My main concern is the marxist democrats continuing to be in charge (latest psy-op is suddenly the Kackler is the most amazing and qualified person to be POTUS). In other words our kids will again be forced to take an experimental gene therapy as a condition of employment. I remained unvaxxed and got skewered socially during the covid - but I have sufficient backbone I will continue to resist. That said, I expect the maniacs who have way too much power to actually incarcerate people like me next time and that is a chilling thought....
I was surprised, Dr. McCullough, when I saw on you Wellness Company website that you describe H5N1 as, although rare, has a high lethality rate and you sell a medical kit that contains Tamiflu one could take for bird flu. There have been only a couple of cases of bird flu in farm workers in the US that were mild cases of conjunctivitis that were easily treated with full recovery. But you inform us in this posting that “Malnutrition, very poor working conditions, families sleeping with sick chickens, lack of early therapeutics and care for secondary bacterial pneumonia appear to be the explanation for deaths from this treatable illness.” It seems that TWC website can cause unnecessary fear of bird flu in people when referring to its high lethality without including the mitigating factors you mention here.
"This is a serious question from Dr. Yeadon to Dr. Tess Lawrie, on a VERY SERIOUS science dispute, about viral pandemics, that so far has never been answered by Dr. Lawrie (or Dr. Mc Cullough),"
My major concern is what are the culled birds being replaced with? Are the chick's vaccinated? Is this their way to get these self replicating, nano particle vaccines into all humans? By putting it directly into our food supply?
Also, COVID virus has never been isolated using true scientific methods. It's a myth, a premise, that allowed Big Pharma to spread epidemic of fear and... "vaccines", which are bio-weapons. They contain adjuvants and self assembling nanotechnology and SV40.
Depopulation agenda is now official. means and methods are sponsored by all governments paid by taxes.
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory - you are what you eat...
The upper midwest has 2 main waterfowl migratory flyways from Canada in the fall, then returning in the spring in prairie like potholes and lakes. The Cando and the Mississippi flyway thus named.
Thousands of Ducks and Geese travel the daunting task back and forth. Many no longer travel that far north any more. Settling for towns and cities with lakes/rivers nearby. Adaptable creatures.
Why do you think "the flu shot is harmless"? Dr. Hugh Freudenburg, a PhD. ecogenic-toxicologist, insisted years ago that "taking two or more flu shots in one's lifetime increases the risk of Alzheimer's [dementia] later in life ten-fold." A 1000% increased risk of dementia from the neurotoxic mercury and aluminum adjuvants is hardly 'harmless.'
My main concern is the marxist democrats continuing to be in charge (latest psy-op is suddenly the Kackler is the most amazing and qualified person to be POTUS). In other words our kids will again be forced to take an experimental gene therapy as a condition of employment. I remained unvaxxed and got skewered socially during the covid - but I have sufficient backbone I will continue to resist. That said, I expect the maniacs who have way too much power to actually incarcerate people like me next time and that is a chilling thought....
I was surprised, Dr. McCullough, when I saw on you Wellness Company website that you describe H5N1 as, although rare, has a high lethality rate and you sell a medical kit that contains Tamiflu one could take for bird flu. There have been only a couple of cases of bird flu in farm workers in the US that were mild cases of conjunctivitis that were easily treated with full recovery. But you inform us in this posting that “Malnutrition, very poor working conditions, families sleeping with sick chickens, lack of early therapeutics and care for secondary bacterial pneumonia appear to be the explanation for deaths from this treatable illness.” It seems that TWC website can cause unnecessary fear of bird flu in people when referring to its high lethality without including the mitigating factors you mention here.
"This is a serious question from Dr. Yeadon to Dr. Tess Lawrie, on a VERY SERIOUS science dispute, about viral pandemics, that so far has never been answered by Dr. Lawrie (or Dr. Mc Cullough),"
What say you, dear Doc?
My major concern is what are the culled birds being replaced with? Are the chick's vaccinated? Is this their way to get these self replicating, nano particle vaccines into all humans? By putting it directly into our food supply?
Even I'm an elderly, I do not get flu symptoms.
Also, COVID virus has never been isolated using true scientific methods. It's a myth, a premise, that allowed Big Pharma to spread epidemic of fear and... "vaccines", which are bio-weapons. They contain adjuvants and self assembling nanotechnology and SV40.
Depopulation agenda is now official. means and methods are sponsored by all governments paid by taxes.
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory - you are what you eat...
Inept or slow walking? Really?? You have figure this out yet?
Love the Bird-Brained Title. How Appropriate.
Thank you for continuing to inform us about the vaccines. It’s the only way we can get the truth!
The upper midwest has 2 main waterfowl migratory flyways from Canada in the fall, then returning in the spring in prairie like potholes and lakes. The Cando and the Mississippi flyway thus named.
Thousands of Ducks and Geese travel the daunting task back and forth. Many no longer travel that far north any more. Settling for towns and cities with lakes/rivers nearby. Adaptable creatures.
Why do you think "the flu shot is harmless"? Dr. Hugh Freudenburg, a PhD. ecogenic-toxicologist, insisted years ago that "taking two or more flu shots in one's lifetime increases the risk of Alzheimer's [dementia] later in life ten-fold." A 1000% increased risk of dementia from the neurotoxic mercury and aluminum adjuvants is hardly 'harmless.'