So what can we the people do?

Put pressure on your Senators, especially if they're nominally Republicans, to follow through and approve all of Trump's nominations, no matter what the "opposition" throws at them.

I have already contacted one of my senators' offices (who showed his RINO roots after talking a good conservative game in '22 to get re-elected) urging him to vote FOR the country and not for the rich backers that financed him. Putting him on notice that how he behaves now will determine how he fares in 2028.

This election was just a battle won; the war is still on. Keep fighting.

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Trump weathered every Dem /media distortion and outright lies thrown at him. In fact, his election proves the country saw the opposition in a clear light. Of course they will try these exposed, failed tactics again. It's all they've got. Why on earth would anyone now in Trump's orbit back down?

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no. He did not. Trump is only a figure head of a government that has been stripped of its power via a fiat economy where truth is censored every day and accountability and consequence are only applicable to those with a conscience. The only evil in the minds of the PC are those who believe it exists. The gender battle should tell us this.

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This is interesting. Damnit. Now I' ve got to think.

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Well, he’s a Kennedy ain’t he?

The apple don’t fall far from the tree!

I love the guy, but this is going to be the ugliest confirmation ever.

It will make Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh look like a picnic!

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Frankly, I don’t care what sexual activities consenting adults get up to, including prostitution. I am opposed to People who want to tell me that competent and focused individuals trying to deliver constitutional government, health, peace and prosperity to the American people should be prevented from doing so because they had some intimate encounter years ago. Not interested. Don’t care. I care about policies, not peccadillos..

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Let the real leaders lead.



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You can always tell when we have chosen the right nominee. They’re relentless in their attacks. I hope people are onto them. Their accusations are always baseless. I’m just glad to see that Cheryl and RFK, Jr. are still together. I always felt they’d met their soulmates and have a lot of respect for each other. They should be able to overcome anything.

By the way, Dr. M, I went into https://discourse.nomineesforthepeople.com/t/peter-mccullough-md/727 and you have almost 4K votes. I’d say that was pretty good for not aggressively pursuing the nomination. They’ve stopped the nomination process for now so they can review the nominees. I can’t think of anyone who deserves to serve on MAHA more than you. You will be an asset.

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Thanks for the link -- I added my vote.

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Yes, you’re welcome. I’m glad you said that. Even though they’ve stopped the nomination process, people can still vote. Overall, Dr. M’s vote count was really great. People should still go in and vote if they can.

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They will pull out all the stops.

Even if the stops are fabrication of the truth which is the expertise of the deep state and the Left. Create the lie. Have the Pavlovian lap dog legacy media repeat the lie daily until it becomes their truth. Perhaps the attack of Clarence Thomas was there most vicious under the leadership of the Senator Biden.

I recall being in attendance at the public hearing in Gaithersburg, MD years ago when the FDA was taking public comments on the acupuncture needle and whether or not it should be approved as a medical device for treatment. Big Pharma was against it. Spokesperson advocacy for Big Pharma provided by well bosom developed attractive females. Every male head in the room turned toward them as each came to the microphone to deliver remarks. They failed. Acupuncture needle approved as a medical device.

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The thing is, Kennedy was just a presidential candidate that could have taken a sizable chunk from both major party candidates. If he had too many skeletons in his closet, it would have been exposed already.

In your show this week, Peter, you expressed that maybe this Herculean task of opposing two gigantic industries is just too big a task. And I agree, if they try to do a top down imposition it will meet much friction and inertia. But if he releases the data the government has been lying about and covering up for decades, the public outrage against the status quo will give him all the momentum he needs to succeed.

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I’m still trying to reconcile how Gaetz is somehow beyond the pale for paying two women for sex - allegedly - by those Venmo payments of $75/$100 increments - those seem low to anyone else?! Yet Hunter Biden has hours and hours and hours of VIDEOS recording himself having sex with young women, using drugs and fooling around with guns - taking some of these women across state lines qualifying as human sex trafficking - complete with records that easily prove the thousands and thousands of thousands of dollars spent on these sordid affairs through already verified bank records, payment apps and text messages. And somehow we barely get a peep out of the media about it. I encourage everyone to browse the sex-related crimes section of the report, you know, so we never forget just how egregious this two-tier justice system is under our CURRENT President.


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ah! As expected, all the puritan church goers politicians are coming out of the closet and judging RFK for sexual crimes....


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When the money people like Gates invest billions in RNA research, he and his billionaire cronies need a return on their investment. The fact that NIH does not stop having humanity classified as lab rats just compounds the criminality of what is transpiring. When the deranged medicine men/women who now believe they are God like and can alter the blue print of life with out consequences for the harm caused, says the push to continue RNA research will not be halted.

All the key players and our Congressman are at the money trough benefiting from the RNA push which is just an iteration of the Rockefeller doctrine, which say we can fix disease states by interfering with normal biological function. It is a uphill battle for RFK Jr. and the only answer is to education the American public as to what is truly transpiring and start by having a joint Congressional session and have the politicians learn the truth about the great harm being created. Big Agra and Big Pharma knows trillions of dollars will disappear from their bottom line if we become a healthier nation.

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I was an assistant baseball coach for a few years for my sons' teams. The coach warned us about transporting non family members. He related the story of another coach who transported members of his daughters rep team. One day his hand slipped off the gearshift and grazed another girl's knee. It didn't come up until that girl was denied a place on the team the next year and all of a sudden the girls parents accused him of making sexual advances to their daughter. The league apologetically told the coach that for appearance's sake he could not coach the team any longer. Few people are so squeaky clean they don't have a incident here or there that could be remade into "crime".

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They -- fronted by New York Magazine -- already tried creating dirt on RFK Jr (since they could not dig up any). A reporter named Nuzzi, pronounced 'Nutsy', tried to set herself up as a honey trap to get RFK Jr into some relationship that could be made to appear compromising. He blocked her messages. New York Magazine published their pre-arranged scandal anyway. During the election campaign, it was intended to dissuade married women with children from voting for Trump, whom RFK Jr had endorsed. RFK Jr has a well-known 40-year record as an advocate for children. Now the corrupt companies that have been poisoning America's food supply feel threatened by RFK Jr in charge of HHS. They needn't squeal like stuck pigs. All they have to do is take out the trans-fats and other contaminants, as McDonald's has already done. Really that would be much easier than continuing their smear campaign against an obviously principled and thoroughly competent HHS Secretary-designate. Senators: Please proceed with a quick confirmation so that RFK Jr and NIH Director Bhattacharya can do the job that the American people voted for them to do.

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No need for physical assassinations when the cabal can simply use character assassinations. Meanwhile the Dems can do almost anything and it’s just written off.

Stop falling the all the lies and fabrications. They lie, that’s all they’re good at.

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Perhaps some deep digging should be done to uncover juicy things about heads of big food and big pharma. Things that would be broadcast far and wide on X, and dragged through the court of public opinion and hopefully the courts of law.

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this is more indication of what I said right after the election.. the battle was over but the war has just begun! The reason? we have been undermined by a fiat economy that indoctrinates by rote. When there is no accountability or consequence for those who we pay to enforce the laws that make us sovereign >> morality itself dies << because the people then see government as God and provider.. in other words our constitutional republic dies because it was not designed for the immorality that is now removing freedom of conscience and replacing it with the freedom from actually OWNING a conscience.

If we cannot get moral people into office we will not be able to save our sovereignty. This is a moral war and is becoming very much prophetic fulfillment.

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