Peter, you are like a gladiator. They keep coming at you and you continue to persevere with courage, fortitude, intelligence and grace. I am grateful for you everyday. May God continue to guide and protect you.

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Yes! God Bless you Dr. McCullough ! Thank you for all that you are doing!

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I ignore the left and I listen to the SMART doctors

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So do I

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Nobody should use LinkedIn. It is owned by Microsoft. It started censoring user posts questioning Covid soon after March 2020. I cancelled my account right then.

LinkedIn... Microsoft... Bill Gates... Covid... Poison "vaccines". Tells you all you should need to know. Stop using LinkedIn!

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Absolutely Horrifying! The Idiotic and Ignorant Censors True Information which can really help suffering people. These Morons and their leaders should be charged with Malicious Intent!

Thank you Dr. McCullough for your Courage, Strength, Energy and Knowledge!

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Discrediting by the Establishment guarantees the regimen MUST WORK !!!

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Good Morning. I have zero confidence in our local hospitals as every one of them were in full compliance with Jack booted policies, firing capable and dedicated staff that refused to take the “clot shot”. Is there a network of medical professionals that resisted the pressures? I want to seek medical advice from people I can trust. Thank you!

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Thank you again😊!

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Thank you 😊!

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drpierrekory.com Leading Edge Clinic is one. Unfortunately all out of pocket but worth IMHO

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The phoenix of health care may manifest as the increasing popularity of concierge medical practice. Once considered a luxury only accessible to the wealthy, the continued marginalization of those truly devoted to the Hippocratic Oath have forced them into the concierge market where it is even possible to have outcomes rather than procedures monetized. Like organic food production which is still a long way from a divorce from industrial agriculture, health care is far from independence from the pharma industrial complex. Our best hope I think is that it will only take one generation to make the break. Let us dare to suggest that it is time to see a return of the iconic horse and buggy silhouette hanging in front of the homes of physicians who have the courage to disengage from the pharma industrial borg. I am one with living memory of such a silhouette hanging in front of a neighbor of my grandmother's home in Boston. It was a comfort to all in the neighborhood.

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When I as a kid, my family doctors (2 partners in a practice) didn't have that image out front, but they did make house calls, even when called late in the evening by a very shared 12 y/o kid, I can attest. That was in the late '50s.

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I appreciate your post and would find it very comforting to see this return. I am hoping that many will seek this type of personalized service and from the potential market, a new industry of independent, doctors and practitioners will emerge. In a large degree I believe the once sacred trust with the medical establishment has been crushed.

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Thank you very much … I will check this out … kind regards!

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No surprises here as they begin planning their second go around. I have had a few conversations with people who originally believed the narrative hook, line and sinker. They are firmly and defiantly stating they will not take another vaccine or play the masking game.

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This is the result of 'traction'. Keep it up Dr. McCullough! "No scientific evidence"? Who's science?

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There's real science, repeatable in a lab, by anyone following the same protocol; then there's the "boght and paid for" science,where the research grant comes with the "solution" the research is to support.

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In the last several years, we've all be waking up to this fact and many others. True science is buried all for the love of money. Facts such as how Ivermectin actually shrinks tumors, how sugar kills you, how fat is actually good for you. Egg's once shunned, turn out to provide nutrients hard to find anywhere. The food pyramid is actually inverted. Lee Harvey Oswald actually didn't kill Kennedy.... All for the love of money.

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Everything is rooted in the love of money, including the amorality, lust for power and control, etc. It all comes down to a choice made.. for a life steeped in rebellion, therefore evil.

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"Fact checker": can there be a more penultimate example of Orwellian newspeak, the modern synonym for the medieval Inquisitor? From this and other "mis and dis" information weapons unleashed upon us, the unwashed masses, we should infer that "Groundhog Day" was a documentary of the last two millennia.

My only regret is that my descendants will not be able to view my signature on the Great Barrington Declaration just days after its promulgation, as not being as prominent as John Hancock's on the American Declaration of Independence. It is there nonetheless and all of us who have risked our professional livelihoods and reputations by affixing our signature to it shall be forever grateful that our mark cannot ever be removed.

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It means it is true now but won't be recognized for two years.

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It is relatively easy to get to apply to be the type of fact checker who gets to vote whether any clarification "Notes" should be added below various posts on Twitter. I'm one. But, often, I get voted down. I hope others in our Medical Freedom Movement will consider doing that.

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I wish we had a way to better help people understand what "there is no evidence of" means, and doesn't mean, and how this phrase is not infrequently used to distract or mislead people.

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I agree, totally. Sadly, so many today have no foundation in science, math, or history on which to build truth. Our indoctrination system no longer includes such information. Added to the indoctrination process itself, it's very difficult to impart sound information to a large saths of our population, particularly those 50 and under. That's not to say there aren't exceptions, but they seem to be few and far between.

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Isn't that interesting?

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Does anybody have any resources on McCullough’s thoughts on long-term ivermectin use for long COVID-19? It’s the only thing (in conjunction with the Nattokinase + serrapeptase combination) that gives me relief. However I’m worried about the lack of data for chronic use. No doctors in my area willing to work with IVM and as a student I’m desperate and doing/taking whatever will allow me to function.

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How self-righteous one must be. To become a fact checker...

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Why? Perhaps all that's involved is a desire to impart truth...

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Is that a joke?

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No. Neither do I think Jennifer is joking.

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What great advertisement ! I better go buy it, I had covid in Jan. of 2020, I don't feel any troubles, but who knows what's going on in me, small price to pay.

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How do you know it wasn’t a cold/flu? 😉

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