The enemy is apparent.

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Nice to know everybody is now defining this as 'Fascism'. Seems it's required much time for very bright people to FORMALLY STATE THE OBVIOUS. They're continuing to leave out FEUDAL as 'Priviate Ownership' is being BANNED with 'The Great Taking' which is actually THEFT just as the current redistribution of wealth from the 'Middle Class' to the already mega-wealthy.

Going to require total war to end this worst of evil; the worst tyranny and Genocide through all history. It's an 'Extinction Level Event' of all organic DNA; life on Planet Earth.

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See this two minute DoD video from 2019 on planned "rapid response relationships"- government, industry, academia, NGOs and international entities - in response to "outbreaks"


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Thank You for weaving together all the fragments of what I have long known in bits & pieces

Well done 👍



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See this two minute DoD video from 2019 on planned "rapid response relationships"- government, industry, academia, NGOs and international entities - in response to "outbreaks"


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But we must be careful not to dilute the responsibility for what has occurred to the degree that it becomes inert in the minds of the American people. This may have already happened. Many seem to shrug their shoulders after declaring “Follow the money”. This produces a growing cynicism but not much else. It reduces a great evil to garden variety greed. There needs to be a focused demand for accountability and justice. This requires knowing where all this started and who is ultimately responsible. I believe powerful actors in the US government(including but not limited to the DoD) as well as international governments colluded with individuals and institutions outside of government to plan and execute a manufactured crisis and response known as the COVID pandemic. This did not start with Pfizer or Moderna or the FDA or CDC. They were important accessories to the crime however they were not the prime perpetrators. If justice is ever to be done a floodlight will not produce it in my opinion. A powerful spotlight will be needed.

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Absolutely correct. To prevent another attack on humanity, it's necessary to cut off the head of the snake. There will be many facilitators and collaborators where money and power are involved, but we have to stop the governmental actors from the US and their global counterparts who pull the strings. To focus on the apparatus is to miss the point.

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However, Americans funded Wuhan and Gain Of Function. That's been proven. The Trojan Horse didn't get in without those at the gate allowing it. China doesn't spy on us THEN US finds out. They know it before it happens!

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It’s intriguing to see that connecting the dots among government and drug companies keeps people rich and powerful while on the backs of tax payers.

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Katherine Watt has moved this discussion down the road with her excellent and detailed analysis of legislation that has opened the door to military-pharmaceutical corruption and collusion. She shined a light on the Congressional role in this Orwellian nightmare. The ground work exists. Now we need a true crime writer of your skill to convert the information into a form that can be easily understood. (A graphic artist may be needed to enhance the text.) With.a clear description of the offending legislation and its remedy, we can get to work. Perhaps you can bring metaphor and analogy and creative description to otherwise deceptive legislation. Perhaps it can be accomplished with a true crime courtroom drama format. We need to bring street level clarity to a complex crime. Perhaps a "Columbo Goes to Washington" approach, allowing "naive" questions to expose the villains?

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There is a lot to be said for the power of story and drama to change people's minds. Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe changed people's minds about slavery, and when my English/Irish/German grandmother, raised in the deep South, in a culture of racism, saw Roots, she completely identified with Kunta Kinte. I think the attack on the Humanities, and "social emotional" learning instead of literacy, and promotion of autofiction and getting sensitivity readers into publishing, and the DIE CRT in film, and surrounding people with incessant shaping propagandistic "content" online is no accident. They want us to be illiterate, unread, plugged into the "cognitive infrastructure" with images sluiced into our heads from morning until night, trading the doomscrolling fear porn for narrative propaganda content at night for relief. They know the power of film and fiction to change the world and they want to destroy it.

I am reading Song of the Stork by Stephan Collishaw, about a mute man hiding a young Jewish girl from the Nazis during WWII, so I am both here in the coming unglued world and in the mind of that young girl at the same time. This is what Frederick Turner calls a "neurocharm" and it is being purposefully extinguished. Yours is a good idea!

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This is EXACTLY what I think, too. It will take John Leake to make Watts' legal information interesting for casual readers. And we desperately need someone to do this.

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Big pharma uses government to promote its deadly drugs as well as get protection from liability. Government uses big pharma to promote its depopulation agendas using deadly drugs which no one in government or big pharma will acknowledge their use for such purposes.

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Food and Drug And Drug Administration never did make any sense, to me. Too much money, Too much power and too little transparency, to be tied together. Safety goes out the window, when greed is involved. Never should one be able to work for one side and then the other or both at the same time. Need a complete dismantle of current admins.

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Thank you John.

Absolutely Disgusting but not surprising. But it is not just about the $$$ It is about Power, Control and the eventual dumbing down, incapacitating and Genocide of much of humanity by the Predator/Parasites in charge.

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The dumbing down has been a raging success. I can’t stomach to talk to half of the country these days.

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Chiadrum, It is such a tragedy.

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The orange guy broke people’s brains badly enough, then came the Scamdemic. Sheesh. Our species deserves whatever it gets at this point.

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My own terminology? Is it bedfellows or? A symbiosis between big (gigantic) government and big (gigantic) pharma? And now especially given they reaped a trillion in fiat profit from a fear driven jab! Its truly amazing to me the degree to which people (doctors esp) are oblivious to their own gullibility! But. How DO we fight a national media (international) bent on destruction of morality and its constitutional republic? Im sure that Dr McCullough is asking THAT question as well!

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If things in this government really go in the toilet over the next year and the current regime continues to take our country downhill, the idea of having a Convention of States to try and get us back on a firm Constitutional footing may be the last hope (Dr. Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation, concurs). We stare in disbelief at unfolding world events and realize that none of our leaders are going to publicly confront the monster in the room, described so thoroughly by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt and alluded to in this essay by John. A small group of faceless string pullers have once again put one over on humanity for their own political and financial purposes and the military industrial complex has once again committed genocide, like the hundreds of thousands in the ‘War on Terror’ since 9/11 and all the manufactured wars in history. https://liveyosemite.wordpress.com/2023/08/27/social-issues/

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Pardon my skepticism of recommendations from the Heritage FDN.

In my view they are the public face of our RINOs.

And the "Convention of States" is a pandora's box of opportunity for the destroyers of our Constitution to insinuate themselves into a process that they could use to permanently upend our Republic.

At this point very few "actors" can be trusted.

Don't trust me. Do your own due diligence.

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The COS leaders anticipated the kinds of fears that you mention and specifically limited the scope of the convention proposals to three critical areas: reduce the size and power of federal govt, propose term limits and impose fiscal restraints. Many other hot button issues derive from these three fundamental abuses of the Constitution. Remember all COS is asking for is have a meeting to address those three critical problem areas, and it takes 34 states to agree to have that meeting and then it takes 38 states to agree to the resolutions that come out of it.

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I heard Mark Levin talking about and promoting a Convention of States years ago. I would be concerned about a “be careful what you ask for” scenario. Our current US Constitution is a Divinely inspired document already with a procedure for making amendments. Our nation is so divided now I would be very concerned that the dumbed down, indoctrinated population with the equally dumb and corrupt state representatives would use the Convention of States as a means to destroy what is good about our Constitution.

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Yes; and not only that but our anti-American megaphone, AKA MSM, would latch onto this "opportunity" for change like a rat terrier and not let go until the body lies in the dust, lifeless.

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Where is Rachael Walensky working now? She confessed that her initial optimism for the Pfizer shot was based off of information from a CNN report and who suddenly approved the vaccines for use in pregnant women two days before she was scheduled to receive a report on research about that very topic. She has not told us what information, if any, she used to make that frighteningly irresponsible decision. There are dozens and dozens more names to add to your list, Including Anthony Fauci’s large financial interests in remdesivir and the Covid-19 injections.

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This is why if you become a govt official you and your family should have a freeze on any stock transactions-as well as hiring people who are not qualified or are involved in these businesses- like Fauci- did he ever treat patients? Or did he just use them as lab rats- or gof research? Pelosi she’s brilliant at trading stocks- better than Buffett? The govt officials should also make median salary of their constituents- heck we pay for their food and travel! Separate but similar note- not one of our ex presidents should be given security paid by tax payers- done- they can afford it- if your are 1 year out fine otherwise pay yourself!

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Trump did not take his Presidential salary, he didn’t need it. He is probably the only President who lost money by being President. And I pray for his security because I know that the Demonrats and members of the Deep State will stop at nothing to prevent him from taking office again. I also pray for the safety of his security detail because they are in harms way protecting him. And I also pray for their loyalty, that not one of them will try to assassinate him either.

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Thanks for this. For readers here, I would add that Hedley Rees is another very important source of information about what's been going very and weirdly opaquely wrong with the manufacturing of the mRNA jabs. https://hedleyrees.substack.com/

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John, re the medical industrial complex...

The World Economic Forum is manipulating much in the world, along with its myriad partners/corporations, and reportedly 'penetrating zee cabinets' according to Klaus Schwab's boast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxJ1wPnkk4

In its mission statement the WEF describes itself as: "the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. It provides a global, impartial and not-for-profit platform for meaningful connection between stakeholders to establish trust, and build initiatives for cooperation and progress".[1]

A 'not for profit' platform?

How does this work? What benefit does the WEF receive for describing itself as 'not for profit'?

A huge list of corporations are 'partners' with the World Economic Forum[2], including BlackRock, which is headed by Larry Fink, who is also on the WEF Board of Trustees.[3]

Again, I wonder what 'not for profit' actually means and how this status might be exploited?

I'm asking around about this...

It's also relevant to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which describes itself as "...a nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world".[4] Really?!?! While also running international vaccination policy and developing the highly lucrative vaccine industry via the WHO...[5]


1. WEF Mission Statement https://www.weforum.org/about/world-economic-forum/#:~:text=The%20World%20Economic%20Forum%20is,initiatives%20for%20cooperation%20and%20progress.

2. WEF Partners: https://www.weforum.org/partners/#B

3. WEF Leadership and Governance: https://www.weforum.org/about/leadership-and-governance/

4. Look for the small print buried down the bottom of this page: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/

5. See BMGF and GAVI Alliance on this WHO Contributors list: https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors

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John, re the Prep Act purportedly providing "immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims:...to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures".

Isn't it willful misconduct if a doctor, nurse, pharmacist (aka 'vaccinator') 'administers a countermeasure' to an individual who has not given authentic voluntary informed consent for the 'countermeasure' e.g. a COVID-19 vaccination?

This can occur in the case of an individual who has been mandated to have COVID-19 vaccination to maintain their livelihood and participate in society. If an individual presents before a vaccinator under a mandate, i.e. under duress, shouldn’t the vaccinator refuse to inject them if the individual is not voluntarily wanting the vaccination/'countermeasure'?

Isn’t it willful misconduct if a vaccinator injects someone they know is under duress to submit to the vaccination/'countermeasure', i.e. there has not been valid consent?

We need clarification on this matter.

Also see my email to the President of the American Medical Association relevant COVID-19 vaccination and mandates: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/informed-consent-and-covid-19-vaccination-mandates-4.pdf


Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act:


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See this post - on the Pentagon-Moderna 'DART' - for the Next Pandemic


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