We will never forget, forgive or be distracted from the medical tyranny inflicted upon us by the government.

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Do NOT comply!

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Military depopulation regime, you mean.

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Love your username & your words of wisdom

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Waiting for the Nurenberger 2 trial, hundreds should be jailed or executed for mass murder.

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Nuremberg 1 wasn't all that it is cracked up to be. It was more reconciliation than gettin' everyone.

We need something a bit more comprehensive.

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Not to worry, Bill Gate will pick up the funding.

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1 globalist, 1 bullet.

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We didn't start the fire, but globalists are adamant they'll kill us all by hook or by crook. It's only fair for starters 1 globalist or 1 of their sons or daughters is taken out for them to see 2 can play that game. It all started with those godamned J*ws taking a dislike to whitie. It's all a bundle of lies: the Holocaust was a J*wish fabrication; the reality was workhouse enclosures. 6,000.000 exterminated? There weren't even 6,000.000 in the whole Europe. A complete saturnalian feast of lies. I grew up with a mother who referred to anybody vile as "worse than a J*w" because they're more hated & despised than gypsies. Know your enemy, beat your enemy. Our only hope apart from shooting them right between the eyes is that enough of us reject the #WEF & its #NWO. All the best!

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And he can, too.

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May ALMIGHTY GOD IMMENSELY BLESS you and Dr. McCullough for COURAGEOUSLY and SACRIFICIALLY speaking and documenting the truth regarding the crimes against humanity to which Americans have been subjected by our government "servants."

Your efforts help in enlightening and guiding us regarding how to each do our parts in saving our constitutional republic.

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John, in my opinion, this is just a diversion tactic, they already have more active labs in place, and it's still business as usual, remember these people are criminals, always covering their tracks, it is what they do.

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It is all a diversion tactic, all the way to the edge of the abyss. At that point there is no stepping out of the flow, all goes tits-up, together. All except those who are prepared for the predictable shit storm that too much power in too few hands always causes. It's always psychopaths with singular focus of self preservation and complete disregard for ANYONE ELSE.

I've never minded being numbered among the sheep, but the lemmings are scaring the shit out of me.

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Doug, It feels good to hear someone speak openly, just like back in the days not so long ago when we had free speech.

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Well said both of you.

I'm getting F'ing tire of hearing this simpish "wait till Nuremburg 2...they'll get it then...we won't let them get away with it....".

Yea right. Because Nuremburg 1 was such a smashing success.

Doug the lemmings have always been the ones, that carried societies and civilizations over the edge, of the tyranny and despotism cliffs - to the next level of the agenda. The whole time screaming - "we will never forget". The echo's are deafening.

Funny how hundreds of millions, throughout history, said the same thing and look where we are today.

Sorry for the rant gentlemen, but had to get that out. Now I can go have my cigar and relax.

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We're all gathered at the same campfire. And remembering that young men need to be reminded that life isn't to be lived begrudgingly, like it was a monthly bill, but all out, an amazing adventure to confront the steam roller of totalitarianism. An adventure awaits, a path that has awaited them all their lives.

And if ever there was a call to honor and courage, a time when none should shrink or shirk, it is at this current insanely dark spasm in human history. And to be toyed so coolly by an insanely wealthy crowd of greedy weasels is the biggest insult. They aren't even hiding it anymore.

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Absolutely correct. This "suspension" of funding amounts to virtually nothing.

FmSuspensions of funding are temporary, and last one year. "Disbarments" are temporary, as well, (2-3 years) and greater proof to Disbar is required, than to Suspend. Even a Disbarment of funds can be obviated under certain circumstances. Currently, some House Republicans are proposing Bills to do more, but we don't know if the Bills will move in the House.


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We will never forget the millions who died a horrific death because they were DENIED EARLY TREATMENT with HCQ and Ivermectin - these people need to be tried for murder and crimes against humanity - and let's not forget the people who daily are dying suddenly from that shot.

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Between the vents and the blocking of early treatment lays the most ghoulish soul. It is too insane for most people to accept as truth. Yet, thats the water everyone is swimming in.

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Did you watch the movie "Contagion?"

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I did not

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That makes NOTHING ok. If Biden wants to impress me he needs to start going after people besides Trump, his supporters, and Hunter whistleblowers. Why, if I didn’t know better I’d think Joe’s Hiding something…

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“Dr. McCullough and I hope the American people will not forget the man-made disaster that has been inflicted upon them and the rest of humanity since March of 2020.”

That would be impossible, kind sir.

Like you, like Dr. McCullough, we lived it - and the greater majority of us common folk lived it walking blind until responsible doctors and scientists began to speak up and we started to get our footing wherever we could find it. Even so, it was possibly the most horrifying years of our lives, akin to being in the middle of the Pacific Ocean without a compass or a paddle.

So, no sir. We will not forget it. When trust and truth fall in the street, we quickly learned we were on our own. That is something you don’t forget.

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Thanks for fantastic effort and awesome information during the whole nightmare. On behalf of the whole awake world ❤️❤️

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Covid is clearly an American Eugenics program. Read the Bailiwicks News Substack by Katherine Watt for all the details - the details that a LOT of people gloss over and basically ignore, including Naomi Wolf. Peace.

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Biden Inc. ...... will skim the rest

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This line in your article bears repeating, often. “...the cover-up is, without question, the greatest criminal conspiracy in the history of mankind.”

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Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked. --UNITE WITH GOD AGAINST ALL EVILS --- CDC Altered Data to Remove COVID Vaccine as Cause of Death / https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/07/19/messenger-rna-vaccines-in-meat-animals.aspx

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narcissists worship and adore other narcissists (their word-salad mumbo jumbo is music to their ears)...they also get taken advantage of by each other b/c there is no truth in them, their entire persona's are fake and false, as you see them trying to create themselves with selfies and FB accounts. The virtue signaling masses need to check out some books on narcissism and see if they don't find themselves in the descriptions. Satan is the ultimate narcissist and many strive to mimic him, Jesus is the complete opposite and life is found in mimicing his attributes. Truth and deference to God is where wisdom begins.

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To torpedo the globalist agenda we have to start at the local level.

Get your own house in order: be ready for tactical deprivation, disorder. Then protect those things that matter most. Food, and power, and your neighbor. Fill the moat, bring in your livestock when it begins, emote true Godly liberty to your awakened friends and neighbors, no matter how latent the realization.

So let sleepy neighbors know that they can count on you when they wake up, the neighbors who think you kooky. Neighbors that you know will be warriors, when/if they awaken. Allies, first, last, always.

Staying always resolute, full of joy. Excited, for a battle you have always yearned for, never realizing what had been missing all your life: true heroic refusal to submit to tyranny. You are ready to throw off the net that has been dragging on the ground.

You are already enjoined in battle, yeah? A battle to rob you of purpose, hope, and power.

The day-by-day battle, to embrace the joy of existence. Faith, hope, and love.

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And teach your teens about all of this.

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Biden admin. suspends funding to the Wuhan Lab. You mean the same funding that they lied about over and over, claiming they "did not now, nor have they ever, funded gain of function in the Wuhan Lab" (to quote the great liar Fauci, who somehow lied directly to Congress multiple times but was never charged with perjury). When will these criminals be held accountable for their actions? How can you discontinue funding that you claim never existed in the first place? They keep lying, and they continue to go unpunished.

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