
Dear friends, thank you so much for reading my post about Dr. Paul Marik and his Band of Brothers. Dr. Marik and his FLCCC have been conspicuous angels who have emerged from this darkness. They are what Hippocrates had in mind when wrote his founding reflections on the ethos of the true healer.

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Thank you so much to Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Kory, and everyone at FLCCC and both of you for all that you do. This substack has been so helpful to me in obtaining information that I can trust. Dr. McCullough, thank you also for The McCullough report and your weekly Q&A with Malcom on America Outoud. I look forward to them and share with my friends and family.

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I lost my husband on August 31, 2021 because he was denied the right the try Ivermectin/HCQ and was given REMDESEVIR instead. They refused to listen to us or our wishes without a court order and he fought for almost 30 days on life support/ECMO/Dialysis/Feeding Tube/etc only for his lungs to turn to cement. I had to FIGHT for him to get high dose Vit C IV and I personally headed a blood drive so he would have unvaccinated blood on hand at all times when needed. He was a Navy Veteran, GREAT man, wonderful husband, Amazing Grandpa to 6 and he had just turned 50 years old. Ssssoooo many lives have been destroyed with these protocols, lies and deceit and I will fight till my dying breathe to hold these evil people responsible for what they have done to our loved ones! Thank you so much for all you do!

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Criminal what you, your husband, & family were put through. I still can’t wrap my mind around refusing alternate treatments when present one’s weren’t working. Only explanation is to deep dive into satanic evil.

May God bless you in your determination to get rightful justice!!

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Your loss is beyond excruciating. I’m so sorry! The only good news is that some organizations and individuals are starting to fight back. You may be interested in the following:

Holding Hospitals Accountable | November 2022


“If you have a loved one who died in the hospital after receiving government-mandated COVID treatments or who were refused their patient rights, or were knowingly euthanized, there are actions you can file to hold that hospital accountable,” said Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, President and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity human rights organization defending life and medical freedom. “This is a call to action to stop the white coat killers and hold them accountable,” said Dr. Vliet who has been involved in hospital “rescues” of such patients throughout the COVID pandemic. Truth For Health Foundation legal and medical team revealed shocking details from families who lost loved ones to these hospital death protocols and provide details on the new tools for citizen action that can be done by individuals without an attorney, and are aimed at stopping these deaths of vulnerable COVID and disabled patients.


Nurse Jodi O’Malley and Truth for Health Foundation Nurse Nicole Landers:


File a Sentinel Event Safety Report:



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Thank you! I am already part of that group and have given my testimony to them. We will continue to fight back as long as it takes! Our loved ones were murdered in these hospitals for NOTHING!

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I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you went through and are going through. It all seems to be for nothing. The powers at be could have helped so many people. Our institutions have failed us miserably.

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My heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your husband. May justice prevail and all involved in these crimes against humanity be prosecuted.

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Thank you so much! I pray for that too for my family and so many others!!!!

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And Fauci wonders why he needs a security detail.

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Thank you! ♥️

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Medical brilliance + mercy + courage + compassion = Dr Marik.

Wish we could clone this amazing gentleman!

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Thank you for this post. Well written. I was fortunate to have been treated with the protocol of steroids, blood thinners and vitamin C when I was hospitalized with COVID in Nov 2020. I believe it is because I live in Memphis Tenn where Dr Medura practices and my physicians were following his protocol. I would love to meet him some day and thank him for his contribution to treating COVID. So thankful for all the brave physicians who went against the CDC guidelines for treatment of COVID.

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These courageous medical doctors will be heralded as heroes and national treasures once the entire world learns the truth.

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Heroes ...Love from Germany - unvaxxed

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Excellent review of how we got here...

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I just watched this video from Epoch Cinema. It clearly illustrates the long-standing egregious behavior by government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and so many others to suppress and destroy doctors along with safe, effective treatments that won't make huge money but could save countless lives and eliminate human suffering.

Sadly, Drs. Marik and McCullough are not alone and this horror show didn't start with COVID.

👀 MUST WATCH (1 hr 50 min) | Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-Up | 2016 Documentary | November 11, 2022 EPOCH CINEMA



Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-Up | Documentary

This film is only available in the United States because of territorial licensing.

“Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-Up” is the story of a pioneering biochemist who discovered a unique and proprietary method of successfully treating most cancers. This documentary takes the audience on a near 50-year journey both Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and his patients have been enduring in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of antineoplastons. Defying skepticism, legal attacks from state and federal agencies, and a powerful propaganda campaign to stop Burzynski, this doctor and his patients are still going strong.

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I actually interviewed Dr. Burzynski in 2014 (by phone) for a contract writing job. I'd never heard of him before the assignment but had spent a decade as a newscaster at a Disney/ABC-owned TV station in North Carolina and had done tons of stories with people involved with the Duke Brain Tumor Center. I spent weeks researching and investigating Dr. Burzynski. After our three hour conversation I literally dropped the phone, telling my husband, "There's been a treatment for cancer we've never heard of because the cancer industry is threatened by it." I'd just lost my beloved aunt to cancer. I still can't believe how Dr. Burzynski was harassed for decades. He was humble and had a great answer for my toughest questions. He said his protocol couldn't cure everybody but that it was less side effect-producing and offer often better outcomes for some patients with certain types of cancers. Overall I was so impressed... It was the beginning of my eyes being opened to what the healthcare industry really is.

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Thank you for highlighting these courageous doctors. When the covidean cult attacks MDs of such great integrity, it contributes to its own demise. The only doctor I would have confidence in is some who has been censured for speaking out.

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While reading the article I remembered this historical opening quote:

Professor Woodrow Wilson once said that every man sent out from a university should be a man of his nation as well as a man of his time, and I am confident that the men and women who carry the honor of graduating from this institution will continue to give from their lives, from their talents, a high measure of public service and public support.

“There are few earthly things more beautiful than a university,” wrote John Masefield, in his tribute to English universities—and his words are equally true today. He did not refer to spires and towers, to campus greens and ivied walls. He ad-mired the splendid beauty of the university, he said, because it was “a place where those who hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who perceive truth may strive to make others see.”

I have, therefore, chosen this time and this place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived—yet it is the most important topic on earth: peace.


Thanks to you all from the bottom of my heart for your brave

commitment to global citizenship awareness and #FreeSpeech

ITS ADMIRABLE!! and thus, we will keep holding your back, for ever.

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Thanks, John, for this excerpt. And thanks to Dr. Marik for the sepsis treatment protocol. I remember so well helping to develop the policy and procedure and the hope this protocol generated in doctors and nurses caring for patients with sepsis where I worked. What’s amazing is that there was absolutely no pushback after the staff was educated on the protocol. Unfortunately, I was laid off a few months after implementation so I can’t speak to what surely had to be success.

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Video/Transcript: The Covid conspirators’ house of cards is tumbling down, says Member of European Parliament MEP – The Expose https://expose-news.com/2022/11/12/house-of-cards-is-tumbling-down-says-mep/

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Wonderful photo of you brothers! I loved the excerpt and learning the great accomplishments of Dr. Marik prior to the FLCCC, which weekly (Wed 7 pm est) update meetings I attend with guests and knowledgeable citizens from around the world (one learns so much from participating in the chats). Dr. McCullough has many followers in the chat who champion his cause. I have learned life saving protocols and measures from Dr. Marik, Dr Kory and Dr. Flavio Cadegiani* all of which I combine with Dr. McCullough's and Dr. Zelenko's protocols. Thank you for posting this inspiring bio of the quiet giant, Dr Paul Marik, to whom I always look forward to listening. I look forward to reading your book. All best wishes. *https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-spike-proteins-endocrine-hormone-disease-et/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=641909cb-d821-489b-9548-caa812049528

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

You have all been raised up “for such a time as this.” I referenced the “McCollough” protocol and FLCCC as well when sick with Delta in September 2021. I needed help with the steroid dosing, since the clinics were not offering early treatment.

I am an RN and I did develop what I believe to be covid pneumonia with oxygens in the 80’s. I went from walking 3.5miles/day to not being able to go 2 blocks with the breathlessness. Using the multi drug approach helped alleviate the suffering that is a part of this disease. Inhaled budesonide and answered prayer was the only thing that calmed the cough.

While flat on my back with Covid the LORD reminded me: “No weapon fashioned against you will prosper.” I repeated it to myself and thanked the LORD for this. Two weeks later I read the verse in the book of Isaiah. Praise the LORD. I thank Jesus for you and the others who have loved God and loved people, through your tireless work and commitment to humanity.

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Love these men. 100% Heros. May there be more like them to come 'round of courage, truth and love. Living in VA, I have seen Marik speak a few times, and each time he breaks down nearly crying for the injury, especially to the young, from this horror. This is why they are so 'demonized', the demons like to mimic everything Good, they are jealous and cannot love for their love of evil, selfish, lies. These men can and do. Choose your sides, my friends. There is no in between. We will all lean one way or the other. Be determined.

These men inspired me to write my book to honor the fallen and injured, and to tell the truth about the continuation of the bioweapons. It is survival of the fittest now. I'm told my book has red-pilled some. My book Gasoline -Observations After New Covid Inoculations, is available here:


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These Doctors are in good company. Onward ---->

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