We have had two calls from the CDC and I have instructed my staff to NOT to speak to anyone. We will only give them what they request in writing and that is it period. They are NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Since acquiring our Multifunction Cardiogram from heartcarecorp.com, we have filed 10 cases through openvaers.com to report myocarditis in our vaccinated patients. CDC has clearly picked up on this enough to call our small nurse practitioner owned practice in a rural community. Regardless, I will not speak with anyone from the CDC. Call it paranoia, but after 7 DOH complaints agaisnt my license during the covid plandemic--my guard and defenses are ALL UP.

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You are a wise warrior! I applaud you!

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Building the case incrementally, well done. I wonder what the "a ha" moment will finally be for those who continue to be hoodwinked. I can show ppl article after article and they just keep saying "so what - the best scientist in the world are on this and still recommend it"......as he is on his 4th. Good Grief.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

This is so common. People who actually use their God-given brains and THINK when confronted with cognitive dissonant information, themselves, are confused at the lack of lucidity in these folks.

However, it is pretty simple:

-- people are, in general, lazy

-- they do not want to be responsible even for their own welfare, their own living being, enough to consider that the "experts" may have ulterior motives or are being controlled. Both of which is occurring.

-- these same people will not be swayed by anything less than seeing a loved one die, be murdered in plain sight. They REQUIRE visible, direct, irrefutable evidence with no interpretation or need for education and understanding. . . OR, they will stay locked in indecision and confusion.


2000 years ago there came an example of such: Doubting Thomas

Today, we are offered the similar "Devil's advocate" copout by folks who just feel compelled to disagree without having to THINK!

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Well this explains why autopsy’s weren’t performed after most Covid deaths. They don’t want this information out. It’s so much easier to say, “ Yep, the virus causes this too,” without proof. Most of everything we hear is without proof. Not real surprised by this. Thanks for all the good work. It’s all going to pay off. Every little bit of it, and same for people that spread this info. Print this out and leave it out somewhere.

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In 2017 This "AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle" moved to Texas. Best move I ever made. I am so glad you have Courageous Discourse, I know you make a difference.

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Curious. I live in liberal Minnesota. Considering the same. . .

Did you look at other states and make any conscious comparison between them? Arkansas, Oklahoma, Florida, etc?

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Yes. I would never go to Florida, snakes, alligators and hurricanes. I checked Idaho and Virginia and lost a nice little home in Williamsburg. The criteria for my home was to be on a sewer line, build out and not up like Seattle and with a reasonable home price. The property tax on my home in 2021 was $3500, in 2022 was $3250 and next year will be lower again. I don't need big and fancy, just functional and I can make it nice. I love remodeling. Good luck on your search.

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OK. You must have really gotten serious about Virginia. Williamsburg is near ocean and great seafood . . . We lived in Winchester for 3 yrs; honeymooned on Skyline Drive through 3 states in 1974.

I've had enough of snow and cold weather so the upper tier states are no longer an attraction as much as I like to hunt and fish and be around conservatives. . .

thinking warmer weather, friendly neighbors and people in general, non-urban, lower or no state taxes with not so high property taxes. In Minnesota both are high and then, highly liberal to boot.

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I can’t prove it of course but based on my own symptoms and those of others I’d say covid-19 had a fairly significant neurological component akin to being poisoned by a chemical nerve agent. The rather common severing of olfactory receptors and high incidence of tachycardia along with reports of tingling or pain in extremities, paralysis and brain fog, etc., are not what I perceive as typical outcomes of a respiratory-only virus or so-called “vaccine.”

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Hell will freeze over and the pyramids of Egypt will be surrounded by tropical rain forest by the time the truly inhumane and diabolical people in the CDC will share the raw data on this “vaccine” which from the very beginning was never intended in preventing anything....it was a bio-weapon to cause harm and that is exactly what we have/are seeing. Like raw climate change data from the past being changed to support the sky is falling...changing data for political points is the sign of those unethical folks on both sides of the political spectrum...and thus we need to see the raw data now.

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Bring them to justice for all the families of shot victims!

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How different are the effects of SARS COV1 from SARS COV2? Was there an increase of Myocarditis during the SARS COV1 period?

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Indeed. I wonder when it will happen. When will people stop glazing over and telling us that this vital medical information is mis information?

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Peter and all,

The People have NOT yet begun to fight, refusing to UNITE yet in any productive Freedom Movement!

The next step has to be UNITY of The People…if ALL Treason is to be addressed with serious accountability, including the COVID19 insanity!

No one, I repeat NO ONE in political power today will ever do the right things until they FEAR the people!

There is nothing for them to fear until we UNITE against them!

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

Divided, there is nothing we can

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

Divided, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, writer with a serious resume at News With Views has another important piece out tomorrow…for those who value Freedom and Liberty, wanting to save our Republic for future generations and ALL of humanity!

P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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Dear Dr. McCullough,

Had my first appointment with a cardiologist last week. IMMENSELY THANKFUL to you for all of the EXCELLENT information that you have shared during this nightmare. Based upon that information, I felt confident in asking questions and in understanding what the cardiologist explained to me.

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