To introduce 24 diseases into a healthy child's growing body is a societal madness that has to stop .Pushed for by greedy pukes. During the plandemic every jabbing asshole made an easy 250,000 EXTRA!

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To compare inoculation in Ben's time to today's BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injections is absurd. DOD Countermeasures marketed and camouflaged as Vaccines was deliberate plan to manipulate agreement and desire for Injection intensified with paring of other social attacks based in Regulatory nullification of the U.S. Constitution and all Unalienable/Civil Rights beginning with 'Martial Law' masked as 'Lockdowns' to fulfil the dreams of Demons in London envisioned since the U.S. Revolution.

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Nowhere does John compare inoculation then, to "gene manipulation" today.

Having been in the vaccine critical movement for 40+ years, and extensively studied the history of vaccines, it is clear that not only do the provaccine of 2024 exhibit the same stuck-in-the-rut belief that the provaccine did in the 1800s, the arguments against those questioning, and the epithet thrown at them, also remains the same.

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The root cause behind the provaccine ideology is FEAR! The fear of dieing from a dreadful dis-ease is the greatest catapult towards irrational decision making. Sadly due to propaganda, political, and pharmaceutical messaging today, critical thinking went out the window.

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Apparently I can’t like this with the “like” button, but, boy, do

I like this…

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It still registers but to see it you have to refresh the page. Might be a solar storm? Might be Substack got hacked? I don't think theyre complicit, at least hope not.

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Read again.

The conditions of today are nothing as in Ben's time with his son dying of Smallpox and 30% of the population succumbing to that disease.

Really like JOHN'S writing and this particular topic doesn't fit with what's being learned with the research now exposing the Injection to have been FAR MORE than any 'Gene Manipulation' or the motivations contributing to the DEPLOYMENT of WEAPONS.

It could be argued the purpose behind the arguments introduced by the Media to match those of Ben's time are exactly as seeking to present this current political division of the Nation to match those of the Democratic National Convention of 68 which are recalled as a toddler when Father suddenly had to begin carrying a gun to work that summer for the commute. THIS TIME IS NOT AS 68 and the false arguments behind this POISONOUS AGENT WEAPON TO DEPOPULATE, STERILIZE AND PERPETRATE DIGITAL-CYBER SLAVERY of the whole population of Earth can't be compared to any time in history as it's evil far surpasses even Nazi Germany which was supported and funded by the same Criminals Against Humanity.

The goal of 'POST HUMANISM' or BORG is an 'Extinction Level Event' of all organic DNA on the Planet which is NOTHING as any kind of motivation behind any Smallpox Inoculation having healing and cure as the motive.

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Good to hear an intelligent post about the lunacy that has been used to justify the deaths of so many people.

With medicine available to heal those who contracted Covid, but having it withheld by “the powers that be” in order to join in the depopulation of millions of people; I feel that history will look at the atrocities done as something far worse than what was perpetrated on the Jews in Germany.

Prayers for humanity that people will see, and condemn the murderers, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, and all who knew the truth, but were willing go along with the evil deeds to enjoy the financial profits to themselves.

May God Bless us all who have stayed strong and not succumbed to the evil🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.

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Well said. the like button would not actuate.

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COVID doesn't exist

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Given that vaccine history is so well documented, this sentence from John, was and still is the key to how I read it. You have read it from a correct point which wasn't part of his discussion..

John said, "This essay is NOT an attempt to settle the 18th century debate over smallpox inoculation, but .... **to give a striking illustrative example of why inoculation as a practice became the object of such fervent emotion"**

Aka why.... inoculation (just like vaccines/gene therapy) ***Became the object of such fervent emotion."***

Do you remember all the emotional blackmail that came out when the MUMPS vaccine was introduced? Even many doctors were gobsmacked. It was lies on speed.

I agree with the rest of your comment above. What you have said is true.

However, the background brainwashing to leading to both advocacy and compliance today, was the decades long fervent emotion evoked by lies upon lies, . . . which is why those who don't see what you say above, swallowed the 2020 bait and don't see what you and I do.

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I get what you're claiming and it is a slightly different view. Was involved in politics from a politicial family and never chomped on the B.S propaganda nor became obsessed with the Vaccinations offered as remedy to disease kids generally had and survived in the more modern times. On the farm, we also de-wormed twice per year as preventative medicine along with every creature living there and in the fields. Many continue to find that piece of Medicine controversial as well.

When it pertains to medicine; attention to details and common sense goes quite a distance to avoid much of the horrors surrounding the distractions stewed up to re-direct attention away from the more dangerous aspects of the what enemies are seeking to institutionalize throughout the world. People MUST get a grip and begin to ascertain the MOTIVATIONS behind what's been perpetrated and this time in which weapons are being deployed.

You have a valid argument in how you read what was written.

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Thanks Hilary, yes I carried out my thoughts a little outside of his discussion. However, I find myself so amazed at the ignorance of so many; and the millions who won’t even consider another side of this discussion. The failure to hear another’s thoughts, ideas, or even consideration of another outcome is sad result of this unwillingness.

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The interesting thing is that both sides would say the same.

There are many splinter ideas that come out of "because we've never been told the truth about important things that we can't "see", then the opposite of what we have been told about everything, is the truth."

So that foundation means that everything thought to once be correct, is now not correct.

The problem is, that that line of thinking, is another trap for the unwary as well.

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My takeaway was more about individual and collective mass behavior thereof.

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Both Individual and Collective Mass Behavior isn't remotely similar.

In the time of Ben, Communications and Media didn't exist so there wasn't nearly the capacity to lie universally to the populace or to spread any information concerning illness as today...When used as a weapon.

PEOPLE of Ben's time continued to exhibit the usual 'Fight or Flight' response to threats and more often than not, tripped into the presence of disease while today's response to all has been a third far less common response..'FREEZE.'

That fact alone indicates many to have been highly influenced by extreme, undefined negative stress of long duration of time united with educational indoctrination reducing IQ and inhibiting ability to define threats.

The Propaganda Instrument Media has created the REPORTED discussion and arguments when in fact many people KNOW there is a far more healthy response in most areas of society the Media won't touch EVEN THOUGH THEY SQUEEL TO CENSOR IT.

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The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich influences my perspective. That's a long conversation. There are many conversations to move on to today. Thank you for your observations on this one Blazer.


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Wish it were possible to document the academics and documentation behind the formation of opinion; but there are many inclusive of "Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism" by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Michael Rectenwald. The issue surrounds my whole career as I was a Psychologist working with Crisis Intervention, the Criminally Insane and Domestic Violence Perpetrators/Victims for decades. It's impossible to impart the volumes consumed forcing a stance or thought process concerning this topic and the current darkness threatening to consume any sanity on Earth.

Oddly, have 'The Mass Psychology of Fascism' by Wm Reich in a pile to read next winter...Didn't have enough time this last winter. Guess, will have to get to it.

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They made decisions and weren’t forced for fear of job loss etc

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This essay is about the powerful psychological impact of the word, vaccine, which has people completely hyptonized. It's taken on a cult-like, emotional fervor, that cannot be reasoned away. It explains why you can't wake people up. I still have elderly friends lining up for the latest booster, another loaded word.

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Agree. It's certainly worth exploring, as John does, why the idea of vaccines as unquestionably good and right and moral and etc., has such a grip on so many otherwise intelligent, thoughtful people. Those of us who can't fathom how our fellow humans have taken such a stance are naturally curious as to who planted the seed and how it took root.

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Many people become susceptible to severe disease during an infection due to nutritional deficiencies and other chronic health conditions, many of which are linked to diet, lifestyle, and/or toxin exposure. This has been true for all of known history and was certainly true during the “Covid pandemic”. The average person who died of Covid had multiple underlying health conditions. Instead of fantasizing about magic cures (like ill-conceived vaccinations), perhaps we could learn something from history and put our efforts into healthy living, moving forward. It seems silly to try nearly everything (masking, social distancing, lockdowns, inoculations, gene therapies) except for healthy living. The things that our society did were the exact opposite of anything that could have possibly helped. I just shook my head every time I would see people wearing a mask driving through a fast food drive through. The irony.

During an interview that I was watching, I heard a celebrity proclaim that she “went hard on covid” and she gave examples of said ‘going hard’ and one of the things she mentioned was spraying down the pringles can with Lysol. Ironic. And she wasn’t even embarrassed for saying what she did, which means that the irony was completely lost on her.

My extended family met at a restaurant for dinner in the summer of 2021. Everyone was talking about the Covid injection and they seemed quite pleased with themselves for “doing their part”. They all knew how I felt about it so I wasn’t a part of the conversation way down at the end of the table. At the end of the meal, we walked out of the restaurant and they all decided to walk across the street to get ice cream at a fast food restaurant. I sat outside and waited for them. Not one of them understood the foolishness of both taking a dangerous gene therapy or eating dessert from a fast food chain store. Incidentally, many of those family members are suffering from multiple health conditions, some associated with their dietary choices, and some likely from their injections. Seizures, menstrual irregularities, heart problems, mental illness, etc.

Our culture is completely unaware of how illogical our response to health emergencies are. It seems like people in history could possibly be excused for lack of knowledge about proper nutrition but today, that seems unlikely to be a good excuse. We know. We choose not to act. We want the easy button. And big pharma is happy to step in and provide. Until we learn as a society how to correct our course, this pattern will likely continue into the future.

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Many times on media I mentioned the exact fact why should we take a shot for them as they put it- when reality is they spend time using resources like hospitals and docs cuz they are unhealthy- yet we don’t make fat people diet for the good of everyone else as they drive up healthcare costs, have more appointments, use more meds, use ambulance and assistance- they can’t see it

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100%. The hypocrisy was stunning throughout the entire “pandemic”. They don’t turn away drug addicts, alcoholics, people who eat terrible and then end up with autoimmune diseases, mental illness, or cancer… but if you don’t get a Covid injection, that wasn’t even shown during the trial to reduce hospitalization, you are banned from the medical system and even society in general. That makes sense.

The drummed up hatred for the unjabbed reminded me of the Salem witch trials. Absolute lunacy.

We went to a volleyball tournament and the tournament was dedicated to raising money for breast cancer. The fundraiser was primarily planned around having people bake cakes and other desserts that were decorated like breasts. All of them were loaded with vegetable oils, white flour, sugar and red food dye. Our advanced civilization seems less advanced every year I age.

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My favorite Scamdemic image was when I was driving through Boton’s Hospital District at rush hour. Crazy driving. And so many people in their cars alone, RUNNING RED LIGHTS!!!

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It is time for us to stop accepting the notion that some kids will die or be injured from vaccines so that we can give them to everybody ("as long as it's not my kid! "). That is a horrendous thought. And requiring kids to get them when there is indeed risk, as many of us now know having looked into it over the last few years,now seems cruel and hugely ignorant. We need to rethink this whole idea that kids must be given a raft of vaccines to attend school or have any other privileges. Where there is risk, there must be choice.

Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas has solid evidence that kids who never took any vaccines are FAR healthier than the kids who took all the vaccines. And it's not close.

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Your comment reminds me of a short story that I read in high school. I think it was called The Lottery. No one cares about that one person who looses to the lottery until it’s them. Or something like that.

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Yes, and it's more than one person here. I've read many, many stories from the Jessica Rojas Twitter account of parents who lost their precious young children or had children who were damaged badly by vaccines. Then there are the stories from childrenshealthdefense.org about others. We didn't know. But some parents have known for years and have been screaming into the wind. Now we are all listening as we see current younger generations be the least healthy we've seen in a long time. . And I am thrilled that many parents are now questioning the CDC schedule, and perhaps the coming generations of children will regain their health that current ones have had robbed from them.

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It’s the one silver lining to the Covid fraud. People are waking up. I was fortunate enough to have taken a deep dive into “vaccines” just before my first grandchild was born in 2018. I was shocked and horrified at what I learned and all my adult children have been thoroughly warned. Thankfully, all my grandchildren will be safe from injections. So far, the grandchildren that I have are the healthiest children out of all their peers. Seeing the stark difference in their overall health leads me to believe that almost all children are harmed in some way by injections on the childhood schedule. It breaks my heart.

My grandchildren also eat real food and have very limited electronic time, which I have no doubt, makes a significant difference as well. Hopefully healthful living will be embraced in its entirety as people start to see the dangers of our modern society and all the injections, fake food, and brain altering electronics.

All that to say that am glad that it’s no longer a secret that the childhood vaccines schedule is one of the worst crime against humanity ever.

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How do you get your kids to listen to you about vaccines? Mine don't have their own kids yet, but I'm sending articles here and there to them. So far I'm getting eye rolls.

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I’m so sorry. I feel for you. That has to be a very difficult position to be in.

I suspect my children’s openness to the idea that vaccines might be harmful is because when my youngest child was about 4 years old, I started becoming chronically ill and none of the doctors that I was seeking help from had any knowledge of why I was sick. They just wanted to put me on medication (I refused), ordered expensive invasive tests, and surgically removed parts of my body. I finally figured out that they didn’t know why I was sick and that they weren’t even looking for root causes so I knew that I was on my own. I stopped going to them. I didn’t just want to mask symptoms.

I started reading anything I could get my hands on to try and figure out what was wrong with me. I had a lightbulb moment when I realized that what I was eating was making me ill. I made a 100% turn around when I revamped our whole family’s diet. From that point on, I became a pretty good researcher into medical/nutritional studies that interested me and I discovered how broken our medical system really is, and how unhealthy our culture and food systems are. Since then I’ve been on a mission to try and help people improve their health in whatever ways that I can.

Growing up with a mom who became slightly obsessed with health and who was disappointed with the medical system (me), my adult child had a gut feeling that vaccines were not what they were being told by their doctors. My child asked me to research into it because they knew that I would know where to look and do a thorough job. I went in to the literature with an open mind and without a preconceived opinion of what the answer would be. I was shocked at the level of fraud in the vaccine industry. Really shocked. I was able to share my findings with all my children and they have been very grateful that I took so much time to research into it.

I try to approach any topic with an open mind, and I try to understand both sides of an issue. That way I can make the best decision possible after really understanding the root of each perspective. I don’t become emotionally attached to an endpoint, until I feel that I understand it very well. Even then I try to stay flexible enough to accept new information. This allows me to let go of narratives when I take the time and effort to deconstruct them. I like to think I’ve passed on that attribute to my children in some way?

There are other factors as well. Probably luck. And definitely my general conservative values and my general distrust of the government as I have learned more about how the government operates. And my children didn’t attend college, for which I am grateful. (I never thought I would say that, honestly) I know college is important for many careers but the amount of brainwashing that occurs in the “higher education system” was on display during the “pandemic”.

Maybe you could offer to exchange a book on the topic to help each other understand the topic from different perspectives? They choose one; you choose one. If your children are open to that, you could choose a book that might speak to their personality. There’s a wide range of literature explaining the dangers of childhood vaccines. And you could listen to their point of view and consider what they are saying and respond emphatically but also with logical concerns?

That may not be a possibility. Maybe there is another way to reach them. Or maybe you just have to love them, let go of trying to change them, and hope for the best.

There are many things that my children do that I don’t agree with and it’s hard to let go of wanting them to choose differently so I know the feeling well. I’m just fortunate that the vaccine issue is one that we have all ended up agreeing on.

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100 likes, since the like button appears to have been disabled at a certain point. Wonder what substack is up to with that?

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Shirley Jackson.

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Ah, yes. I remember that story. Thank you.

I wonder if stories such as 'The Lottery' that we read in middle school English classes remain part of the curriculum the past 10+ years. I don't think so.

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I agree. As Bill Gates said on camera “his kids will NOT be given and vaccines”😡😡😡

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Well isn't that rich. He's made a massive hobby, so to speak, of giving thousands of kids vaccines and millions of covid shots to everyone. I doubt he took his own Moderna shot!

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“any vaccines”. Sorry, typo

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You can edit comments by clicking on the three dots to the right of the comment you want to edit. Good to know :-) !

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My kids are the healthier I know - without vaccines. My so juts too em that his vaccinated friends (all pushed childhood vaccines and now all covid vaccines) are sick with covid. Again. My son has still not been sick from it once, despite exposure to large masses of people at concerts, gyms etc at the height of the epidemic.

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I would love to read the 2011 New York Times essay, but I refuse to give then one cent.

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… Easier than blaming himself.

Most people would rather fly a kite in a lightning storm

… than do that.

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It is strange how some doctors believe that a small amount of an infectious agent along with toxic chemicals can be safely injected into a person and will result in immunity to that infectious agent.

BUT a small amount of an agent prepared via dilution and succussion (Measurements and methods strictly and scientifically controlled in a unique process called ‘’potentization’’) as used by homeopathic practitioners - which is then swallowed, is scoffed at!

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What saddens me about the pharma corporate machine is how it blinds us to the obvious. It seems many diseases are symptomatic of underlying health issues that vaccines are incapable of addressing. The treatment of symptoms is not only a failure, it almost always makes matters so much worse.

Using the pharma model to create a vaccine for the bubonic plague today would have never made public the connection between fleas and the discovery of an easily preventable solution that was both cheap and effective. Remove the source of transmission, the fleas, and the plague quickly ended.

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First covid shots are technically transfections and therefore share little in common with the 3 main types of vaccine: live attenuated, protein subunit and whole virus inactivated.

But vaccines and, more importantly, the complex immune system have been overly simplified in order to push vaccination as a solution to things which may not ever have a pharmacological solution . Case in point, the useless flu vaccine which does not generate a mucosal response and does prevent anything. Saying that vaccines generate antibodies is a far cry from saying that they can successfully augment the immune system and that is what actually matters in the real world.. Unfortunately, shoddy data, immunological proxies and dubious trials and endpoints do much to obscure the truth. With covid, it has become clearer to many more that they are willing to lie to push a product but perhaps that's the ticket to a more ruthless evaluation of the evidence for vaccine safety and efficacy on the whole.

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There is no immune system and no viruses

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This is a really good smallpox talk that Dr Suzanne Humphries did in 2017, which might answer a lot of the hesitation you may feel, John.


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Please also see this booklet published in 1889: https://www.auricmedia.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/vaccination_proved_useless_and_dangerous_1889.pdf

Also, Alfred Russel Wallace and the Antivaccination Movement in Victorian England


Further information about Wallace here, his observations about other diseases, typhus, etc. as well as the booklet he published.

This extract was successfully used by the Indians in I believe what is now the WI area, for smallpox. I am looking for the publication noting sarracenia purpurea on this circa 1880s(?) in a medical journal. You can purchase the extract: https://amishways.com/product/sarracenia-purpurea-extract

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Yes, that booklet by Wallace has been around for decades. However, the viroliegy site has it's own agenda, which of course, is a plan all of it's own. Not a wise one to follow either.

Re articles. PUBMED. You will find a 2012 full text article on sarracenia Purpurea here:

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22427855/ and here https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33144625/

You should be able to work out how to track down other articles from that one doing either related search, or similar article tabs.

S purpurea might work on all the poxes.

Two 2022 articles suggest that stem and root extracts are anti-cancer...

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I noted the agenda with the viroliegy site when I skimmed its other features. I cite the url source for additional background on Wallace, his times, his fight. Jenner killed a LOT of people, and he started with children. Thank you for the pubmed articles; these are great! I like that pubmed has the features 'similar articles,' and 'cited by.' Sometimes chasing those links, sometimes it takes a few hops, but may yield fruit.

I agree, the S purpurea may work on all poxes.

All my formal education training, then areas I worked in afterward had me "pro vax." I cringe now just thinking of it. I even did a PSA for the Health District about flu jabs (flinch). The year after that. I had a reaction to a flu shot that turned me brilliant red, from scalp to toes. That started me looking into I did not know before ten, that babies were jabbed with all kinds of things they certainly could not need. Hepatitis shots stuck out to me first. Then, the MMR series and the rest. I grew up at a time when the kids my and my siblings' age all caught M&M as a matter of course. Those childhood diseases were becoming increasingly milder, even since my mother had been a young child.

I continue to be impressed how targeted the natural extracts can be. Makes sense, of course, to me after further study. I'm blessed that my primary doc is well versed in TCM. She took out time to go to China and become certified as a practitioner.

I use 3 extracts that work synergistically with my Rx meds.

I wish the real story of smallpox was known widely, but with Big Pharma's war on doctors starting in the early 1900s thanks to crony relationships of the American Oligarchs we have allopathic chemical medicine and the Jenner myth of vaccination killing Western civilization.

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Smallpox took me 8 years to study back in the late 80s. Ironically it was my then GP who suggested it. It turned out he was antivaccine, because as a paediatrician, he had seen polio in fully vaccinated children. He also had a PhD, and his thesis was on smallpox, which alerted him to issues... and all he said to me one day was "You need to study smallpox" to which I replied, "Why?" He answered, "just do it, and you will see why."

I certainly saw why when I had done it...

I'm not sure that with the internet, you can find a lot more, because so many medical libraries have thrown a lot of that great information out. Only a few have been digitalised.

Dr Suzanne Humphries' 2017 autism one talk is an important one because it affected her personally. https://odysee.com/@drsuzanneh:f/smallpoxillusionsautismone:9

In her recent CHD talk she took the subject even further.

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Ahhh... That is awesome you had a GP that used his brain! Something that doctors are not reimbursed for from insurance companies.

That is frightening to contemplate medical libraries tossing information. This digital love affair! 20 years ago, the judge I was clerking for was all into Lexi/Nexis Westlaw online. At that time the county courthouse was across from the State Supreme Court building and the law library. I found, as did most of us then, that the hard copy books were faster and much more efficient than the Westlaw resources online. There's a terrific numbering system, like ICD medical codes, for law topics. I showed the newer clerks (newly graduated and licensed attorneys) how to use the casebooks, and after the did they started going over there rather mess with Westlaw

Nexis Lexus, which had no such system, takes more time as it is geared to charge by time in private practice contracts. Anyway, my judge said to me one day, What, you think the electricity is going to go out or something? Ha ha ha. I explained the system, which he well knew and the whole Westlaw/Nexis gig. Thank you God, but the electricity went out the next day for the entire day! I was really glad it wasn't the middle of summer of or winter).

But I digress, terribly, another flaw of mine.)

Thank you for giving me the url. I actually have had this video up for 4 days, I have to finish the last 20 minutes. Your posting the url to me gives me ambition to finish watching it. I have her book downloaded, I am thinking it is worth getting a hard copy and placing it in my line of sight, because I space getting back to it - out of sight out of mind? Hence delaying getting back to the pdf.

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A very interesting post, which just shows you how every system now, isn't designed for efficiency but money extraction.

It is true re hard copy, even medical articles. having them marked up, printed out, bullet point cover sheet, filed in date order in clear files, makes it so much quicker, and not just that, but the mind can sort out the big picture easier as the person flicks through the file.

The new edition of Dissolving Illusions, has a couple of hundred more pages, with a lot of extra information in it. That makes it slightly more wieldy to read, but a lot can happen in 10 years.

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This whole thing strikes me- first we inoculate for things that people don’t die from in mass- chx pox, tetanus, shingles, flu, hpv, hep b (at birth ridiculous), the list is endless. With hygiene, sanitation, and what use to be natural food we our bodies will beat anything unless we are weak or weakened somehow. And isn’t that the point ? The strong survive of all species. Why are we fighting Mother Nature or God at every turn? It’s really unreal. Btw there are many people who don’t take vaccines- for example when little a reaction prompted docs to put on records no vaccines adverse events- but with Covid the dummies thought if they didn’t get sick or have an event the jab didn’t work! People bragged about how sick they were! Seriously I don’t understand these people and it’s a terrible thing to say: they are weak ones

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Dr. Zelenko proposed a treatment protocol for smallpox, although note that the ingredients of the available Z shield product are not exactly the same: https://drelef.org/zelenko/zdocs/Z-SHIELD.pdf

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So, the big question is: how would we treat smallpox today with what we know now? An argument could be made today that in the 21st century, vaccines are now a mostly obsolete approach, thereby also invalidating the pro-vaccine reasoning of the Jacobson case.

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Would you like to hear the story of why Alexander Hamilton was shot?

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Yes please Mike👍🇦🇺

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See below. I may just post as a regular comment also.

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Thanks Mike👍🇦🇺

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If you can't find it, I also posted as a new comment.

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Me too?!

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Edwards’s prodigious scholarship, however, did not come at the expense of his missionary activity with the Indians. As evangelist and Native American school reformer, he worked tirelessly to meet the religious and educational needs of the American Indians and, by his example as much as by his words, established the foundation for Calvinist (“Edwardsian”) missions in the nineteenth and twentieth century.

This was interrupted by the death on Sept 24, 1757 of his son-in-law, the Rev. Aaron Burr, president of the College of New Jersey. Five days later Jonathan Edwards was elected the new president.

Aaron Burr, Sr. he had married Esther Edwards five years before, and they had made Edwards the grandfather of Aaron Burr, the US vice president.

In his letter of October 19, 1757, Edwards responded to the invitation of the Trustees to take up this new position. He was reticent to do so, believing he simply did not have the constitution to hold such a post. Edwards felt himself in "the decline of life", and inadequate to the office. He was, however, eventually persuaded.

Late in 1757, he agreed to accept the presidency of the College of New Jersey (which became Princeton University).

On the first Sunday of 1758, he preached from the text, "This year you shall die."

Late January 1758, he arrived at the College where he preached in the chapel and gave out questions in divinity to the senior class to study before coming together to discuss them — an 18th-century seminar. He was formally installed as president on February 16, 1758.

Although he was at the head of the institution only a short period, it was long enough to win the respect and admiration of the students. He gave weekly essay assignments in theology to the senior class.

Almost immediately after becoming president, Edwards, a strong supporter of smallpox inoculations, decided to get inoculated himself in order to encourage others to do the same. On February 23, he was inoculated for small pox. Never having been in robust health, he died as a result of the inoculation. He died March 22, 1758. Jonathan Edwards lived to be only fifty-four.

His physican (who killed him) wrote to Edward's wife (still in Stockbridge) his final words to his daughter Lucy who was attending to him right before his death, “Dear Lucy, it seems to me to be the will of God that I must shortly leave you; therefore give my kindest love to my dear wife, and tell her, that the uncommon union, which has so long subsisted between us, has been of such a nature as I trust is spiritual and therefore will continue forever: and I hope she will be supported under so great a trial, and submit cheerfully to the will of God. And as to my children, you are now to be left fatherless, which I hope will be an inducement to you all to seek a Father who will never fail you.”

After bidding everyone good-bye Edwards cried out "Now where is Jesus of Nazareth, my true and never failing Friend?" and so saying he fell asleep.

As death approached, some friends and relatives near his bedside were fretting over the terrible effect the death of the president would have on the college, and the loss to the American colonies that the passing of the famous preacher Jonathan Edwards would be. Nobody thought he was listening, but he said one final exhortation aloud before he left this world, “Trust in God, and you need not fear.”

He was buried in the college burying ground, in proximity to the grave of his son-in-law, college president Burr and eventually his son Aaron Jr. His daughter Esther (age 24), widow of Aaron Sr, died April 7th after catching smallpox from serving as her father’s nurse, so was buried there also. His wife Sarah contracted dysentery while retrieving Esther’s orphaned children from Dr. William Shippen, the physician and college trustee who had inoculated Edwards. Sarah died in Philadelphia on October 2nd at age 48. She was buried beside her husband. Their son Timothy Edwards (age 20 when Sarah died) became parent to the children, Sarah (orphaned at age 3), and Aaron (orphaned at age 2) who became eventually Vice-President of the US.

Aaron Burr, while Vice-President, in a duel initiated by him, shot and killed Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, who's son was killed in a duel, shot deliberately into the air. Burr shot to kill. This effectively ended Burr's political career.

The argument may have started when Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the electorial college. This happened because back then each elector got two votes. Originally candidates did not campaign together on a "ticket". The candidate with the most votes became President, the second-most votes became Vice President. After Washington left office, John Adams became President while his bitter rival Thomas Jefferson became Vice-President. In the next election, both candidates campaigned with a Vice-President candidate to prevent this from reoccuring. Thomas Jefferson ran with Aaron Burr. This time Thomas Jefferson beat John Adams. However, the vote was not coordinated, and since all Thomas Jefferson's electors also voted for Aaron Burr, there was a tie. House members thus got to decide the election. The House was controlled by supporters of Adams, but by the Constitution, they could only vote between Jefferson and Burr. Burr made the back-stabbing move of trying to take the election from Jefferson. It took 36 ballots until Jefferson won, largely because of Alexander Hamiltion, who was rival to both. Of course, this was quickly cleared up by passing the 12th Amendment, so this would never occur again.

All the bad above could have been prevented if Jonathan Edwards were not so foolish as to take the vaccine.

In case I'm not clear, Jonathan taking the vaccine killed not only him but also Aaron Burr's mom who nursed him. This also killed his wife for she caught dysentery while retrieving Aaron. This led to the not so favorable upbringing of Aaron, not by his loving mom, not by his loving grandmother, but by his uncle who was only 20 at the time. As you may surmise, this led to a rocky upbringing. All this helped shape young Aaron into the man he became, the man who tried to steal the election from Thomas Jefferson, and the man who shot and killed a defenseless Alexander Hamiltion.

Jonathan Edwards should have know to trust God and not trust vaccines.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7

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If we take the giant first step of believing that viruses are real and cause disease - and this is a much larger grant than most realize they are signing up for - what must then happen in order for this "little piece of biological software" to spread around a community, county, state, nation and then globally? It must be replicated trillions upon trillions of times perfectly, spewed out into the atmosphere, absorbed by another organism which then replicates it in its own unique system, again, perfectly, all before each organism's defenses kill it.

Just think about the requirements and how each and every step of that process has to be scientifically explained and proven, including the time and distance constraints.

Now, ask yourself why the only "pandemics" - meaning global - in modern times have no distinct outward appearance. No sores. No rashes. No hair loss. No jaundice. Nothing beyond indistinct symptoms of "fever, runny nose, congestion". Where are all the pandemics of "poxes"? If you think about the answer to this last question it will open your eyes to the truth.

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Read "Virus Mania", 2020, written by scientists/doctors not bribed by the pharmaceuticals and learn that vaccines never worked. But big $$$for the pharmaceuticals. P.S. The proven cure for AIDS is in there.

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