How peculiar, I recall in the not too distant past, any barman or restaurant waiter had the right to demand injection status prior to accepting customers. Now, this medical data is suppressed if someone suddenly and unexpectedly drops dead. Golly.

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PSA. My method for dealing with the "Are you vaccinated" question,

Answer: Nobody's vaccinated.

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My preferred reply: "against what?" which opens it up quite nicely.

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Around here we all now to which poison prick they are referring.

Now I'm hearing hospitals aren't asking anymore. Why prey tell do you think that may be? 🤔

So they won't collect data that contradicts their narrative and they won't have to report it. Stalag 13 style...I SEE NOTHING!

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Especially if the case whereby any, and all, manufactured batches were done in such haste that inoculums percentages of ingredients were non-consistent by vial volume.

Or careless storage and handling also a major factor for this SCD phenom. If the vids are real and not fakes, the way the victims are shown by some initial dizziness, followed quickly by staring skyward with eyes rolling and arms upward as though electrical shock was being applied then within a split second a total lites out power off collapse. So far it seems that none grabbed the chest region near the heart as in most all heart attacks?

I speculate that many felt no pain and died while collapsing with no post convulsions.

They are horribly way too similar and extremely compelling as rarely ever before seen.

Please, a reminder that these vials have been protected from liability from vial to grave!

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Speaking of storage and handling...

Last year there was a study done which pointed to poor handling and storage saving lives. What do I mean? I mean that higher rates of adverse events and death were associated with properly handled vials and fewer events for poorly handled material.

So if you got a dose from a batch that was maintained per the manufacturers specifications you were more likely to die or have an adverse event, now know as a "coincidence"...

To your description of victims, many can be seen in the documentary "Died Suddenly" these events indicate brain function issue or Seizure. This can be caused by electrical problems in the brain or blood clots. But it's very interesting the similarities between the events which suggests similar brain structures are being affected.

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Well put.

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Karen's aren't Karen-ing anymore...🤔

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"any mention of past SARS-CoV-2 immunization appears to be scrubbed from the internet. "

Curiously this is the same tactic media uses to shape racial narratives related to crime.

What a coincidence! 🤔

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It's amazing that when someone dies suddenly, we are not to know their vaccine status. But for the last year, when you wanted to eat in a restaurant , travel on a plane, or go to a gym, you had to disclose your vaccine status. What is wrong with this picture?

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It also seemed that if you died and were unvaccinated you made the headlines i.e. the pandemic of the unvaccinated.

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough, for once again shining a light on the obvious harms of the gene therapy. Eventually, people will have to wake up and admit what is happening.

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Authors had to conclude that “no correlation with vaccination was found “ just to get the paper published. We’ve been living in very strange and dark times.

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Dr McCullough- I know that in Dec 2021 the FDA approved an injectable cholesterol medication (Leqvio) that has the mRNA technology as well. Drug companies are putting the mRNA tech in other vaccines (i.e. flu, RSV) but the public is not expecting to see this gene therapy in medicines to treat chronic conditions such as high cholesterol. Seems they only did a small human trial for 18 mons and limited animal studies. Why are drugs getting released without extensive trials? Yes, this drug would take even longer to test because it is a twice a year injection. There has not been enough time and enough subjects to determine long-term safety. My thought is that with gene-therapy only time tells the true story. Under Immunogenicity the drug insert reads "There was no evidence that the presence of anti-drug binding antibodies impacted the pharmacodynamic profile, clinical response, or safety of LEQVIO, but the long-term consequences of continuing LEQVIO treatment in the presence of anti-drug binding antibodies are unknown." This is not my area of expertises. What are your and others thoughts?

https://www.leqvio.com <--link to drug insert on site

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Please keep researching an publishing. The Florida Grand Jury should find all this information useful.

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Has anyone else seen the bizarre rise in deaths amongst celebrities? Seems like they are dropping dead daily from 'cardiac arrest'. Nothing to see here....move along.

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Keep ‘em coming, Dr. M. ❤️

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The common thread from Faucci and the left...nothing to see here...move on...move on. Death as a finality of life...not as an unborn fetus which they also have little interest in is a common core value for adults and kids of all ages for the left and the Progressives. Imagine if they had a full of an active domestic Gestapo like Army of thugs, criminals and really bad people from south of the border as their neutralizing agents of the future...to imprison all who like in the recent past when they even suggested jailing those who had a different thought about climate change....Sure..such is admonished as conspiracy theories yet the topic of sudden adult death syndrome too was admonished yet it too is quite valid.

The Truth Will Set You Free is quite valid but the reverse is just as valid...keeping the truth away will keep you in chains. In the House we the “truthers” have but a 5 vote margin to keep the truth operative...hopefully the spineless at most of the time GOPers can provide the truth for this Nation....too many are RINOs who are more Progressive stooges...who are manipulated by the CCP like globalists...and will keep close tabs on the real truth from leaking out.

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Old enough to remember when cancer was the word whispered as "C" and victims were hidden and fear of contagiousness helped keep illness as known carcinogens like PCBs contaminated the planet and then the biggest polluters like GE became "health care" while Monsanto became "life sciences" all hidden from 1934 w Harvard School of Public Health to avoid public panic.

Now we race for the cures finding unity in sickness and deaths while causes are ignored entirely. Data collection ended under Dubbya so air at Ground Zero could be called safe.. just stop collecting data voila the bad news vanishes!! https://web.archive.org/web/20120213000438/http://scorecard.goodguide.com/env-releases/us-map.tcl

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Are most cancers rising then?

I’ve not tried to track anything but skin cancer

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Cancers are rising in my area, one 30 year old was diagnosed with 2 types of testicular cancer 3 months after his second injection. He died within a year, as did his friend who was diagnosed with cancer 1 month after his second injection.

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I'm a coroner in rural Missouri. I just completed my annual report, including cause of death following covid vaccination. I was startled to find that my chart almost exactly correlated with the results of my Columbian colleagues. Wish I could post my data here. In a county with a population of only 25,000 of which 33% are vaccinated, the vaccine-related deaths really stand out.

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I read the paper. The authors claimed there was no association between vaccine status and cause of death.

This paper adds nothing to our knowledge. Read how the cases were selected. This paper is trash.

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