I have commented about this several times before. I have read dozens of medical articles (probably there are hundreds) in which authors report data showing terrible AE from these "vaccines". They always finish concluding that the "vaccines" are "safe and effective" and the AE are "rare", the exact opposite of their findings. Unfortunately, the vast majority of our esteemed medical colleagues go directly to the conclusions, when reading an article, instead of looking at the actual results. It is a great shame.

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Just last night my son told me someone he works with, in her 20's has pericarditis and fluid in her lungs. WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE? Friend's husband dropping dead from massive stroke, people, blood clots in a 14 year old's liver, her cousin with myocarditis, a friend who had a stroke last week - two people I know with platelet disorders, a friend with an aorta tear who almost died - my list is growing almost by the week so I have to assume other people are seeing this - so when do they start connecting the dots? Please God DO NOT give this shot to any child.

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Amidst all the information about the dangers of the vax, the withdrawal of some of the vaxes in various countries, the data that indicates that covid is not dangerous to children, as well as the information that Dr. McCullough writes about in this article, here we have the University of Colorado launching a clinical trial for a vax for children: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/university-of-colorado-school-of-medicine-researchers-launch-trial-for-new-covid-vaccine-for-children/ar-AA19rnpN Frankly, if you were ANY kind of thinking parent, would you EVER enlist your child in such a trial??????????

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The only conclusion this layman can reach is that the Hippocratic Oath has no meaning for today's young doctors, and that the entire federal government and Big Pharma are run by acolytes of Satan.

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As a grandmother I have come to believe that big Pharma, big Agriculture and big Tech have taken over the “American Dream” and sacrificing children for their big bucks is just acceptable collateral damage.

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The typical response I get from a friend when I try and inform him: "Personally I feel this whole "unexplained death" AND "Spike related illness" has been overblown by the anti-vax community.

As for the "very least theory", {I said at the very least check you spike levels before getting anymore} I have a very difficult time believing the worlds top scientists haven't taken everything your saying under consideration. I feel it's like me (a simple hockey fan with a degree of knowledge) yelling at the $5 million a year coach on TV telling him how to run his hockey team in hopes he somehow hears me and says, yah, why didn't I think about that!"

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From the beginning it was obvious to me the great push to get everyone vaccinated immediately was necessary to silence pushback. Because no matter matter how bad vax outcomes turn out to be it will be near impossible for those who took the jabs to admit it. Medical personnel were easiest to jab en-masse early-on and because medicine is a hugely ego driven profession the vast majority will never admit it was a mistake. The powers behind this knew what they were doing. In fact I’d say it was a military quality operation that they ran though AI simulations. That’s how they remained one step ahead of most people’s ability to smell what was fairly obvious bs.

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Dear Dr. Pete,

We know the truth and are so indebted to you for fighting for the truth to come out! Praying for you and the success of your life mission!

A Follower

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The system is persecuting and killing people while most of the sheep ignore it. That is not unprecedented.

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Reminiscent of “mostly peaceful”

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There could be instances of authors having to provide conclusions such as ‘relatively safe’ in order to get the data out and the paper published. These sorts of silly conclusions rarely existed before the jabs and wouldn’t have passed peer review

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Agree Dr. McCoullough. I came to this conclusion over a year ago, stated so publicly on LinkedIn and my account was frozen. Courageous Discourse indeed.

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Maybe we should be looking into to causes of willful blindness. It looks to be derived from personal compensation, research funding and capital gains - probably an amalgamation of the three. Oh, yes, that’s corrupt.

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Objective journalism is dead. Objective science too. Any good economist knows that capitalism is a revolutionary force. In the endgame process, unregulated, it commodifies everything, including the human being, and calculations of the corporation reduce us to items on a profit and loss statement. The term useless eaters is back in vogue with the corporate cadre of the WEF, and in the interest of profit they will wipe most of us from the face of the earth. This is not a positive outlook, but a good reading of history supports the conclusion.

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If all vaccines for human and animal are soon going to have MRNA, maybe these vaccines will have the same safety profile as all the rest.

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How about we round up the author's of this study's conclusion and ........make an example?

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