This same story is now being repeated with cancer patients. Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are having some very promising results for which chemotherapy hasn’t helped, yet oncologists refuse to even consider it, and offer empty promises instead.

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Makes me furious. 😡 I am going to try to get Ivermectin and Fenbendazole to store so I have it at the ready. I believe McCullough’s Wellness Store can supply at least the Ivermectin.

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I have a stash of ivermectin already, and febendazole is available on Amazon. I have a bottle in my "save for later" cart.

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Ivermectin in any amount from pharmacy's in India, too.

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I’ve got mine! Here’s my sources:

Iver: https://gomedicinecounter.com/

FenBen: https://thehappyhealingstore.com/

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Not only that, perhaps the best Cancer MD in Canada (Dr Makis) who uses these methods has been sentenced to prison for telling the truth and curing thousands for using proven methods that have been outlawed by the lying fakes called the Canadian and Prov Govs!

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I think his "greater crime" was exposing the Alberta Medical Licensing Board's malfeasance and the "pedophiles who infest it".

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It is an old story it seems. Organized suppression and narrative control.

As always I suggest compartmentalization and relatively few actively evil perps can drive the systems to do what is wanted, eg suppress fenbendazole etc etc etc ETC etc and back to God knows when, 1850.......

With useful idiots, possibly redeemable, pulling the trigger on XYZ death protocols or whatnot, ie your average doc or nurse. Not too many actively evil, conscious of their role, and many many useful idiots. Meaning the situation is retrievable.

However how many docs are predisposed to discount (already!) anything that wingnut (kennedy, battacharya etc etc) may find.... I note Ladapo certainly has bonafides and has been blunt to the limit of 'provable', and this has had little effect. I think the tide will turn however, the lemmings will spot the cliff(!)...

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My wife and I never bought into the propaganda. I have a Medtronic Pacemaker Defibrillator. I inquired about the vaccine from a physician I trust. He broadcast caution. He put me in touch with a prominent epidemiologist at Yale. Hell no was his advice. I watched Peter's testimony before the Texas Senate about early treatment protocols. I reside in Brasil part of the year when not in Texas. Ivermectin is an OTC medication in Brasil, widely available at any pharmacy and very inexpensive. My wife and I are Ivermectin prophylaxis advocates. The American Hospital Association was complicit in the deaths in the USA by encouraging member hospitals to " follow the science" and to benefit from the associated financial incentives. Who among you trust the federal government?

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Not I (anesthesiologist)

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I hold an FAA Airline Transport Pilots License. I spent 45yrs in the cockpit since first learning how to fly at a very impressionable 17yrs of age.

Forcibly “Retired” from my employer in Abu Dhabi mid-2020 along with all other crews over the age of 60yrs due Covid. (I was 62yrs at the time) I got lucky. All crews under 60yrs that remained, were “required” to get the “K-Shot” (It’s not a Vaccine)

When the “Shots” were initially being rolled-out, a lotta Red Flags and Red Lights started appearing in my cockpit (aka, “My Little World”) Why was the global media going into meltdown...? Why were Govt’s around the world mandating forced inoculations? Why were populations not questioning it…? Why were hospitals in North America turning away patients with respiratory illnesses? A lot of questions… and very few, if any answers.

Having previously contracted severe respiratory infections in the past, including Legionaries Disease in 2007 while in Nigeria and Mycoplasma Pneumonia while in Abu Dhabi back in 2000, I am very familiar with what it’s like to be laying in a hospital bed trying to breathe with the aid of a nebulizer. It’s not much fun.

Then in Feb 2020, I became violently ill with what I believe was the Covid Virus here on the island of Phuket in SW Thailand where I have my home.

I saw a Thai Chinese ENT at the local Int’l hospital who prescribed a cocktail of pharmaceuticals to get me through whatever it was I had. This all happened just as C19 was starting to spread at the beginning of the 2020 Chinese New Year.

After 1 week of taking my prescribed meds, I was fine.

Throughout 2021, Govt’s, Employers and the MSM were all Hell bent on “Everyone” getting “Vax’d”. Why? Excuse me but it takes 7-10 years for Pharmaceutical Companies to conduct Phase 1, 2 and 3 Clinical Trials, and that’s providing they meet all their target end point numbers during the Trials..!!!

Sitting back watching what was being done to global populations by “The Bilderberg Group” through their WEF and WHO proxies, it was blatantly obvious to me that something was seriously wrong. Instead of lining-up for the K-Shot like a lamb being led to slaughter, I chose instead to go “Missed Approach” on the Shot and enter a “Holding Pattern” until I had more data. During the “Hold” I chose to follow FLCCC weekly dosing protocols for Ivermectin, available OTC in the country where I live.

Due to my previous medical history with respiratory infections, I have also been supplementing my immune system daily with Vit-D3, Vit-C, Zinc, Hashi Nasal Rinse with one (1) drop of iodine and Chaga Tea. I’m now 66yrs of age, perfectly healthy, and remain un-Vax’d.

Regarding Ivermectin, the only reason Ivermectin was “Banned” in North America was that the FDA, CDC and NIH said that “off label” drugs were ineffective and could not be used against Covid.

With Ivermectin out of the way, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Act could be enacted, paving the way for the so called “Vaccines”.

Sadly, we now all know that the Covid Virus was just the first step in depopulation. The second step was the “K-Shot” and all the Boosters that people voluntarily lined up for.

I’ve lost track of the number of people I know, who have died from the shots, have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, Kidneys are shutting down, or young women who have lost their unborn babies.

To this day the only theory I can come up with as to how global populations could have been mislead into believing what was being force fed to them is Mattias Desmet’s theory of Mass Formation Psychosis / Hypnosis and the 24/7 scare tactics employed by the American MSM.

Trust your own bodies natural immune system and if need be, supplement it. Nuff Said.

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Happy to hear that you're well!

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Followed a similar path and repatriated to the US after 10 fantastic years of flying out of HongKong. Managed to keep things rolling, but with no end in sight, entered a similar holding pattern in early 2022… thanks to early warning signals from Pierre Kory, FLCCC, Peter McCullough, and the 2SG Substack, we, and a large share of our immediate family avoided the jabs. Not withstanding, we’ve fended against shedding exposures ever since. a broad range of therapeutics have proved their infinite worth. ~Tailwinds and blue skies~

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a good summary ian, thank you. since leaving the airline have you kept up with any of your fly-boy (and girl) colleagues as to how they fared (... no pun intended)? eg those who 'jabbed' and stayed flying and those like you who took the exit door? though anecdotal it gives an indication of relative consequences. TIA.

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Thank you for this. I cannot agree more that the memory of what happened with ivermectin needs to be kept alive, that it may not happen again. It was a crime to smear this widely and safely used FDA-approved drug, it was a crime to smear the reputations of those doctors who would prescribe it to their patients, and it was a crime to refuse patients ivermectin, and it was a crime to refuse to fill doctors' prescriptions for it. May those who perpetrated these crime be held accountable before the law.

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In early 2022, my own GP sent me home after confirming a Covid diagnosis with a minor cough. I was stunned he wasn’t more proactive and remembered similar cases spoken of where the patient ended up hospitalized. As if on cue, the cough got worse over the next day and I contacted an FLCCC doc through their online directory and was immediately prescribed Ivermectin and other meds. Fortunately, I had a local pharmacy that filled the ivermectin prescription. I also have a course of Ivermectin on hand. I am grateful to FLCCC, Drs. Kory and Marik, for providing a resource for me and so many others.

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These drugs should all be available OTC.

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They are in free countries but in not a single country in the West so what does that tell you?

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I believe one can buy ivermectin over the counter in Tennessee. See:


Many people make do by buying the horse paste online from amazon. I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, just sharing.

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Also, for making homemade quinine, close to hydroxychloroquine:


I have not tried this recipe, it's on my to try list. It looks fairly straightforward, lots of citrus and citrus peels.

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Yes but in free countries human beings should be able to buy whatever they want apart from poison and neither Ivermectin nor Fenbendazole are poison. We shouldn't have to make our own we shouldn't have to pretend we are horses, we should be able to buy it as they can in actual free countries. Those countries are free from big pharma control that only benefits shareholders and instead those countries ensure the people of those countries benefit.

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I very much agree with you.

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I better understood today, who Dr McCullough is, by just thinking about the caliber of his closest collaborators he chose: John Leake and Nicolas Hulscher.

I am imagining what the practicing physician, internist, cardiologist, researcher and professor, Dr McCullough, could do for the nation and the world, given the opportunity to work as Medical Sciences Advisor, for President Trump or a similar position.

His very first protocol for treatment of acute presentation of alleged pandemic is sufficient for a Nobel Prize for Medicine.

The addition of detoxification protocol, for whatever is in the jab, is just a bonus, and, a welcome alternative to a nihilistic approach.

Dr Zelenko, Dr William Makis and all the 5 frontline “canaries” including, Dr Mary Talley Bowden, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr George Fareed, Dr Paul Marik, deserve to share the Nobel Prize.

The real Prize will be granted to all of them for righteousness and service for others, by the Creator God.

Let us keep alive, the memory of events of the years 2019-2024.

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Look what happened once we ‘forgot’ 9-11. We must not become lax again. We must never forget what they did to us and our loved ones. If we forget all the instances, crazy nonsensical steps they took etc then we must focus on remembering the feelings those things caused-the pit of stomach soul sickness

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I have actually changed my advanced directive and instructed my loved ones on various repurposed drugs and to refuse remdesiver Absolutely, And all vaccines and to use McCullough or Fl CCC protocol Only. Also Paul Marik's sepsis protocol. I'm sure from what we've seen and experienced the last 4 years it will all be ignored, but by Golly I want my wishes carried out if I'm unable to protest on my own. Perhaps it will also slightly open the eyes of my very naive children and grandchildren who refuse to question.

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My husband and I prepared our “living wills” soon after my cousin was refused Ivermectin and died. Ours specifically states a refusal of remdesivir, but you added refusal of all vaccines as well. We may need to revise ours. Thanks.

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Unfortunately, they are ignoring wills and feeding people their deadly garbage instead.

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Thank you John for all you've done to expose these crimes against humanity

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I second x 1 milion, this statement.

John, this is the most important post you ever made. You identified ONE of the most esential TRUTH. Thank you.

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Only Nuremberg 2.0 can take in the full scope of this international criminality.


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I am livid every time I start to think about this. My oldest friend succumbed to remdesivir, ventilator and whatever anxiety med while in the hospital for high blood sugar! Tested for Covid everyday and miraculously positive the night before going home. Dead within 24 hours. These people are diabolical psychopaths.

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Same here, Texaspeaches. Livid. I don't expect to ever NOT be livid. My GOD, with all the evil already in the world, what did we do to deserve our ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT MEDICAL SYSTEM turning on us, refusing to treat us or save our lives? I will NEVER get over this. Never.

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No mention of the CDC endorsed "bonus" system to hospitals admitting Covid patients and the obscene payments earned by shepherding them through to their death via ventilators? In my opinion, that is the major story line of the reluctance to use Iver and Hydroxy...

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Sovereignty is the awakening. We realize we have been stuck in a polarized reality. Humanity is “taking her power back”

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and so they killed my sister at Baptist Beaches Hospital in Jacksonville Fl. by refusing Ivermectin and the rest of the protocol that would have saved her life. Not to mention she died all alone. I will never set foot in a hospital again.

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So sorry!

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IMMENSELY SORRY for the EVIL inflicted upon your sister and HEART-WRENCHING suffering inflicted upon both of you and all of her loved ones....😣

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Horribly disappointed in DeSantis and Ladapo- it’s like they gave a rallying cry and only did half the deed- yelled and protected some rights but did nothing about other half of problem- have done nothing to ensure provider protection to prescribe Ivermectin or to ensure patient can readily get a prescription filled. January 2023 it was a Saturday when my visiting 80y MIL got Covid- no compounded pharmacy open so I had to use CVS/Walgreens for our 3 prescriptions 100+$$ cash with large abusive side order of lies, condescension, and threats not fill. I was shaking and crying in the parking lot while finally waiting for rx to be filled in utter disgust and disbelief at my country, my heart hurt. (Both pharmacies it was same). I am so very sorry for your loss- as a semi-retired non-hands on nurse for several years-I was outraged that people were left alone to die (among all other heinous treatments as well)-criminal and inhumane and INEXCUSABLE. I will never work in healthcare again- I could not compromise myself in such ways. God bless you

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Dear John and Dr. McCullough,

PRAISING and THANKING ALMIGHTY GOD for providing COURAGEOUS, SACRIFICIAL medical freedom Warriors throughout the darkness these past 4 1/2 years to help guide, comfort, strengthen, protect and save innumerable, innocent lives in America and worldwide.

When six family members plus myself caught COVID-19 (the "wicked bad" Delta variant) in December 2021, a local private practice Doctor used the FLCCC protocols to SUCCESSFULLY provide for our every need (including oxygen) AT HOME...VIA TEXT MESSAGES.

(She was licensed as an emergency medicine Doctor but had no longer been working in that field. She owns her own skin care clinic BUT recognized the NEED and began to MASTERFULLY provide EARLY treatment for COVID-19. She treated approximately 600 patients via text messages. Not one death and only about 2 needing to go to the hospital.)

Four out of the seven of us got COVID pneumonia including my husband and me. If not for all of the education and resources provided by the FEW...COURAGEOUS...SACRIFICIAL Doctors' (Dr. McCullough, Dr. Marik, Dr. Kory, Dr. Simone Gold, etc.) efforts and our local Doctor, my husband and I believe we would have ended up in the hospital, been subjected to the HORRIBLE COVID-19 hospital protocols and died leaving our young son as an orphan.

ALMIGHTY GOD used all of your efforts to prepare me to be equipped to obtain the EARLY treatment that the seven of us needed immediately! The EARLY treatment and treatment throughout our recovery period should have been readily available to ALL Americans.

No words can adequately convey our APPRECIATION and GRATITUDE. May ALMIGHTY GOD continue to rain His RICHEST BLESSINGS upon each of you!

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I thank God for your genuine honesty

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Murder, plain and simple. Motive? Greed.

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No $38,000 bonus for using ivermectin! Any of the people involved in denying care to those patients would have been a better target (not that I'm advocating it) for Mangione.

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The abuse of powers by the health industry claiming exemption from all liability while forcing NIH dictatorial edicts over what could be given patients is one of the darkest hours of US history. The coming administration has a chance to overturn this abuse of power, break it up, and dismantle it. A return to common sense Public health policy based on peer reviewed consensus and sound clinical practice with required patient consent should be our immediate objective.

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If Trump keeps his promise to investigate ALL which has happen.

If Trump allows Boby Kenedy to do his job, without any opposition.

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Mass murderer Biden just gave big pharma a free ride to 2029 with a so-called executive order (read mass murdering ruling by a moron!).

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Perfectly stated!

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Another great warrior for patient’s rights during covid was Attorney Tom Renz. I wanted to give him a mention because he is a hero in my eyes and many people he helped. During much of his battle to help others his wife was dealing with stage 4 breast cancer and raising two boys. He helped without pay in many instances. Thank you for this thorough article. We shall never forget. I pray for John and Dr. McCullough daily. Also heroes!

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I spoke to Ralph Lorigo a few months ago. He told me that he had been involved with 200 patients. And 70 cases he won and got the patient ivermectin. Three patients who have been on ventilators for at least a month died in the other 130 patients who he lost in court or did not get to the judge in time all of the patients died. It turns out that one of the patients actually lived because the family sneaked in ivermectin.

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