Those opposing RFK Jr. might want to crack open his latest two books before dismissing him-over 4,000 meticulously cited references lay bare the uncomfortable truths about Big Pharma & our deeply compromised regulators. It’s time for these grandstanding politicians to pull thy head out of thy ass.

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Oh they know.

All of them.

You just don’t bite the hand that feeds you…

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Very sad- actually disgusting, despicable and shameful

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Truth seeker: bingo. Lobbying.

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As far as I know, no one has been yet able to find an error, let alone a typo, in either of those books.

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Correct. Or there’d be a lawsuit so fast- your head would spin! Which tells you it’s factual.

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Exactly! Or listen to the man for 15 minutes; I do not believe anyone would doubt his knowledge, Sincerity, conviction and integrity. However, it may be they think their head is safer where it is….but either they or their children or their grandchildren will pay an awful price if Bobby is not given the platform on which to fight for us.

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But they won't because their positions are guaranteed for not doing so, and most people are frankly terrified of digging deeply into the truth even if they have a full staff to help them.

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I’m convinced… some people are granted the gift of discernment… and others will never be able to see the truth.

Many people are overwhelmed in their own daily lives and choose not to go against any grain… they’re conformists. And do as they’re told.

And Some people choose to conform- because it benefits themselves in some way.

The vaccine issue is a psychological operation - look no farther than at the people who did as Hitler told them to… and never questioned it.

There are two types of people in this world.

Who are you?

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Discernment- a bit slow to get here(really not until Bobby started his campaign- although I was all in about Glyphosate and the Monsanto lies) and have lost many friends and sometimes I do wish I could just climb back in the la la bottle, but that just cannot be done. I really want to find a gentle way to wake the others up. The only way to really do that is to get Bobby in and then they will be able to see and experience all the improvements for them selves. We need this man,,,,THIS man, now.

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I'm def a nonconformist - and I've gotten into trouble for it. I don't mind.

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Yes, discernmentnis a rare gift, the prerequisites for which is that intuition is still intact and that one remains questing all the time.

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If you don't seek, you cannot find or won't see when you actually found something.

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Divergents are few and far between.

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But to read his books would be to pollute themselves!! I am not kidding. I say this as a fan of his books, and completely exasperated by the knee-jerk anti-RFK peoples' obtuseness. This is, literally, how they think, that to even touch the book, they'd get some kind of cooties. If it weren't so pathetic and sad I'd call it hilarious.

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I often wonder if the book and other signs of being aware, are not just appeasements to make those of us who know, feel that something is being done. But nothing will be done unless we do it because politicians, their factual books and all, do nothing but obstruct. RFK is yet to show himself but as a commenter said, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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Really? He has “not shown himself?? He cleaned up the Hudson River against all odds! He has successfully sued Pfizer, NIH and EPA. Has not shown himself? Then why would Pfizer, Moderna ect, all the 3 letter agencies and a whole bunch of politicians including Mike Pence who just launched a 6 figure smear campaign against Bobby’s confirmation…if you think he has not shown himself than I believe you have not listened to many of his videos. He is a Noble and Conscientious Force to be reckoned with— they know he is the only one who can take them down and are desperate to stop him. He has more than shown himself. Now We need to be his army.

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I'm not saying I don't appreciate the guy, but I understand one thing and that is he is a politician. Of course he has to do some things right, otherwise what kind of support is he going to get. It's all scheming. He has said nothing about chemtrails and he believes in vaccines - as long as safety studies have been done on them. But they haven't! Not in decades. And he totally ignores the injuries from them and the dastardly things they do to biology. All politicians seem totally clueless as to the full ramifications of anything. I feel everyone is headed for a real sinker with RFK and that is because no politician should be supported because if you are free you don't have someone having jurisdiction over you. So humans have to grow up the is way and leave mommy and daddy's apron strings now.

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RFK Jr.'s running mate Nicole Shanahan has vowed to help primary key senators that vote against RFK Jr's nomination. That might change a few minds.

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that is reduculous

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I'm not these grandstanding politicians! Spell check mess up?

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Bernie’s ethically principles bow to one overriding overlord-


Look how he willingly went quietly like a ship in the night as the DNC cheated him out & crowned Killary in 2016. ($ buys Bernie every single time)

His act of being soooo principled is a literal joke

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He started his career by attacking millionaires, then he became one. The he switched to attacking billionaires.

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A long standing principle of psychotherapy is-

“You become what you judge”

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Good point...in fact for every finger we point there are usually 3 pointing back....minimum.

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I guess that's true even when it's for show.

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Which definition of "judge"?

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He’s a fraudulent sellout.

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I think it was blackmail (probably over money issues), and certainly he didn't want to lose everything by offering any sort of challenge to the criminal syndicate so he played his part and got in line.

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Yes maybe he’s “checking the box”

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Yep! Sanders increased his real estate portfolio with each loss to Hillary. I'm sure this most recent sellout will land him another estate, perhaps in the Caribbean this time.

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RE: “… buy$ Bernie every time…”


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Yes, that was a very sad truth

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Yes, that was a very sad truth.

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Lets not forget refrigeration. My parents, born in the early 1900's, did not have refrigeration until the 1950's. In 1945 only 45% of households had a refrigerator. Bacterial infection was rampant back then. Disease dropped accordingly but somehow Rockefeller "vaccines" got the credit, as opposed to Westinghouse.

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Good point. My grandfather was an Ice man during WWII, so he wasn't sent to war because he was "necessary" to the community.

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I remember our family having an icebox! I almost forgot about that....

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The deadly testing, the thousands who died back before the only “communication” was radio…take some time and research the polio vaccine. It is horrifying but was kept a very dark secret - even right up to today!

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That is a really good point. Thanks for bringing it up. For sure that would have made an enormous difference.

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So sad Bernie’s a pharma shill

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Our key Big Pharma Pied Pipers! Sanders, Durbin, Pence and Schiff! All are gutless gophers leading us down the wrong path in good healthcare.

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So how many are calling their offices today along with Collins and Murkowski and everyone who has not come out and directly supported Bobby? I think we should remember well ALL the ones who were negative or silent for their next election, even if they confirm him. They should show their support upfront

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Are they all warlocks? Can't they drink the Jonestown Flavor-Aid at their coven or Wizengamut meeting?

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Let’s also acknowledge that Bernie Sanders is just not that smart…

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Not that smart, and a spineless coward.

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You have to have knowledge to be a coward. Our senators are in 3 buckets in terms of intelligence A, B, & C. The worst are smart and spineless or corrupt. Bernie’s a C - not smart & easy to move along a grift. (special designation - Hirono is a D)

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Bernie is a communist-hypocrite. He pushes ideas while lining his pocket with lobby’s money. He previously sold his lead position in the primaries to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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A few comments:

1) John Leake says regarding Bernie Sanders ". . . he apparently has a blind spot where vaccines are concerned."

Most of the population has a blind spot regarding "vaccines" and they are completely unwilling to reconsider. Vaccine brainwashing was implemented over decades and is one of the most effective propaganda campaigns I could ever imagine. And it appears that the Covid injections did little to change the majority of people's minds about the CDC vaccine "schedule", despite outrageous government coercion and vaccine injuries.

2) Most of the worst infectious diseases of the past ". . . have been almost entirely eradicated by advances in public sanitation and antibiotics." But this has been effectively hidden from us.

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Absolutely, though the aggressive push for everyone to get the "poison-death shots", as Dr. Zelenko labeled them, definitely caused a big fallout regarding quackcines in general. Clearly not a majority, but a pretty substantial chunk of the population have rightfully lost virtually all trust in the system.

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Those vacuous scenes did wonders to eradicate scarlet fever!

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Today’s our last chance to turn the tide against idiots like Sanders and Schiff.

We must all take the time - if we can - to write to or call our own senators and as many on the committee (and more) to urge them to confirm RFK Jr as head of HHS!!

The logic is simple: We now literally live in a toxic soup!! Polluted water & air, and basically unregulated Big Food and Big Pharma!!

We are the sickest nation in the world yet spend the most on “health care”. It is a little known fact that we have - in the US - 10,000 chemical additives in our food that are BANNED in most other countries!!!

RFK Jr wants to clean all of this up. He’s the most knowledgeable candidate possible.

Let’s get on our phones and iPads and desk tops and send send send messages in support of RFK jr for head of HHS!!


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We spend the most because "health care" is a shakedown operation. People want trauma and catastrophe insurance, but feel compelled to buy the full ride. Medical, euphemistically called "health", insurance is an evasion of WWII wage controls.

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Ah ha! This explains where Bernie's multiple, million+ dollar mansions came from!

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The bankers who presume to own the world due to the spread of their funny money want to kill many or most of us to create a manageable human resource. The only rights you have are the ones you can and will defend.

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WE are the product.

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Of course they don’t mention the massive and simple preventative measure of vitamin A for measles just like they never mentioned vitamin D for COVID.

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The jackels are howling, John.

Bernie was not in the room when the light bulbs were being distributed.

He is a failed political operative. This initiative will fail. Tag team with Pence to resist RFK JR . Each a failure.

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He even failed at joining a commune. As the story goes, he was kicked out of a commune cuz he wasn't pulling his weight. Lazy then, lazy now. He's done nothing his whole life but suck off the tax payer teat...like many of the others.

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Anti Vax is a mislabel, like ProChoice. RFK Jr is Pro Rigorous testing before approvals for public. Not anti-Vax. ProChoice is anti choice for infants and children forced into sterilization/mutilation for life, addicted for life to meds.

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Right! It's all in the wording. Like gender affirming care... Should be called genital mutilation.

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Patriot Act should 🐝 Spy on us with out a Warrant Act. Banking For All should 🐝 called the CBDC Great Reset Act, etc.

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Thank you for this important history

The revisionists are trying to skew all history

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Bernie has been a joke of a Senator last 8 years, time for him to go! Needs to be FIRED!!!!

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