You know you are over the target when the fake president and criminal in the White House is suing you. FJB, Abbot should advice all Texans to vote out 100% of the Dems from office in TX. Better yet, support the movement TEXIT. Which aims to secede from this rotten country entirely!!

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In a rigged fucking election system. You fucking morons. You'll hope and hope and hope IN VAIN!

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Besides cussing at someone, what have you done in the offline world to stop this rot?

Yup, thought so. Not shit. Stop being a hypocrite; shut up or organize action.

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False hope dumbass. A fool who thinks politcans or the system he lives under is anything but a facade. It's not easy having logic and brains today. Add to that IDGAF and you'd actually be a warrior, not a bitch.

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Jan 5, 2024
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It's like there a bunch of zombies. Those zombie movies 20 years ago were talkiing about these fools today. Elections?!?! OMG.

THey've been rigged for decades.

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Over a 2 centuries,in fact, going clear back to 1802!

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It got shot down again, by the Iying RINOs, who claimed the signatures to put on our ballot were illegitimate, and tossed them!

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Truth. I am so disappointed in the Texas Republican Party. With TX house leaders like Speaker Dade Phelan holding the speaker's gavel, I don't see a way to clean out the mess he's created in our esteemed state legislature.

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Sadly, neither do I.

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Abbott is a RINO. It’s all optics with him. How long did he wait before he started taking measures to stop the invaders, three years? Close the barn door; the horse is gone. And anyone who thinks Abbott and Desantis are one of us because they helped the Biden regime to disperse invaders throughout the country is a good thing doesn’t know a uniparty member when they see one. They are bought and paid for, and they have masters to answer to, and we’re not members of Club Corruption.

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I am a legal immigrant who was born on the French side of Canada.

I was a 3 year old who spoke NO English whatsoever.

French was spoken ONLY within the family system, so upon entering school, I STILL did NOT speak any English along with two siblings.

My parents hired a lawyer in order to learn the immigration laws and abide by them.

We were vetted - x-rays in Montreal - background check on parents - had to get a sponsor who was my great uncle (paternal grandmother's brother, Aristide Guay, who arrived in 1922 in Berlin, NH, and at the time, didn't need a sponsor according to the immigration laws THEN).

Over time, NONE of this prevented me from accomplishing what I desired.

My parents NEVER became citizens of Maine but I chose to do so in order that I could vote.

I was naturalized in a "State" court in Maine.

Before becoming a citizen, all of us (2 parents and 3 small children) had to report our whereabouts to the general government every January.

The parents accomplished this requirement.

Oldest brother got drafted as a Canadian citizen living in Maine and went to Vietnam.

NO protesting on his part.

He was eventually sent to Hawaii to become a citizen and then sent back to Vietnam.

He returned unharmed.

Later, that process (immigration - State court) changed to federal courts which I believe is fraudulent.

If you examine the federal constitution in Art. 1, Sec. 8, Clause 17, it speaks of the 10 miles square (restriction/limitation) pertaining to certain issues within the States.

This was placed within the federal constitution to PREVENT the general government from invading the States but that didn't work eventually.

There are plenty of violations of the said constitution.

All for now.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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These illegal migrants emboldened by traitorous leaders spit in the faces of legal immigrants who made countless sacrifices to become a part of this great nation. As a legal immigrant, I will defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

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Welcome belatedly to you too, from a proud natural born veteran.

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I used to do Immigration Physicals and marveled at the people who were as tenacious as your family. They had to get everything done in a certain time frame and attend meetings. If they didn’t keep up with the schedule, they had to start over. I knew of Immigration lawyers who overcharged and in one case did not fill out the app correctly so the person was put off another year.

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Thanks for sharing.

Also, my nephew (sister's son - she is NOT a citizen - she is a nurse) is a judge in Maine currently.

NONE of these barriers stopped us from being productive citizens.

Where there is a will there is a way.

It is very upsetting to allow illegal aliens into this country.

NO one seems to be vetting them. NONE of them follow the immigration laws.

Thank you!

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No, they are not being vetted at all,nor quarantined,for at least the standard incubation period of most diseases, which they have been sharing with us for decades. They come here with criminal histories, often, which they continue doing here. Your family have once again proven what I learned from neighbors and schoolmates early in life.

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Hi Lise, First, belated welcome to my homeland! I have known many others over my decades on the Earth, who have done as your family did, from all over the world, and who made wonderful additions to our citizenry. You are correct about the violations to our Constitution, they began in earnest in the 1860s, with Mr Lincoln, and have continued unabated since. Today we only hear about that document when something someone does violates the globalist agenda, such as trying to defend our Texas border against the hordes of lawless invaders. The pretender in our WH (we haven't seen the real Joe Biden since March of '21, when he fell up the boarding ramp to USAF 1) is just a globalist puppet, no more in charge of the US than I am, not that he'd know it, if he actually was. However, if he'd read the document, states also have a Constitutional right, never amended, to defend their borders. Subsequent laws denying that are illegitimate, because the Constitution is the supreme law, and Abbott read it.

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You are the kind of immigrant we want. Legal and responsible.

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I’ve read in the past that Texas has a clause in their agreement to join the United States that allows them to secede at any time. I don’t want to see Texas leave but, if I were a Texan, I’d be urging my state to seriously consider executing that clause.

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We are working on it. The TEXIT movement collected enough signatures to get the proposal for secession on the Republican primary ballot. Guess what, the Texas Republican Party is refusing to accept the signatures and won't put the proposal on the ballot. I personally would like to be able to vote and let my voice be heard. Don't know who's the worse, Texas dems or Texas repubs. It'll come down to a fight one day. We need a good house cleaning in the Texas House of Representatives.

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It’s very telling, isn’t it! I’ve learned a new word: Uniparty. The whole system needs a housecleaning. They can’t hide anymore.

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It's a pretty big movement there now, I understand.

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Except among state leaders. Texit, or the Texas Nationalist Movement.

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It does. Up 'til the post war period in the Iate 1860s so did the 10th Amendment in the Constitution, for all states. It somehow mysteriously vanished, like a lot of other things about that document, without proper amendment.

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The thing I read that I can’t find said that Texas had left the union for a short period and was re-admitted with that clause in the agreement.

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Texas became a republic in 1836, it joined the union in1845, and seceded again in 1861, but was dragged back in, with the rest of the CSA, in 1865!

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I do not believe any succession effort will go unchallenged, up to and including a hot war. That's truly what started the civil war, not slavery. Lincoln's highest priority was to avoid a split of the country.

As a related thought, consider this: do you really think the deep state/globalists would tolerate a Texas that actually follows the Constitution? You can't have tyranny and freedom side by side with open borders. In that case, they'd close the OUTBOUND borders in a heart beat.

The path out is to simply not comply. Stop paying federal taxes on oil and gas, climate b.s., etc.

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That was tested in the early 1860s.

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That's a topic for another time; suffice it to say money, as usual, screwed it up!

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Biden admin is total garbage, completely screwing the country country over

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😂😂😂😂Biden does not appear to know where he is half the time. He isn’t the one squabbling with Abbott. Some sinister players in the admin are the bad guys.

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He long ago lost his remaining marbles. He's operating on a few select brain cells.

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Why aren’t all / most of the Republicans Governors banding together on these issues? Just the PR from this would reverse the tide. Unfortunately, I just think they all want this to happen.

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Most of them are spineless. Most of the rest are probably receiving unspecified "perks" to look the other ways. But yeah, they're public 'servants,' and really care about the people. 🤡

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Most pols don’t believe anything other than being re-elected. The lefty pols don’t actually care about poor people, as they claim. That is obvious as nothing they do helps, and they keep doing it.

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And most righties don’t do anything to further the aims of their constituents. All they want is to get ‘good’ press. Act tough. Talk tough. Do nothing.

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Flowing somewhere

I hear James O'Keefe has a new video on this I'll have to watch.

Would you sound like AOC for 100m?

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No, but the party mascot would do it for carrots, oats, and alfalfa...

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Too many bought and paid for pols, is the real proble.m

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The objective is to create "one world." To deplete the resources of the country's citizens and bankrupt the country, thus setting the stage for the WEF's economic takeover. To promote lawlessness - trafficking, terrorism, etc. - the resultant disorder will also better facilitate WEF's takeover. To give the upper hand to the Democrats, but more precisely, to the globalists who have apparently highjacked most world governments.

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And the globalists' agenda is a war against Gd (which means a war against reality and truth and goodness - and life) and against His chosen nation (the Jews).

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For sure Canada’s.

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Boy, it’s so wonderful to see how many people actually know what’s going on. It gives me hope to know our plan is playing out the way it should be - brilliant!

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Regarding your points 1 and 3 about Congress, as to why Congress doesn't do anything about.....(fill in the blank) the simple answer is: they have no incentive to.

Representatives and Senators are incentivized to respond only to the needs of their billionaire globalist donors. The free and fair electoral system is rigged. They no longer have any need to respond to the needs of their constituents.

This is a Congress that last passed a federal budget in 2007.

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DC, including Congress, is a private corporation; they have no constituents!

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good way to put it.

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It's fact; 14 Feb 1871, the vote was passed, and "USA" is the registered corporate trade mark.

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President AMLO has done amazing things for Mexico so it’s not predominantly Mexicans coming over the border anymore. My family in Mexico is doing very well in Mexico’s current economy.

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At last count over 90 countries have come over. The issue is not “Mexicans”, it is illegal aliens, drug trafficking, human trafficking, sex slave trade, and terrorists. These Democrats love to virtue signal about how people come here for a “better life”. Yet they look the other way at the incredible human suffering, just like the Harvard President could care less about the safety of Jewish students.

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RFK jr has a video on this, how drug cartels are running the border, advertising in North Africa, giving people phones with QR codes, tickets. There's an enclave in Texas, just south of Houston, filled with illegals. The CIA has long been involved with drugs, since Vietnam, and the Golden Triangle, and the Navy, documentedly, enlisted mafia help during WWII. Black ops has gotten its working capital from drug running for decades.

What we used to think in CA, that this was just stick up the ass ICE Republicans, who needed the foreign labor, but persecuted the illegals anyway, is no longer true. This is an entirely different transmogrification of the old conflicts, with the intent of destroying our nation. It is eerie how it reminds me of the Civil Rights Movement, in which the Feds were in conflict with Southern states that did not want integration or equal rights for black people. Now the Southern states are in conflict with a treasonous federal apparatus which is beholden to a globalist agenda. Weird.

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At least she finally resigned a few days ago.

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“Resigned” to a 900K/year professorship…

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She keeps the salary, yes, but I saw nothing about a professorship? I think, however, a REAL, credentialed professor, whom she plagiarized, may sue her,for the plagiarism. It was obvious the particular lady was rightly angered in an interview about it.

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It’s like our own federal government, which is supposed to work FOR US, the US citizens, is actively mocking the Constitution AND us hourly.

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Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said

..."The Justice Department will continue to fulfill its responsibility to uphold the Constitution and enforce federal law.”

Such blatant falsehood - the Constitution is not being upheld, and federal laws are not being enforced!

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This is not about immigrants that come to America, assimilate, and become productive members of society. There are laws that allow for that to happen, and it does happen daily. This is about people coming to the US illegally, never assimilating, and becoming a drain on society.

Follow the laws, and you are welcomed with open arms! Break our laws, and you should never feel welcome in our country!

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The fact this is happening and no one does anything is disgusting. Any person that took an oath to defend this country is a coward and a pussy. Period. They are completely failing and not living up to any of it.

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The Biden administration on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against Texas over its controversial immigration law

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The Kenyan saying a border on the mexican side is illegal but keeping one for us Canadian's and not giving us free cell phones isn't controversial?

Lol. Fun times.

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The Kenyan never has told a truth,so far as I know.

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We don’t get to decide who we want to come into our country. That’s decided by the political mafia and their corporate masters. And you’re right. We’re not paying for your free 0bama phones. That’s reserved for our unwanted illegal invaders.

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Does a Federal action to open the border meet the criteria we witnessed when Biden anounced in his Inauguration speech he would "protect us from harm both foreign and domestic" ?

Is this a fraudulent claim?

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