Australia has sure turned into cuckoo land.

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And yet, we have just awarded Australia's highest honour, the Order of Australia, to none other than the despot Daniel Andrews, one of the world's worst covid tyrants (also from the state of Victoria). His thug cops choked women, shot them with rubber bullets, and pepper sprayed them in the face. So we actually reward bullies in this country. This ridiculous parliamentary appointment is nothing other than an attempt to remove what little is left of Australian men's balls.

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yes Teresa, the 'nutting' of Aussie men is in full swing now; as a 'toxic male', i don't know where men fit in this world anymore; talk to a girl that catches the eye, sexual harassment; get caught looking at said girl, pervert; asking a female out for dinner/drinks/dance/movie, male privilege; ask more than once, stalking....

unless the 'man' happens to be a politician of course!

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I know, Mark, and I'm sorry for men. My teenage daughter just had to sit through a "sexual harassment" session in high school where she learnt that it's wrong for a man to say she looks nice in the workplace. How men and women are supposed to connect and start dating under these circumstances is beyond me. I'm only 50 but I feel like a frigging dinosaur.

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the onslaught of hate-filled indoctrination where education once was is absolutely bonkers Teresa; it's 'ok' for boys to hate being boys; it's 'ok' for girls to hate being girls; it's 'ok' for the 'identifiers' and their 100 or so 'genders' to force their views onto others but low and behold any 'straight white male' say a word against it; low and behold any 'straight white woman' say anything against it as well;

men in prostitute attire with tackle intact 'allowed' to use female amenities but a father isn't 'allowed' to stand up in defence of his daughters virtues; men who 'identify' as a woman 'allowed' in women's sport; men 'allowed' to sue women who refuse them entry to their club or group; men who identify as women 'allowed' to be incarcerated in women's prisons.....

yet Man is 'not allowed' to defend himself or his family from this 'gender' onslaught;

Man is 'not allowed' to defend himself full-stop according to the cops and courts;

and you know what the sad part is? many so-called Men accept these rules placed on them; many so-called Men go along with these stupid ideologies; even crazier is many so-called Men support these imbecilic and perverted ideologies and even go so far as to defend them but they will not defend their castle or their family....nope, far-too-many so-called Men bend over and cop it from anyone who claims to have Authority over them;

how this time of weak Men came to be i have no idea; fluoride? preservatives? supplements?...Latte' and Squashed Avocado on toast?; buggered if i know but i too feel like a Dinosaur;

i'm just shy of 60 and the Australia i loved has all-but vanished;

i feel sorry for todays youth and children; it saddens me that they don't have the same explorative opportunities that we had as children; it saddens me that the youth are so stifled by rules for every aspect of their being; it saddens me that the boys can't be boys anymore; it saddens me that the girls can't be girls anymore; it saddens me that playing 'doctors and nurses' or 'mummy and daddy' is no longer part of growing up.....but children being 'taught' this stuff by adults is somehow not only acceptable now, it is part n parcel of the 'curriculum' with 'minor attracted persons' seemingly everywhere;

i don't know whether to cry or get violently angry; such is the way of being a Man these days.

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I hear you, Mark. The whole darn mess beggars belief. But hey, at least we had it good for a while - we were the lucky ones. And if it's any consolation, my daughter goes to a Christian high school and there are plenty of good kids from good families with traditional values still around. Whether there are enough of them remains to be seen.

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yet the 'Christian' schools are pushing all of this 'equality and acceptance' nonsense as well Teresa....i have no idea where these 'Christians' get their interpretations of a bible from but it sure as apples doesn't come from scripture;

yep, us 'more mature' (in years) lot had it good while we were children and that is what i want for todays children and pretty much the only reason i am fighting 'the system' for today;

every child has the right to be a child free from all this ideological crap that is being forced on them not only by 'the system' but in many cases, by their so-called parents as well;

good times produce weak Men and we are paying for those 'good times' now.

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It sounds as though some of Australia's politicians are marxists.

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Some lol

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When's the new Secretary for Women's Behavioral Change start?

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My thoughts precisely!

I can't speak for Australia, but I certainly can for much of the United States.

I'm sure this is going to make a few folks come unsprung but I have this nasty habit of calling it the way I see it.

If anyone out there can, please define the term "Toxic Masculinity". Does it mean a man is behaving somewhat like an actual male human? If that's the case, heaven forbid!

You whipper-snappers who where not out and about in the world in the '60s, 70's and 80's as I was, missed something. Back then, men tended to actually try to appear and behave like men, and women tended to appear and behave like women. It was great! In the late 60's and early 70s, when I was in junior high and high school, the girls were awesome! They wore makeup, they dressed nice, they smelled nice. And we guys, who had a tremendous desire to get as close as possible to those fine figures of femininity, were forced to bathe and put some effort in to grooming and dressing reasonably well. Otherwise, strikeout was guaranteed.

I don't see much sign of traditional masculinity or felinity, these days.

Maybe "Toxic Masculinity", is a reaction to less femininity. (?)

I've traveled extensively in the U.S. over the past 20 years, and take it from me, I haven't seen any grand displays of traditional Femininity, and it sux.

The vast majority of women I observe - and I'm talking in business environment - don't dress, groom or make-up, as nicely as my wife does, or my mother did, or than the vast majority of women did 40 years ago, when making a quick dash to the grocery store or Walmart.

Go ahead and get butt-hurt ladies, and retaliate if you like. Sometimes the truth is painful.

And FYI, my wife agrees with me on this comment wholeheartedly, but then, she is a real woman.

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I am glad your wife supports you. It speaks well for you, John Underwood. However, I do not believe grooming, 'make-up' or nice clothes define the real personhood of women or anyone else, pleasant as they admittedly are. I have known women struggling against great odds to raise their children and provide them educations and good homes after their husband jumped the marital ship and left the home. I have seen them remain as solid as rocks for those who still need them...working jobs, while they came home and cooked and cleaned and helped with homework--herculean strength. For me, the basis of "womanhood" is a strength that is not physical and a courage that is not about "winning" some war or getting a promotion or triumphing in a boxing match. To me at least, real womanhood is fierce and will protect her loved ones against any danger, come what may. Clothes, makeup allurements are not what make a woman anymore than the clothes make a man.

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I don't believe I disagree with what you've written here. Please note that my comment was principally concerning "femininity", not womanhood.

I personally knew two women (in my age group) - this was many years ago -who managed a one-parent home with approximately the "Herculean" effort you described. They managed to be well-dressed, clean and well groomed when they came to work. And their kids went to school, clean, groomed and well-dressed, too. So I know an incredible workload isn't a valid excuse for being dirty, poorly groomed and slovenly.

And for what it's worth, some of the women I've personally encountered in my work (white collar), recently, who were slobs weren't married and had no children. Others had a spouse at home but no children. So there is that. Again, not talking "womanhood" here, just what we used to call plain old decency.

It is not a coincidence that when I began working in the mid-70s, most employers had much more rigid dress codes and much higher expectations of the cleanliness and appearance of their employees than present-day employers.

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you and Kathlene both make valid points but the lexicon is getting in the way i think;

at the risk of foot in mouth syndrome.....

women, womanhood and femineity no longer go hand-in-hand no more than men, manhood and gentry go hand-in-hand;

to confuse matters even more, certain 'movements' have blurred what it means (meant) to be man and what it means (meant) to be woman;

a man can no longer defend his masculinity; apparently this is toxic; a woman on the other hand must defend her 'sisterhood' or she is not a woman according to the 'sisterhood' doctrine;

woman can 'man-bash' all they like and that is 'acceptable', maybe even encouraged; a man cannot say anything in retaliation let alone instigate any 'woman-bashing' or he is labelled a misogynist and will probably be 'encouraged' to seek out therapy for his 'toxic masculinity'..... and just to be clear here, i am talking about metaphorical 'bashing' before anyone starts abusing me;

as for attire, well, for the ladies i loved the era of long plaid skirts, blouses, bobby socks and 'bowling' shoes even though that was before my 'time'; the 'secretary' look of old was both respectable and alluring; nice blouse, cardigan, below knee length skirt, stockings and dress heels had an air of respectability about it; Men always wore suits or at least a shirt and tie with clean, if not highly polished shoes;

now both men and women wear as little as possible, as sheer as possible or as tight as possible in an (obvious) effort to be seen while demanding not to be seen at the same time;

Men have definitely got the Rooster thing going on these days; Women are more Peacock than ever;

there was a time when the Man wasn't all-out for being looked at and the ladies appreciated being noticed....now it seems it's the other way around;

like it or not; recognise it or not; the porn industry has a lot to answer for.

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Great points, Mark, and I think quite well put. Certainly better than I could have conveyed. Thanks!

And I agree that pornography is a serious problem. Easy access to porn, especially by children, cannot be healthy for our society. But then I'm one of those people who has "an imaginary friend in the sky" as Bill Maher calls us.

I'm not a prude and I've not lived an especially sheltered life, but no one could convince me that it's in any way a good thing for a small child with minimal computer skills to be able to view hardcore porn. The sexualization of children in this country is over the top - as are a lot of other things.

Thanks again!


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Thanks John...i have a 'sky daddy' too apparently; heaven forbid i have faith in a Holy Spirit.....

i too could never be rightfully accused of being a prude; i've walked down some pretty 'dark alleys' in this life but that was not forced unto i;

i let the 'rebel' in me lead me by the nose as i was trying to find my way in this world; i thought that the rebel was my spirit; many regrets later i now know just how harmful that 'spirit' was;

yep, the exploitation and sexualisation of children is where i drew my line in the sand and unfortunately for mankind, it is everywhere now;

there have always been 'freaks' but for the most part, they kept to themselves and that was all good; one knew where they get could 'get their freak on' if so inclined;

each to their own and all that jazz, but now 'the freaks' are pushing their lifestyle choices down everyone's throats...including into the schools;

and for the record, saying 'freaks' to describe those who choose to live very different from the majority is not meant to be derogatory; i choose to stay with actual English Dictionary definitions of words and stay well-away from implied definitions;

it wasn't so long ago that just about every circus had a 'freak show' as part of the travelling troupe; a man or woman with an extraordinary skill or talent was said to be 'a freak' or 'freakish'....

yep, even the English Language has been 're-defined' to suit the vast minorities among us...and the LEGAL are a huge part of this bastardisation of the written English word as IT places definition where none ought exist;

i for one will not kowtow to any of it; such is the life of a pre-historic toxic male....

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ATTACK OF THE ANTI-WOMAN https://www.bitchute.com/video/EKP0ke1uSpPm/

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Ms. Nathan, Please forgive me. I forgot two important things:

1. Thank you for the comment.

2. Peace!

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and thank you, John Underwood.

We serve the same God, I am sure.

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don't be so sexist!

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Not so. I'm a firm believer in equality of the sexes. All 57 of them.

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so what about all the 'theys' 'thems' 'its' 'cats' 'furries' and the rest of the 'non binaries' in the world?

you have no respect and are obviously some kind of 'hater' or 'neo-nazi' or a 'far right-misogynistic-conspiracy-theorist-lunatic-privileged-white-male-nut-job' who needs to be sent to therapy....sheesh; people like you belong in prison!

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I hope the Feds note that I believe they’re all God’s children and will add this comment to my file. It might help during sentencing.

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hahahahahaha....i can only hope for the same my friend.

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Perhaps a review of Sydney's annual poofter parade is required...

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"That's not a knife!"

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"THAAAaaat's a knife."

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The bitch can make me a sandwich!

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I always thought it odd that someone would eat food prepared by someone they treat badly. So go ahead and eat that sandwich.

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And you can come to me on your knees with a drink!

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She’s taking the first bite!

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Australia seems to be blazing the way for globalist pantywaists.

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What is it about the lands of the 'Five Eye's Network' Down Under? NZ and now Aussies placing

"WEF Mad Jacinda's" into positions of authority?

While not wild about abusive behavior or violence from men towards women and children; still like men to be men and really enjoy being a woman. Not sure about this nutty world creating confusion with their Demonic Ai neutralizing sexual identity. Must begin with Barry and Michael's twisted existence from being in the White House when all this subversion of basic BIOLOGICAL FACTS WERE ATTACKED.

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I read my replies here to my wife. She laughed and told me in jest that I better not ever say things like that to her. She knows I never would.

About us…. We started dating in 1980. She was 14, I was 16. We dated during high school, then off and on for the next few years as I went overseas, and she finished school. We got married in 87. We’ve now been married almost 37 years. We have 4 grown children and 4 grandchildren.

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Australia was the tip of the spear regarding COVID tyranny, all the violent media really didn't help them much. And given that they haven't swept the control freaks from office, the population has lost their cultural courage.

We're not much different in the US, we haven't recognized the killers who are at the helm of public health, it's far beyond just a failure of a few policies - they all failed in the same direction, yet they too are all in place in my state of Michigan. It will repeat with Avian flu, no one has been punished for their incompetence. So without pain, public scorn, there is no price for being "wrong".

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same in Minnesota. . . the morons are still running the show.

However, this time around, they will experience more burned fingers as the stoke the coals.

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Minnesota ran out of Marshmallows with all the kindling that went up, you’d think they’d wise up. Not holding my breath over that though, we’re very removed from reality.

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i hope and pray you are right about burned fingers; yes, it is what 'they' want but all other options appear to be off the table.

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I can only speak for me, personally!

I WILL burn their fingers and ears and whatever. . . next time some one tells me to:

-- wear a mask

-- take a vax

-- stand 6 ft away

-- follow our random rules . . .

SCREW them.

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with you 100% there my friend; as a matter of Fact, i no longer need to be told any of that rubbish in order for ears to be burned by me; they can stick their implied authority over me where the sun don't shine; they can also stick all of their extortion demands well and truly all the way up to their Colon...beyond the Colon for all i care;

i have withdrawn ALL of my implied-by-them consent; i have withdrawn ALL of my compliancy to their rules and regulations; i am not a Criminal and i do not break the Actual Law but 'they' can take their bullshit agendas and rules for thee somewhere far away from me;

i will Defy, i will Deny and i certainly will not ever Comply.

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Good GOD!!!

Are you serious.....'Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change'??

'Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change'......is NOT A THING!

WHY are Australians PUTTING UP WITH THIS??

It is THE PARENTS JOB/RIGHT to RAISE their sons; NOT govt!

Please.....let me translate, 'Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change' : To turn your BOYS into PUSSYS and/or GIRLS!!

Are Australian PUBLIC SERVANTS required, BY LAW, to be BONDED, like here in the US??

If so, Aussie's need to start going after these CRIMINALS' BONDS!

Since ya can't 'vote them out', and suing them is a waste of time......GO AFTER THEIR BONDS!

I will let Clif High explain......



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Thanks for the link! But, yes....I know that 'we' have these.......but does Australia? If so, the Aussie's need to start going after their Tyrants, en mass.

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yes, we do have similar Laws that we can use; ALL, and i do mean ALL (former) Government Institutions are Corporate Entities and have been since 1973! 'they' stole Our Commonwealth and turned into a Foreign owned US Corporation without any referendum which makes it ALL Unlawful and Unconstitutional;

we are basically being 'governed' by Corporation and Contract 'law' which has not been disclosed to the people of Australia...again, Unlawful and Unconstitutional;

there are Australian Consumer Laws that people can use; there are Fair Work/Trading Acts that people can use but unfortunately, most Aussies are too apathetic for their own good and either can't be bothered learning some very simple 'tools' they can use to defend themselves against AusGovCo or they simply don't want to know and just keep on keeping on for 'safety's sake';

there is a good many of us 'fighting the system' using Our Supreme Law that is Our 1900/1901 Constitution but you wont hear or read about it. in the meantime, those of us 'in-the-know' use the rules they made against them.

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That's crazy (the apathy)!

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yes it is.

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What nonsense! The one thing worse that toxic masculinity is toxic femininity. If we thought a patriarchy was bad, we are seeing what a matriarchy brings.

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well said Theresa; history has proven that the most troublesome times for 'empires' has been when a 'queen' sits on the throne....and here we are yet again.

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have a watch of this short video Theresa...pretty much sums up what we are talking about here;

ATTACK OF THE ANTI-WOMAN https://www.bitchute.com/video/EKP0ke1uSpPm/

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“Toxic masculinity” is a made up term! What does it mean? There needs to be more men who are masculine. Protectors! Defender! Men who aren’t cowards! Men who will stand up for what is right! For decades, there has been an effort to condition little boys to believe they can’t behave like boys. That they need to behave like little girls. Yes there are toxic men. But being masculine is not toxic.

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there are Toxic People everywhere, male and female alike, but in my observational experience it appears that the more women in positions of implied authority we have, the more dictatorial and tyrannical the world has become;

why? probably something to do with the scientifically proven rational vs emotional divide in the male and female frontal cortex.....

Men, as in the Masculine variety of men, are seen as a threat to 'womens power' by the women wanting 'power';

there was never a struggle for 'equality'; there was a struggle, a movement, an agenda, to tear the ying and yang of life to shreds;

men are no longer able to be men, according to many so-called 'laws'; if a woman FEELS threatened, or FEELS subjugated, or FEELS anxious about the way a man behaves or speaks and makes a complaint to the Policy Enforcers, then that man is effectively silenced and if he keeps on being a man and speaking his mind, 'the system' will put him in a cage...all based on hearsay mind you; no evidence of actual crime required; Gaoled for speaking ones mind is happening every day across Australia...many men are locked up and lose all they have over verbal stoushes and the way a woman FEELS; many families are torn to pieces over the way a woman FEELS;

and now this 'FEELING' culture has infiltrated the education realm; if a young boy shows any type of masculinity, he must be 'hormonally imbalanced' so its off to the psych for little Johnny; a week later he re-emerges from his 'suspended from school' detention as a completely different child; no longer is he outgoing, playful and adventurous; no longer does he test physical and psychological boundaries to find the limits; nope, after a week of 'special medicine' Johnny is a new boy....he's even thinking he FEELS like a girl as he sits docile and dutifully as he plays dress-ups with his sister and mum after school.....

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In our heyday my husband went to Australia on a business trip. We were ready to emigrate from ZA but he thought I would not like OS because the men were too rough. We came to Canada instead which has also become a disaster - like many other places now.

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Very Inventive.

Like Investing In A Hedge Fund

Of All Things Invented By Women.

(Let Me Know When They’re Empowered Enough To Objectify Us. Until Then The Next Round’s On Me.)


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Christianity makes better men and women. Leftist ideology makes destructive and abusive men and women. The field of Psychology is fully woke and leftist ideologues which explains the spike in mental illness and destructive men and women.

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do you know that psychologists are something near 20% more likely to cause harm to another adult man or woman than any other 'medical' profession?; the statistics for harm caused to children by psychologists far outweighs all other professions; from memory, psychologists are around 40% more likely to commit child abuse while 'treating' their patient than ANY other child medical service;

these psychologists are a special breed of psychopathic loonies's; they have heads full of mumbo jumbo and ideological garbage founded on nothing more than their own thoughts on how others should feel, think, behave and live;

the amount of psychologists in nut houses and prisons is frightening;

rape, torture, mind control, drugging....all part of a psychologists 'tool's for re-educating 'toxic' individuals and they have been for a very long time;

"frontal lobotomy anyone? here, lay back and let me drive a spike into your brain from behind your eye while you are wide awake and your head is restrained"

"oh, don't like that?", "well let's forcibly restrain you and hook your brain up to few thousand volts of electricity instead"., "that should clear up any nasty thoughts you might be having"....

"seems we experienced a few unforeseen difficulties with the procedure, i have prescribed for you to be intravenously injected with this mind altering pharmaceutical for a month, this should help to relieve any nasty thoughts or anxieties you might have".....

yep, and this is called a 'medical profession' still to this day.

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I believe it. The typical person who deep dives in the field is seriously messed up themselves. I know two men who lost their first wives to that cult. Also the use of anti-depressants (supported by medical doctors who don’t want to bother finding out what is actually wrong) and the drugging of children because the school system is destructive to them and they must be kept quiet. Ford testifying about her false sexual assault charges told multiple provable lies, but she wasn’t charged and no one even properly questioned or challenged her despite the ridiculous holes in her story. She did her graduate studies on bipolar disorders, I’m thinking there was a deeply personal reason for that.

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here is an interesting video from my bitchute 'delivermefromevil' that exposes some of the statistics about the quacks:



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Real masculinity is protective and loyal toward women and children, in other words a brave man. I think the busy highway of pornography prohibits the possibility of establishing transparent, healthy and protective relationships with self and others. Overlooking this phenomenon will be costly, as boys will not learn how to treat women with respect, or themselves for that matter. Women are shooting themselves in the foot by 'selling their sexuality' and normalizing it as simply run of the mill 'work.' The whole of society suffers from participation in what was once understood as an unwholesome lifestyle. What a world we are bringing children into. Parents model what decent behaviour looks like. They are dropping the ball for the most part.

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have a watch of this short video Rita...i think you might enjoy it:

ATTACK OF THE ANTI-WOMAN https://www.bitchute.com/video/EKP0ke1uSpPm/

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I did enjoy this, there were points I agreed with and others I did not. The Church burned women as witches for their role as herbalists and treating the sick.

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all by design Rita

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it seems so

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