford Jenner Institute who worked on the Oxford vaccine marketed by AZ.


Prof Gilbert was made a Dame by the British government for her work.

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This isn't the first time.

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Graphene Oxide was in the 2019 flu jabs.

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Seems like the Astra Zeneca people were talking about antibody products for passive immunization, rather than vaccines.

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Traitors, scammers, and grifters - all of them. Public hangings would seem appropriate.

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